Eczema on the face: causes and treatments

Eczema on the face: causes and treatments
Eczema on the face: causes and treatments

Eczema is an inflammatory skin disease. Refers to chronic pathologies, has a neuro-allergic nature. Accompanied by severe symptoms, it can be diagnosed in different parts of the body. Eczema on the face is a common disease among both children and adults. It is not considered contagious and cannot be passed from one patient to another.

Symptoms of eczema
Symptoms of eczema


Eczema on this part of the body can be of several types, each of which is accompanied by certain symptoms and occurs as a result of different provoking factors. The most common types are:

  1. Idiopathic (weeping eczema on the face). It is characterized by a chronic course, very often there is an exacerbation phase. As for the foci of inflammation, they are symmetrical. Very often, true eczema affects the skin of the lower and upper extremities. Spreads quickly acrossthroughout the body. Treatable.
  2. Seborrheic eczema. With this type of disease, it is very common for the skin to be damaged not only on the face, but also on the head. The formation of a rash occurs mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bhair growth, as well as near the nasolabial folds, behind the ears around the oral cavity. Differs in the expressed signs. This type of pathology is treatable.
  3. Microbial eczema. The cause of this eczema is staphylococci. In most cases, it affects the area of the lips, beard. May occur as a result of an already existing inflammatory process on the face.

As for other forms of eczema, such as atopic or nummular, they are rarely diagnosed in the face.

Stages of true eczema

eczema treatment
eczema treatment

In modern medicine, the stages of each type of eczema on the face are distinguished. True eczema proceeds in several stages, which include the following:

  1. The skin of the affected area begins to turn red, swelling appears.
  2. Appearance of small bubbles and nodules.
  3. Opening of bubbles, occurrence of point erosion.
  4. Isolation of serous exudate from erosion, the formation of a wet area of the skin.
  5. Drying of exudate, formation of a yellow-gray crust.
  6. Formation of new epithelium under the crust.
  7. Itching and peeling on the affected area.

The whole process that was described above occurs in waves. After this disease, the patient may experience thickening of the skin, increasedpigmentation, as well as the formation of infiltrated areas.

Stages of seborrheic and microbial type of disease

This type of disease also develops in stages. The stages of seborrheic eczema on the face include:

  1. Appearance of small pink-yellow nodules on the face.
  2. Merging of nodules, as they increase in size. The formation of infiltrated plaques is observed, in the form of discs, the size of which reaches 1 cm, they are covered with oily scales that fit tightly to each other.
  3. There is a wet surface under the scales. Pronounced humidity is not observed.
  4. This type of eczema is characterized by the lack of clear boundaries.
  5. First dry, then gradually oily.
  6. Gradually, plaques form into arcs or rings, starting from the middle of the inflammatory focus.
Prevention of eczema
Prevention of eczema

If the treatment of eczema on the face of this type is carried out correctly and effectively, then the skin is completely restored.

Microbial eczema goes through the following stages of development:

  1. The defeat of the hair follicles with abscesses. This process is provoked by staphylococci.
  2. Swelling, redness, itching appears.
  3. Inflamed areas with ulcers begin to gradually get wet.

If the disease is in a neglected state, then the inflammatory process begins to spread to areas where there is hair.

Reason for development

Eczema on the face, as well as on other parts of the body, can be provoked by variousfactors. They are similar to each other in both adults and children. The disease itself can have a variety of origins.

Causes of eczema:

  1. Allergic reaction of the body to any irritants, which include: pollen, wool, food and other substances. In such a situation, an allergy test is recommended.
  2. Parasitic infestations. Worms and other parasites in the human body can cause a lack of vitamins and disrupt the metabolic process. As a result, the immune system becomes weaker and more susceptible to infections.
  3. Fungal skin infection.
  4. Insect bites.
  5. Heredity.
  6. Violation of the integrity of the skin.
  7. Nervous disorders, stressful situations.
  8. Systemic autoimmune diseases, disorders of the digestive system.
  9. Diseases of the endocrine system.

If the patient has at least one listed provocative cause of eczema, then it is worth consulting with a specialist and starting therapy.


This skin disease not only develops in stages, but each type is accompanied by severe symptoms. Common signs of pathology include the following factors:

  1. Redness. In most cases, it occurs at the initial stage of eczema on the face. The boundaries of the inflammatory process will depend on the type of pathology.
  2. Vesicles and pustules.
  3. Wet areas with inflammation.
  4. Peeling.
  5. Crusting.
  6. Itching, burning.
  7. Abscesses and sores.
Stages of eczema
Stages of eczema

After this pathology, scars may remain on the patient's skin, as a result, this leads to infection. In parallel with the listed symptoms of eczema on the skin of the face, the patient may also complain of such symptoms as increased irritability, insomnia, fatigue, exhaustion of the body. Children may be more restless, have partial paralysis, and eat poorly.

