Health 2024, October

Decreased bilirubin: causes and consequences

Decreased bilirubin: causes and consequences

Bilirubin is the main bile pigment formed from obsolete erythrocytes. Such a substance is found in the blood serum, and is excreted from the body by the excretory system. Doctors are usually alarmed by the fact if it rises or falls, as this indicates serious pathologies occurring in the human body

Acute laryngitis contagious or not?

Acute laryngitis contagious or not?

What is laryngitis? This is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the larynx. It causes a cold or infectious disease (whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever). In this case, a strong cough occurs, and very sharp changes occur in the voice. It becomes hoarse or disappears altogether. Therefore, the doctor does not advise a person with laryngitis to talk a lot, as this slows down the recovery process. There are several forms of this disease

Cough without a cold: causes in adults, how to treat

Cough without a cold: causes in adults, how to treat

Cough without symptoms of a cold in an adult is quite common. Many do not pay attention to this, because it is assumed that if there is no temperature, then there is nothing to worry about. However, not all so simple. Cough without fever may occur due to an infectious disease that occurs in a latent form. The disease, manifesting itself in this way, indicates that the body, for some reason, does not react with an increase in temperature to an existing infection and does not want to overcome it

Angina during pregnancy in the first trimester: consequences for the fetus

Angina during pregnancy in the first trimester: consequences for the fetus

Angina is an infectious disease that affects the tonsils and proceeds in an acute form. This disease negatively affects the entire body. Angina is especially dangerous during pregnancy in the first trimester, because at this time all the organs of the unborn child are laid. Since the treatment of the disease involves the use of antibiotics, the consequences of taking them, like the disease itself, can be detrimental to the child

Rubella. Antibodies to rubella virus IgG. Rubella prevention

Rubella. Antibodies to rubella virus IgG. Rubella prevention

It is believed that antibodies to rubella already appear in childhood. To the rubella virus, IgG is produced if you get sick with it or after vaccination. But there are often cases of illness in a child and even adults, who most often endure the disease more difficult and with consequences

Psychological constipation in a child: causes, treatment and prevention

Psychological constipation in a child: causes, treatment and prevention

Psychological constipation in a child can lead to great he alth problems and even hospitalization. This problem most often manifests itself in children 2-5 years old. Just at the time when the child is taught to use the potty or the toilet, sent to kindergarten and build clear rules of behavior

Presses the stomach: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

Presses the stomach: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

Crushes the stomach. Such complaints occur in every third inhabitant of the planet. This symptom can appear even in a he althy person. Especially often pressing pain in the stomach occurs after nervous experiences or after eating. What are the causes of such a symptom and what to do with it? We'll talk about it in this article

How to restore the pancreas, its functions

How to restore the pancreas, its functions

Chronic pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas that has a long relapsing course, with alternating periods of deterioration and remission, leading to a violation of its functions

Uric acid s alts in urine: causes, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Uric acid s alts in urine: causes, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

According to the presence of uric acid s alts in urine, the degree and nature of the metabolism of purines, which come with food and from the cells of the individual's body, are assessed. The reason for the formation of s alt crystals in the sediment is considered to be an increased content of uric acid in urine. This condition is typical for serious ailments - urolithiasis, gout and others. In addition, a high concentration of acid changes the internal acidity of the body

Herpes on the lips: treatment at home. How to quickly cure herpes on the lips at home?

Herpes on the lips: treatment at home. How to quickly cure herpes on the lips at home?

Many people are familiar with the condition when bubbles appear on the lips that itch and hurt. This disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus. Women are especially affected by the fact that herpes appears on the lips. Treatment at home in most cases brings positive results, but only after 5-7 days

Perforated ulcer: symptoms and treatment

Perforated ulcer: symptoms and treatment

If you do not treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it will end up with a perforated ulcer. She has pronounced symptoms in the form of sharp unbearable pain. In this condition, the patient is urgently sent to the hospital

Callous ulcer: causes, diagnosis, treatment, operation

Callous ulcer: causes, diagnosis, treatment, operation

Callous ulcer or callus is a pathological condition of the gastric mucosa, outwardly resembling a large hole 3-4 cm deep. It is one of the most common and dangerous diseases of the stomach and intestines. A callused ulcer has a smooth bottom of a light color, there are seals along the edges. Externally, an ulcer is very similar to a malignant tumor. An adjacent organ, such as the liver, can serve as the bottom of the ulcer

The duodenum: diseases, symptoms, treatment, diet

The duodenum: diseases, symptoms, treatment, diet

The duodenum performs many different functions. It represents the initial section of the small intestine, but it is connected with the stomach, and with the liver, and with the pancreas through special ducts that enter the sphincter of Oddi. Therefore, the diseases of this organ have their beginnings in the dysfunction of various parts of the digestive tract

