How to relieve dry cough: types, causes, home treatments and drugs

How to relieve dry cough: types, causes, home treatments and drugs
How to relieve dry cough: types, causes, home treatments and drugs

In the season of colds, many are wondering: "How to relieve a dry cough and improve overall well-being?" Before starting therapy, it is recommended to first visit a specialist (therapist) so that he correctly establishes the provoking factor. This deviation, if left untreated, can cause a lot of inconvenience and lead to serious complications, significantly worsen the quality of life. It is worth remembering that therapy will be different for children and adults. There are several ways to eliminate a dry cough - by medication and with the help of folk remedies. It is better to pay attention to an integrated approach to this problem.

Correct definition of dry cough in a child

It must be remembered that not always with this disease there is no sputum. There are such varieties of cough, in which, nevertheless, it accumulates in the bronchi and leaves from there. Often this situationdiagnosed in younger patients. Only a qualified specialist after a thorough examination is able to determine the deviation. This violation is explained by the fact that the muscular tissue of the thoracic region is not yet sufficiently developed (up to three years on average), and the sputum itself has a more viscous consistency and the coughing process is not effective.

An auxiliary sign in diagnosing a dry cough is the source of the sound. It is formed in the laryngeal region. An inflammatory process is observed there, which provokes a sore throat and there is a sensation of a “lump”, while coughing begins often and with great force contributes to suffocation. Especially at night time. How to relieve a child’s cough at night, a specialist will tell you, self-therapy should be completely excluded.

how to relieve dry cough
how to relieve dry cough

With each attack, the mucous throat is even more irritated and injured, while relief does not come, the general condition worsens. If you do not start timely treatment, it can lead to suffocation. In advanced cases, dry cough is unpredictable, uncontrollable. It must be remembered that this type of disease never comes from the chest.

One of the determining factors of dry cough is the sound quality. It is rolling, crackling, hoarse, in this situation it is difficult to confuse it with a wet expectorant type of deviation. It is often compared to the barking of a dog. This disease is very tiring for children, there may be problems with appetite, complete apathy appears.

how to relieve dry cough in children
how to relieve dry cough in children

How to relieve an attack of dry cough in a child? You should not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment, therefore, at the first manifestations of the disease, you need to undergo an examination, which involves the following procedures:

  1. X-ray. Suitable for older patients. Helps to eliminate pneumonia and tuberculosis, as well as to identify neoplasms in the respiratory system.
  2. Bronchoscopy. A procedure that helps to establish the presence of a foreign body, confirm the diagnosis. Also recommended for biopsy.
  3. Electrocardiography. The procedure necessary to determine the diseases of the cardiac system.
  4. Peakflowmetry. It is used to determine the patency of the airways. Recommended for patients with bronchial asthma.
  5. Spirography is carried out for children only after the age of five. Assigned only if peak flowmetry did not give a positive result.
  6. Studies to identify the allergen in the body.
  7. Stool, urine and blood analysis.
  8. Microbiological examination of a throat swab to detect the presence of fungal infections and their susceptibility to antibiotic therapy.
  9. Endoscopy is a procedure that detects diseases of the digestive system.

Only after a complete examination can it be determined how to relieve a child's frequent dry cough. Of course, not all of the above studies are suitable for small patients, but only a doctor will tell you. If one of the procedures is excluded, then another, no less effective one is prescribed.

Provoking factors of pathology in children

To know how to alleviate a dry nighttime cough in a child, you need to correctly establish the cause of this deviation. Very often acute respiratory infections act as provocateurs. Dry cough in this case is diagnosed in the first days, as there is an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract, as well as swelling. Viruses can irritate the mucous surface of the back wall of the larynx and throat, provoking more and more attacks, especially at night.

Very often a dry cough is diagnosed with pathologies such as:

  • laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx associated with a cold;
  • bronchitis is a pathology of the respiratory system and bronchial mucosa;
  • tracheitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea;
  • laryngotracheitis is a disease that affects not only the larynx, but also the trachea.

