The process, the main characteristic of which is inflammation of the gastric mucosa, leading to a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, is called gastritis with low acidity. Due to this ailment, the ability to break down food is reduced.
Description of the disease
This type of pathology is very common among middle-aged and elderly people, and is also often found in lovers of spicy, fatty foods and alcohol-containing drinks. For some reason, the glands that produce hydrochloric acid cease to cope with their functions. As a result, the gastric juice loses its aggression, which makes it difficult to digest its contents. This disease is dangerous, as it can lead to the development of an oncological process.
The symptoms of this pathology are very diverse and changeable with the course of the disease. Initially, a person experiences dull pain and heaviness in the epigastric region. All thisaccompanied by bloating and rumbling of the abdomen, frequent belching and an unpleasant taste in the mouth, as well as nausea. A white coating appears on the central part of the tongue.
Subsequently, with the complete absence of adequate treatment, the symptoms are enriched with metabolic disorders. Hair becomes brittle and dry, performance decreases, fatigue, headache and sleep disturbance appear. The corners of the mouth get stuck and the skin becomes dry.
In the chronic form of the disease, there are secondary signs such as milk intolerance, dizziness, weakness and palpitations after eating. In rare cases, heartburn occurs, which is caused by organic acids accumulated in the stomach and thrown into the esophagus. There is a metallic taste in the mouth and increased salivation. These symptoms of gastritis with low acidity can leave the patient for a while after taking any enzyme preparations.

Reason for development
Both internal and external factors can cause symptoms of gastritis with low acidity.
Often this can be facilitated by both eating a large amount of rough, spicy or hot food, as well as a disturbed diet in general. Even the launch of this process is facilitated by pulmonary, endocrine and heart diseases due to impaired blood circulation. This disease can also develop due to the presence of concomitant ailments such as enterocolitis and colitis. Due to autoimmune disorders and metabolic disorders (gout) alsogastritis with low acidity may occur. Naturally, those who drink large amounts of alcohol-containing drinks are at risk.
Atrophic gastritis with low acidity: causes and description
Most often this form of the disease leads to a long-term Helicobacter pylori infection. Damage to the parietal cells occurs as a result of the action of microorganisms that initiate the inflammatory process of the epithelium. Similar structural changes appear due to the impact on the lining of the stomach of antibodies formed due to a malfunction of the body's immune system.
With this process, the mucosa becomes thinner, the tissues lose their protective function and eventually die off altogether. Experts still cannot determine the exact cause of this form of the disease, but among the provoking factors are overeating, and taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs used as self-medication.
Sharp shape
It is accompanied by acute pain and rapid, rapid development. Such a process can turn into an ulcer and become chronic. There are several categories of this form of pathology:
- catarrhal (normal);
- erosive (corrosive);
- phlegmous (stomach is inflamed and filled with pus).
In the presence of the latter category of the disease, the lack of timely treatment of gastritis with low acidity and diet can be fatal.
Chronic form of the disease
This process isinflammation of the gastric mucosa with metabolic-dystrophic disorders and disruptions in the work of the hydrochloric acid-producing glands. The lack of the latter provokes a decrease in the enzymatic functions of the stomach. As a result - improperly digested food and the development of a sluggish and prolonged process of inflammation.

Quite often, chronic gastritis with low acidity initially has an increased secretion of the stomach, but then the glands atrophy, and the amount of hydrochloric acid in the body gradually decreases.
Diagnosis of pathology
Assignment of a diet and treatment of symptoms of gastritis with low acidity are done by endoscopists and gastroenterologists. After the examination of the patient, a number of examinations follow. These include:
- gastroscopy and radiography of the stomach;
- endoscopic biopsy and morphological studies;
- examination of feces and gastric juice;
- test for pathogenic bacteria;
- blood test for enzymes;
- Ultrasound.

The purpose of all the above studies is to make an accurate diagnosis and exclude the possibility of confusing the disease with other pathologies.
According to the results of the examination, the specialist chooses a treatment regimen, and if necessary, he refers to a nutritionist to select a nutrition regimen. In order to eliminate concomitant ailments, consultation with doctors of a narrow focus is required.
Treatment of disease
Treatment of gastritis withlow acidity is always carried out in a complex and combines diet therapy and several types of drug therapy.
First of all, a diet is always prescribed, which, without irritating the gastric mucosa, stimulates the secretion of its juice. Next, drug treatment is applied to stimulate the release of hydrochloric acid.

