Health 2024, October

How to treat gastritis at home: medications, folk remedies and diet

How to treat gastritis at home: medications, folk remedies and diet

The article provides general information about what gastritis is. Methods of treatment at home are described. The material contains a list of the most popular drugs, as well as prescriptions for treating the disease if it is impossible to get to a specialist. The most common factors provoking the development of pathology are given

Causes and symptoms of chronic gastritis

Causes and symptoms of chronic gastritis

The article provides answers to questions related to the symptoms and treatment of chronic gastritis. How to recognize the disease and whom to contact? What needs to be done to make the disease go away forever? The main clinical measures for making an accurate diagnosis are listed

Obstructive intestinal obstruction: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Obstructive intestinal obstruction: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Obstructive intestinal obstruction - a disease characterized by a violation (up to a complete stop) of the movement of the food bolus through the gastrointestinal tract, which develops due to various reasons

The bruise under the eye does not pass: causes and methods of treatment

The bruise under the eye does not pass: causes and methods of treatment

A black eye is not only for wrestlers, alcoholics and fallen personalities. Such a nuisance can happen to absolutely anyone, and even to a girl. It can appear both in the case of intentional actions of another person, and as a result of careless actions of the owner of the hematoma. The question of how many days a bruise passes under the eye becomes immediately relevant for those who have unsuccessfully knocked

Lump between the ribs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Lump between the ribs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Any visible or tangible formations on the body cause anxiety in a person and become a reason for immediate medical attention. What can seals between the ribs signal? Here's what the doctors say about it

Toenail turned white: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment

Toenail turned white: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment

Features of the appearance of the nail plate in individuals often act as a defining symptom in establishing an accurate diagnosis. Most of them have a completely reasonable explanation, others indicate deviations in the work of the body. Many complain of brittleness and delamination of nails. What can they talk about? Is it true that a person has an infectious or fungal disease if the toenail turns white. What to do in this case?

The incubation period of chlamydia in women: features, symptoms and treatment

The incubation period of chlamydia in women: features, symptoms and treatment

Bacteria and viruses are unwanted guests in the human body, which can be quite difficult to get rid of. The incubation period of any disease can be compared with the period of settling and getting used to uninvited guests. This article will discuss what is the incubation period of chlamydia, what are its terms, methods of treatment and prevention

Contracture of the lower jaw: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Contracture of the lower jaw: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Mandibular contractures are characterized by the reduction of the jaws due to pathological changes in the soft tissues in the face. In most cases, this pathology is an acquired disease. This pathology occurs due to traumatic and inflammatory changes in the joints of the subcutaneous tissue, the skin itself, nerve fibers, masticatory muscles, parotid-temporal fixation

It hurts the temple and eyes, what should I do? Pain in the temples: causes

It hurts the temple and eyes, what should I do? Pain in the temples: causes

Many people wonder what to do when their whiskey hurts, because a headache can make life really unbearable. But the exact cause can only be determined by an osteopath or neurologist, ophthalmologist or therapist

Pain in the forearm in the hand: causes, treatment

Pain in the forearm in the hand: causes, treatment

One of the most durable bone joints is the shoulder joint. Due to its structure, it can withstand fairly large loads and at the same time retain its functionality. But even he has a certain limit, upon reaching which inflammatory processes begin, as well as the subsequent destruction of bone and cartilage components. The fact that a certain process is developing that requires treatment can be reported by pain in the forearm in the hand

Rickets in children: symptoms and treatment

Rickets in children: symptoms and treatment

Rickets is a word many parents know. This is one of the most common diseases in children during the first two years of life. This disease mainly affects the bones

Symptoms of whooping cough in a child, stages of the disease and treatment

Symptoms of whooping cough in a child, stages of the disease and treatment

Whooping cough is a dangerous respiratory infection caused by bacteria. The most characteristic symptom for him is a spasmodic cough with attacks. In most cases, they suffer from preschool children. This disease is especially dangerous for babies under two years of age

You need to know: symptoms and treatment of gastritis

You need to know: symptoms and treatment of gastritis

It often happens that the symptoms of gastritis are very mild, the patient simply suffers discomfort and does not go to the doctor. Gastritis remains and passes into the chronic stage. The mucous membrane of the stomach is constantly inflamed, and sometimes inflammation can go to a deeper layer of the gastric walls

Fetal hypoxia - symptoms and treatment

Fetal hypoxia - symptoms and treatment

There is enough talk about hypoxia today. This term can be heard by any future mother in the antenatal clinic, the maternity ward, as well as at the appointment with a pediatric neurologist after the birth of a baby. The thing is that hypoxia is the result of any complications during pregnancy or childbirth, which can then adversely affect the development of the child. Therefore, it is worth thinking about prevention in advance

Itchy feet - what to do?

