Health 2024, October

Neutrophils are reduced: causes, possible diseases, norm and deviations, methods of treatment, reviews

Neutrophils are reduced: causes, possible diseases, norm and deviations, methods of treatment, reviews

Neutrophils are white blood cells that take an active part in the body's immune response. They are the largest group of leukocytes. When foreign agents enter the body, they are one of the first to rush to fight them. If neutrophils are reduced, this may indicate both the failure of the immune system and the body's immune response to various viruses and infections

Folic deficiency anemia: causes, symptoms, treatment

Folic deficiency anemia: causes, symptoms, treatment

The mysterious diagnosis of "folate deficiency anemia" can be heard quite often. What does it mean? First of all, confirmation of this condition indicates an insufficient amount of vitamin B12 or B9 (folate) in the blood

Popliteal artery: anatomy and topography. Popliteal artery pathology

Popliteal artery: anatomy and topography. Popliteal artery pathology

Politeal artery: location, anatomy and topography. Pathology of the popliteal artery: causes and manifestations of thrombosis and aneurysm of the popliteal artery

Heel bone: diseases and treatment

Heel bone: diseases and treatment

The article describes various diseases of the calcaneus and methods of their treatment. In conclusion, it is told about important preventive measures

Human median nerve: description, anatomy and structural features. Symptoms of damage to the median nerve

Human median nerve: description, anatomy and structural features. Symptoms of damage to the median nerve

Even a minor injury to the hand can lead to the fact that the median nerve is affected and the mobility of the hand is impaired. It is advisable not to leave the problem without the attention of a doctor

Flaccid paralysis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Flaccid paralysis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Flaccid paralysis is a dangerous complication after infectious diseases. Pathology is characterized by progressive death of neurons in the peripheral nervous system. This leads to a significant deterioration or complete impossibility of movement in the affected area. Most often, the muscles of the arms, legs and neck are paralyzed. How does this type of paralysis develop? And is it possible to restore motor function? We will answer these questions in the article

Tardive dyskinesia: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Tardive dyskinesia: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Tardive dyskinesia is an extremely dangerous disease that is often irreversible. In the absence of treatment or untimely access to a doctor, disability or death may occur

Nail removal: causes, methods, reviews

Nail removal: causes, methods, reviews

Removal of nails is an unpleasant manipulation, which in no case should be carried out independently, because then a person risks infecting. You can get rid of the affected nail only in the clinic, and this should be done by a specialist. Today we will find out what methods of nail removal exist, as well as what are their pros and cons

Fungal pneumonia: symptoms and treatment

Fungal pneumonia: symptoms and treatment

What is fungal pneumonia. Characteristic symptoms, main causes of pneumomycosis and forms of pathology. Diagnostic measures and effective methods of treating the disease. Risk groups, forecasts

Veins on the face: causes and methods of treatment

Veins on the face: causes and methods of treatment

Couperose (rosacea, unspecified type) refers to pathologies with impaired blood microcirculation due to increased fragility and expansion of capillaries. This happens due to a violation of the elasticity of the vessels, while their wear resistance is lost. Negative factors can narrow and expand capillaries. But the property to constriction is lost quickly and vasodilatation remains. They can't pump blood

Diverticular disease of the colon: symptoms and treatment

Diverticular disease of the colon: symptoms and treatment

Diverticular disease is most common in older patients, but it is much easier to prevent its development than to treat it later. In this case, you can not do without the advice of a specialist

Central paralysis: signs, symptoms and treatment

Central paralysis: signs, symptoms and treatment

Central paralysis is one of the most dangerous diseases affecting the human nervous system. When it appears, the quality of life is significantly reduced, and in order to return to the previous rhythm, it is necessary to take all possible measures as soon as possible. Such an ailment can be cured only by using an integrated approach, which includes taking medications, physiotherapy, homeopathy, surgery, etc

Heart beats strongly - what to do?

Heart beats strongly - what to do?

The heart begins to beat faster for a variety of reasons. Most often they are fear, fright, excitement and other strong emotions. But it happens that this symptom appears due to some problems in the body that show a person that not everything is in order with his he alth

Tachycardia and arrhythmia: differences, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Tachycardia and arrhythmia: differences, causes, symptoms and treatment features

The heart is an important organ that largely determines the duration of human life. Having a complex structure, it can respond to any change and disease. In a calm state, the heart rhythm, as a rule, is even in a person. The sinus node, which is a special cardiac organ, is responsible for heart contractions

How to treat spasm of the esophagus?

