This is an asymptomatic in the initial stages, a very complex chronic ophthalmic disease that, if left untreated, inevitably leads to blindness. You should not experiment with glaucoma using only folk remedies. This disease does not forgive such a careless attitude towards itself: non-traditional methods of therapy should complement the main treatment prescribed by an ophthalmologist.
Traditional medicines are successfully used as prophylactic agents for the prevention of many eye diseases, including glaucoma in all its forms. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist, because, as you know, only the dosage distinguishes the medicine from the poison.

What is glaucoma?
A group of pathologies of the organs of vision, characterized by a decrease in acuity and limitation of the visual field, experts call glaucoma. There is a characteristican external sign of the disease is a change in the shade of the pupil. It becomes azure, greenish. It is with this feature that the name of the disease is associated - glaucoma is translated from Greek as "green water".
The internal features of the disease include a significant increase in intraocular pressure. It can appear periodically or torment constantly.

Types of glaucoma
Ophthalmologists distinguish several types of this disease: primary and secondary glaucoma, juvenile and congenital. Congenital, as a rule, develops with genetic disorders or due to illnesses of the mother during pregnancy.
Juvenile or youthful glaucoma is detected in children older than three years of age. Primary glaucoma is the most common and occurs with age. The secondary, as a rule, is caused by other diseases that provoke disturbances in the structure of the eye.
At what age does glaucoma develop?
The disease develops regardless of the age of the patient. However, the chance of early detection of the disease increases with age. Most often, the disease occurs in elderly people - about three percent of 75-year-old patients suffer from this disease.
Glaucoma: causes, symptoms, treatment with folk remedies and traditional methods
Pain and pain in the eyes, a significant deterioration in vision, especially after dark, blurred vision - all these are the main symptoms of glaucoma. Initially, glaucoma is almost asymptomatic for a long time. On laterstages of the disease, the following symptoms appear:
- when looking at a bright light, rainbow circles appear;
- Visual acuity is rapidly declining;
- eyes turn red, pain appears that radiates to the temple and ear;
- visual function deteriorates in low light;
- had headaches.
Acute attack often leads to complete blindness. The main causes of the disease include:
- hypoxia of tissues surrounding the optic nerve;
- destruction followed by fiber atrophy;
- poor circulation.
Treatment methods
There are different methods of treating this disease, including folk remedies. The main one is the traditional medication, which consists of three areas:
- decrease in intraocular pressure;
- activation of tissue metabolism;
- improved blood supply.
First of all, the treatment of this disease is aimed at maintaining normal intraocular pressure. For this, traditional medicine uses vascular, diuretic, potassium-sparing drugs and eye drops. The following drugs are used in the treatment of glaucoma:
- Travoprost.
- Pilocarpine.
- Xopt and others.
Medicines are selected and prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

Unfortunately, even the surgical method of treatment is not able to cure glaucoma - vision after surgery is not restored, as, for example,with cataracts, because the optic nerve is not restored. The operation is performed by laser method. Its principle is to apply a laser beam to burn or tear tissue, which allows you to normalize the pressure in the eye chambers.
This method is used only in cases where medical treatment does not bring the desired results.
Eye exercises
There should be a comprehensive treatment of glaucoma, combining various methods and means. For example, gymnastics for the eyes in this disease allows you to restore blood circulation and innervation, improve the outflow of accumulated fluid.
It should be said that many eye diseases in ophthalmology are eliminated with the help of gymnastics. The main exercises for glaucoma include:
Pupil movements
Several times look from left to right, from bottom to top and vice versa. Such exercises are repeated at least 10 times a day.
Rotational movements
Rotate your eyes first clockwise and then in the opposite direction. For greater effect, hang a sheet of paper with a drawn circle on the wall. Draw this circle with your eyes, first in one direction, and then in the opposite direction. Perform at least 10 rotations in each direction.
Take a regular pencil and hold it at arm's length. Concentrate your eyes on the tip of the lead and hold it for a minute. Then abruptly look away at any other distant object.

Knead daily for glaucomabrow ridges and temples with fingers for several minutes. Movement should be soft and smooth.
We have presented only a few exercises for you, and ophthalmologists have developed entire eye complexes that can reduce intraocular pressure and improve visual clarity.
Treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies
Once again, it is worth clarifying that traditional medicine preparations are an addition to the main treatment, and you should not expect the effect of a magic wand from them. They should be combined with the methods and preparations of traditional medicine. Only a doctor can accurately tell you about the form, degree and stage of the disease, explain all the indications and contraindications, and most importantly, help you not harm yourself.
Reviews on the treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies give reason to assert that herbs that reduce intraocular pressure and improve metabolism are most often used. These include: mountain ash and lingonberries, horsetail and birch, St. John's wort and succession, calendula flowers and nettles.
We think that it will not be superfluous one more reminder that any treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies must be agreed with your doctor so as not to harm the eyes. When in contact with mucous membranes, strictly observe the rules of sterility.
Leech treatment
Despite the fact that we started talking about the treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies, hirudotherapy rather has a general strengthening and preventive effect on the body, although many traditional healers recommend this method.
Located in the salivary glands of theseliving healers, enzymes have many positive properties, but in relation to glaucoma they are used only as a general tonic.
Aloe for glaucoma
In elderly people, in the treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies, this medicinal plant is most often used. To do this, cut off the largest bottom sheet. The plant must be older than three years of age, when it is fully accumulated medicinal substances.