Peptic ulcer: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment standards

Peptic ulcer: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment standards

Peptic ulcer is a very dangerous pathology faced by people regardless of gender and age. The disease is accompanied by lesions of the gastric mucosa, the formation of ulcers and serious digestive disorders. If left untreated, pathology leads to dangerous complications, up to violation of the integrity of the walls of the digestive tract

Shortness of breath: causes, diagnosis and treatment. Types of shortness of breath

Shortness of breath: causes, diagnosis and treatment. Types of shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is considered one of the most common symptoms of various diseases. Every person at least once in his life met with this symptom. In this article, we will talk about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of the phenomenon

Mural sinusitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Mural sinusitis: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Mural sinusitis is a serious chronic disease characterized by thickening of the mucous membrane, accompanied by a violation of the outflow of fluid and many other unpleasant consequences

Fungal sinusitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Fungal sinusitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Fungal sinusitis is a dangerous disease that is difficult to treat, like any similar ailment. The main danger is that it can turn into a chronic form, in this case, remain in the patient's body for the rest of his life. Its main causative agent is pathogenic fungi that can cause a lot of problems to the patient. In this article, we will talk about the causes of this disease, its symptoms and treatment

Bronchial breathing: types and forms of pathological breathing

Bronchial breathing: types and forms of pathological breathing

Bronchial breathing is caused by the passage of air through the glottis. The resulting sound waves are distributed throughout the bronchial tree. Bronchial breathing is similar to the sound of the letter "x". It can be heard both on inhalation and on exhalation. But it differs in longer duration on exhalation, since this process refers to a longer passive act

Pulmonary embolism: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Pulmonary embolism: causes, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Pulmonary embolism is a severe form of damage to the pulmonary circulation. It develops as a result of embolization of the branches of the pulmonary artery with a gas bubble or bone marrow, amniotic fluid, thrombus. And pulmonary embolism (PE) is the most common type of obstruction (more than 60%) of the arteries of the pulmonary circulation, although against the background of other cardiovascular diseases it has a low frequency (about 1 case per 1000 people)

Hypermagnesemia: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, necessary treatment and prevention of the disease

Hypermagnesemia: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, necessary treatment and prevention of the disease

Patients suffering from kidney failure may develop hypermagnesemia. The symptoms of this condition resemble hypoglycemia. The manifestations of the disease include a decrease in blood pressure, weakness and loss of consciousness. In severe cases, a coma develops, disorders of the heart and respiratory system

Histiocytosis X: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Histiocytosis X: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

One of the rare pathologies of autoimmune origin is histiocytosis X. This disease leads to the appearance of granulomatous tissue in the lungs, bones, liver and other organs. Acute forms of histiocytosis are common among young children. The chronic course of the disease is also found in therapeutic practice. A biopsy of the affected organ helps to make the diagnosis

Hemoblastosis is Types, causes, symptoms, treatment of the disease

Hemoblastosis is Types, causes, symptoms, treatment of the disease

A neoplasm of blood is called "hemoblastosis". This is one of the varieties of oncological pathologies, characterized by the transformation and rapid growth of cells. Symptoms of blood cancer include enlarged lymphoid organs and liver, progressive weakness, anemia, and hemorrhagic manifestations. To detect hemoblastosis, it is required to perform a CBC with microscopy and bone marrow examination

Thrombectomy of the hemorrhoidal node: description and features of the operation, recovery, complications

Thrombectomy of the hemorrhoidal node: description and features of the operation, recovery, complications

When hemorrhoids prolapse, a complication such as thrombosis often develops. This pathology is characterized by severe pain in the anus and a high risk of necrosis of damaged vessels. To save the patient from such a disease, hemorrhoid thrombectomy is performed. This operation is a quick and almost painless procedure

Diseases of the parathyroid gland - description, symptoms and features of treatment

Diseases of the parathyroid gland - description, symptoms and features of treatment

Disturbances in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the body lead to diseases of the parathyroid gland. This organ belongs to the endocrine system and performs a regulatory function. In most cases, people have 4 parathyroid glands, sometimes this number varies from 3 to 8. Pathologies of this anatomical structure have a different course in children and adults. In addition, the symptoms in women and men are not always identical

Neurodermatitis: psychosomatics, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and disease prevention

Neurodermatitis: psychosomatics, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and disease prevention

Neurodermatitis is a common dermatological problem. The psychosomatics of this disease has been studied for several centuries. According to scientists, getting rid of the symptoms of neurodermatitis is possible only after the patient achieves emotional balance and learns to cope with stress

Psoriatic triad: definition, symptoms, causes and treatment features

Psoriatic triad: definition, symptoms, causes and treatment features

Psoriasis is a skin disease that has a chronic and relapsing course. Treatment of pathology helps to eliminate rashes on the body, relieve symptoms and prolong remission. The main diagnostic criterion for the disease is the psoriatic triad. It includes groups of symptoms that are characteristic only for this disease

