Health 2024, October

Enuresis in a child: what to do?

Enuresis in a child: what to do?

Quite often, parents are faced with such a problem as enuresis in a child. This is a common disorder that is associated with urinary incontinence (usually at night)

Imperative urges: causes and treatment

Imperative urges: causes and treatment

Imperative urges are disorders in the body associated with a sharp and irresistible desire to urinate or defecate. These phenomena are a symptom of diseases of the genitourinary system and intestines

A delicate issue. Causes and treatment of enuresis

A delicate issue. Causes and treatment of enuresis

Enuresis is a serious disease that requires not only serious treatment, but also attention. Doctors usually diagnose enuresis in children who, after 5 years, suffer from urinary incontinence (especially at night). How does enuresis manifest itself, what are the causes, how to treat it, is there a non-drug treatment for enuresis? All this will be discussed

Diabetes Insipidus: Symptoms and Treatment

Diabetes Insipidus: Symptoms and Treatment

Diabetes insipidus is a pathology that is accompanied by a violation of the synthesis of antidiuretic hormone or susceptibility to it. As a result, the natural course of reabsorption processes in the renal tubules changes. This disease is diagnosed in both sexes, regardless of age (children are also susceptible to the disease)

For a good condition of the body, you need to know how much water to drink per day

For a good condition of the body, you need to know how much water to drink per day

The miraculous properties of water have been known for a very long time. However, you need to know how much water to drink per day, so as not only not to harm our body, but rather to keep it in good condition

Why do lips dry and flake? Causes, treatments

Why do lips dry and flake? Causes, treatments

Why do lips dry and flake? There are many answers to the question. After all, anything can be the cause of such trouble. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this cosmetic problem. We will tell you not only why the lips dry and flake, but also how to protect yourself from this unpleasant phenomenon

Cerebellar stroke: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation

Cerebellar stroke: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, rehabilitation

Cerebellar stroke is an acute violation of blood supply in the tissues of the cerebellum. A stroke in this area of the brain is caused by blockage of the vessel bed or its rupture with hemorrhage. The latter type is less common than the former. Cerebellar stroke is life threatening. Sometimes it can take years to eliminate its effects. What are the causes of such a terrible disease as a cerebellar stroke, its consequences and prognosis? Let's talk about it in more detail

Pneumonia epidemic in 2017

Pneumonia epidemic in 2017

At the end of October of this year, the media began to issue information about outbreaks of the epidemic of mycoplasma pneumonia in some regions of the Russian Federation. Cases of the disease have been reported in the Yaroslavl, Novgorod, Vladimir, Tula and Amur regions. The vast majority of patients are children who were in schools and kindergartens

The coccyx is broken: symptoms, diagnosis, how to treat, consequences

The coccyx is broken: symptoms, diagnosis, how to treat, consequences

Coccyx is a collection of bones in the terminal part of the spine. It has a triangular shape, the upper part of which is directed downwards. The coccyx consists of three to five small vestigial vertebrae, interconnected by means of joints and ligaments

Lung gangrene: signs, causes, treatment

Lung gangrene: signs, causes, treatment

The he alth of the respiratory system must be taken care of from a young age. The human body is constantly attacked by various bacteria, viruses, microbes. The risk of diseases increases especially during frosts and cold weather. Air pollution, smoking aggravate the condition and allow the infection to penetrate much deeper into the respiratory canals. The disease affects the upper respiratory organs. Their weakness, combined with weak immunity, leads to serious ailments. One of them is lung gangrene

Rash with scarlet fever: photo, treatment, disease prevention

Rash with scarlet fever: photo, treatment, disease prevention

Does a rash always occur with scarlet fever, how to treat this unpleasant disease and what are its features? We will answer these and other questions regarding the mentioned disease below

Sprained Ankle: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Sprained Ankle: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Every fifth person in the world experiences sprained ankles, the statistics are disappointing. Among women, those representatives of the fair sex who prefer high and unstable heels fall into the risk group. As for men, powerlifters, runners, and those who are professionally involved in basketball or football are most at risk of injury

Cirrhosis of the liver - curable or not? How to stop this disease?

Cirrhosis of the liver - curable or not? How to stop this disease?

