Serous cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical consultation, clinical treatment, surgery and recovery

Serous cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical consultation, clinical treatment, surgery and recovery
Serous cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical consultation, clinical treatment, surgery and recovery

The ovaries play an important role in the female reproductive system. Under the influence of various factors, this organ can undergo pathological changes that can cause severe harm to women's he alth. One of the most common formations that form in the ovaries are cysts. The vast majority of them are serous ovarian cysts - cystadenomas. Despite the fact that these formations are of a benign nature, under certain circumstances they can degenerate into a malignant form. Therefore, it is so important to know the causes of a serous cyst and how to treat it.


serous ovarian cyst
serous ovarian cyst

A serous cyst is a neoplasm, which is a cavity filled with a cloudy liquid. A feature of cystadenoma is the presence of a dense inelastic capsule. Such a cyst tends to grow, which sometimes leads to compression of neighboring organs and developmentserious complications. Serous cysts can appear in one ovary or both.


Currently, experts distinguish two forms of serous cysts, differing from each other in structural features and clinical picture.

  • Simple. This is the safest type of neoplasm, rarely degenerating into a malignant form. A simple serous cyst has a unilateral localization and is a single-chamber cavity with a smooth shell both inside and outside.
  • Papillary (papillary).
  • papillary cyst
    papillary cyst

    Such education in most cases is bilateral. A distinctive feature is the presence of peculiar papillae on the cyst, which can be located both on the outer and on the inner side of the formation. They have a wide base and can be completely different sizes. There are cases when papillary growths move into the abdominal cavity, which leads to the development of dangerous pathological conditions. This type of serous cyst has a tendency to degenerate into a malignant form.

Reasons for appearance

The causes of a serous cyst (cystadenoma) are still not fully understood. The most likely factors that can provoke the development of formations are:

  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Surgical interventions.
  • Abortions.
  • Excessive physicalload.
  • Stress and psycho-emotional tension.
  • Prolonged sexual abstinence or frequent change of partners.
  • Overweight.
  • Anorexia.
  • Frequent diets.
  • Incorrectly prescribed hormone therapy.


cyst pain
cyst pain

In the early stages, a serous cyst of the left or right ovary has practically no characteristic signs and is discovered by chance at a doctor's appointment. As she grows, the woman begins to worry about the following symptoms:

  • Aching or cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region.
  • Pain during intercourse or physical activity.
  • Due to the pressure of the overgrown cyst on the bladder, frequent urination may be disturbing.
  • Sometimes there is a slight rise in body temperature.
  • Irregular menstruation.
  • Abdominal asymmetry. For example, if a serous cyst of the right ovary has formed, then an increase in the peritoneum will be observed from this side.
  • Stool disorders.
  • General weakness and malaise.
  • Nausea.
  • Insomnia.
  • Apathy.
  • Irritable.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible.


cyst diagnosis
cyst diagnosis

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to perform a number of diagnostic measures, including laboratory and instrumental examinations. Let's take a closer look at them.

  • Firstthe turn is a gynecological examination, which determines the presence of education, its mobility and associated symptoms.
  • Complete blood and urine tests.
  • A blood test for hormones.
  • Ultrasound examination, during which the size of the cyst, its type and structure are specified.
  • Tomography, which helps to determine the degree of its growth on neighboring tissues and organs.
  • Dopplerography, which examines the blood flow of the formation to exclude the malignant nature of the formation.
  • Endoscopic examination.
  • Laparoscopy.
  • Blood test for antigens.
  • Histological examination is carried out in case of suspicion of the development of an oncological process.

It is important to note that all diagnostic measures for this disease should be carried out from the 5th to the 7th day of the menstrual cycle. It is during this period that you can get the most reliable test results, on the basis of which the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes effective therapy.


appointment with a gynecologist
appointment with a gynecologist

The method of treatment of a serous ovarian cyst is selected by a specialist individually in each case, taking into account the following factors:

  • Education size.
  • Its localization.
  • Presence of comorbidities.
  • General condition of the patient.
  • Planning for future pregnancy.
  • The degree of risk of a cyst degenerating into a malignant form.