Dermatomyositis is Manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of dermatomyositis

Dermatomyositis is Manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of dermatomyositis

When progressive muscle pain occurs, it is worth checking for dermatomyositis. This disease belongs to rheumatological pathologies. It is manifested by damage to muscle tissue and skin. In severe cases, the disease leads to impaired movement, breathing, swallowing, etc

Swelling under the eyes in children: causes, treatment

Swelling under the eyes in children: causes, treatment

One of the symptoms of various diseases is swelling under the eyes in children. This clinical sign may indicate serious ailments that should be urgently treated. Sometimes swelling is associated with excess fluid intake and fatigue. To find out the cause of their occurrence, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor

Forehead pain: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Forehead pain: causes, possible diseases, treatment

Many pathological conditions are accompanied by such a symptom as pain in the forehead. There are hundreds of reasons that can cause such a complaint. To establish: why the pain occurred, the doctor conducts a thorough clinical examination and prescribes special diagnostic methods

General classification of jaundice and description of varieties

General classification of jaundice and description of varieties

To improve the diagnosis and evaluation of treatment, a classification of jaundice has been developed. It is based on the etiology and pathogenesis of this syndrome. After finding out the cause of jaundice, doctors begin to treat the underlying pathology

Stepwise therapy of bronchial asthma in children and adults

Stepwise therapy of bronchial asthma in children and adults

Stepwise therapy of bronchial asthma is used by doctors all over the world. This is a special guideline created for the treatment of this pathology and the prevention of side effects of medications. Therapy is based on the correct selection of anti-asthma drugs, which depends on the severity of the disease

Parasitic liver cysts: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, complications and treatment

Parasitic liver cysts: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, complications and treatment

One of the problems associated with helminthic invasions are parasitic liver cysts. They are represented by cavity formations, inside of which there is a tapeworm. In most cases, liver cysts appear with echinococcosis and alveococcosis. These pathologies often require surgical treatment

Lack of iron in the body: what to do?

Lack of iron in the body: what to do?

Lack of iron in the body or iron deficiency anemia is a very common problem. Both adults and children face it. It is worth noting that in no case should this disease be ignored, as it can lead to serious consequences

Types of corns on the legs, their features and treatment

Types of corns on the legs, their features and treatment

Corn is a formation that almost everyone has encountered. Unfortunately, some people have this problem all the time. Some types of calluses on the feet are the result of wearing uncomfortable shoes, others are due to frequent walking or dry skin. Each of the pathological formations requires special treatment

Diagnostics of pancreatic diseases: research methods, features and recommendations

Diagnostics of pancreatic diseases: research methods, features and recommendations

Pancreatitis is one of the most common ailments. Often it is found in people who do not eat right or abuse alcohol. Diagnosis of diseases of the pancreas allows you to identify pathology. The main stages of diagnosis include examination, palpation, laboratory and instrumental studies

Pigmented skin nevi: photo, treatment, removal

Pigmented skin nevi: photo, treatment, removal

Not everyone knows that the scientific name of an ordinary mole is a pigmented nevus. Such a formation refers to benign tumors of the skin. There are several classifications of nevi. Some age spots are completely harmless, others can develop into one of the worst types of cancer - melanoma

Constant sleepiness: causes. Causes of constant fatigue and drowsiness

Constant sleepiness: causes. Causes of constant fatigue and drowsiness

One of the main enemies of humanity these days is constant drowsiness. The causes of this problem, their detection and elimination is the topic of our conversation today

Fractures of the nose: their symptoms and treatment

Fractures of the nose: their symptoms and treatment

The nose is a truly prominent part of the face, in the truest sense of the word. According to statistics, nose fractures account for more than 40% of all facial injuries, so it would be useful to know what to do in such situations, how to recognize the symptoms of a bruise and be able to provide the necessary first aid

Bump in the nose: causes, symptoms, prescribed treatment, recovery period and advice from an ENT doctor

Bump in the nose: causes, symptoms, prescribed treatment, recovery period and advice from an ENT doctor

Causes of an unpleasant formation in the nose and its main forms. Carrying out diagnostic measures and drawing up effective treatment by removing the bumps or using traditional medicine. Recovery period

Rossolimo reflex - a pathological reflex, manifested in the flexion of the toes or hand

Rossolimo reflex - a pathological reflex, manifested in the flexion of the toes or hand

In children's clinics and, of course, medical textbooks, you can often see illustrations showing how a person should respond to specific actions, that is, demonstrate certain reflexes. If everything is in order, the reaction will be one, and if there are some problems, another. What about the Rossolimo reflex?