Health 2024, October

Rheumatoid nodules (photo)

Rheumatoid nodules (photo)

Rheumatoid nodules appear in a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. Neoplasms occur in about one third of patients. They usually don't cause pain

Ankylosis of the TMJ: the main causes of development, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Ankylosis of the TMJ: the main causes of development, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

TMJ ankylosis is a pathology in which movements in the joint are significantly limited. The disease is usually chronic. The full name of this disease is ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint. Such a pathology significantly complicates a person's life. It becomes difficult for the patient to open his mouth, chew food and talk. In addition, the pathology affects the appearance

Union fracture: stages of bone regeneration, average healing time and speed, necessary drugs

Union fracture: stages of bone regeneration, average healing time and speed, necessary drugs

Initially, the fusion of bone fragments occurs through the formation of endosteal and periosteal calluses. As soon as the fragments are held tightly by them, an intermediate (intermediary) callus appears, which is of great importance in all types of fracture union

Open fractures and their classification. First aid for open fractures

Open fractures and their classification. First aid for open fractures

No person is immune from bone fractures, regardless of age, gender or any other individual characteristics. A fracture is a complete or partial damage to the integrity of the bones. Open fractures are a very unpleasant injury with a long waiting period for recovery. Proper first aid and medical care will contribute to the normal recovery of the limb

Hypercorticism: symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment

Hypercorticism: symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment

Hypercortisolism, the symptoms and causes of which will be discussed in the article, is a disease characterized by long-term chronic exposure of the body to the hormones of the adrenal cortex in an abnormal, excessive amount. This pathology is also called Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome. And now it will be told in detail

Life without a stomach: nutritional features and prognosis

Life without a stomach: nutritional features and prognosis

Indications and contraindications for an operation to remove the stomach in case of cancer. How is the recovery period of the patient after surgery and is it possible to continue to live normally without a stomach

Benign tumor: causes, stages, types and features of treatment

Benign tumor: causes, stages, types and features of treatment

A benign tumor is a pathological neoplasm with a slow rate of development. Timely therapy at the same time gives a positive prognosis: in most situations, patients completely get rid of the disease, and there are almost no relapses. He alth hazards are tumors that secretly develop in the body

Leukemias: types, classification, forms and features of treatment

Leukemias: types, classification, forms and features of treatment

Leukemia (leukemia, leukemia) is a clonal disease of the hematopoietic system. This name unites a whole group of pathologies. The development of this disease is due to the transformation and mutation of cells that are in the bone marrow and are responsible for the process of hematopoiesis. There are several types of leukemia, and among other oncological diseases, leukemia is not the most common

Blue nevus (blue nevus Yadasson - Tice): causes, danger, indications for removal. blue mole

Blue nevus (blue nevus Yadasson - Tice): causes, danger, indications for removal. blue mole

The blue nevus of Yadasson - Tiche is an acquired neoplasm of a small size that occurs on the skin. Such growths have a specific blue or dark blue color. Usually a blue nevus occurs only in isolated cases. However, there are situations when there are many neoplasms

Skin ulcers, causes and treatment

Skin ulcers, causes and treatment

Skin ulcers refer to defects in the skin and mucous membranes. They are formed due to necrosis of tissues that do not heal for a long time after the necrotic dead areas fall off

How long is the terminal stage?

How long is the terminal stage?

The terminal stage lasts about a year on average. In this case, the general condition of the patient is aggravated. There are a number of signs, the identification of which will help to make a timely diagnosis and prescribe treatment in time

Classification and difference between a malignant tumor and a benign one

Classification and difference between a malignant tumor and a benign one

Every person should be as aware as possible what is the difference between a malignant tumor and a benign one, in order to protect themselves as much as possible, and also start treatment on time. In this article, we will talk about the main differences between these neoplasms

Stomach cancer grade 4: treatment, life prognosis

Stomach cancer grade 4: treatment, life prognosis

How many live with stage 4 stomach cancer? Let's take a closer look at this issue. Any malignant tumor goes through four stages of its development. The last stage is characterized by a high intensity of general and specific symptoms of the disease. Quite often, until the fourth stage, the disease develops without any manifestations in the form of symptoms

Inactivity is dangerous

Inactivity is dangerous

Physical inactivity is the lack of physical activity adequate to the state of the body, as well as the subsequent weakness of muscle activity as a result of detraining. Let's briefly outline what its causes are, who it threatens and what needs to be done to prevent this condition

Dramatic weight loss: reasons for women. When is weight loss a concern?

