A fungus on the tongue is a pathology that affects the oral mucosa. With such an ailment, a whitish coating forms on it, which is caused by yeast-like fungi of the Candida species. Moreover, these microorganisms can affect not only the mucous surface of the oral cavity, but also the vagina, nasal passages, and intestines. In the people, this disease is also called candidiasis (thrush).
This pathology in most cases appears in children. Although adults also suffer from weakened immunity. Most often, a fungus in the mouth forms in the fairer sex, as well as people who take medication for a long time, smoke, have extra pounds and consume a lot of sugar.
Provoking factors
Fungi of the genus Candida in a minimal amount are a natural component of the human microbial flora. When there are few of them, they do not manifest themselves for a long time, however, concomitant factors can cause their rapid reproduction and modification, in other words, the spread of microorganisms over the surface of the oral cavity.
There is an activation of pathogenic fungi in the tongue due to the following reasons:
- Pregnancy. During this period, a woman's metabolic processes and hormonal levels change.
- Immunodeficiency. As a resultweakening of the protective functions of the body during illness.
- Long-term use of drugs that depress the immune system, such as corticosteroids and antibiotics.
- Lack of vitamins B, C and PP.
- Radiotherapy for cancer.
- Alcohol abuse and smoking.
- Injuries to the oral mucosa or tongue.
Dental problems such as cavities, dentures, and gum disease can lead to thrush. Also, candidiasis can occur with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, diabetes mellitus, tonsillitis, HIV infection, tuberculosis and pathologies with a chronic course. This ailment is transmitted when using common household items (dishes, toothbrush) or through a kiss.

The main signs of candidiasis in the mouth
As already known, a fungus on the tongue can occur in people of different age categories, but most often it is found in children and elderly patients. Yeast-like microorganisms, when multiplying, begin to secrete enzymes that irritate the tongue and surrounding tissues, which leads to swelling and redness.
Patients complain of itching, pain and a strong burning sensation. The main symptom of candidiasis in the mouth is a white cheesy coating. Over time, the disease spreads to the cheeks and palate. The symptoms of a fungus on the tongue with this course of the disease are as follows:
- foci of the disease merge into spots, covered with white scales or flakes;
- ailment can go to the lips;
- sores and sores appear.
A person feels soreness on the tongue with thrush during swallowing and eating, in addition, the patient may have a fever. This is how the body reacts to the enzymes that secrete fungi.
Toxic substances adversely affect the immune system, the general condition of the body, increasing the likelihood of a bacterial infection. In infants, the disease is severe, they are constantly naughty, refuse to eat, sleep little.
Fungus on the tongue in children
Oral thrush occurs in 20% of infants. As a rule, children become infected from their mother. Fungi from the female vagina can get on the mucous membrane of the baby. Some mothers lick the nipple and then give it to the newborn, thereby passing on the infection. In babies, the cells of the immune system are very weak, they are not able to fight this pathology. If nothing is done, then pathogenic microorganisms can infect the digestive organs.
It should be remembered that the fungus on the tongue brings the baby great discomfort. Due to illness, he stops sleeping and eating normally. Quite often, with thrush, the temperature rises. To avoid complications, such a disease should be treated when the first symptoms of the disease appear in a child.

Elimination of thrush on the tongue in children
Antifungal medicines are used to treat this disease. True, many of them are contraindicated for young children; it is allowed to take such medicines only from the age of 12. If a child has a fungus in the tongue, the photo of which is presentedabove, then "Pimafucin" is usually prescribed. A solution is prepared from the tablets of this medicine, which is given to the child for rinsing the mouth. The duration of such therapy is about 5 days.
This procedure is recommended in the morning and evening after rinsing your mouth with water. "Pimafucin" helps to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. After the therapeutic course, the white coating on the tongue also disappears.
Fungus can be treated with this drug even for babies who are under 1 year old. The medicine quickly relieves pain and itching with candidal stomatitis. A tongue affected by fungi is treated with a cotton swab dipped in a prepared solution from Pimafucin tablets.