In case of secretory insufficiency, substitution therapy is carried out ("Panzinorm", "Pepsin", diluted hydrochloric acid, "Abomin"). It is used when stimulant drugs fail.
The general medical course of treatment also includes vitamin therapy. It is used to prevent the development of hypovitaminosis and general strengthening of the body.
If a patient is found to have bacteria that provoke the appearance of this pathology, then the treatment is supplemented with a course of antibiotics. This therapy lasts up to ten days. The clinical manifestations of the disease are reduced with the help of symptomatic therapy.
Phytotherapy, physiotherapy and he alth resorts will be no less useful.
The treatment of symptoms of gastritis with low acidity and the diet used for it should be followed by patients for a long time: only in this way can serious consequences be avoided.
Diet for gastritis with low acidity
In absolutely any form of gastritis, the most important thing is a diet that stimulates the production of gastric juice. In order for the treatment to be complete, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations and eatright.
Before each meal you need to drink a glass of mineral water, and as a drink you can use kissels, berry compotes and fruit juices, sweet tea and a decoction of rose hips. The diet should be more vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products. Meat should be eaten only lean varieties in baked or boiled form. An omelet and a few eggs are allowed.

Food must be taken at certain hours in order to develop a conditioned reflex. In this case, the stomach has time to prepare for work and maximizes the activity of the glands. Under no circumstances should overeating be allowed. It is worth eating in small portions with an interval of three hours.
Large pieces of food cause injury to the stomach, so it must be wiped before eating. The temperature of what you eat and drink should not exceed fifty degrees.
Significantly facilitate the work of the stomach can thoroughly chew food and saturate it with saliva. Drinking a sufficient amount of water, a person normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the whole organism as a whole. After all, the intestines are irritated precisely because of the lack of fluid.
The diet for gastritis with low acidity is quite extensive and is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the return of gastric secretion to a normal state, but it all depends on the reaction of the body.
Recommended Foods
The basis of the diet of a patient with such a pathology should be dairy products, meat and low-fat fishvarieties, steamed, overcooked cereals, noodles (only durum wheat), mashed potatoes, mashed soups with a viscous consistency, steam omelettes and boiled eggs. Citrus fruits can be consumed in small quantities.
Prohibited foods

Any recipes and diets for gastritis with low acidity may be ineffective if you do not exclude fried, s alty, smoked and spicy foods from the diet, as well as those that are rich in fiber. Do not abuse various sauces, marinades and preservation (especially from the store). Fresh pastries, fast food, sweets, pastries are also banned, you should not drink strong black tea and coffee.
Traditional medicine in the fight against gastritis
Traditional medicine should be an addition to the main treatment. They can only be used by adult patients and after consulting a specialist.
For several centuries, a large number of recipes have been passed down from generation to generation, the most effective of which can supplement or replace drug therapy.
The acidity of gastric juice can be normalized with lingonberry tincture (use before meals). At night, you can eat fresh berries. For the same purpose, honey and butter mixed in equal proportions are used. This mixture should be taken three times a day at least half an hour before meals.
An alcohol tincture based on unripe walnuts (fifteen fruits cut into small piecesnuts pour half a liter of vodka). It keeps for quite a long time and smells good.

No less effective in the fight against the disease will be infused (according to the instructions on the package) burdock root or grains of sowing oats. And as a laxative or for pain, you can drink a decoction of gooseberries (pour a tablespoon of berries with a glass of boiling water and boil for fifteen minutes), which should be taken three times a day for a third of a glass.
Prognosis for gastritis
You should stick to a strict diet for at least a month, and then, depending on the readiness of the stomach and its condition, you can add variety to the menu. At the same time, you should completely forget about products from the banned list. Changes in recipes for gastritis with low acidity concern only the methods of preparing permitted foods. For example, soup can be eaten without grinding its ingredients first, and with tea you can afford cookies or candy.
The therapeutic effect comes from drug and alternative therapy, with an improvement in the condition of the mucous membrane. The amount of gastric juice and the release of hydrochloric acid are normalized. All this despite the fact that this pathology is characterized by chronicity of its course.
This ailment is a rather dangerous he alth condition. It provokes deficient states affecting all systems. That is why it is important to recognize gastritis with reduced secretory function in a timely manner and consult a specialist for adequate therapy. A favorable prognosis can be ensured by constant monitoring ofwork of the stomach.