Serous meningitis: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Serous meningitis: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment
Serous meningitis: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

A disease that is characterized by an inflammatory process in the pia mater and has a serous character is called serous meningitis. This pathology occurs as a result of the penetration of viruses, bacteria, fungi into the body, as well as due to previous systemic diseases, neoplasms and cerebral cysts.

Accompanied by an inflammatory process with serious symptoms, which significantly impairs the patient's quality of life. Symptoms of the disease do not go away immediately after the treatment, the condition returns to normal over a long period. The examination is carried out extensively, on the basis of which treatment is prescribed. Attention is paid to differential diagnosis. You should not engage in self-therapy with this disease, as this can lead to serious, irreversible consequences.

What is this?

Serous meningitis refers to an inflammatory disease that affects the brain. As mentioned earlier, pathology occurs as a result ofprogression in the body of pathogens, as well as due to other provoking factors. In some cases, the pathology is non-infectious aseptic in nature, in order to determine this, an examination is required.

It is worth noting that this type of meningitis is not accompanied by cell death and the formation of pus, so it proceeds more easily and has a favorable prognosis with timely therapy. The disease is diagnosed in most cases among the child population, the age group from 3 to 6 years. As for adults, the serous form is observed in them in rare cases, mainly in patients aged 19-31, most often suffering from weakened immunity.

serous meningitis
serous meningitis


There are several types of serous meningitis. It all depends on the type of trigger.

Disease types:

  1. Viral nature. In this situation, the serous form is provoked by Coxsackie and Echo viruses.
  2. Bacterial nature. Bacteria that are the main causes of tuberculosis and syphilis are capable of provoking meningitis of this type.
  3. Fungal nature. The disease occurs as a result of the progression of an opportunistic infection in the body.

Serous meningitis, depending on the origin, is divided into:

  1. Primary. There is damage to the lining of the brain.
  2. Secondary. Occurs as a complication of an infectious disease.

Inflammatory process in adults is diagnosedonly if the patient is immunocompromised.

Provoking factors

In most cases, enteroviruses can provoke an acute form of this disease. In rare cases, serous meningitis in adults occurs as a result of infectious mononucleosis, mumps virus, cytomegalovirus, and so on. In children, pathology is often diagnosed after suffering measles.

diagnosis of meningitis
diagnosis of meningitis

Inflammation of the brain of a serous form can lead to swelling of this organ. As a result, the patient has an impaired outflow of cerebral fluid, which causes swelling and increased pressure inside the skull. The serous form of pathology is not capable of leading to mass exudation of neutrophils, as well as the death of brain cells.

How can you get infected? Incubation period

With serous meningitis, the incubation period is no more than four days, during which significant changes occur in the body. To a greater extent, everything will depend on the pathogen, the ways of infection, which include the following:

  1. Airborne way. The causative agent of the disease is located on the mucous surface of the respiratory tract, therefore, when coughing or sneezing, viruses enter the air, and from there, when breathing, to a he althy person.
  2. Contact way. The causative agent can be localized not only on the mucous membrane, but also on the eyes, open wounds. A sick person, upon contact with an infected area, infects objects.
  3. Waterway. Most viruses that are capable ofprovoke this type of meningitis, can be transmitted through the aquatic environment. Therefore, in the summer, you should swim only in proven places, especially with children.

Not only a sick person, but also a carrier of the virus can pose a certain danger.

Symptoms of serous meningitis

The disease does not proceed smoothly, gradually. Meningitis starts abruptly. Suddenly, the patient's temperature rises to 39.9 degrees. Also, the patient begins to complain of a severe headache. Cephalgia indicates the progression of the inflammatory process. Then there are pain in the muscles, joints, increased weakness. Nausea and vomiting may be present. The head hurts constantly, which greatly impairs the quality of life of the patient. Unpleasant sensations may become more pronounced during movement, due to bright lights and strong sounds, as well as other external stimuli.

meningitis symptoms
meningitis symptoms

Typical symptoms of serous meningitis include an increased tone of the muscle tissue of the cervical spine from the back. As a result, the patient cannot freely move his head, tilt it forward. The patient most of the time is in a lying position on his side, while he strongly presses his legs to himself, and throws his head back. There may also be signs of SARS. Some patients are diagnosed with strabismus, problems with the swallowing reflex.

Symptoms of serous meningitis in children

Children also have a hard time with this disease, which is accompanied by severe symptoms. Atthe child can be noted such violations as:

  1. Headache that gets worse with movement. Therefore, the child is more in the supine position.
  2. Vomiting, which is very often due to increased body temperature.
  3. The child is not interested in anything, he constantly sleeps or just lies and does not move.
  4. Muscles are in tension, it is difficult for him to move and do elementary actions.
  5. Swelling of the fontanelle (in children under 1 year old).