How to treat spasm of the esophagus?

Spasm of the esophagus implies a disease that is characterized by an episodic violation of intestinal peristalsis itself, as well as the rhythm of the opening of the so-called lower food sphincter. According to experts, this disease of all existing diseases of the stomach and intestines is relatively rare

Tuberculosis of the spine: causes, symptoms, treatment

Tuberculosis of the spine: causes, symptoms, treatment

Tuberculosis spondylitis is one of the most ancient diseases. It was first found in Egypt. This is a disease that most often affects people with weakened immune systems. The highest prevalence of the disease is noted in African countries, cases are recorded much less frequently in North and South America. The disease has become a global problem

Eisenmenger's syndrome: symptoms. Eisenmenger syndrome and pregnancy. Patients with Eisenmenger's Syndrome

Eisenmenger's syndrome: symptoms. Eisenmenger syndrome and pregnancy. Patients with Eisenmenger's Syndrome

How do patients with Eisenmenger's syndrome live? What is the danger of this cardiac disease? Can it be cured? The answers to these and other questions can be found in this article

Severe sinus arrhythmia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Severe sinus arrhythmia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Sinus arrhythmia is a pathology that causes a lot of controversy among doctors. On the one hand, it is caused by psychological reasons and does not affect he alth. It is worth adjusting the psycho-emotional component, as the symptoms pass. But there is a pronounced sinus arrhythmia, which threatens with certain negative consequences. What is this disease?

Rheumatic endocarditis: symptoms, possible complications, treatment

Rheumatic endocarditis: symptoms, possible complications, treatment

The term "rheumatic endocarditis" refers to a pathological process characterized by inflammation of the inner lining of the heart. As a result, the myocardial chambers become inelastic and lose their smoothness. The disease can occur due to many reasons. However, doctors believe that the main trigger for the development of the disease is rheumatism

Intoxication syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Intoxication syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Symptoms in children and adults are practically the same. Intoxication syndrome in children, as a rule, proceeds in a more acute form, especially if the child was born prematurely or has reduced immunity

Myocarditis in a child: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment. Children's Cardiology Center

Myocarditis in a child: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment. Children's Cardiology Center

Myocarditis in a child is relatively often recorded in modern medical practice. It should immediately be said that this disease is dangerous and, if left untreated, can lead to serious complications. That is why many parents are interested in information about this disease. Why does such an ailment develop even in infants and what symptoms should be paid attention to? What does therapy look like and what are the prognosis for young patients?

Systolic heart murmur

Systolic heart murmur

This article reveals the causes of systolic murmur and concerns the features of this medical phenomenon

Rheumatic myocarditis: causes, symptoms, types and forms, treatment and prognosis

Rheumatic myocarditis: causes, symptoms, types and forms, treatment and prognosis

Rheumatic myocarditis is characterized by damage to the muscular membrane of the heart, and the disease develops against the background of rheumatism. When the first signs of the disease appear, it is imperative to visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment

Inflammation of the heart muscle: causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the heart muscle: causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the heart muscle. What it is? This is an inflammation of the muscular walls of the heart. Early diagnosis of the disease is key to preventing complications. The causes and treatment of inflammation of the heart muscle are diverse. There are infectious, toxic, autoimmune etiologies

Edematous syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

Edematous syndrome: causes, symptoms and treatment

The article reveals the features of the development and treatment of such a common problem as edematous syndrome

Catatonic schizophrenia and catatonic stupor as its manifestation

Catatonic schizophrenia and catatonic stupor as its manifestation

Catatonic stupor is a mental illness characterized by muscular hypertension, physical and mental lethargy. It is one of the structuring parts of the catatonic syndrome. Common in catatonic schizophrenia

Command hallucinations: main causes, symptoms and treatment

Command hallucinations: main causes, symptoms and treatment

Imperative hallucinations are extraneous sounds and noises that the patient hears. They can be quite varied - jerky fuzzy sounds or whole phrases, scratching sound, knocking, cacophony of voices or a lonely voice. The level of noise that sounds in the head can be subtle or very loud, familiar or unfamiliar. In most cases, such sounds of the patient are frightening

Precocious puberty: causes, symptoms, treatment

Precocious puberty: causes, symptoms, treatment

There is nothing good in situations where the child is significantly behind in development. But premature growing up cannot be considered something natural and normal, since it can cause a considerable number of unpleasant consequences

Obesity in a child. What to do?