Dramatic weight loss: reasons for women. When is weight loss a concern?

Today, many women are trying to lose weight in order to meet the modern ideal of beauty. However, it happens that a person, unwittingly, sharply loses weight. This is what I want to talk about

Sinusitis in the picture: description, interpretation of indicators, diagnosis of the disease, methods of treatment

Sinusitis in the picture: description, interpretation of indicators, diagnosis of the disease, methods of treatment

When examining a picture, the doctor first focuses on the position of the sinuses. If they are not pneumatized, that is, they are not overflowing with air, therefore, the conversation is about a painful move. Sinusitis in the picture can be established by black and semi-oval formations, which are located along the two edges of the nasal cavities

Spastic colitis: symptoms, treatment

Spastic colitis: symptoms, treatment

Spastic colitis is a form of inflammatory disease of the colon. If the motor function of the intestine is disturbed, i.e. motility of the colon, this leads to spasms, which are manifested by involuntary painful contractions of the intestine

Thyrotoxicosis: diagnosis, symptoms, possible causes, treatment and diet

Thyrotoxicosis: diagnosis, symptoms, possible causes, treatment and diet

Thyrotoxicosis implies a prolonged increase in the functional activity of the thyroid gland. A synonym for this disease is "hyperthyroidism". This is a disease in which thyroid hormone is produced in excessive amounts. It affects energy metabolism, accelerating it

Fundal gastritis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Fundal gastritis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Fundal gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the stomach. This pathology causes many unpleasant symptoms and can lead to even more serious ailments. What to do if characteristic signs are found and is it possible to completely get rid of fundic gastritis?

Foodborne toxic infection: pathogens, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Foodborne toxic infection: pathogens, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Foodborne disease differs from a classic infectious disease in that microbes enter the human body immediately in large quantities. They enter the body of he althy people with food prepared in violation of sanitary standards. Outwardly, it can be no different from quality food, be fragrant and attractive in appearance

Heaviness and bloating: causes, treatment, diet

Heaviness and bloating: causes, treatment, diet

Heaviness and bloating occur for many reasons. The most frequently encountered are listed below. But you can say goodbye to the problem with the help of medications and traditional medicine. And how - read below

Hyperemic gastric mucosa: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

Hyperemic gastric mucosa: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

Most diseases associated with the digestive system are accompanied by swelling and redness of the mucous membrane. Hyperemia of the gastric mucosa is manifested very clearly with gastroduodenoscopy. Usually this type of examination is recommended by a doctor to confirm diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, and ulcers. These are the diseases that have concomitant symptoms: pain in the epigastric region, belching, nausea, flatulence

Herpes: types, symptoms, treatment

Herpes: types, symptoms, treatment

Almost the entire population of the planet is infected with herpes. Half of the symptoms may not appear throughout life. But the second part knows firsthand how the disease manifests itself. An activated virus often causes an exacerbation of the disease, which is characterized by the appearance of unpleasant formations on the skin of different parts of the body

Ear candidiasis: symptoms and treatment

Ear candidiasis: symptoms and treatment

Many people know about such a disease as thrush (candidiasis). This fungal infection most often affects the genitals in adults and the mouth in children. In more rare cases, ear candidiasis occurs. This disease is otherwise called otomycosis. This pathology is much more difficult to treat than ordinary otitis media. Without treatment, otomycosis can lead to significant hearing loss. Next, we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatments for this disease

Inflammation of the Eustachian tube: treatment and causes

Inflammation of the Eustachian tube: treatment and causes

The Eustachian tube is a structural element of the ear, whose length is 3.5 cm. Its function is to connect the tympanic cavity with the nasopharynx and maintain normal pressure between the air and the middle ear, ventilation and protection against bacteria. With inflammation in the tube, these functions are lost, which causes the occurrence of such a disease as eustachitis (tubo-otitis, salpingotitis)

Amniotic bands: causes, symptoms, treatment regimen and diagnosis

Amniotic bands: causes, symptoms, treatment regimen and diagnosis

Amniotic bands are fibrous bands that appear at the site of amnion rupture. They can entangle the limbs of the fetus and cause edema or ischemia of the limb. Rarely, a baby is born with an amputated limb

Dysplasia: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Dysplasia: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Dysplasia is most often a congenital pathology that develops during fetal development. But it also happens that it manifests itself after birth, and in adults. It is characterized by abnormal, abnormal development of human cells and organs. From the Greek language, the name "dysplasia" is translated as "forming disorders." Pathology can be either hidden, not affecting a person’s life, or explicit, seriously undermining he alth

What are neoplastic processes?