Can cirrhosis of the liver be cured? Why does this disease appear, what are its symptoms, as well as methods of diagnosis and treatment

Signs of liver disease in women. Signs of cirrhosis of the liver in women

Signs of liver disease in women. Signs of cirrhosis of the liver in women

What are the signs of liver disease in women and which ones occur first? What does the skin look like with liver problems and when do the first symptoms of diseases appear?

Pain under the shoulder blade on the left rear: possible causes

Pain under the shoulder blade on the left rear: possible causes

What causes pain under the scapula on the left back? Why are such pains dangerous and what should be done when they appear?

Treatment, types, forms, stages of atherosclerosis

Treatment, types, forms, stages of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a disease that is accompanied by a systemic lesion of large and medium-sized arteries. It is characterized by the accumulation of lipids, the growth of fibrous fibers, dysfunction of the endothelium of the walls of blood vessels. The result of the development of atherosclerosis can be local and general hemodynamic disorders

Causes and symptoms of balanoposthitis

Causes and symptoms of balanoposthitis

Inflammation of the head and foreskin of the penis is a fairly common disease that can appear under the influence of various factors. However, not every man knows what the first symptoms of balanoposthitis look like. So what causes the disease and how does it manifest itself?

Three stages of hypertension - take a step back

Three stages of hypertension - take a step back

Headache, deterioration of memory and attention, deterioration of vision, insomnia - these are the symptoms of the first and second stages of hypertension. What to do?

Intracranial hypertension: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Intracranial hypertension: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Intracranial hypertension can be triggered by a variety of factors. The disease is expressed in a constant increase in pressure, as well as the accumulation of fluid inside the skull. It is very important to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and subsequent treatment in order to prevent the development of dangerous complications

Paraphimosis: treatment, causes of the disease, symptoms, diagnosis, recovery period and prevention

Paraphimosis: treatment, causes of the disease, symptoms, diagnosis, recovery period and prevention

Paraphimosis is a disease characteristic only for men, as it is a squeezing of the foreskin of the glans penis. This condition is very dangerous for a man. It can turn into a variety of irreversible complications in the absence of timely treatment of paraphimosis

Strong heartbeat: reasons for what to do

Strong heartbeat: reasons for what to do

The article talks about the causes of heart palpitations. Considered recommendations on what to do in case of an attack. Recipes of traditional medicine are given

First aid for anaphylactic shock: an algorithm of actions

First aid for anaphylactic shock: an algorithm of actions

Anaphylactic shock is a rapidly developing reaction to an allergen, accompanied by circulatory disorders, spasms, oxygen deficiency. The shock can happen instantly, or it can last for several hours. Its severity depends on the amount of the allergen that has entered the body

Pharyngeal tonsil. Hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil

Pharyngeal tonsil. Hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil

Tonsils are lymphatic formations located mostly in the pharynx. Surely you have heard about these structures, but you may not know how important functions they perform

Acute adenoiditis: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Acute adenoiditis: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Acute adenoiditis in children is expressed by such obvious signs that it is impossible not to notice the process at the very initial stage. The disease does not occur from scratch, it is always preceded by inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil

Theories of carcinogenesis: definitions, basic provisions

Theories of carcinogenesis: definitions, basic provisions

What is carcinogenesis? three stages of its development. The main theories of carcinogenesis and their characteristics - chemical, mutational, viral, embryonic, random mutations, chromosomal instability, aneuploidy, tissue, etc

Rash on the lower back of a child - possible causes and features of treatment

Rash on the lower back of a child - possible causes and features of treatment

A rash on the lower back of a child is a skin reaction to an irritant (external or internal). To prescribe a normal treatment, it is necessary to accurately identify the causes of this phenomenon. Self-medication can aggravate the situation, so it is better to consult a doctor

Secondary syphilis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Where is the best place to get tested for syphilis?

Secondary syphilis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Where is the best place to get tested for syphilis?

Today, the diagnosis of syphilis is becoming a daily event in the practice of doctors of all speci alties. Every year the number of people who have secondary syphilis is increasing. According to numerous forecasts, in the coming years, an increase in the number of late forms of the disease is expected, which provoke a violation of the nervous system and internal organs

Flat back of the head. Causes of skull deformity, correction methods, tips and reviews

Flat back of the head. Causes of skull deformity, correction methods, tips and reviews

A flat head in a child is a common condition that many parents struggle with. Flattening of the head can occur in the life of the baby only after he is born. How to care for a small head so that it is deformed? What to do if the problem has already arisen?

