Health 2024, October

Bleeding from the nose: causes and treatment

Bleeding from the nose: causes and treatment

Almost every one of us has experienced the problem of nosebleeds. Often this is due to traumatic injury, but sometimes the causes can be serious diseases

Foreign bodies in the nose: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Foreign bodies in the nose: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

A foreign body in the nose is an object that is stuck in the cavity of the organ. It can be either organic or inorganic in origin. Most often, these problems occur in young children

Eye redness: causes and treatment

Eye redness: causes and treatment

When there is redness of the eyes, we can often hear the expression "vessels burst." It is worth remembering that this requires very serious reasons. This does not happen so often, but redness is a common phenomenon, the reasons for which are many, ranging from various diseases to ordinary physiological factors that are transient

Symptoms and treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

Symptoms and treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

Violation of breathing through the nose as a result of swelling in the nasal concha tissues is called vasomotor rhinitis. Its development is facilitated by the curvature of the nasal septum, the appearance of spikes and ridges in it. Gastrointestinal disorders, long-term hypothermia can contribute to pathology

Tears fingernail: what to do? The nail on the hand comes off after a bruise. Hand nail treatment

Tears fingernail: what to do? The nail on the hand comes off after a bruise. Hand nail treatment

This pathological condition in medical science is called "onycholysis". A common type of acquired onychodystrophy, which is characterized by a violation of the connection between the nail bed and the nail while maintaining the matrix. This phenomenon is clinically manifested by the inability of the nail plate to adhere to the nail bed during its separation from the distal edge

What is the difference between a cold and a virus: the difference and features of diseases

What is the difference between a cold and a virus: the difference and features of diseases

When it's cold season, no one is left behind. Each sick person immediately begins to independently diagnose and begin treatment, but not everything is as simple as it might seem from the outside. For therapy to be effective, it is necessary to understand what the diagnosis is and how a cold differs from a virus. Each violation requires a special approach, so you need to consult a specialist

Lung parenchyma compaction syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Lung parenchyma compaction syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Lung parenchyma is a medical term for part of the respiratory organ. Consists of alveoli, pulmonary interstitium, vascular network, and bronchi. If the patient was assigned a CT scan, then this area will have a uniform structure and a gray tint. Against this background, a specialist can easily distinguish between small vessels, examine the bronchi, identify violations

Swollen eyelids and eye pain - causes

Swollen eyelids and eye pain - causes

A lot of fluid in the intercellular space leads to swollen eyelids. It can appear in one eye or both. This symptom may be evidence of some diseases. The causes of swollen eyelids and treatment are described in the article

Foot fungus in a child: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Foot fungus in a child: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Fungus on the skin is very often diagnosed in older patients. As for this disease in children, this phenomenon is not frequent, but it has the same serious and negative consequences. Previously, indeed, a foot fungus in a child was rare, that is, it was an isolated case, but now it occurs in many

Atrial extrasystole on ECG: causes, signs, treatment

Atrial extrasystole on ECG: causes, signs, treatment

PE (atrial extrasystole) is a heart disease that is expressed in a disturbed rhythm. It is diagnosed in patients of different age groups. This pathology of the organ is characterized by premature contraction that occurs due to electrical signals in the atria. PE is not a malignant condition

Pangiotopoulos syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, dangers, treatment and prevention

Pangiotopoulos syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis, dangers, treatment and prevention

Idiopathic childhood epilepsy, which is characterized by vegetative epileptic seizures with impaired consciousness and gaze deviation, is called Panayotopoulos syndrome. This deviation has a favorable outcome, is treatable, but causes considerable discomfort to the patient and those around him. Each attack can occur with varying degrees of severity, you can never predict

Scoliosis of the back: symptoms, degrees, treatment, exercises

Scoliosis of the back: symptoms, degrees, treatment, exercises

Scoliosis in the back is a dangerous and quite common disease that is diagnosed in both adults and children. It happens to varying degrees and in all parts of the spine. If this pathology is not eliminated, then this can lead to certain complications in systems and organs. This condition of the back is characterized by a curvature of the spine to the right, to the left, forward and backward, but there are cases when it is around all its axes. Scoliosis is most often diagnosed in children

Causes of VVD: symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, treatment

Causes of VVD: symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, treatment

VSD manifests itself in different ways and is accompanied by appropriate symptoms. To eliminate the disease, you need not only to undergo a thorough examination, but also pay attention to non-drug treatment and alternative methods of therapy. With such a diagnosis, patients are advised to restore the overall balance in the body, correct the condition and functionality of the nervous system

Ear polyp: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Ear polyp: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

