A benign formation located on the inner wall of the intestine is called a polyp. They have different sizes, can be single or multiple, in any situation, rectal polyps are considered a dangerous pathology that needs to be treated in a timely manner. The disease is accompanied by a variety of symptoms. Diagnosed in both adults and children. The risk of developing polyps increases with age.
What are polyps? Their types
As mentioned earlier, polyps are multiple growths that can be of different shapes. They belong to benign formations, in the absence of therapy they develop into cancer. They grow from the walls of the intestine, more precisely from its mucosa. They come with long and short legs. Polyps are soft.

According to the ICD, a rectal polyp is encrypted K62.1. This formation, although it grows from the intestinal epithelium, but insidehas a completely different type of fabric. In modern medicine, these types of polyps are distinguished:
- Fibrous. This type of formation consists of connective tissue, and is located in places of previous inflammatory processes. In most cases, they do not degenerate into malignant tumors. May become inflamed and fester.
- Adenomatous. This type of formation consists of glandular tissue. There is a movable leg, which can be up to 30 mm thick. Can be reborn into oncology.
- Villous. This type of formation has an elongated or round growth. The surface is velvety. A polyp of soft consistency, susceptible to injury, may bleed. Reborn into oncology.
- Multiple. Education data can be of mixed type.
- Diffuse polyposis. The formations grow in whole groups over the entire surface of the intestine.
In any situation, after a thorough examination, polyps in the rectum are removed. The method is chosen by the specialist.
Provoking factors
The exact causes of polyps have not yet been established, but there are provoking factors that can lead to their spread in the rectum. These include:
- Disturbed and improper nutrition. If the patient often eats fried, fatty foods, mainly animal fats, there is a minimum amount of fiber in the diet, then rectal polyps form over time.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic type. Most experts adherethe opinion that these formations cannot appear on he althy tissue. Inflammatory processes contribute to their formation, which provoke the rapid aging of the epithelium.
- Constipation of a permanent nature.
- Smoking, drinking, overeating.
- Heredity.
- Minor activity. Sedentary activity or the refusal of an active lifestyle can trigger the development of this disease.
Most cases of polyps are diagnosed in patients older than 45-50 years.

Polyps in the rectum - symptoms
Wherever these formations are located, their development is accompanied by corresponding symptoms. It is worth considering the fact that the initial stage of the pathology is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms, including pain or discomfort.
After the growth of polyps in the intestines, as well as their increase in size, the patient begins to notice the following symptoms:
- Periodic pain in the anus.
- Pain and discomfort during defecation.
- Feces with blood impurities.
- Constipation.
As for the symptoms in children, it is much more difficult to recognize them. This is due to the fact that blood discharge can occur with other pathologies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in order to accurately establish the diagnosis, you need to undergo a thorough examination, on the basis of which therapy is prescribed. If the situation is too advanced, then surgery is performed.
Without fail, the specialist collects an anamnesis, draws attention to the symptoms and comorbidities, bad habits. Then he palpates the anus. This type of study helps to identify or exclude other diseases in this area, such as hemorrhoids. In men, during palpation, you can simultaneously study the condition of the prostate.
Sigmoidoscopy is also performed, which refers to the instrumental research method. Helps to examine the inner walls of the intestine within 20-23 cm from the beginning of the anus. In most cases, polyps are located in the rectum or sigmoid colon.

The patient may also be prescribed such methods of examination of rectal polyps as:
- Colonoscopy. Helps to carefully examine the condition of the large intestine. This method is considered informative and the best option for detecting these types of formations. As a result of the study, the mucous surface is also studied, other pathologies of this area are revealed. During colonoscopy, parallel removal of polyps can also be carried out using a special electrode, which has a tip - a loop. She pounces on the process and cuts off the polyp. After that, the area is cauterized. The formation is then examined for histology.
- Irrigoscopia. Helps identify polyps larger than 10 mm that may be located in the upper colon.
- X-ray examination. A contrast agent is being used.
Regardingbiopsy, then it is not prescribed for rectal polyps.

