Lung parenchyma is a medical term for part of the respiratory organ. Consists of alveoli, pulmonary interstitium, vascular network, and bronchi. If the patient was assigned a CT scan, then this area will have a uniform structure and a gray tint. Against this background, a specialist can easily distinguish between small vessels, examine the bronchi, and identify violations. The density of the fabric should be uniform, ranging from -700 to -900 HU. If there are any deviations in the indicators, then this indicates the development of pathology and urgent intervention is required. Treatment is prescribed exclusively by a specialist, self-therapy should be completely excluded.

What is "lung parenchymal thickening syndrome"?
This disorder is not diagnosed so often and is a complex symptom, which is characterized by pathological processes in the lung tissue under the influence ofvarious pathogenic mechanisms. Compaction can be observed with inflammatory infiltration of various etiologies, as well as as a result of edema of this area of the respiratory organ, with atelectasis, pulmonary infarction, due to the occurrence of a proliferative process.

Changes in the lung parenchyma may not be in the entire area, but only in some segments and lobes. Such pathological processes in most cases are unilateral, but there are exceptions. Only a specialist can determine based on the results of the examination.
It is worth considering the fact that at the initial stage of compaction in the lung parenchyma there is still a small amount of air. As the deviation develops, it will resolve.
Pathophysiological mechanisms
Condensation is observed as a result of various pathological processes occurring in the body. It comes from:
- Development of pneumonia, pulmonary edema.
- Lack of air in a certain segment or lobe of the lung parenchyma due to blockage of the bronchial lumen, resulting in poor blood saturation in this area.
- Development of replacement or neoplastic processes in the respiratory organ.
As mentioned above, the seal is one-sided, as well as two-sided. The second type of deviation is diagnosed in patients as a result of such processes as edema, poisoning of the body with a variety of asphyxiating substances and gases, bilateral pneumonia.

Unilateral compaction of the lung parenchyma can develop due to lobar pneumonia, focal tissue fibrosis, tuberculosis, infarction of this respiratory organ, cancer with atelectasis, complications in the form of bronchial obstruction.
This compaction syndrome, like other diseases and pathologies, is accompanied by appropriate signs that will help in diagnosing. When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately contact the clinic for qualified help, while avoiding self-medication.
In this situation, the patient may complain about:
- chest discomfort;
- heaviness;
- voice tremor;
- noise and wheezing when breathing.
Also, with pathological processes in the lung parenchyma, the patient may also notice such symptoms as nausea, dizziness, problems with appetite. Such deviations worsen the general condition, quality of life and cause considerable discomfort. The syndrome in most cases is combined with intoxication, and if extensive damage to the tissues of the respiratory organ is diagnosed, then pulmonary insufficiency is observed in parallel.

How is the diagnosis made?
To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe high-quality treatment, it is recommended to carry out differential diagnostics, which is multi-stage and very complex. To determine the lung parenchyma syndrome, the specialist recommends undergoing examinations such as:
- Computed tomography.
- X-ray (instead of CT).
- Biochemical blood test.
Attention is also paid to concomitant diseases that develop in the body and provoke deviation. Depending on this, other types of examinations may be prescribed.
Lung parenchymal thickening: treatment
Therapy of this deviation is of two types - etiotropic and pathogenetic. It is mandatory to carry out treatment that eliminates comorbidities, that is, provocateur factors. The patient is advised to take antibacterial drugs, pay attention to detoxification methods, correct respiratory and hemodynamic disorders. This technique is suitable in the presence of pneumonia and is carried out without delay.
If the causes of the deviation are established correctly and in a timely manner, then the therapy will have a positive trend, and will lead to a significant improvement in the condition. Be sure to eat right, give up bad habits, follow the recommendations of a specialist.