A polyp in the ear develops during the inflammatory process or after it. It occurs in patients of different age groups, there are several types, on which therapy often depends. This disease is accompanied by appropriate symptoms that help in the diagnosis. Treatment is prescribed on the basis of the examination, carried out in a complex

How to relieve dry cough: types, causes, home treatments and drugs

How to relieve dry cough: types, causes, home treatments and drugs

Dry cough is a serious disorder that makes you feel worse, so you need to take care of your he alth. Exclude any provoking factors, especially for children and pregnant women. If you have any questions, you can always seek additional advice from a specialist who will tell you what to do in a given situation, but do not resort to self-treatment

Red flaky spots on the body: causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Red flaky spots on the body: causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Very often you can see red flaky spots on the face and body. They arise as a result of various provoking factors. These rashes all over the body are accompanied by various symptoms. Spots are diagnosed most often in women over 30 years old, and infants and adolescents are also at risk. Treatment will depend on the diagnosis. Therapy involves the use of oral medications and topical agents

Pain in the anus in women and men: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Pain in the anus in women and men: causes, diagnosis and treatment

If you have discomfort in the anus, you should visit a proctologist. This symptomatology is accompanied by many diseases of the rectum, as well as other disorders. Diagnosis is carried out in different ways, and treatment is prescribed based on the diagnosis. To eliminate pain in the anus, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures

Balanoposthitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Balanoposthitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease diagnosed mainly in boys. Pathology affects the head of the penis and the inside of the foreskin. The process is accompanied by severe symptoms, which significantly worsens the patient's life. It is possible to diagnose balanoposthitis in children with an external examination. Based on the results obtained, therapy is prescribed, which involves the use of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory ointments, baths, washing

Venous stasis: degrees, symptoms and treatment

Venous stasis: degrees, symptoms and treatment

Venous congestion, or venous congestion - a deviation that is accompanied by impaired blood flow. At the same time, there is an increased filling of tissues with blood, since the outflow in this situation is difficult or there was an opening of previously clogged venous vessels. There are two types - general and local. This disease can be diagnosed in different parts of the body and be accompanied by appropriate symptoms. Treatment is selected depending on the type of pathology

Serous meningitis: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Serous meningitis: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

A disease that is characterized by an inflammatory process in the pia mater and has a serous character is called serous meningitis. This pathology occurs as a result of the penetration of viruses, bacteria, fungi into the body, as well as due to previous systemic diseases, neoplasms and cerebral cysts

Eczema on the face: causes and treatments

Eczema on the face: causes and treatments

Eczema is an inflammatory skin disease. Refers to chronic pathologies, has a neuro-allergic nature. Accompanied by severe symptoms, it can be diagnosed in different parts of the body. Eczema on the face is a common disease among both children and adults. It is not considered contagious and cannot be passed from one patient to another

Hemorrhagic vasculitis: treatment, photos and consequences

Hemorrhagic vasculitis: treatment, photos and consequences

Schonlein's disease - Henoch, or hemorrhagic vasculitis, is an inflammatory disease that affects not only the human vascular system, but also the skin, joints, gastrointestinal tract, and renal glomeruli. This pathology is equally developed among both children and adults. Diagnosis is based on various research methods, and treatment of vasculitis involves the use of anticoagulants

Purpura - what is it? Meaning

Purpura - what is it? Meaning

Purpura is the process of staining the patient's skin or mucous surface due to the release of red blood cells from vessels or capillaries. This disease is of several types. It occurs as a result of various provoking factors, accompanied by symptoms, which will depend on the type of pathology. Diagnosed in both children and adults. After a thorough examination, treatment is prescribed, folk remedies can also be used

Polyps of the rectum: symptoms and treatment

Polyps of the rectum: symptoms and treatment

A benign formation located on the inner wall of the intestine is called a polyp. They have different sizes, can be single or multiple, in any situation, rectal polyps are considered a dangerous pathology that needs to be treated in a timely manner. The disease is accompanied by a variety of symptoms. Diagnosed in both adults and children. The risk of developing polyps increases with age

What is epilepsy? Causes, symptoms and treatment

What is epilepsy? Causes, symptoms and treatment

What is epilepsy? This is a disease that many associate with seizures, convulsions and other unpleasant symptoms. But in fact, everything is not so. Very often, the pathology goes differently, so people are not always able to identify it and provide timely assistance

Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in newborns: causes, severity, treatment, consequences

Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in newborns: causes, severity, treatment, consequences

The birth of children is a rather unforeseen process, and often as a result of this the child's he alth suffers. Brain defects resulting from asphyxia and hypoxia during the period of expectation of the baby have a particular threat to the well-being of the child. Such a pathology can cause IVH (intraventricular hemorrhage) in newly born babies. Read more in the article

Red spots on the back of the head in an adult: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Red spots on the back of the head in an adult: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

