Shoulder joint. Dislocation and treatment

Shoulder joint. Dislocation and treatment
Shoulder joint. Dislocation and treatment

It's not uncommon for people to injure their shoulder joint. A dislocation of this part of the skeleton is found in fifty percent of cases. These injuries are classified into different types. The dislocation may be congenital. Often it is traumatic or primary. There are habitual dislocations. They develop after traumatic. Shoulder joint dislocation may be chronic. This type of pathology occurs due to damage to the muscles, tendons, ligamentous-capsular apparatus, as well as due to the development of various ailments (tuberculosis, arthropathy, osteodystrophy, etc.).

shoulder joint dislocation
shoulder joint dislocation

In the event that the shoulder joint dislocation has received a traumatic primary, facts of irreparable pathologies can be classified. They are not eliminated even under anesthesia. The cause of such cases may be the interposition of soft tissues or tendons, cartilage, etc. If a traumatic dislocation was diagnosed three weeks after it was received, then such a pathology is considered old. Complicated cases are also classified. They are accompanied by a combination of shoulder dislocation with other injuries.

Risepathology can occur in connection with the blow. Often, a dislocation of the right shoulder joint is detected after a fall on a straightened arm. In the event of such an injury, the pathology that has arisen should not be eliminated right at the scene of the incident. Correct dislocation only after anesthesia. There are many different methods to restore the shoulder joint.

Dislocation is eliminated by the methods of Hippocrates-Cooper, Kocher, Chaklin, Dzhanelidze, and also Mukhin-Mot. The next step is a control X-ray. The limb is fixed with a plaster bandage. It is imposed for a period of two to six weeks.

shoulder dislocation treatment
shoulder dislocation treatment

Treatment of dislocation of the shoulder joint in an irreparable case is performed only by surgery. If surgical intervention is impossible due to various contraindications, then the injury becomes chronic. In this case, all therapeutic measures are aimed at developing adaptive skills in the patient. If at the same time pain symptoms are disturbing, then novocaine blockades or analgesics are used.

Regular dislocations are trying to be corrected when the patient is under anesthesia. If this fails, then resort to surgical intervention. At the next stages, massage, exercise therapy and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Treatment of dislocation, classified as traumatic, aims to eliminate the pathology as soon as possible. After that, the reduced ends of the bones need to be held in the correct position (this is done by fixing them). Follow-up proceduresaimed at returning the lost functions of the damaged joint. The success of all the actions taken directly depends on the full anesthesia and relaxation of the muscles of the injured arm.

right shoulder dislocation
right shoulder dislocation

A habitual dislocation of the shoulder joint can be obtained by performing normal movements. Injury often occurs when combing, washing or carrying heavy objects. For the first time, such a pathology develops within six months after receiving a primary dislocation. Such injuries can recur up to ten times a year. To exclude such cases, the method of reduction of the primary dislocation must be chosen correctly. An important factor is the correct fixation of the limb, timely surgical treatment and a full period of rehabilitation.
