Seal fat: medicinal properties, contraindications, how to use, reviews

Seal fat: medicinal properties, contraindications, how to use, reviews
Seal fat: medicinal properties, contraindications, how to use, reviews

The fat of the Baikal seal is a valuable drug that is obtained from the subcutaneous layer of animals. It is a translucent oily substance with a specific taste and smell. The article describes the medicinal properties and contraindications of seal fat in the article.

About the animal

Seals are mammals that have a spindle-shaped body, which smoothly passes into the head. Their height is 165 cm, and their weight is 50-130 kg. There is a lot of subcutaneous fat in the body of the animal, which perfectly retains heat in cold water and allows you to survive prolonged food shortages. It also helps keep you afloat while you sleep. Seals sleep very soundly. There are cases when scuba divers turned them over without interfering with them.

seal oil application
seal oil application

Strong animal skin is covered with hard, dense, short hair. Between the fingers they have membranes, and the front flippers include powerful claws. With the help of their forelimbs, seals create an outlet in the ice for rest after hunting.

Seals can be underwater for up to 40 minutes. The reason for this is the presencesmall lung volume and dissolved oxygen content in the blood. Because of the hind legs, the animal can swim quickly under water, but on the surface it is clumsy. According to reviews, the beneficial properties of seal fat allow it to be used in the treatment and prevention of many ailments.

Interesting facts

  1. Hunting an animal is associated not only with obtaining fat, but also with valuable fur. The population of Baikal also uses fat and internal organs. But in the food industry, they did not become widely demanded.
  2. There is legal seal hunting and poaching. The latter refers to the harvesting of baby animals that have gone through their first molt, although this fishery has been banned for the last 40 years. The species is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List.
seal fat useful properties reviews
seal fat useful properties reviews

Fat functions

This is an organic substance formed from the esterification of a carboxylic acid and the trihydric alcohol glycerol. Fat is found in all living organisms, it performs 2 main functions: structural and energy.

Cell membranes are created from fatty acids, and a person's energy potential is stored in fat cells. With various types of activity, fat cells give up their energy and provide strength for work, study, and a great pastime.

seal fat
seal fat

Fat is the main element of nutrition, like proteins and carbohydrates. Seal fat is an animal. Its main function is the treatment and prevention of diseases. Also the product fulfills:

  1. Energyfunction. Fats are valuable for their high energy value. In 1 g there are 9.1-9.5 kcal. No matter how negatively it affects the figure, it is fats that are the source of energy. Approximately 50% of the body's energy comes from fat oxidation.
  2. Protective function. The shell of all internal organs includes the right amount of adipose tissue. Particularly fragile organs are surrounded by a fatty membrane. It does not allow injury, mechanical damage to organs.
  3. Heat-insulating function. Fats do not conduct heat well, so they protect the body from temperature extremes.

Fats also take part in the passage of nerve impulses, carry out the transfer of components throughout the body, and ensure the absorption of protein and fat-soluble vitamins. Fat is recognized as a source of water, which appears when it is split. Its supply is needed in case a person has to be on a diet. Fats help to survive in harsh conditions.

Product Features

Seal fat is similar in properties to shark liver oil. It has beneficial properties that help cure many ailments. The present vitamins A and D serve to protect the skin, nails, hair, respiratory system.

In terms of iodine content, fish oil is superior. And the polyunsaturated fatty acids present are able to be absorbed better. Squalene improves metabolism at the cellular level.

Now there are many preparations based on shark oil and seal oil. The range of curative action is huge, but there are contraindications: you should not use it if you are allergic to fish products and pregnant women. Alsocreams, balms and masks based on seal fat are produced. Their action has a positive effect on the skin.


Seal fat includes a substance valuable for he alth - omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is also rich:

  • fat-soluble vitamins - A, C, K;
  • saturated acids;
  • monounsaturated;
  • bifidogenic substances.

According to reviews, seal fat is well tolerated by many people, does not cause negative reactions. But, even considering this, it is still better to consult a doctor before use.


Thanks to research, scientists have identified the possibility of using the product in practical medicine and the pharmacological field. It is also used to create dietary supplements.

seal fat properties
seal fat properties

The beneficial properties of seal fat are associated with the possibility of stimulating the growth of bifidobacteria, which are the basis of the gastrointestinal flora. That is why the product is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of intestinal diseases. The peoples of Baikal also appreciate the beneficial properties of seal fat, use it in the treatment of lung diseases, ulcers and other gastrointestinal ailments.


Although seal fat has many useful properties, you should not get carried away with it. In this case, you can overdo it, which leads to a negative impact on he alth. It is important to observe the measure.

The main danger in excessive consumption of fats is the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. But it shouldn't be ruled out either. The optimal daily dose should be 40%, and forolder people under 30.


