Prohibited foods for gout: list

Prohibited foods for gout: list
Prohibited foods for gout: list

Due to the poor environmental situation and constant stressful situations, each person should be more attentive to their he alth, especially in cases of the presence of certain diseases. The use of products prohibited for diseases not only worsens the state of he alth, but is also fraught with the fact that more severe consequences of the disease will appear. What foods can and can not be with gout? This is what we will discuss in the article.

What is gout?

Before you know what foods you can not eat with gout, you should consider what kind of disease it is. Most often, these diseases affect men and women after forty years, although it was previously believed that only men suffer from gout. This is one of the varieties of joint diseases, the cause of which is the abuse of foods high in purines. It is because of their use that s alts are deposited in the joints. Painful sensationstaking the form of prolonged attacks, can affect the joints of both the upper and lower extremities. Symptoms are extremely unpleasant - swelling, deformity of the joints, inflammation, acute pain.

To relieve the symptoms of gout, it is extremely important to follow a therapeutic diet, which consists in limiting and prohibiting certain types of foods. The frequency of gout attacks and the duration of remission depend on whether the patient eats properly or violates the diet.


Eating rules for illness

When prescribing medications, the attending physician without fail prescribes a therapeutic diet to the patient - table number 6, one of the important points of which are the rules for eating. What are the allowed and prohibited foods for gout? They are listed below:

  1. Fish dishes should be limited, they can be eaten no more than 3 times a week. Fried fish cannot be eaten, only boiled or steamed.
  2. Soups with meat broths cannot be eaten, only vegetable or dairy ones.
  3. Beverages such as tea, cocoa and coffee are excluded, while it is very important to drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters per day), as it flushes purines and subsequently removes them from the body. More liquid should be drunk before the end of the first half of the day. The use of mineral water is welcome, since the alkali contained in it effectively flushes out uric acid. During an exacerbation of the disease in the morning, you should drink warm warm water.
  4. The allowable amount of s alt is no more than 5-6 g,but it is important to switch to the norm - 1-2 g.
  5. There should be enough foods rich in vitamin B and C in the diet. It is also advisable to buy pharmacy vitamins and use them according to the instructions.
  6. It is useful to spend fasting days. So, you can drink kefir, milk or eat vegetables within one day. Fasting is prohibited, because due to the lack of food, the level of uric acid increases. One unloading day a week is enough.
  7. In order not to overeat, it is important to eat fractionally (5-6 times a day), since the abuse of food can worsen the symptoms of the disease.

Norms of food consumption in the diet during gout is as follows. The daily calorie content of the diet should be in the range of 2700 - 2800 kcal. The ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the diet should be as follows:

  1. Proteins in the diet should be 80-90 g, while 50% of them are of animal origin, 50% are of plant origin.
  2. Fat - 80-90g, of which vegetable should be at least 30%.
  3. Carbohydrates - 350-400, 80g - pure sugars.

General list of products prohibited for gout on the legs

If you exclude foods rich in purines from the diet, the number of attacks of pain in the joints immediately begins to decrease, the work of both the genitourinary and vascular systems normalizes. With the right diet, puffiness subsides and inflammation is eliminated.

What foods can not be eaten with gout? The list is as follows:

  1. Vegetables - coloredcabbage, radish, spinach and sorrel.
  2. Beans - lentils, soybeans, beans, peas.
  3. Sauces - fatty meat, based on meat broth, mayonnaise, soy sauce.
  4. Fruits, dried fruits, berries - figs, dates, raspberries, strawberries.
  5. Pickled and pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables, dishes prepared with them.
  6. Meat dishes - canned food, meat of young animals, offal, sauces with meat, jelly.
  7. Fish dishes - canned food, caviar, s alted herring, smoked fish, fried fish, its fatty varieties - herring, trout, salmon, salmon, sardines.
  8. Sausages - sausages, ham, sausages, other sausage delicacies.
  9. Animal fats - beef, pork fat, lard.
  10. Bouillons - mushroom, chicken, meat, fish.
  11. Cold appetizers - smoked fish and meat, spicy appetizers.
  12. Drinks - hot chocolate, strong coffee, cocoa and alcohol (all types).
  13. Spices - pepper, mustard and horseradish.
  14. Bakery products - cakes, pastries and tubes with rich cream, butter cakes, rich pastries with a high percentage of fat content.
  15. Peanuts.

But this is not the whole list of foods prohibited for gout. There are also those whose consumption should be significantly limited.


Foods to be restricted

Eating fish and meat with gout should be limited to 1-2 times a week. Doctors recommend eating fish with developed gills and scales. The fact is that these fish by-products, like human kidneys, remove toxins. If athere was an attack of gout, meat or fish can be eaten only after 1-2 weeks.

