Rehabilitation after a fracture: exercises, massage, physiotherapy

Rehabilitation after a fracture: exercises, massage, physiotherapy
Rehabilitation after a fracture: exercises, massage, physiotherapy

The human body is quite fragile, so no one can be immune from getting bone damage. In such cases, not only long-term treatment is required, but also long-term rehabilitation. After fractures, it takes time to regain lost mobility. During this period, physiotherapy can greatly help.

The essence of the recovery process

Rehabilitation after a fracture involves a number of activities selected by specialists. As a result of such a course, the patient, whose physical capabilities are temporarily limited, must regain the lost ability to work. The load schedule is determined by the profile specialist.

The part of the human body that has been damaged remains inactive for a long time, which negatively affects blood circulation and leads to general muscle stiffness. In addition, failures can affect other life-supporting systems of the body.

To avoid runningcases of muscle atrophy, during the first months after the fusion of bones, attention should be paid to exercise therapy (therapeutic physical culture). The set of exercises is selected strictly individually. In the process of compiling a physiotherapy card, the type of injury received and the general condition of the patient must be taken into account.

Consultation with a specialist after a fracture
Consultation with a specialist after a fracture

In rehabilitation centers for recovery, they are often sent to sanatoriums, each of which may have its own specifics. In such institutions, modern methods of therapy are used. However, not everyone can visit them, so many public clinics have recreational medicine departments and special exercise therapy rooms.

What are the principles behind it?

Different specialists are involved in rehabilitation after a fracture. These are physiotherapists, massage therapists, therapists, neuropathologists and some other doctors. The effectiveness of the recovery process will depend on how early you can start it.

Basic principles of rehabilitation:

  • integrated approach;
  • sequential holding;
  • continuity of ongoing activities;
  • early start.

Recovery can be medical, professional and social. The first option plays the most important role. As for the other two types of recovery processes, it makes sense to carry them out when receiving severe injuries of the spine or hips. In this case, the main task is to adapt a person to the social environment and solve problems withprofessional activities.

What to do after a broken leg?

With such damage to the limb, the patient is prescribed complex procedures, including exercise therapy, massage and a special diet. It is recommended to take vitamin and mineral supplements, as they contribute to accelerated healing of the body's bone tissues. Amino acids will be needed to restore damaged muscles.

The presence of a tumor after a fracture
The presence of a tumor after a fracture

If there are complications in the form of crushing of bones or displacement of the resulting fragments, then the rehabilitation period will be longer than with simple fractures. The limb in this situation is without movement much longer, so the consequences of low activity may be more pronounced.

Typically, the course of recovery involves three main stages:

  1. Eliminates puffiness, which usually appears due to the stay of the leg in a fixed state. For this, ointments that improve blood circulation can be used.
  2. The joint returns to its former functionality with massages, physiotherapy and mineral baths.
  3. At the last stage, the patient is prescribed a special diet to restore the balance of substances in the body.

LFK is a specific set of exercises. They can be started 2-3 days after the reposition of bone fragments. The number of classes can be up to six times a day. Exercises after a broken leg are as follows:

  • finger curls;
  • static leg muscle tension;
  • multidirectional movements in the hip joint.

Over time, the duration of classes increases, and their number decreases. Of the exercises, those that carry an axial load are added (if no hood is made). After about 20 days, you can load the knee joint. Movements should first have a small amplitude.

To fully recover after discharge, you need to follow a diet and do other exercises:

  • squats on both legs;
  • cross steps;
  • swimming in the pool with a special expander.

As for nutrition, it should be balanced. In any case, you should increase the amount of foods rich in calcium. Of these, it is recommended to consume milk, cottage cheese, sesame and hard cheeses.

Foot massage after getting a fracture
Foot massage after getting a fracture

How to develop a hand after a fracture?

Injuries to the upper extremities with bone fractures happen quite often. They can be obtained even with an unsuccessful fall. The rehabilitation period should help a person restore the former functionality of the hand. After removing the cast, patients feel bad hand, especially if the case was severe enough.

The rehabilitation period after a fracture can take from 2-3 weeks to several months. Much depends not only on physical capabilities, but also on the desire of the patient. Immediately after the cast is removed, the hand must be developed through simple exercises.

Sometimes, after removing the cast, a person cannot even hold an ordinary cup in his hands. To determine how much the hand has lost functionality, you just need to clench your hand into a fist. If this is not completely possible, then some exercises should be repeated daily.

The first of them involves the use of plasticine. You will have to take a small piece and knead it for several minutes. You can also take a regular tennis ball and practice with it. It should be thrown at the wall, and then caught with one hand. The ball exercise will help restore your former mobility and gain agility.

Exercises with a specialist after a broken arm
Exercises with a specialist after a broken arm

Before developing a hand after a fracture, you can purchase table tennis balls. Several pieces fit in the palm of your hand. The balls must be moved with your fingers, while they should not fall out.

If pain is felt after removing the cast

Often, during rehabilitation after a fracture of the hips and other difficult places, quite strong pain sensations appear. Folk remedies can help in their elimination. The comfrey root perfectly copes with the manifestations of a post-traumatic nature. It is used not only in the form of decoctions, but also in special compresses.