Obesity in a child. What to do?

Unfortunately, obesity in a child is a fairly common problem today. After all, often worried parents seek help from a doctor precisely because of being overweight. This is a rather serious condition, such children need constant care, attention and qualified help. Obesity often leads to a host of complications, including diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus: treatment, diet, prevention of complications

Type 2 diabetes mellitus: treatment, diet, prevention of complications

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels. The pathological process affects almost all organs and systems of the body. To normalize glucose levels, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy

Herpes on the gum: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Herpes on the gum: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Lesions of the oral mucosa, including herpes on the gums, are the second most common diseases after influenza and SARS. The symptoms of these pathologies are very similar. Rashes in the mouth disrupt a person's quality of life, causing pain and discomfort. If they are found, you should consult a doctor to make a correct diagnosis and get a qualified appointment

Constipation with hemorrhoids: symptoms, possible causes and treatment features

Constipation with hemorrhoids: symptoms, possible causes and treatment features

Vascular diseases have been getting younger in recent decades. Pathologies appear in people under the age of 25-30 years. This is due to lifestyle, lack of physical activity, nutrition. Varicose veins in the intestines cause considerable inconvenience to each owner. Constipation with hemorrhoids is a frequent companion. Now it's no secret to anyone how to recognize it and what to do to eliminate it

Stomatitis on the tonsil: how to treat?

Stomatitis on the tonsil: how to treat?

Stomatitis is an infectious disease of the oral cavity, or rather its mucous membrane. The manifestations of this disease are quite unpleasant. Therefore, if stomatitis occurs on the tonsils, treatment in adults and children should begin immediately. The sooner you take action to get rid of the pathology, the better for you. Of course, ideally, you should consult a doctor. But not all patients do this. Most people treat stomatitis at home

Pressure in a 10 year old child: normal. Children's pressure table

Pressure in a 10 year old child: normal. Children's pressure table

Informative article about what blood pressure is, what are the norms for children of different ages, measurement features

Renal colic: how to relieve pain? Symptoms of renal colic in women and men

Renal colic: how to relieve pain? Symptoms of renal colic in women and men

Renal colic is a typical manifestation of urolithiasis, the most common kidney disease. Approximately 70-75% of patients in urological hospitals are hospitalized with this diagnosis

Why teenagers have low blood pressure: causes and treatment

Why teenagers have low blood pressure: causes and treatment

Hypotension in children is a dangerous condition. The causes of low blood pressure in teenagers can be different. It is important to recognize them and help the child. After all, only attentiveness and care can solve such an unpleasant problem

Removal of a polyp in the stomach: preparation for surgery and rehabilitation

Removal of a polyp in the stomach: preparation for surgery and rehabilitation

Removal of a polyp in the stomach is carried out using various methods, the choice of which takes into account the peculiarity of the neoplasm, as well as the patient's well-being

After alcohol, the right side hurts: causes, symptoms, treatment, recommendations from experts

After alcohol, the right side hurts: causes, symptoms, treatment, recommendations from experts

Intoxication is a paralysis of the nervous system, as a result of which neurons die in the amount of tens of thousands. And after a certain milestone, the number goes to hundreds of thousands. In the Soviet years, alcohol was equated in its effect to narcotic substances. If after alcohol the right side hurts, dizziness, orientation in space is lost, you should think about the complete rejection of bad habits

Diabetes mellitus: diet and treatment. Glycemic index of foods. Table for diabetics

Diabetes mellitus: diet and treatment. Glycemic index of foods. Table for diabetics

Treatment and diet for diabetes every year are of interest to an increasing number of Russians. After all, this is one of the most common diseases among people of working age. According to statistics, about 285 million people on the planet today suffer from diabetes. If you believe the disappointing forecasts, then in the next decade and a half this figure could grow by 150 million people

Warm Compresses: Application Technique and Application

Warm Compresses: Application Technique and Application

The warm compress is one of the most popular and effective treatments for a number of ailments. Otitis media and bronchitis, arthritis and pneumonia are all he alth problems that respond to the healing power of heat