Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to insure yourself against various stressful situations, since a person is exposed to negative factors every day. Nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to support your nervous system, but only the best sedative can help in this, which should be selected for each individual.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the best way to relieve stress is to change your attitude towards it, but not everyone succeeds in this. As a result, the nervous system becomes shaky, sleep is disturbed, frequent mood changes and lack of appetite are observed. Ideally, you should see a doctor who, after a thorough analysis of the situation and examination, will be able to prescribe the best sedative.
Speaking of drugs that can improve the state of the nervous system, first of all, attention should be paid to pharmacy medicines. To begin with, it is worth noting that even the best sedative must be prescribed by a doctor, no self-medication is allowed in this case. Some drugs designed to relieve stress can be potent and haveside effect, respectively, uncontrolled intake can be dangerous. At the same time, most of the medicines offered by pharmacy chains are based on herbal ingredients, which, of course, will be the best option.

An example of this is the well-known tablets or valerian tincture, which is distinguished by the need for long-term use. Many believe that this extract is the best sedative, but its effect is not achieved immediately. This medicine is considered cumulative, it takes at least a couple of months of regular use to notice any improvement.
In pharmacies you can also find newer drugs, such as Novo-Passit or Persen, which, however, may have an ambiguous effect and should be taken only according to the attached instructions or a doctor's prescription.
When wondering which sedative is better, do not forget about the old methods of getting rid of stress and insomnia that traditional medicine offers us. Such grass as motherwort does not lose its relevance, which today is sold in pharmacy chains and life shops in a fairly convenient form in the form of filter bags. They need to be brewed every day at night for several weeks. This will allow not only to calm down, but also to normalize sleep caused by a stressful state.

Another herb that has long been used to bring the nervous system intoorder, is mint. At the same time, its dried leaves are not only the best sedative, but also a great way to improve the taste of tea. Mint is able to relieve mental stress and calm an overly irritated nervous system, regardless of the source of irritation. In addition, modern pharmaceuticals offer to try various medications based on extracts of this herb, Menovalen capsules can serve as an example.