Tongue fungus: how to treat in adults
To eliminate this disease, doctors prescribe certain drugs. Effective in the fight against thrush of the oral cavity is considered to be medicines that act systemically on the human body. They destroy the pathogenic microorganisms that caused the fungus on the tongue. At the same time, drugs have an effect not only on the oral mucosa, but also on other organs.
In most cases, doctors prescribe polyene antibiotics for candidiasis on the tongue. The most common of them are Nystatin and Levorin. They must be taken 4 times a day for 14 days.
The dosage of these drugs is selected in each case individually, since the doctor takes into account the patient's condition when prescribing the medicine. Thesemedicines should be absorbed to enhance their effect. After 5 days, patients notice an improvement: wounds heal, plaque decreases and itching disappears.
But sometimes the drugs in question do not help with fungal infections of the tongue. In this case, treatment with the use of Amphotericin is indicated. Tablets of this medication should be taken after meals in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.
In addition, imidazoles are used to eliminate thrush in the oral cavity. These drugs include: "Econazole", "Clotrimazole" and "Miconazole". The course of treatment with these drugs should be at least 1-3 weeks.
If the disease has managed to turn into a serious form, then antiparasitic drugs are prescribed that slow down the development of pathogenic fungi: Diflucan, Fluconazole and Nizoral.

Drugs to strengthen immunity
With oral candidiasis, therapeutic measures necessarily involve the use of general strengthening drugs to improve the body's defenses. Minerals and vitamins should be taken, for example, Citrum and Vitrum. Doctors also advise taking a course of calcium gluconate for a month. If the patient is concerned about rashes and severe itching on the tongue, then antiallergic drugs are prescribed, including Diphenhydramine, Fenkarol and the popular Suprastin.
Additional treatment of fungus on the tongue
Since there is a violation of iron metabolism in thrush, you should take medicines that contain thiselement in large quantities. For such problems, as a rule, "Ferroplex" or "Conferon" is prescribed.
To speed up the healing process, they resort to a candida vaccine. A similar effect is exerted on the body by the drugs Pentoxyl and Methyluracil, which promote the production of leukocytes and gamma globulins. These drugs help to quickly destroy pathogens that have affected the tongue.

Use of topical preparations
Elimination of thrush in the oral cavity in some cases involves local treatment. It involves taking drugs that are not absorbed into the blood, but have a good effect on the oral mucosa. Such medicines accelerate the process of wound regeneration and stop the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
A fungus on the tongue, the treatment of which is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms, is developing rapidly. That is why candidiasis must be de alt with immediately after the onset of the first symptoms in order to avoid complications. Topical drugs have a therapeutic effect only on certain areas of the mucosa or skin, without getting into the blood. They help slow down the growth of microorganisms, eliminate burning and redness, and heal erosions.
When the tongue is affected by fungi, "Fukortsin" is often used. For applications use "Jodicirin" and Lugol's solution. Even to eliminate oral candidiasis, absorbable tablets "Lysozyme" or the drug "Lizak" are prescribed. If the infection has passed tolip, then they need to be lubricated with nystatin or levorin ointment.
For preventive and therapeutic purposes, a complete treatment of the oral cavity should be carried out to stop the spread of a fungal infection to other areas. Moreover, you should regularly clean your teeth and dentures. Moreover, dental structures must be treated with antifungal agents.
Mouth rinse for thrush
Oral hygiene is an important procedure in the treatment of candidiasis, it should be done about 2 times a day. Such actions will help relieve inflammation, remove plaque on the tongue and heal sores. It is recommended for such an ailment to rinse your mouth with baking soda after each snack and before going to bed to eliminate white plaque on the tongue. The fungus can still be cured with Iodinol and boric acid.

Nutrition for tongue fungal infections
If you have oral candidiasis, you will have to follow a diet. Foods containing yeast should be removed from the menu so as not to provoke the growth of fungi. It is also necessary to abandon sour and spicy foods, as they irritate the oral mucosa and the surface of the tongue, causing burning and pain. During illness, it is worth eating only warm semi-liquid dishes. It is also worth giving up spices for a while.
After full recovery, it is necessary to introduce prohibited foods into the diet gradually. Within a few months after the elimination of the fungal infection, you should not eat foods that can re-provoke the development of pathology. Desirablegive up carbonated drinks, various sweets, fatty foods, alcohol and mushrooms.

How to avoid candidiasis?
In order to prevent Candida fungus from appearing on the tongue, it is necessary to observe oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth daily in the morning and evening. Experts advise changing your toothbrush every month. After eating, you need to rinse your mouth with herbal decoctions.
Be sure to undergo a preventive examination at the dentist, especially for people who suffer from diabetes or wear dentures. The diet should contain a lot of fruits and vegetables, but little sugar. To stay he althy, spend more time outdoors and exercise.