Itchy feet - what to do?

Surely many people know firsthand what an unpleasant feeling of discomfort you experience when your feet itch. At the same time, the degree of inconvenience increases in the summer, when the skin on the lower extremities in problem areas begins to crack and coarsen - naturally, you don’t want to go barefoot along the beach in this form

How to cure your back at home?

How to cure your back at home?

Alas, almost every person in his life faces such an unpleasant problem as back pain, and not everyone is in a hurry to see a doctor. What remains to be done? Treat at home. In this article, we will tell you what the main causes lead to pain and how to cure your back at home

Jaundice: signs in children, main causes and features of treatment

Jaundice: signs in children, main causes and features of treatment

Jaundice is still not a separate disease, it is rather a sign or a kind of signal that something abnormal is happening in the body

What is mumps? Causes, treatment and prevention

What is mumps? Causes, treatment and prevention

Surely many mothers, in whose families boys grow up, know about such a disease as mumps. After all, boys are affected twice as often as girls. And those who have no idea what kind of disease it is, and treat it carelessly, refusing to vaccinate their child, are simply obliged to get to know this disease better

Laparoscopy of the kidneys: postoperative period, diet, consequences

Laparoscopy of the kidneys: postoperative period, diet, consequences

Laparoscopic intervention is a surgical method, which consists in performing an operation through small punctures. Their number does not exceed 5-6 pieces, and the dimensions are minimal (5-10 mm). Laparoscopy avoids a long rehabilitation period, and the suture remains much smaller

Constant feeling of hunger: reasons for what to do

Constant feeling of hunger: reasons for what to do

A constant feeling of hunger can indicate both the presence of a disease and the wrong lifestyle leading to this phenomenon. Only a specialist can determine the exact cause of constant hunger. Nature has many functions in the human brain that help to remove waste products, monitor sleep, and prevent starvation

How to determine whether the kidneys or back hurt: description, characteristic signs and features of treatment

How to determine whether the kidneys or back hurt: description, characteristic signs and features of treatment

Lower pain is a common ailment. Many people are in no hurry to go to the doctor and self-medicate. By jumping to conclusions, we harm ourselves. After all, a warming ointment will be powerless if inflammatory processes are going on in the body. Today we will talk about how to determine whether the kidneys or the back hurt?

Polyarthritis - what is it? Description, symptoms, types, treatment

Polyarthritis - what is it? Description, symptoms, types, treatment

Depending on the type of disease, the causes of polyarthritis may differ. Infectious polyarthritis develops as a result of previously transferred infectious diseases, for example, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, brucellosis, etc

Inflammation and pinching of the sciatic nerve. Treatment at home

Inflammation and pinching of the sciatic nerve. Treatment at home

A pinched sciatic nerve is called sciatica. In this case, a person has various unpleasant sensations (burning and tingling in the lower back), which are transmitted to the thighs and to the outer side of the lower leg. This results in limited movement

Stomach hurts and sick: what to do to help yourself

Stomach hurts and sick: what to do to help yourself

Any discomfort that appears in our body cannot be ignored. Unfortunately, when some symptoms appear, we are in no hurry to consult a doctor, hoping that the disease will go away on its own

Parents' anxiety: at what age does the head open in boys

Parents' anxiety: at what age does the head open in boys

Many parents, especially mothers, are concerned about the question: at what age does the head open in boys. Most often, from birth, it is fused with special adhesions (synechia), which do not allow it to fully open or completely exclude this process. This phenomenon is called physiological phimosis and is temporary

The tailbone hurts when I sit: causes and methods for solving the problem

The tailbone hurts when I sit: causes and methods for solving the problem

Pain in the coccyx can be caused by both damage to the bone itself and damage to the muscular environment with nerve elements. Based on numerous studies, it was concluded that the main reason for such a complaint as: “The tailbone hurts when I sit!” is a spasm of those muscles of the pelvic floor that attach to the coccyx

How to quickly cure a runny nose at home? Adviсe

How to quickly cure a runny nose at home? Adviсe

During a runny nose, a person experiences discomfort. The eyes begin to water, breathing becomes difficult, the sense of smell worsens. The only desire that arises in this situation is to quickly get rid of nasal congestion. Let's look at how to quickly cure a runny nose at home