Each of these diseases has its own provoking factors, as well as the corresponding symptoms. How can you alleviate a dry cough in a child in this situation, the specialist will tell for sure after a thorough examination and an accurate diagnosis. Be sure to pay attention to secondary signs of poor he alth.

how to relieve dry cough in adults
how to relieve dry cough in adults

Very often this disorder occurs in babies after suffering an acute respiratory infection for several days. It is characterized by slight coughing. In the acute course of a cold, coughing can be inconvenient induring the month. In such a situation, it is necessary to constantly be under the supervision of a specialist, to carry out additional preventive measures.

You should not exclude such a disease as whooping cough from provoking factors. This is a serious infectious pathology that requires immediate medical attention. How to relieve a dry cough in a child at night in this case? Experts advise taking syrups, rubbing and doing a special massage.

Often a dry cough is observed as a reaction to some allergen, which can be dust, various products, animal hair.

How to relieve dry cough in a child?

Treatment is selected individually, has its own characteristics and depends on the neglect of the situation. Therapy is prescribed exclusively by a specialist - a pediatrician. If necessary, consultations of other highly specialized doctors are required, depending on concomitant diseases. In most cases, treatment has an integrated approach - the use of medicines, folk remedies. With a strong cough, special exercises and massages are prescribed to alleviate the condition during attacks.

how to relieve dry night cough in a child
how to relieve dry night cough in a child

What are the features of therapy and how to relieve dry night cough in a child?

  1. Correct diagnosis.
  2. Choosing the dosage form of the medicinal product. Small children (under the age of 6 years) are recommended to buy syrups, solutions and drops, and from 6 to 12 years old, tablets and capsules are allowed. Dosage depends onbody weight and will be calculated individually by a specialist.
  3. Be sure to pay attention to the composition of the drug, which is recommended to read before buying. Also study contraindications and side effects, methods of administration and duration.

How to relieve dry cough in a child yet? During the illness, doctors recommend providing the baby with complete rest. You need to drink as much liquid as possible. The air in the room where the child is located must be humid, for this various devices are used.

What other directions are there for the treatment of dry cough? First of all, this is the complex use of etiotropic antiviral drugs. They are not often prescribed, as it has not been proven how effective they are in this situation. Do not forget about means with a softening effect (for example, milk, honey). They help reduce the inflammatory process in the larynx, relieve discomfort and alleviate the general condition. You can replace these products with warm water, which will reduce the intoxication of the body. It is advisable to exclude drinks with a high content of acids from the diet in order to reduce irritation of the already inflamed mucous membrane.

How to relieve a child's dry cough quickly? You can use lozenges for resorption, which have a local effect. They reduce the inflammatory process, suppress attacks. It is better to choose products with a combined composition. Before buying, the age category of the patient is taken into account.

How to relieve dry cough in a child at night? In thissituation, it is recommended to use drugs that have a suppressive effect on the cough center. In this case, you should not worry that there will be negative consequences due to sputum stagnation, since this is completely excluded. Such remedies help to alleviate the condition and improve well-being. Reduce seizures and their intensity.

Modern products for children

With what drugs and how to quickly relieve dry cough? In modern medicine, several types of medicines are distinguished that have a positive effect on the peripheral links of the corresponding reflex and on the cough center. They provide longer lasting and more pronounced seizure suppression.

Drugs with central action are highly selective, as they affect only the cough center. They have an appropriate safety profile and are recommended for long-term use as they are not addictive.

The most popular drugs based on butamirate, which suppresses cough for a long period of time at the level of the cough center and eliminates the pronounced inflammatory process. All children's medicines are completely safe. The effect of taking is observed after 20 minutes and can last for several hours.

how to relieve dry cough at night
how to relieve dry cough at night

How to relieve a nocturnal dry cough with drugs based on prenoxdiazine? They can be taken for a long time, are not addictive, have a slightly long-lasting effect - up to 4 hours. Able to eliminate night attacks, but not completelymake you feel better.

Causes of dry cough in older patients

Very often this type of cough is diagnosed in adults as a secondary symptom of other respiratory diseases that have a bacterial or viral etiology. These include:

  • ARVI;
  • ORZ;
  • flu;
  • acute stage of bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • acute and chronic pharyngitis.

