The clarity of vision and the he alth of the visual organs are laid down in the womb, and this bookmark is influenced by how the pregnancy, childbirth went, and how the visual organ was maintained during growing up. With the help of the eyes, we receive about 90% of all information about the world. This is new knowledge, impressions, bright colors, new people and places - all through the eyes into the brain. With our eyes we see, with our eyes we express our feelings, emotions, eyes can tell a lot about us to others. The eyes are an aesthetic organ that draws our attention when meeting. Soul eyes, cold, kind, burning - a mysterious organ directly connected with our soul.
As vision deteriorates

Visual organs are not only the eyes, but also the optic nerves, the analyzing organ, the cerebral cortex, the right and left hemispheres of the brain, the central and peripheral nervous system, as well as memory and the selective part of the mind. And all this works in harmony every second, forming pictures for the brain.seen to process information and respond to what he saw. This important organ is as prone to disease as any other.
Forced immobilization of the eyes when working with a computer, reading, wearing glasses - the first factor in deteriorating vision, when there is an uneven distribution of the curvature of the eyeball for focusing. There are several acquired pathologies of the eyes that occur as a result of their improper operation, overstrain, and fatigue. Scientists in many countries have come to the conclusion that visual impairment is the result of an altered environment in which strong tension and immobility of the visual organs are required.
Lazy Eye
Amblyopia - reduced or weakened vision. In cases where distorted information comes from one eye to the brain, it is more difficult for the brain to process it and it gradually stops sending signals to this eye. As a result, the eye becomes lazy, idle, inactive.
Already from infancy, a similar defect can develop due to the uncomfortable position of the crib, when the baby is forced to work with one eye to see the incoming mother. Or a blanket creeps over one eye, a cap. In this case, one eye gets a review of the bright world, and the other - a wall or interfering fabric. At the same time, the amblyopic eye is ignored by the brain as it carries little information. In such a situation, the ability to read may worsen, eye movement may be disturbed.
With mild amblyopia, the brain copes with the redistribution of the load on both eyes. More often in such a situation,weakened eye, the information does not fall into focus and is not processed, only from the dominant working body.
Gradually an imbalance develops and the brain cannot cope with the coordination of both eyes. A weakened organ is "left to itself" and does not synchronize movements with a he althy one. This is how strabismus or strabismus develops.
Constantly squinting towards the door where mom enters, towards bright toys or the TV can lead to the formation of this disease.

Myopia or myopia - often develops from school, especially in assiduous children who are able to sit over books and cramming to "nausea". Myopia occurs when there is a violation of refraction, that is, the focusing of an image that occurs not on the retina, but in front of it. That is why all close objects are clearly visible, and distant objects are blurry, and in order to focus on them, you have to strain your eyes and squint. As a result, there are headaches, tension in the eyes, constant discomfort during classes, the gradual development of psychological disorders.
Poor vision and heredity
Many ophthalmologists claim that pathologies of the visual organs are transmitted from parents to children. But scientists who are deeply involved in the pathologies of the eye organs (W. Bates, F. V. Young, S. Troitskaya) argue that heredity has nothing to do with matters of vision. The only reason, for example, myopia, is prolonged work with nearby objects. Usually both parents and theirchildren are exposed to the same environmental conditions. For example, the family tradition of frequent reading of books, needlework, work with small parts of the whole - at a close distance from the eyes.
Visual therapy
Before purchasing glasses, you should try exercises for the eyes with myopia, which, as one of the progressive ophthalmologists of our time, W. Bates, would restore vision. But at the same time, glasses, if they are prescribed, should be worn for a minimum amount of time, only in extremely necessary cases when you need to read or write. Visual therapy is eye training that increases the energy potential of the focusing system without building muscle mass in the eye muscles. As a result of visual therapy, the eyes become stronger. The effect of such training on the eyes can only be compared with the modernization of a car engine.

With proper and systematic exercise for the muscles of the eyes, the following results appear:
- increases the natural focusing power of the eyes;
- reduces the risk of major eye diseases;
- preventive effect preventing further deterioration of vision, as a result - no need to order stronger lenses over time;
- provides "relaxed" vision and improves eye coordination;
- getting rid of systematic headaches and visual fatigue caused by working with a computer;
- reduces sensitivity to bright light;
- the ability to read fluently and deep awareness of printed text increases.
Ophthalmologists who advocate non-surgical vision correction insist on a strong relationship between vision and the psychological aspect. Anger, irritation, fatigue, shame - all this directly affects the ability to clearly see objects. For effective education of children in schools, it is necessary to remove the psychological burden from the pressure of the modern education system, which heavily loads the visual system of children, by introducing a healing set of exercises for the eyes. They cannot clearly see anything unfamiliar in the state of stress that the nervous system is in during learning. The eyes look at a familiar object without the effort and tension so necessary when looking at new objects.
Eye exercise to improve eyesight
Regardless of which eye is looking - poor near or far vision, his vision is normal if he looks at an empty surface without trying to see anything. But in a situation where children learn to read, write, draw, sew, or anything that requires a detailed examination of objects located nearby, there are always distortions in the focus of the eyes and a decrease in the clarity of the objects in question.
Children need daily eye exercises to avoid perpetuating distorted focus. To do this, you need to learn to look at unfamiliar objects, letters, without considering them, without tension. This can be achieved with a checklist and daily training in distance vision. When usingThis method improved distance vision - children without difficulty and distortion in vision worked effortlessly and at close range.