The use of seal fat is especially in demand among peoples in the area of Lake Baikal. They are being treated:

  • lung diseases - bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia;
  • angina, SARS, influenza;
  • gastric ulcer;
  • burns and frostbite;
  • skin ulcers, wounds, bedsores;
  • liver ailments;
  • after chemotherapy;
  • sports injury;
  • after being bitten by an insect or animal;
  • joints;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • psoriasis;
  • alopecia;
  • potency reduction;
  • facial skin aging.
seal fat useful properties
seal fat useful properties

The use of seal fat in each case will be effective in each of these cases. According to reviews, this product has helped many people improve their he alth.

Treatment rules

In order for seal oil treatment to be effective, several rules should be followed:

  1. Use only fresh, unexpired product, because only then will it be useful.
  2. Treatment should be done with clean hands.
  3. Procedures should be regular.
  4. It is important to follow the dosage.
  5. You should complete the entire course of treatment.

According to reviews, many doctors prescribe seal fat. This useful product helps to quickly restore the state of he alth.


Seal fat is prohibited for:

  • diseases of the biliary tract and bladder;
  • fat allergies;
  • acute chronic liver disease.

Prohibited from children under 3 years of age. This should be done with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is better to consult a specialist.

How is it created?

The product is created by dry or wet rendering, boiling. The extraction method is used - extracting a substance from a solution or a dry mixture with a special solvent. The solvent is matched to the substance to be extracted. It is necessary that the mixture and solvent are not mixed during extraction.

seal fat useful properties application
seal fat useful properties application

The main raw material for obtaining animal fat is fat, omentum, skin, bones, fat, which is located near the heart or liver. Another substance is secreted from fat trimming, stomach, intestines and other internal organs.

How to store?

Product shelf life is 18 months. It should be stored in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight. Fat is left out of the reach of children. The optimum temperature is no more than +10 degrees. After opening, the bottle should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 months.

Rules of application

How to take seal fat? This product is used internally and externally. But first, you should familiarize yourself with the dosage:

  • adults - 1 tsp. twice a day;
  • children - 1/2 -1/4 tsp. 2 times a day.

Externally the product is applied in the form of compresses and applications. The course is 30 days. It is advisable to repeat it 2 times a year. Before treatment, it is advisable to talk with a doctor.

HealingThe properties of seal fat make it possible to use it in the treatment and prevention of colds. To do this, the product is mixed with honey (in equal amounts). Take three times a day 30 minutes before meals. According to reviews, jam can be used instead of honey. Take once a night for prevention. The course lasts until recovery (15 days for prevention).

Due to its beneficial properties, seal fat is used to soften the larynx. The dosage is 1 tbsp. l. for the night. Fat is taken in liquid form. The course lasts until recovery.

Seal fat for chronic lung diseases is used in liquid form. It is drunk 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The cycle is 21 days. It is allowed to repeat the course no more than 6 times with a break of 2 weeks. Outwardly, seal fat is usually used in the form of rubs, ointments, compresses.

The uniqueness of the product and its medicinal properties is confirmed by centuries-old traditions. Natural ingredients help people fight various diseases, and seal fat is considered almost a panacea in this case. Due to its uniqueness, the product is recommended for everyone - from children to adults.


Fatty animal acids are digested for a longer time than vegetable acids. They provide a greater load on digestion and also prolong satiety. Why is this happening? The chemical bonds of plant products are less resistant to gastric juice, while animals, on the contrary, are strong. Plant-based foods are quickly absorbed, but they have a lower concentration of calories.

The process of splitting and assimilation of fatcalled lipid metabolism. This is a complex biochemical physiological activity that takes place every second in the cells. There should be harmony in the consumption of fats.

Consequences of shortages

The lack of fatty acids affects well-being. Energy will not be enough even for everyday activities, but this is not all the consequences. The reaction of lack will be quick, and first of all it will be noticeable in the nervous system.

seal oil medicinal properties
seal oil medicinal properties

Nutritionists believe that deficiency leads to exhaustion of the nervous system. A person develops apathy, frequent pain, impaired concentration and memorization of information. There may be anxiety and a tendency to depression.

You can determine the shortage by:

  • problems with the reproductive system;
  • deterioration of skin, hair, nails;
  • Violation of the organs of vision;
  • memory deterioration;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • premature aging of the body;
  • decrease in the protective function of immunity.

Seal fat is a type of animal fat that should only be used for medicinal purposes. In addition, dosage compliance is important. And in the diet, beef, pork, goose fat is used.

In cosmetology

Due to its beneficial properties, the use of seal fat is in demand in the treatment of hair. The product is added to medical masks. You can do them yourself. To do this, burdock oil and heated fat are mixed in equal quantities.

Add 3 drops of vitamin E to the mask.applied to dry hair for an hour. Then the head should be washed with shampoo and rinsed with cold water. The mask is used 2 times a week.

With regular use, the result will be excellent - the hair becomes shiny and well-groomed. To eliminate the problem of hair loss, the mask is rubbed into the roots before washing the head. This procedure restores the growth of curls in a month.

Thus, seal fat is an effective product used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Its healing properties are so valuable that many doctors recognize it as a powerful remedy.