Fir oil will help with swelling. It is recommended to rub it exactly in the place where the fracture was. You can make baths with the addition of fir to speed up the recovery process. If necessary, applications from copper chips or plates can be used.

Although herbs are widely used and actively used in recovery from fractures, they shouldtake only after consulting a specialist, as many of them have certain contraindications. The positive effect after the use of folk remedies is noticeable, as a rule, after a long time.

Periodic pain after a broken leg
Periodic pain after a broken leg

The specifics of the massage

When applying plaster, the limb is immobilized for a long time, so the outflow of blood and lymph is disturbed. This leads to the appearance of edema. Massage after a fracture improves blood circulation, restoring the muscle structure to its former functionality. The healing process in this case is greatly accelerated.

Massage procedures can be done not only by specialists, but also by relatives of an injured person, if they master some techniques. There are no difficulties here. Movements should be smooth so that pain is not created. For the procedure, you can use cedar oil, which can anesthetize and relieve muscle tension.

The initial massage area is determined by the location of the injury. For example, if the radius is damaged, then the procedure is done from the shoulder, gradually reaching the hand. In case of an injury to the lower leg, you should start from the thigh, then moving towards the foot. In more complex cases, other areas are warmed up. If the hip itself is broken, then the back with the pelvic part is first massaged. Gradually reach the foot.

Removal of plaster after a broken arm
Removal of plaster after a broken arm

Treatment time is usually 15-25 minutes. The more muscle around the broken bone, the longer it mustmassaged.

Features of magnetotherapy

Rehabilitation centers often use a special procedure - magnetotherapy. With its help, it is possible to accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues. In the circulatory system, weak currents are formed that increase the rate of metabolic processes. Minerals reach the cells directly much faster.

High-frequency magnetotherapy involves the impact on the site of injury with eddy currents. It allows you to quickly remove the products of destruction from the body, as well as stimulate cells to ensure the regeneration of bone tissue. With magnetic exposure, it is possible to achieve an analgesic effect and relieve muscle spasms.

A cable or cylindrical inductor is used for the procedure. The first of them can have a flat or rounded spiral. The course of high-frequency magnetotherapy consists of 10-12 procedures. In time, they take no more than 15-20 minutes.

Low-frequency magnetotherapy acts on blood vessels, expanding them. When using it, the main task is to restore the degraded blood flow in the tissues of the body.

Main tasks of exercise therapy

The right treatment through movement has been proven to be effective. It helps speed up the healing of the injured limb. Any experienced doctor can tell you what effect physical therapy will have on the human body.


At the first stage of exercise therapy is done:

  • to prevent thrombosis and congestion;
  • acceleration of healing and removal processeslocal edema;
  • quality callus formation;
  • avoiding atrophy of muscle structures and reducing joint mobility;
  • maintain vitality.

At the second stage, the tasks change. They are as follows:

  • resist edema;
  • improve the condition of the muscles of the injured limb;
  • maintain normal venous return;
  • prepare the bone for axial loads.

During the period of late rehabilitation after a fracture, exercise therapy allows:

  • completely restore lost functions;
  • adapt the leg or arm to the upcoming loads associated with normal life activities;
  • improve capabilities.

Ancillary drugs

During the recovery period, pain after a broken leg or arm can cause certain problems, so special drugs are often prescribed that also have an anti-inflammatory effect. There are a lot of them, but Ibuprofen is most often taken.

Also assigned:

  • diuretics to relieve swelling;
  • vitamin complexes to accelerate regeneration processes;
  • high calcium products;
  • drugs to strengthen immunity;
  • ointments for topical application;
  • drugs for the prevention of joint diseases.
Exercise therapy after a fracture
Exercise therapy after a fracture

Regardless of the nature of the damage, without a doctor's prescription to take medicinestrictly prohibited.

Recovery Nutrition

Removing the cast after a fracture should not affect the diet. Continue to eat foods rich in calcium and protein. With a shortage of the last of them, the healing process may be delayed. During the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to consume up to 150 grams of protein per day.

Recommended source of calcium:

  • dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese and others);
  • seafood;
  • fresh vegetables (cabbage, carrots, turnips and celery);
  • nuts and legumes.

To replenish vitamin D, it is advisable to use:

  • liver;
  • fish;
  • egg yolk;
  • oatmeal;
  • potato;
  • vegetable oil.

Alcoholic drinks, too fatty foods, coffee, too strong tea, chocolate and other sweets should be removed from the diet. Drinking carbonated water is not recommended. It is necessary to reduce the amount of fatty foods due to the deterioration of calcium absorption. As for alcohol, it does not interfere with the normal formation of bone and cartilage tissue.

Fracture of a limb leads to a significant load on the body. The healing process requires a large amount of minerals, vitamins and other components. The diet during the period of treatment and rehabilitation should be special. The daily ration should be divided into 5-6 parts. Fractional nutrition allows you to absorb more nutrients and avoid gaining excess weight, which can cause unnecessary stress.on bones that are not yet fully fused. You should also consume at least two liters of water per day to speed up the removal of decay products.