Parents can organize similar exercises for the eyes of the child at home, before homework. Instead of a checklist, you can read any text with a gradually decreasing font, which will always be in front of the child's eyes exactly in the place where he does his homework.
For such an exercise for the eyes to restore vision, ophthalmological tables with separate letters turn out to be ineffective. Whole words work better, age-appropriate and understandable for his perception, which are better to hang on the wall to which the child often turns his eyes: on the door of his room, opposite his bed.
Table words should be well lit. Working with a table should not be boring, it is better to turn it into a game. First, let him choose the distance from which he will read the words without tension. To read the next line, let the baby come closer. It's not scary if he tries to remember the words. Familiar objects are easy to see, so this memorization is useful - it helps to relax the eyes. Remembering familiar objects helps vision. But do not force the child to exercise in order to avoid psychological stress.
Exercise "pirate" bandage

Poor vision is often the result of an unhe althy state of mind. Glasses sometimes smooth out the negative impact of the psyche on the eyesand slightly improve mental properties. But the anomalous state of mind does not disappear with glasses and even often worsens.
When one eye poorly transmits information about what it sees to the brain, the latter hesitates when deciding which eye to take the information from as ideal and, of course, constantly chooses a clearer picture, ignoring information from a weak eye. As a result, a he althy eye works for two, overstraining, and a weak eye slowly atrophies from idleness.
To make the weak eye work, you need to let it work, and give the strong one a little rest. To do this, it is enough to regularly do an eye exercise to improve vision by constructing a "pirate" bandage to cover a strong eye with it. You can use any frame without glasses, covering the area of \u200b\u200bthe he althy eye with thick, dark paper. Wear the bandage regularly, first for half an hour a day, then increasing the time.
Eye baths
Inadequate circulation due to poor conductivity of the vessels of the head and eyes is the root cause of the lack of nutrition and oxygen, which leads to a permanent deterioration in the quality of vision. It is useful to practice eye tonic exercises to improve vision in myopia in the form of a procedure for the vessels of the eye organs, restoring blood supply to the eye.
For the procedure, you will need clean chilled water, poured into a container suitable for the size of the face. For a few seconds, immerse your face in water and open your eyes, blinking in the water several times. Raising your head, blink your eyes and repeat the dive 2-3 more times. The procedure will bring great benefits and an excellent therapeutic effect with a total duration of baths of at least 20-30 seconds.
No less important is the cooling effect of the bath. A large flow of heat rushes to the cooled area at the same time. Such a revitalizing and warming wave creates conditions for the influx of nutrients, improves blood circulation, cleansing and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, increasing their metabolism.
Contrasting lotions for the eyes are very useful - with alternating very hot tampons with very cold ones. Instead of hot swabs, it is better to use a small terry towel soaked in hot water and apply on the eyes, alternating with cold swabs. During this 3-minute procedure, the eye vessels are powerfully stimulated, expanding and warming up, then sharply narrowing - excellent stimulation of blood circulation.
Eye solarization

The sun is both drink and food for the eyes. The healing properties of sunlight have been known since ancient times, when it was possible to help people with what kind of eye exercises for serious diseases - contemplation of the sun at sunset.
To saturate the eyes with the light of solar life-giving energy, it is necessary to look at the setting sun and during sunrise. 10-15 minutes a day of calm morning or evening contemplation is enough to nourish the eyes with energy, strength and beauty.
Solarization is difficult to do right away for those who have photophobia of the eyes for various reasons. Therefore, it is better to do this eye exercise to improve vision.step by step.
The first stage. Find a place at the turn of shadow and light so that one half of the body is in the shade and the other is in the sun. Without glasses, turn your face with closed eyes towards the sun, slowly turning your head so that your eyes alternately turn into the sun, then into the shade.
It is convenient to do this stage, swaying from foot to foot, or you can make big turns. Such a technique is completely safe and not harmful to the eyes, even with severe photophobia.
Second stage. Position yourself facing the sun with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your head, close your eyes and make big turns to the right, then to the left alternately, repeating to yourself: "The sun is to the right, the sun is to the left …". Verbal accompaniment of the exercise helps not to “stick” your eyes to the sun and prevents possible dizziness.
Such exercises for eyes with myopia do not particularly require special conditions: it can be done wherever there is sun. It can be a bus stop, on the street, on a park alley, near your entrance, on a balcony. No need to look for specially secluded places.
The third stage consists in alternating sliding eyes either on the sun or on the ground. In this case, one eye must be covered with a palm or a bandage. With alternating eye movement, it is necessary to blink both eyes at the same time and breathe calmly. And then combine both eyes together. It is very important to restore the normal reaction of the eyes to sunlight, without the use of tinted glasses. A comfortable response to sunlight is an element of eye relaxation, without whichmay have normal vision.
Sunlight maintains the he alth of the eye system in excellent condition and strengthens weak eyes, improving their metabolism, clearing them of toxins. Eyes after such an exercise with myopia always relax, blood circulation improves, vision is corrected, inflamed eyelids return to normal.
Relaxing palming

Palming is an artificial darkening of the eyes with the help of palms. This is an effective eye exercise according to Norbekov. To perform palming, you need to sit astride a chair and rest your elbows on the table to which the chair is moved. Close your eyes with your palms, spreading your fingers. It is necessary to achieve an imaginary absolute blackness or visualize black objects - ink, curtains, soot, a black fur coat, or imagine painting the space in front of the eyes with ink or black printing ink. The more uniform the darkness represented, the better the vision develops.
Visualization or mental vision gives a physical response. When presented with clear images, the eyes see them without distortion, without unhe althy refraction, which is a model for the physiological vision of the eyes.
To correct refraction during imaging, it is necessary to consider distant objects with myopia and nearby objects with farsightedness. The eye exercises in the reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Palming with black relaxes the muscles of the eyes and activates the nervous system of the retina, nourishing it with new forces. Palming relaxes not only the eyes, but the wholepsycho-emotional sphere of a person, being the best exercise for the eyes.