What other foods should not be eaten with gout? Limit consumption:

  1. Vegetables - bell peppers, rhubarb, beets, asparagus, celery, tomatoes (up to 3 per day). Potatoes should also be limited, in small quantities it can only be eaten boiled and baked.
  2. Fruits - plums and strawberries.
  3. Mushrooms.
  4. Greens - dill, parsley, onion.
  5. Dairy products - high-fat cottage cheese and some types of high-fat cheeses (more than 50% fat).
  6. Eggs - one a day.
  7. Butter.

Reasons not to broths, canned food, semi-finished products and offal

What foods are prohibited for gout? This also includes broths, canned food, semi-finished products and offal. Why? People who suffer from this disease often worry about the fact that diet No. 6, indicated for gout, excludes broths. This is quite understandable, since they cook delicious borscht and soups. In fact, it is extremely important to follow the rules and avoid broths, as a couple of spoons of the dish, especially with spices such as bay leaf and pepper, can cause an attack. This is due to an increase in uric acid levels. It is best to cook the meat separately and use it together with vegetable broths. It is important to remember that during the cooking of meat, drain the water several times, as this helps to reduce the amount of purines several times.

Semi-finished products from the store - products prohibited for gout and arthritis. They may containa lot of harmful substances that are highly undesirable in these diseases - vegetable fats, offal, pork or beef fat. In addition, in order not to provoke an attack, you should give up fast food, as this product has a lot of fat.

Offal (lungs, liver, heart, chicken stomachs, tongue) should also not appear in the diet, as they contain a lot of purines. As a result, if you break the diet, the attack will begin immediately. Canned fish and meat are harmful due to their high s alt content and due to an excess of purines: sardines - 120 mg per 100 g, sprats - 92 mg per 100 g.


Reasons not to tea, coffee, cocoa and chocolate

It is impossible to imagine your life without coffee and tea and their faithful companion - chocolate, but with gout, forbidden foods are exactly them. For what reason? To begin with, drinks dehydrate the body, and if there is not enough water, there is a risk of an attack of gout. Coffee and tea trap uric acid instead of flushing it out, so they can trigger a gout attack. In addition, 2766 mg of purines per 100 g are found in black tea brewing, 1897 mg in cocoa, slightly less in instant coffee - 1213 mg per 100 g. You can replace the above drinks with green tea, it is not only desirable, but should be drunk at gout, as it removes uric acid and neutralizes the action of purines that enter the body. Chocolate is also undesirable, because it contains purine compounds, in addition, it is quite heavy for the digestive organs. Forbiddenand creams based on it, desserts and the like. Although the content of purines in chocolate is not critical, it is still better to refrain from it, replacing it with such he althy sweets as marshmallows and marmalade.

Can I eat mushrooms?

Artificially grown mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms) - products prohibited for gout and joints. They are very unhe althy because they are grown with the use of chemicals. Preference should be given to forest mushrooms. Kombucha is considered a medicine for gout, as it relieves pain during attacks and improves the condition of the body. With the help of tinctures from it, you can reduce joint pain, it is recommended both to apply a napkin with tincture to a sore spot, and drink it an hour before meals.


Why can't you eat dates, grapes and raspberries?

Dates, grapes, raspberries are also on the list of prohibited foods for gout. It seemed that raspberries are a useful berry, therefore it should be included in the diet in case of illness. However, it contains a lot of purines (22 mg per 100 g), so it is better to exclude it. The same applies to grapes (8 mg per 100 g), while it does not matter what kind of grape it is, it is completely prohibited for diseases. Dates contain 22 mg of purines per 100 g, therefore, among all other dried fruits, they are the most harmful for gout, therefore they are prohibited.

Why should you give up alcohol?

Alcoholic drinks are not only bad for gout, they can even be dangerous. Especially harmful are beer, red wines andcognac. The fact is that alcohol dehydrates the body and removes all the water from it, which increases the concentration of uric acid. All low-alcohol drinks contain high levels of purine compounds. Doctors strongly recommend giving up beer also for the reason that even non-alcoholic beer is brewed with yeast, and they contain a lot of purines (761 mg per 100 g). The beer drink itself contains 1810 mg per 100 g, turning into a real poison for a person suffering from gout attacks, as already 400 mg per 100 g is considered high.

Beer removes water, but toxins (slags and poisons) remain in the kidneys, like uric acid. The kidneys have to cope with both the high amount of purines and the negative effects of alcohol, which increases kidney tone. The metabolism of the patient slows down, which is why gout attacks become more frequent. Alcohol is strictly prohibited in all its forms (even low-alcohol drinks and champagne) both during an exacerbation of gout and during remission, when the disease recedes a little.


What to do if there is a feast ahead?