Serous cyst is treated both conservatively and surgically. In somecases, physiotherapy and acupuncture may be indicated.

Conservative Therapy

This method is used in the early stages of neoplasm development. In this case, the following categories of drugs may be prescribed:

  • Hormonal.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Tumor-stopping.
  • Vitamin complexes.

Surgical treatment method

laparoscopy procedure
laparoscopy procedure

In most cases, in the treatment of serous cysts, preference is given to the surgical method of their removal. Currently, there are quite gentle methods that are used even in those women who are planning a pregnancy in the future.

With the benign nature of the formations, doctors try to preserve as much of the ovarian tissue as possible, removing only the damaged areas. But there are cases in which the surgeon decides to remove the entire ovary, and sometimes two at once. This happens during the development of the oncological process, as well as in cases where the patient is in the menopause period.

Surgery is performed in the following ways:

  • Laparoscopy. One of the most effective and sparing methods of operational impact. Allows you to avoid bleeding and has a quick rehabilitation period. Removal of a serous cyst is carried out using a special device - a laparoscope, which is inserted into the abdominal cavity through small incisions. The device is equipped with a video camera, with the help of which an image is displayed on a nearby screen. Atlaparoscopy, a woman can leave the medical facility for 3-4 days.
  • Laparotomy. It is performed for large tumors. It is an abdominal open operation with a long rehabilitation period and the likelihood of complications.

Types of surgery

The following types of surgery are distinguished:

  • Cystectomy. Removal directly only of the tumor and the affected tissues of the ovary. The organ is preserved and continues to function normally.
  • Ovariectomy. The serous cyst is removed along with the ovary.
  • Wedge resection. With this method, the affected tissue is cut out in a wedge, leaving the he althy part of the ovary intact.
  • Adnexotomy. It happens one-sided and two-sided. Such an operation is performed with cysts that have a size of at least 3 centimeters. The affected side of the ovary is removed, sometimes along with the tube. Bilateral removal is performed if both ovaries are affected, as well as in women during menopause to reduce the risk of oncological processes.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicines can be used as adjuvant therapy and only after consultation with your doctor, as complications in the form of bleeding may occur with individual intolerance.

In the absence of allergic reactions in cystic formations in the ovaries, the following plants have proven themselves well:

  • Upland uterus.
  • wormwood.
  • Nettle.
  • Shepherd's bag.
  • Mint.
  • Shepherd's bag.

Possible Complications

Like any other disease, a serous cyst, if left untreated, can provoke the development of dangerous complications.

  • First of all, with active growth, neighboring organs are squeezed, which can cause acute conditions.
  • Twisted legs. With this pathology, a cyst rupture may occur, bleeding may occur.
  • Rupture of the cyst. A very dangerous pathological condition in which the contents of the formation can enter the abdominal cavity, thereby causing peritonitis. Requires immediate treatment.
  • Anemia.
  • Infertility.
  • Inflammatory diseases.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Rebirth into a malignant form.



Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. This also applies to ovarian cysts. If certain rules are followed, the risk of developing neoplasms can be minimized. If they do occur, timely treatment allows you to restore women's he alth without major surgical interventions.

Preventive measures include the following rules:

  • You should systematically visit a gynecologist and take the necessary tests. This is especially true for women entering the menopause. Global hormonal changes can cause serious disruption in the functioning of female organs.
  • You need to carefully monitor your he alth and, if suspicious symptoms appear, contactdoctor.
  • All internal diseases must be fully cured.
  • Do not self-medicate.
  • Eat right, refusing fatty, canned food and fast foods.
  • Keep a he althy lifestyle.


A serous cyst can appear in women at any age, but patients over 45 years of age are most susceptible to it. You should listen to your body and at the first symptoms of the development of pathology, consult a doctor. Timely therapy will help minimize the risk of complications. It is not recommended to self-medicate, because with improper drug therapy, you can harm your body, aggravating the situation, and uncontrolled use of traditional medicine can provoke even more serious complications. Currently, there are many effective treatments that your doctor can help you choose.
