What types of spinal hernia are there and how are they classified? Probably, this question interests a lot of people who are faced with this problem. Only a specialist can diagnose the type of hernia and its presence.
Classification of spinal hernias
Systematization of spinal hernias is very important in building an individual system of therapeutic effects and manual therapy for the patient. Depending on the degree and severity of degenerative disorders, the following classification of spinal hernias is distinguished.

Education amount
By education:
- Protrusion - the diameter of the protrusion of the disc is from one to three millimeters, while the fibrous tissue is not damaged. The initial stages of the development of changes in the cartilaginous membranes are characterized by the appearance of discomfort and the occurrence of pain.
- Prolapse - protrusion of the nucleus of the intervertebral disc with a violation of the integrity of the fibrous membranes. The pain syndrome increases during movement, the sensitivity of the skin of the upper and lower extremities changes.
- Hernia - the fibrous body is completely destroyed, which leads to displacement of the vertebrae. The person begins to feelnumbness of body parts and unbearable pain. The size of the hernia can be from three to eighteen millimeters. With the development of destructive disorders, the fibrous membrane is damaged, resulting in displacement and compression of the vertebrae.
By localization:
- Cervical - formed in the cervical segment of the spine.
- Thoracic - formed in the thoracic region.
- Lumbar - appear in the lumbar region.

Classification by directionality
And according to the direction of the neoplasm:
- Anterior - are the most favorable, as there are no adverse complications and pathological symptoms affecting other organs.
- Lateral - localized on the lateral tissues from the affected vertebral link.
- Posterior - A herniated hernia compresses the spinal canal, making it the most severe disorder for the patient.
- Schmorl's node - this type of pathology is characterized by the extrusion of cartilaginous membranes into the spongy bone tissues of the spine.
Lumbar hernia
A herniated disc is most often formed in the lumbar region. Not a single person is safe from it, from a weightlifter to an office worker. By itself, the type of hernia of the lumbar spine represents a rupture of the fibrous ring in the intervertebral disc. Such damage quickly overgrows with connective tissue, and then it is already squeezed out by the vertebrae beyond it, whichleads to pressure on the nerve endings. Symptoms of a hernia in the lower spine may appear. The lumbar region is the busiest part of the spine, and the formation of a hernia there is a frequent occurrence. The pain is sharp, not dull. All pain manifestations are acute, this is due to pressure on the nerve roots. Most people experience severe pain and discomfort, but sometimes it is intermittent and bearable.
Symptoms of Lumbar Hernia
There are several symptoms of this type of spinal hernia, but there are the main ones by which this disease is diagnosed:
- Pain in the lower lumbar region with pain in the leg.
- Pain in only one buttock or only one leg (rare on both sides).
- The pain is localized in the lumbar region, then goes to the pelvis, and then along the sciatic nerve goes up the leg to the feet.
- Symptoms of numbness and tingling in the legs appear.
- Lower limbs feel weak and numb while moving.
- Difficulty walking "shooting" pain.
While moving or standing and sitting, the pain in the lower back increases, and if the body is in a supine position, then it is significantly weakened. To a large extent, the symptoms of a variety of intervertebral hernias of the spine may depend on which vertebra has damage. Symptoms of the disease begin with dull aching pain, which is localized in the lumbar region. As the disease progresses, the pain increases and spreads fromback to pelvis and lower limbs.

Cervical hernia
Symptoms of the type of hernia of the cervical spine are pains of varying degrees of intensity, localization and etiology. Below we consider the classic symptoms of the manifestation of such hernias, depending on which vertebra is damaged:
- Hernia between the C1 and C2 vertebrae is characterized by headaches, in particular pain in half of the head, frequent dizziness, sleep disturbances, tinnitus, impaired coordination and general permanent nervous condition.
- Hernia between C2 and C3 is characterized by impaired blood supply to the eyes, tongue and forehead, hence headaches, visual impairment, sweating of the head area, impaired taste sensations, panicky nervous states.
- A hernia between C3 and C4 is characterized by severe pain in the neck and shoulder girdle, respiratory disorders due to diaphragm paresis, changes in taste sensations, and disruption of the trigeminal nerve.
- A hernia between C4 and C5 is characterized by prolonged dull pain when turning the head and raising the arms up to numbness of the limbs, frequent ENT diseases, weakening of facial muscles, up to their paralysis.
- Hernia between C5 and C6 is characterized by severe pain in the muscles of the arms and elbow joints with numbness of the fingers on both hands, wheezing, sensation of a foreign object in the throat, chronic diseases of the eyes and mouth, tremor and numbness of the hands, pain in shoulders, difficulty in flexion/extensionwrists.
- Hernia between C6 and C7 is characterized by severe pain in the triceps, numbness of the middle fingers of both hands or the forearm as a whole, chronic cough and hoarse voice, severe shortness of breath, discomfort in the middle fingers. There may also be pinching between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae, which inevitably leads to thyroid diseases, arthrosis, impaired motor skills, and “weak hands” syndrome.

Thoracic hernia
The presence of a type of hernia of the thoracic spine is a very serious problem that requires accurate diagnosis and careful treatment. When collecting and processing an anamnesis, it is necessary to record such factors as the presence of injuries in the previous period, the area of localization of pain, the zone of impaired tactile sensitivity, fever, muscle weakness, weight loss, the frequency of defecation and urination.
The leading role in diagnosing the type of spinal hernia in the thoracic region today is occupied by MRI. In addition, computed tomography (CT), myelography and radiography are also used - these methods, unfortunately, do not provide a complete diagnostic picture, but help to identify degenerative changes in bone tissues.
Electromyography is needed to determine damage to nerve fibers. Symptoms of a vertebral hernia of the thoracic region are characterized by localization in the lower extremities (one or both legs at once), namely:
- girdle pain;
- paresthesia eithersensory impairment;
- muscle weakness;
- spasm or reflex activity.

Treatment of thoracic hernia
Thoracic hernia can be treated both conservatively and surgically. Conservative (gentle) methods include:
- regular monitoring and consultations with the attending physician in order to prevent further progression of the disease;
- temporary decrease in motor activity (rest) with severe pain;
- pain relief with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen and analogues), narcotic (opioid) drugs are prescribed when other pain relief is ineffective;
- a steroid epidural injection (or, more simply, a blockade) that temporarily relieves pain;
Surgical treatment is indicated in the absence of improvement (pain relief) after conservative medical treatment. When diagnosing a hernia in the thoracic spine, a discectomy or laminotomy is performed.
Summarizing the above, it should be noted that only a doctor can accurately diagnose and prescribe the necessary course of treatment that suits you.

What kind of sport is possible with a hernia of the spine?
In order to find out whether it is really possible to play sports with the development of formations on the spinal column, it is necessary first of allconsult with your doctor about acceptable types of exercise for this disorder.
Recommended sports for degenerative spinal disorders:
- Pilates is a system of physical exercises performed in static poses that promote the development of the muscular corset. All tasks are performed at a slow pace, no load on the musculoskeletal system is allowed.
- Swimming is the most effective way to renew your motor abilities. Water, due to its properties, reduces the load on the vertebrae, while muscle tissues work intensively and become stronger. It is also worth noting that relaxing the muscles and stretching the spine while swimming reduces pain and spasms.

Therapeutic exercise
All types of hernia exercises have been developed by medical experts. The main focus of the lesson is to strengthen muscle fibers and improve the motor abilities of the individual. The following types of physical activity are prohibited:
- athletics;
- football;
- basketball;
- bodybuilding.