Differential Diagnosis
This pathology in most cases is differentiated from other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These include the following deviations:
- Lipoma. It is located in the right half of the colon, can spread throughout the area. Gradually becomes large, located in the submucosal layer.
- Non-epithelial neoplasms. Tumors of this type do not have large legs. These include: myoma and angioma.
- Actinomycosis of the colon.
- Crohn's disease. It is possible to identify a deviation of this type during an X-ray examination.
The main significance in this type of diagnosis is assigned to a histological examination, which is assigned to the patient after a thorough examination by a specialist. Examinations for children are selected carefully so as not to harm the young body. Do not self-diagnose. Also, if necessary, stool tests are prescribed by a specialist to detect the presence of blood in the masses.
Danger of polyps
These types of neoplasms can lead to serious complications and pose a threat to life. Why are they dangerous?
- Rebirth into a malignant tumor. In most cases, adenomas can develop into cancer. It is villous adenomatous polyps with multiple processes and a wide base that are considered aggressive, as they contribute to the rapid spread of malignant cells.
- Intestinal obstruction. If the patient has symptoms of polyps in the rectum, treatment must be carried out without fail. This is due to the fact that a significant size of the formation leads to stagnation of feces, as a result, intoxication of the body, dehydration due to electrolyte imbalance. If therapy is abandoned, this will lead to tissue necrosis, feces entering the abdominal cavity, then to peritonitis and death.
- Acute enterocolitis. It develops due to a constantly irritated intestinal wall, where ulcers gradually form, an inflammatory process occurs. Accompanied by severe symptoms.
- Paraproctitis.
- Violation of the stool and the formation of fecal stones.
- Anemia. It occurs due to the constant loss of blood.
Also, the patient may experience fissures in the rectum, which appear due to problems with the stool.
Surgical treatment
Treatment of polyps in the rectum is mandatory, regardless of the size of the formation. The operation is appointed after the examination, endoscopic equipment is used. Previously, the patient may be offered an anesthetic, but the procedure itself is not accompanied by pain. Removal involves inserting an endoscope into the anus. The device has a loop electrode that captures, compresses and cuts off the stalk of the polyp in the rectum. The operation is carried out in stages, if the size of the formation is large.

To exclude inflammation or infection, aftersurgical intervention, cauterization is performed. For this, the method of electrocoagulation is used. As for tissue injury, with this method of treatment it is minimal, and the scar is practically absent.
If a patient is diagnosed with polyposis, the process becomes more complicated. Partial removal of the affected intestine may be performed. After the intervention, a recovery period is always required, which includes taking medications and maintaining a proper and he althy diet.
Non-intervention treatment
Treatment of polyps without surgery means getting rid of unpleasant symptoms, but not the problem itself. It is impossible to eliminate formations in the intestines with the help of traditional medicine or drugs, there is a chance that the situation will only aggravate, as the polyp will grow and develop into a malignant tumor.
To get rid of symptoms, it is recommended to use special ointments and gels, which are prescribed exclusively by a specialist. They help eliminate pain and heal the damaged surface of the polyp. Dosage and course depends on the neglect of the situation.
Consequences of the operation

After removal of the polyp of the rectum, the patient should be under the supervision of a specialist for some time, undergo endoscopy again to rule out recurrence. If the formations were not detected within two years after the operation, then a colonoscopy is performed every three years.
If it was found that the polyp had cancer cells,resection of the affected part of the intestine is immediately carried out. In most cases, preventive removal of these formations is prescribed. As for complications after the intervention, they include bleeding, which is observed in patients for 8-10 days.
Treatment with folk remedies

If the patient has been diagnosed with a small polyp of the rectum, folk remedies can be used, but under the supervision of a specialist. Most often, it is recommended to use decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs:
- Infusion of agrimony. For cooking, you need to take 30 g of grass and 0.2 liters of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Infuse the decoction for 50-65 minutes, then cool and strain. Take three times a day, 100 ml, half an hour before meals.
- Decoction of viburnum berries. For cooking, you need to take 30 g of berries and 0.3 liters of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10-20 minutes. Cool the broth, strain and take 100 ml three times a day.
- Decoction of celandine. For cooking, you need to take 15 g of raw materials and pour 250 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10-20 minutes. Cool and strain. Take 30 g twice a day, half an hour before meals.
Also, other products can be used, such as camphor oil. Enemas are also prescribed from decoctions of herbs.
Prevention measures
There is no specific prevention. It is advised to adhere to the main recommendations:
- Eat right. Need to give upfatty, fried and other junk food, as well as sweets, muffins, fast food, soda, strong coffee, smoked meats. Eat more fiber.
- Drink fluids as much as possible.
- Include whole grain bread, bran and vegetable oil in your diet.
- You need to stop drinking alcohol, smoking.
- Refuse to overeat.
- Perform timely treatment and examination.
- Move more.
If you stick to a he althy lifestyle, then diseases will never bother you.