The listed signs of serous meningitis in children are considered indirect, which only help to suggest a diagnosis.

meningitis in children
meningitis in children

Diagnosis in children

Diagnosis of the disease in children involves puncture of the cerebrospinal fluid. It is considered an effective and qualitative research method in this situation. Accompanied by discomfort. If a child is diagnosed with serous type meningitis, then the prognosis is favorable in most cases. A small patient with meningitis is treated in a hospital for several weeks, after which he is registered with a neurologist.

The cerebrospinal fluid of a sick child will be the color of milk and flow out under pressure. After the puncture, the baby becomes much easier, the cephalgia subsides, the temperature begins to subside, nausea disappears. The general condition is normalizing. If the diagnosis was not carried out in a timely manner, the therapy will not give the proper result, complications will arise. In severe cases, neglect of the disease can lead to coma orfatalities.

Diagnosis of disease in adults

complications of meningitis
complications of meningitis

After the first symptoms of serous meningitis appeared in an adult, it is urgent to seek qualified help from a neuropathologist, therapist. The specialist focuses on the general condition of the patient, examines the signs present, and conducts an examination. Also, without fail, the doctor clarifies whether any diseases that could provoke meningitis have been transferred.

The patient is recommended to undergo such types of studies as:

  1. Clinical blood test. There will be a slight increase in ESR and leukocytes.
  2. Bacterial culture of swabs from the pharynx and nasal cavity.
  3. PCR.
  4. RIF.
  5. IFA.

Also, an adult can be prescribed a puncture of the cerebrospinal fluid, electroencephalography, MRI of the brain, echo-EG and other types of studies. You may need to consult other highly specialized specialists, such as an ophthalmologist.

Differential diagnosis of serous meningitis involves comparison with diseases such as:

  1. Purulent meningitis.
  2. Tick-borne encephalitis.
  3. Arachnoiditis.
  4. Subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Based on the results obtained, therapy is prescribed.

Treatment in adults

The serous type of disease is treatable. The prognosis will be positive if the therapy was carried out in a timely manner. The patient can be under the supervision of specialists for up to a month. Treatment is not available inconditions at home.

The patient is prescribed:

  1. Antibacterial drugs.
  2. Antibiotics.
  3. Therapy that can eliminate the intoxication of the body.
  4. Vitamin complexes.
  5. Drugs with a diuretic effect. They help reduce intracranial pressure, prevent swelling of the brain.

In rare cases, the patient is recommended oxygen therapy. Even after the treatment, the patient may experience headaches, fatigue, and memory problems for some time.

Treatment in children

prevention of meningitis
prevention of meningitis

Treatment for serous meningitis in children involves antibiotics, but not for everyone. If it was found that the pathology was provoked by an infection, then it is recommended to take an antiviral drug - Interferon. If meningitis was caused by the herpes virus, then a course of "Acyclovir" is prescribed. The dosage of any drug depends on the patient's age category and general condition.

Intravenous immunoglobulin can be administered to immunocompromised patients, as well as to infants. To reduce intracranial pressure, you need to take diuretics. Colloids are completely excluded from therapy. Due to severe headaches, antispasmodics are indicated.

To reduce the intoxication of the body, isotonic saline is administered intravenously. If the body temperature is significantly elevated, it is worth taking antipyretic drugs. With convulsions, "Seduxen" helps.

The child should be more calm,bed rest recommended. The room where the patient lies should be slightly darkened. Be sure to prescribe therapy with vitamin complexes and oxygen. To normalize the condition, drugs for the treatment of the central nervous system are also indicated.

Prevention measures

To protect yourself from this serious disease, it is worth taking preventive measures. Experts recommend:

  1. Swim only in approved and approved waters.
  2. Use only purified water and washed fruits and vegetables.
  3. Perform hardening of the body.
  4. Eat right.
  5. Avoid contact with sick people.
  6. If there was contact with a patient who has meningitis, you should immediately undergo an examination and begin therapy.
  7. Exclude contact with homeless animals, birds.
  8. Use insect repellent.
  9. Treat diseases that can trigger meningitis in a timely manner.

It is also worth carrying out preventive vaccination according to the vaccination calendar.

Forecast and consequences

After serous meningitis, a variety of complications can occur. Also, this disease can be fatal, but this is only possible if the therapy was not carried out in a timely manner and the situation is too neglected.

meningitis treatment
meningitis treatment

It must be remembered that complications are rare. Basically, the pathology proceeds calmly and the prognosis is quite favorable, especially for adults. Consequences of serous meningitisin children are such deviations as hearing problems, speech disorders, paralysis, hallucinations, coma. Also, after the illness, the patient may be disturbed by headaches for another 2-3 years. Therefore, to maintain the condition, it is recommended to take drugs with the active ingredient sumatriptan. They can eliminate a migraine attack in a short time.