The leaf should be finely chopped or the juice squeezed out, boiled for five minutes and rinsed with this mixture once a day.
The action of mumijo in glaucoma
This is one of the popular recipes for treating glaucoma at home. Dissolve a bag of mummy in water or beetroot juice. Consume a tablespoon for ten days before breakfast.
Potato compresses
It's no secret that the vast majority of patients dream of treating glaucoma with folk remedies without surgery. Reviews indicate that it is far from always possible to achieve such a result, although stabilization and improvement in the condition can be achieved.
Potato compresses effectively reduce pain with a sharp increase in intraocular pressure. Peel the potatoes, grate them on a fine grater, mix with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Leave the mass for a quarter of an hour, then put it in gauze bags and apply to the eyes. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
Dill seed decoction
Reviews on the treatment of glaucoma folkmeans allow us to assert that plants well known to us can be effective. Dill seeds are used in the form of a decoction, from which compresses are made. This is an excellent, easy-to-prepare folk remedy.
Boil water, pour a tablespoon of seeds into a gauze bag and dip it into boiling water. Let the composition brew for five minutes, remove the bag, wring it out slightly and apply it to the eyes. Pay attention to its temperature - it should be comfortable for the delicate skin of the eyelids.

A decoction of seeds is also used for oral administration To prepare it, bring a spoonful of seeds to a boil in a glass of water. The drug is infused for two hours, after which it can be taken orally, 20 ml for 15 days, once a day.
Motherwort Grass
Motherwort is used as a decoction or tincture, for which the leaves and seeds of this plant are used. In addition, you can buy motherwort in the pharmacy in the form of a herbal collection or alcohol tincture. Use the finished composition 10 drops twice a day for two weeks.
Birch leaves
Many herbalists recommend the treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies. Often they advise using dried birch leaves. They are crushed and brewed like tea, adding wild rose and hawthorn. The decoction is infused for several hours and consumed at night, once a day for seven days.
Treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies at home (without surgery) is possible only in the initial stages of the disease. Grind duckweed grass (100 g) with a blender or pass it through a meat grinder, pour a glass of alcohol or high-quality vodka.
Remove the container with the remedy in a dark, cool place for 3-4 days. The finished tincture should be diluted in a ratio of 1:2 with chilled boiled water and taken one teaspoon three times a day for a month. If you have chronic diseases of the stomach, then you should use a tincture with Proximum, Pantasan or Omeprazole. These drugs normalize the alkaline environment of the stomach. Take them one capsule once a day, during the course of treatment with duckweed.
Today, dry nettle grass can be bought at any pharmacy. It has been successfully used to treat glaucoma. Folk remedies (decoctions, infusions) are used for cold compresses. The procedure is carried out twice a day for a month, then you should take a break for two weeks, after which the treatment can be continued.
Honey in the treatment of glaucoma
Only natural bee honey is used for the preparation of the remedy - the use of surrogates can cause serious complications. An aqueous solution is prepared from honey, which is used for instillation of the eyes. Mix water cooled to room temperature and natural honey in a ratio of 1: 1. With this composition, instill one drop twice a day for 10 days.
Anise fruit
Anise is used in folk medicine to treat many eye diseases, including glaucoma. Dried and carefully chopped fruits (one tablespoon) pour boiling water(250 ml) and leave for a day. The solution warmed up to 38°C is used as compresses. You can use cotton pads for this.

Blueberry treatment
Ophthalmologists believe that severe symptoms and treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies depend on the stage of the disease, the age of the patient, his general condition. Therapy with medicinal berries and herbs is quite effective at the beginning of the development of the disease.
The most popular product used in the fight against eye diseases is blueberries, which protect the vessels of the eyes and reduce pressure in them. You can consume blueberries in any form, 100 grams per day.
Collecting May herbs
Decoction of May herbs will help in stabilizing the condition with glaucoma. To cook it. it is necessary to collect herbs that bloom in May: strawberry leaves, nettles, lily of the valley petals. Pour 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of each herb with 600 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for nine hours. Then add 3 grams of baking soda to the product and use as an eye wash. The procedure is carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
Doctors' opinion
If glaucoma is left untreated, then over time, you can lose your sight, while the structures of the eye atrophy. The sudden pressure drops that are characteristic of this disease cause great damage to the optic nerve. Treatment of glaucoma with folk remedies and methods is allowed only in the initial stages of the disease as an addition to therapy. To date, there is no cure for glaucoma. In this case, the pathology can be kept under constant control. That is why doctors consider it acceptable to additionally treat glaucoma with folk remedies, the reviews of cured patients are, to put it mildly, exaggerated.
An improvement has been officially recorded, but there is no data on a complete cure yet. It must be understood that this is a long process, the treatment is carried out constantly and under the supervision of an ophthalmologist.

Recommendations for glaucoma
Besides the constant reduction of intraocular pressure, the patient should not watch TV for a long time, sit at the computer, sleep face down, lift weights. In this disease are contraindicated:
- alcohol;
- coffee;
- smoking;
- sun exposure;
- hot bath;
- drink plenty of water.
In addition, the patient must follow the diet. The patient's diet should include: vegetables and fruits that have a diuretic effect and are rich in vitamin C (dill, parsley, watermelons, currants, blueberries, grapes, cranberries, pumpkins, cabbage).

Treatment reviews
Reviews from patients confirm the opinion of representatives of traditional medicine. This disease, with timely diagnosis, can be kept under control under one condition - strictly follow the appointments and recommendations of the attending physician. An experienced ophthalmologist will determine the stage of the disease, prescribe medication, and recommend traditional medicine that is right for you.