There are times when you want to drink some alcohol or some holiday is coming. Of course, drinking alcohol is highly undesirable, but if there is no other way out, you can minimize the negative effects of alcohol by following the following rules:

  1. On the day of the feast, you need to drink up to 3.5 liters of water so that uric acid is more intensively excreted from the body.
  2. It is necessary to take medicines that improve metabolism and removetoxins.
  3. Before drinking alcohol, you should drink some kind of sorbent, for example, activated charcoal.
  4. You should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach, it is best to eat well before a feast. If not, you should drink 1/2 tablespoon of butter, it inhibits the absorption of alcohol.
  5. You should avoid drinking vodka or moonshine, it is best to drink some grape wine.
  6. Combining different types of alcohol is highly undesirable, vodka and wine cannot be mixed.
  7. To minimize the effect of alcohol on the body, it should be washed down with pharmacy mineral water.
  8. Fatty meat and protein products cannot be combined with alcohol. Remember: the rate of strong drinks (cognac, vodka, whiskey) - 30-60 g per day, wine - up to 150 g.
  9. Drinks over 30-40% should be avoided.

List of approved foods for gout

We looked at what foods can not be eaten with gout. The list is pretty impressive. But, despite the fact that the diet implies significant restrictions, the list of allowed foods is still quite wide and varied. It is also worth considering that almost all foods are dietary and he althy, therefore, having excess weight, you can easily get rid of it. This is important, as extra pounds put more stress on your joints and can trigger an attack. However, it should be remembered that rapid weight loss (more than 2 kg per week) is fraught with negative consequences for the body.

To the list of allowedproducts include the following:

  1. Vegetables and greens - carrots, eggplant, zucchini, cucumbers, white cabbage, pumpkin, garlic, corn.
  2. Fruits – apricots, oranges, pears, apples, plums.
  3. Dried fruits - prunes.
  4. Sauces - milk, cheese, vegetable.
  5. Bakery products - rye bread, Borodino, wheat, white, bran, whole grain flour, lean pastries (biscuits, biscuit cookies, etc.).
  6. Sweets - jam, marmalade, marshmallows, honey in small quantities, sweets (except chocolate), ice cream (except chocolate and cocoa).
  7. Dairy and sour-milk products - milk, kefir (up to 2.5%), fermented baked milk (up to 2.5%), curdled milk, yogurt.
  8. Cheese and cottage cheese - low-fat cottage cheese, suluguni cheese, low-fat cheeses (feta cheese, ricotta and mozzarella)
  9. Oils - vegetable, linseed and olive oils.
  10. Porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice (it is better to buy steamed and brown rice). It is allowed to cook cereals in milk, but we should not forget that they contribute to weight gain.
  11. Any pasta.
  12. Vegetable or milk broths.
  13. Meat - chicken, turkey, rabbit. However, it should be remembered that meat can only be eaten 2-3 times a week and in an amount not exceeding 170 g.
  14. Nuts, seeds. You can eat pine nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios and more. The exception is peanuts, which are rich in purines.
  15. Fish - boiled fish, with the exception of prohibited, and seafood (shrimp, squid). Crustaceans, marine cephalopods are allowed.
  16. Juices, drinks and compotes - cucumber, tomato and apple juices, herbal decoctions, green tea with milk or lemon, ginger tea, rosehip decoction, chicory, fruit drinks from various berries, gooseberries and lingonberries.
  17. Spices - bay leaf, citric acid, vanillin, cinnamon.

On a diet, it is permissible to eat vinaigrettes (do not add legumes, pickles in a small amount), sauerkraut (in moderation), vegetable caviar and stew. The main thing is not to forget that nutrition should be balanced and correct. It is very important not to overeat, as this impairs the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Foods that are good for gout

Everyone knows that it is best to avoid eating foods that are forbidden for gout. And what can you eat? To help relieve a gout attack and maximize remission time, it is imperative that you eat more foods that help eliminate uric acid from the body.

So, apples and apple juice are especially useful for gout. The beneficial substances that make up the fruit, especially malic acid, neutralize uric acid and prevent it from settling and crystallizing in the joints. The ascorbic acid contained in the fruit has a strengthening effect on the connective tissue of the joint, and also heals damage caused by sharp uric acid crystals.

With gout, it is also important to eat bananas rich in potassium. The effect of the latter is that with the help of it, uric acid crystals are liquefied and are quickly excreted from the body. The fruit is especially useful along withyogurt.

Cherry is also considered a food that helps relieve gout. The berry contains antioxidants that fight against free radicals, which are considered the cause of many diseases. In addition, cherries contain bioflavonoids and anthocyanins, which reduce inflammation in gout. In order for pain and inflammation to pass faster during an exacerbation, you should eat at least 20 cherries a day. If there are no fresh ones, you can drink cherry juice or canned cherry compote.

Strawberries, wild strawberries and all kinds of nuts reduce the harm of uric acid to a minimum, as it does not have time to crystallize in the joints and cause an attack of gout. If you eat these types of berries as often as possible, you can even cure gout.