The skin often acts as a kind of marker indicating the presence of internal pathologies. However, in some cases, problems with the dermis are due to other reasons. These include red spots on the head that occur with an allergic reaction, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, or lichen. Also, such neoplasms occur when the skin is damaged

Nose bleeds every day: causes and what to do

Nose bleeds every day: causes and what to do

It happens that adults or children have nosebleeds. Often this phenomenon is not dangerous, but it has a certain reason. It often seems that the pathology manifests itself by itself: nothing disturbed, and the bleeding suddenly began. But this is an erroneous opinion: there is a reason, and often there is more than one. Why does the nose bleed every day and what to do when it appears? How to stop an unpleasant process and whether it is necessary to seek medical help - we will discuss all issues in the article

Burning in the back of the head: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Burning in the back of the head: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Burning in the neck and back of the head - an unpleasant sensation, occurs in rare cases in patients. Such a condition can appear unexpectedly, at the most inopportune moment for any reason of exposure to the scalp or without any specific reason. In any case, it is initially important to determine the provoking factor of such a condition in order to know how to start treatment and take preventive measures to prevent the development of the disease

Treatment and prevention of kidney disease

Treatment and prevention of kidney disease

The kidneys play an important role in regulating blood pressure by producing hormones. Kidney hormones such as erythropoietin control the production of blood cells in the bone marrow. The kidneys also affect the amount of calcium in the blood and the production of vitamin D. This vitamin is essential for mineralization, which helps keep bones strong

Genital neurasthenia: causes, symptoms and treatments

Genital neurasthenia: causes, symptoms and treatments

In our time, an increasing number of the country's population is exposed to psychological illnesses. Sexual neurasthenia implies a significant problem that deprives an adult of a full-fledged existence

Swelling of the nasal mucosa in children: causes and treatment. List of vasoconstrictor drops for children

Swelling of the nasal mucosa in children: causes and treatment. List of vasoconstrictor drops for children

Edema is the excess production and accumulation of fluid in body tissues. With swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose or eyes, it swells and increases secretion, manifested by all the well-known runny nose and lacrimation. And how much trouble these symptoms that occur with colds, allergies, flu bring

What is hypertension: causes, degrees, stages of risk, diagnosis, treatment

What is hypertension: causes, degrees, stages of risk, diagnosis, treatment

Hypertension is a very common disease, especially among people over 40 years of age. It occurs on average in 10-20% of the adult population. If you lead the wrong way of life and ignore the first signs of the disease, then it begins to progress

How is barley treated? Medicines and folk remedies for barley

How is barley treated? Medicines and folk remedies for barley

Barley - inflammation of the tissues of the eyelid, which can be complicated by the formation of purulent masses. Pathology needs timely elimination. Indeed, in a neglected state, the spread of inflammatory processes to large areas of adjacent tissues is often observed. For the purpose of treatment, both pharmacological preparations and a wide range of folk remedies can be used

Pisyak on the eye: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Pisyak on the eye: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Pisyak on the eye is the popular name for such a problem as barley. Many people have experienced it at least once in their lives. Pathology delivers a lot of discomfort, as it is inflammation of the eyelid

Upper eyelid prolapse: causes, treatment methods, photos and reviews

Upper eyelid prolapse: causes, treatment methods, photos and reviews

The muscles of the face over time or as a result of some pathologies have the ability to lose tone, weaken. As a result, a skin fold is formed, sagging is an unpleasant cosmetic defect. I want to get rid of him as soon as possible, because he spoils the appearance. Especially often there is a drooping of the upper eyelid of this area of the face down. It makes the look heavy, ugly and inexpressive

Diabetic retinopathy: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

Diabetic retinopathy: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

The World He alth Organization is sounding the alarm. The fact is that every day the number of people with diabetes is becoming more and more. The International Diabetes Association estimates that by 2030 one in nine people on the planet will have diabetes. Diabetes itself is not as dangerous as the complications it causes

Bubble on the skin. Why might he appear?

Bubble on the skin. Why might he appear?

Such a phenomenon as a bubble on the skin, popularly called "pimple". These small "troubles" can unsettle for the whole day. There can be several varieties of acne, and there can also be many reasons why they appear. In this article we will tell you why small transparent bubbles appear on the skin

Diseases of the salivary glands: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Diseases of the salivary glands: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

In modern medicine, the inflammatory process in the area of the salivary glands is called sialadenitis. It should be noted that the disease can affect almost any salivary glands

Pituitary tumor: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Pituitary tumor: symptoms, treatment and consequences

According to statistics, a pituitary tumor is diagnosed in men and women with the same frequency. It cannot be argued that one of them is more susceptible to such a disease. However, most patients come with pathologies at the age of 30-40, so they can be included in the risk group