How to treat s alt deposits in the cervical region

How to treat s alt deposits in the cervical region

Deposition of s alts in the cervical region often occurs due to a violation of both water and s alt metabolism in the body. This can lead to very serious consequences: osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis. The fact is that in this area there are such nerves and vessels through which food is supplied to the tissues of the face, skull and neck. That is why it is necessary to start dealing with this problem in a timely manner. Otherwise, muscle weakness, fatigue and headaches cannot be avoided

Treatment of adenoids in children without surgery. Key Aspects

Treatment of adenoids in children without surgery. Key Aspects

Adenoids are lymphoid tissue that protects the nasopharynx from various infections. Sometimes - in the process of growth - they cease to fulfill the function assigned to them by nature and become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria

Treatment of joints with drugs and traditional medicine

Treatment of joints with drugs and traditional medicine

The elderly are most susceptible to joint diseases. Although today this disease is also found in young people, albeit rarely, but it happens. In fact, this is an acute inflammatory disease of the joints, usually of a chronic nature (arthritis, arthrosis). Fortunately, if not cured, then long-term remission can be achieved, which is very good. The treatment of joints with folk methods, as well as medications, is popular. We will look at both methods

What is a hollow foot? Hollow foot treatment: insoles, exercises

What is a hollow foot? Hollow foot treatment: insoles, exercises

What is a hollow foot? You can find a photo of this pathology in the presented article. We will also define the disease in question, identify the causes of its occurrence, list the symptoms and talk about treatment

Hemophilia - what is this disease? How is hemophilia transmitted and what are the symptoms?

Hemophilia - what is this disease? How is hemophilia transmitted and what are the symptoms?

For most ignorant people, hemophilia is the so-called royal disease, they know about it only from history: they say, Tsarevich Alexei suffered from it. Due to a lack of knowledge, people often believe that ordinary people cannot get hemophilia. There is an opinion that it affects only ancient genera. However, hemophilia is a hereditary disease, and any child whose ancestors had such a disease can get it

Which blood pressure monitor to choose?

Which blood pressure monitor to choose?

How to choose the right blood pressure monitor, what they are, how they differ and what are their advantages and disadvantages - you can read about all this in the text below

Down's disease: causes and symptoms

Down's disease: causes and symptoms

Down's disease is the name of the disease, familiar to everyone, but at the same time, few people really know what its peculiarity is and what kind of people suffering from it. The symptoms of the disease were first described in 1866 by the English scientist John Langdon Down

Cough shock symptom. Method for determining the inflammatory process in the abdominal organs

Cough shock symptom. Method for determining the inflammatory process in the abdominal organs

Abdominal hernia manifests itself as a protrusion of an entire internal organ or its separate part through the gate into the subcutaneous region of the anterior wall of the body or into the resulting pocket. In half of the cases, the organs exit the abdominal cavity simultaneously with the parietal peritoneal sheet covering the subcutaneous space from the inside. A characteristic manifestation of a hernia is a symptom of a cough shock

Causes of infection with Lassa fever. Symptoms, treatment and diagnosis

Causes of infection with Lassa fever. Symptoms, treatment and diagnosis

How is Lassa fever transmitted? What symptoms are observed in this case? First aid measures, the course of the disease - more on this later in the article

Angina in infants: causes, symptoms, treatment

Angina in infants: causes, symptoms, treatment

Angina in infants is an inflammation of the tonsils of bacterial etiology. In infancy, this pathology is quite rare. At the age of 1 year, the baby's tonsils are still very poorly developed. However, it is impossible to completely exclude such a disease in an infant. Infants become infected with angina by airborne droplets from parents or other family members. Most often this occurs with a decrease in immunity in a child

Is angina transmitted by airborne droplets?

Is angina transmitted by airborne droplets?

Is angina transmitted? Why is angina dangerous? The infection is transmitted from a sick person through contact or through the air. If you want to protect your child from illness, teach your child to harden and run. Increases immunity and the use of bee products. Angina is really more dangerous than we used to think, because it gives severe complications to the kidneys and heart

The nail exfoliates: causes and treatment

The nail exfoliates: causes and treatment

Why do nails exfoliate? The reasons can be very different, but they can be divided into two groups: external, associated with local exposure to adverse factors, and internal, which result in weakness and thinning of the nail plate

Toes. Description

Toes. Description

The toes have a phalangeal structure. As well as on the brush, on the first - two phalanges, and on the others - three