Chronic sinusitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Chronic sinusitis: causes, symptoms and treatments

Chronic sinusitis is not uncommon in medical practice. It is manifested by inflammation and swelling of the internal sinuses. This leads to difficulty in the removal of mucus, so it accumulates in the cavities. The chronic form differs from the acute disease in less pronounced symptoms and a long period of flow. Lack of treatment sooner or later leads to serious complications

ZPRR - what is it? ZPRR and ACH. Treatment of ZPRR in children

ZPRR - what is it? ZPRR and ACH. Treatment of ZPRR in children

Many parents get very upset when their children are diagnosed with RDD. What it is? Can RDD be considered a disease? How serious is it? Why does it arise? What are his symptoms? Does it need to be treated, maybe just classes with a speech therapist are enough? What are the current treatments for RDD? This article will help you find answers to all these questions

Baking cough in a child: how to treat without pills?

Baking cough in a child: how to treat without pills?

If the disease is treated incorrectly, it drags on for weeks, or even months. So that it does not develop into a more serious, chronic form, it is necessary to understand the causes of coughing, to understand whether it is necessary to fight it and how. According to doctors, coughing is a body defense that helps clear the airways of pathogenic microbes or various foreign objects. Cough itself is not considered a disease, but it clearly indicates that not everything is fine with the body

Red throat in children: what to do and how to treat

Red throat in children: what to do and how to treat

Red throat in children is a fairly common problem. And although this condition most often does not cause complications, you still need to know the causes of its occurrence in order to choose the right treatment

SARS treatment: basic rules

SARS treatment: basic rules

When infected with SARS, the incubation period lasts about 3-5 days. It usually takes more than a week from the onset of symptoms of the disease to the final recovery

How to properly treat SARS in a child

How to properly treat SARS in a child

Treatment of SARS in a child with natural medicines can be very effective, but the possibility of allergic reactions should be excluded. However, do not forget that if a viral infection has already spread throughout the body, then it is still advisable to consult a doctor to prescribe medications

What causes skin rashes in the form of bubbles?

What causes skin rashes in the form of bubbles?

Skin rashes in the form of bubbles can be evidence of a variety of diseases, they almost always signal a malfunction of the internal organs. Depending on what disease these "pimples" are caused by, they are localized in a variety of places. A rash of this kind can occur as a result of a variety of factors. Let's take a look at them

Tumor behind the ears: symptoms, causes, treatment

Tumor behind the ears: symptoms, causes, treatment

A lot of people get nervous when they have a tumor behind their ear. Such a seal can cause pain when pressed on it. Usually, a lump behind the ear does not require medical intervention, but in some cases a person's condition may worsen, so it is best to visit a doctor to identify the causes of the development of such an ailment. Self-medication is not recommended in this case

Lymph nodes on the cheek: photo, location, causes of inflammation and treatment

Lymph nodes on the cheek: photo, location, causes of inflammation and treatment

Lymph nodes in medicine are called accumulations of lymphatic tissue, which are located throughout the human body. Inflammation of the lymph node on the cheek or any other part of the body should certainly alert a person and make him seek the advice of a specialist

Respiratory syncytial virus: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences

Respiratory syncytial virus: causes, symptoms, treatment, consequences

Respiratory syncytial virus is included in the group of acute infections, affecting a fairly large number of the population, predominantly young, one-year-old children occupy the main place among the infected. If the disease is superficial in adults, then serious complications can develop in babies

Hypochromic anemia: diagnosis, degrees, treatment

Hypochromic anemia: diagnosis, degrees, treatment

Hypochromic anemia is a term that unites a whole group of diseases, which are accompanied by a decrease in the value of the color index of blood. Such changes indicate a deficiency of hemoglobin, and this, in turn, is fraught with very dangerous complications up to a coma that develops against the background of oxygen starvation

Pain and burning in the chest: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment

Pain and burning in the chest: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment

The cause of pain and burning in the chest can be a variety of factors. Often, these symptoms cause diseases that require urgent, and sometimes even surgical treatment. If the symptoms persist for a long time or have noticeably increased over the past few hours, you need to urgently call an ambulance: pain and burning in the chest can be a harbinger of myocardial infarction