What are neoplastic processes?

Neoplastic processes are uncontrolled division and growth of atypical cells in any human organs, which is better known as a tumor. Why do neoplastic processes suddenly begin? What are their signs? Is it possible to stop them and completely get rid of the tumor? What is the forecast?

Human papillomavirus: symptoms, ways of infection, diagnosis and treatment

Human papillomavirus: symptoms, ways of infection, diagnosis and treatment

One of the most dangerous viruses for humans is HPV. A proven fact is its effect on the occurrence of cancer, erosion and dysplasia of the cervix

The most dangerous viruses for humans

The most dangerous viruses for humans

There are a myriad of microorganisms in the world, viruses predominate among them. They can survive in the harshest conditions. Viruses have been found in the eternal ice of Antarctica, in the hot sands of the Sahara, and even in the cold vacuum of space. Although not all of them are dangerous, more than 80% of all human diseases are caused by viruses

Posterior cervical lymph node: location, norm and increase, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures

Posterior cervical lymph node: location, norm and increase, symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures

The main functions of the lymph nodes, their location. Whether probably most to define by means of a palpation an increase in lymphonoduses? Symptoms and possible causes of the disease. Lymphadenitis; rubella. Diagnosis and therapy of the disease. Traditional medicine recipes and prevention

Herpetic keratitis: description, forms, causes, symptoms and treatment

Herpetic keratitis: description, forms, causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammatory processes in the cornea can be caused by endogenous and exogenous keratitis. In the first case, internal processes lead to their development. Exogenous keratitis is provoked by external factors. An ophthalmologist should identify the causes that led to the development of the disease and establish an accurate diagnosis

First flu symptoms: diagnosis and prevention

First flu symptoms: diagnosis and prevention

Influenza is an acute viral respiratory infection caused by viruses of types A, B and C. The disease manifests itself in the form of fever, intoxication and damage to the epithelial surfaces of the upper respiratory tract. Influenza was included in the category of acute otolaryngological infections. The patient infected with influenza poses the greatest danger in the first six days from the onset of the disease

Infectious mononucleosis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Infectious mononucleosis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

With all the variety of viral diseases, there is a group of infections that become our companions for life. It is these diseases that include infectious mononucleosis (synonyms - monocytic tonsillitis, Filatov's disease). This is a disease that is difficult to distinguish from a common respiratory viral infection, but which can lead to severe complications. And since it is in children that infectious mononucleosis occurs more often than in adults, this article may be useful to parents

Tonsils and tonsils - what's the difference? Adenoids, tonsils, tonsils

Tonsils and tonsils - what's the difference? Adenoids, tonsils, tonsils

Every mother knows that the child's body is often exposed to diseases, especially children often get angina, which can cause many complications. Let's figure out how to treat inflamed tonsils for children and adults, is there a need to remove them, and why our body needs them at all

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Alcohol during pregnancy

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Alcohol during pregnancy

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a whole symptom complex that is diagnosed in babies whose mothers suffer from chronic alcoholism. The origin of this pathology is based on the harmful effects of ethyl alcohol toxins and its decay products on the fetus inside the womb

Labial herpes (cold on the lips): causes, treatment

Labial herpes (cold on the lips): causes, treatment

Herpes labialis is considered one of the most common viral diseases. Ancient Greek Aesculapius wrote about him. People often call it a cold on the lips and try to fight it in every possible way. More than half of the world's population is infected with the herpes virus, but only 7% have clinical manifestations. What else is remarkable about this pathology?

HSV types 1 and 2: diagnosis, treatment

HSV types 1 and 2: diagnosis, treatment

HSV types 1 and 2: transmission routes, diseases, symptoms. HSV during pregnancy. Symptoms. Treatment. Complications

Recurrent herpes: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Recurrent herpes: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Quite often, both men and women are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as recurrent or chronic herpes. The name of the disease is explained by the fact that after the therapy, the herpetic rash appears again. The most common cause of recurrence of pathology is the weakening of the human immune system

Atrophic scars: causes, treatment

Atrophic scars: causes, treatment

Atrophic scars on the face and body are both a cosmetic, surgical and dermatological problem. Therefore, there are different ways to get rid of them: with the help of cosmetic procedures, drugs and surgery