Eczema in children

Very often this disease is diagnosed in young children. Eczema is confused with allergic reactions, and therefore mothers resort to self-medication, which further exacerbates the situation. To exclude pathology in a child, it is recommended that a pregnant woman eat right, remove allergen foods from her diet.

eczema in a child
eczema in a child

What does eczema look like on the face of babies? The inflammatory process is represented by foci of bright red color, rounded shape. There are also small bubbles inside. Skin lesions are noted on the cheeks, sometimes on the frontal part or under the eyes. In most cases, eczema is diagnosed in children between the ages of two months and six months. This is due to an unformed gastrointestinal tract, as well as the fact that the skin is not able to withstand strong allergens that may be contained in products intended for bathing.

Very often eczema in children occurs as a hereditary factor. Adolescents can also be at risk, especially those who have been ill earlier.


To betgiven the diagnosis to the patient, it is necessary to conduct an examination and a thorough examination. Since eczema is often confused with other pathologies of the skin, it is necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis with dermatitis, psoriasis. The patient is prescribed blood donation for allergens, scraping the affected area.

If the situation is more neglected, then it is recommended to undergo a histological examination of the area of the skin where the inflammatory process is observed. This study helps to exclude the option that the disease is not autoimmune. Based on the results obtained, therapy is prescribed, which will depend on the type of eczema and the prevalence of the process. Do not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment, as this can lead to complications and irreversible consequences, especially for children.

Complex treatment

The most effective therapy is considered to be complex, which is based on a combination of several main approaches. These include:

  1. Drug therapy. To overcome this ailment, the patient is prescribed drugs, injections, ointments for eczema on the face. Medicines include antihistamines, antiallergic, sedatives. As for ointments, it is advised to use topical steroids, which help get rid of the inflammatory process. They can prescribe antibiotics and vitamin complexes of groups B and C.
  2. Physiotherapy. It implies carrying out procedures such as electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation, reflexology.
  3. Proper nutrition, diet. The patient is advised to avoidfrom the diet all foods that can provoke an allergic reaction of the body. Also, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day.
  4. Traditional medicine. Various infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, compresses can be used.

As for treatment in children, they are excluded from therapy with potent anti-inflammatory drugs. If the baby is breastfed, then the mother is advised to adhere to proper nutrition, a strict diet. If the child is fed mixtures, then experts advise giving preference to hypoallergenic mixtures. Also, the treatment of eczema on the face completely eliminates warming up, as this can aggravate the situation and provoke prickly heat.

eczema in adults
eczema in adults

Treatment of true eczema

With this type of disease, the patient is prescribed various 1st generation antihistamines. These include the following medicines:

  1. "Mebhydrolin".
  2. "Chloropyramine".
  3. "Promethazine".

After the inflammatory process decreases, the patient is prescribed "Ebastine", "Cetirizine". If the disease continues to progress, it is recommended to take corticosteroids "Betamethasone" or "Prednisolone". In a severely neglected situation, the patient is prescribed injections of calcium gluconate into the muscle fiber.

As for local therapy, it involves the use of astringent agents, for example, a solution of "Tannin" or a solution"Resorcinol". These funds contribute to the formation of a film on inflamed areas and tissue repair. It is also worth treating the skin with a solution of "Furacilin". To quickly restore tissue, you need to carry out vitamin therapy.

Treatment of seborrheic type of disease

Ointment for eczema
Ointment for eczema

Therapy for this type of disease will depend on the degree of damage to the skin. If the disease has just begun, then it is recommended to use local treatment. In severe eczema on the face in adults, systemic therapy is necessary. Specialists in the seborrheic type of pathology prescribe antimycotic ointments, creams, products with corticosteroid hormones and antibacterial components. The recovery course lasts 1-2 months.

Recommended drugs, remedies, ointments:

  1. "Nizoral".
  2. "Bepanten".
  3. "Panthenol".
  4. Salicylic ointment.
  5. "Keto Plus".
  6. "Mycozoral".

It is also worth sticking to a proper balanced diet. It is necessary to refuse to visit steam rooms, saunas. If necessary, the patient is prescribed laser therapy, darsonvalization, cryotherapy or magnetotherapy. Injections of vitamins B6 and B1 are required.

Treatment of microbial type of eczema

Without microbial therapy, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs. For local treatment, drugs such as "Tetracycline" and "Erythromycin" ointment are prescribed,"Levomekol", "Baneocin" and others. If eczema was complicated by a fungal infection, it is recommended to take antimycotic drugs.

In case of significant damage to the skin, staphylococcal vaccination is carried out. Also, do not refuse to follow the diet and other recommendations of the doctor in order to exclude negative consequences. If the therapy was ineffective, you need to change the course of treatment and re-examine, pass scrapings.