As mentioned earlier, this pathology can be diagnosed as a result of a non-infectious lesion of the body, such as allergies. Also, such deviations include pharyngitis and laryngitis of a non-infectious type, spasms in the bronchi, irritation of the mucous surface with toxic substances, mechanical damage to the laryngeal region.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that this type of disorder is often observed as a negative reaction of the body to the intake of any groups of drugs, while there is an increased sensitivity of the body. How to relieve dry cough in this case? First of all, a specialist consultation is required, and in case of a severe violation, an urgent refusal to take medication.

The right choice of medicines for adult patients

How to relieve dry cough in an adult with medication? When choosing drugs, experts focus on some points, such as:

  1. The occurrence of an attack due to irritation of the cough center, sputum is completely absent, painful and frequent spasms are noted. In this case, it is recommended to takeantitussive and combination medicines.
  2. Dry cough due to inflammation, which is localized in the bronchi, lungs. In this situation, thick and viscous sputum can be diagnosed. Experts recommend taking mucolytics.
  3. Cough similar to wet, with sputum with reduced viscosity. Prescribed drugs that promote expectoration.

How to relieve dry cough and do no harm? A thorough examination and consultation of a specialist throughout the therapy is always required. It is forbidden to combine taking a mucolytic and antitussive drugs. When choosing folk remedies, attention is paid to the neglect of the situation, the general condition of the body and contraindications (for example, an allergic reaction to certain products).

Modern, effective drugs

The most effective remedies for non-productive dry cough are combination medicines. These include:

  • "Codelac". Effective drug. There are several forms - syrup, drops, tablets. The composition includes codeine, plant extracts. Has expectorant action. It may be addictive, therefore it is not recommended for patients of a younger age category. Terms of application and dosage are determined by a specialist.
  • "Gerbion". Herbal preparation, refers to complex medicines. It helps to get rid of various types of coughs, has an expectorant effect, and belongs to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Has serious contraindications.
  • "Sinekod". Available in various forms - tablets, drops, syrup. A potent anti-inflammatory agent. Side effects may occur during use.
  • "Stoptussin". How to relieve dry cough with this remedy? Approved for use from one year. Has a combined effect. Available in the form of tablets and drops. The course of treatment is determined by a specialist depending on the intensity of the cough, the severity of the attacks.
  • "Linkas". A natural remedy approved for use by children from six months. Helps to get rid of dry cough and phlegm.
  • "Broncholithin". Herbal expectorant. It has an antispasmodic, antimicrobial effect. Recommended for children over the age of three. It has a number of contraindications and side effects.
  • "ACC". Long acting drug. Recommended for use once a day. Helps to expel mucus, reduces its viscosity. Has limitations.

There are medicines that are sold exclusively by prescription. These include drugs that contain substances with a negative effect on the nervous system.

How to relieve dry cough folk remedies?

Dry cough is very dangerous. Indeed, with it, pathogens are not removed from the bronchi and lungs with the help of sputum, and each attack leads to injury to the mucous surface of the respiratory tract. In addition to drugs, you can useand folk remedies that are no less effective. They help to soothe a strong dry cough in a child at night. How to alleviate the condition in this case, only a specialist will tell.

how to relieve dry cough fast
how to relieve dry cough fast

In most cases, it is recommended to use infusions, herbal decoctions and compresses, inhalations. With each method you need to be careful, because if used incorrectly, there is a possibility of negative consequences, up to complications. This applies to compresses and inhalations.

How to relieve an attack of dry cough with folk therapy? Below are the most popular and effective recipes that can be used to eliminate seizures even in children. All procedures can be carried out at home, but after consultation with a specialist.

Very often they prepare a remedy based on lemon and honey. Pre-boil the citrus fruit for 7-12 minutes, cool it and squeeze out the juice. Then glycerin (12-25 g), honey, preferably not a thick consistency, are added to the resulting mass, everything is mixed. The mixture is taken three times a day, preferably before meals, 12 g each. Helps to get rid of the inflammatory process and eliminate attacks.

Experts recommend eating bananas during a severe cough. Children will like this tool very much, especially since they are allowed in the diet of babies from six months. It is advisable to chop the fruit and pour boiled water (250 ml), mix. Take the resulting mixture up to 8 times a day, 25 g, regardless of meals. Makes it very easyattack, especially at night.

How to relieve dry cough at home with herbal preparations? With this deviation, experts recommend paying attention to sage, licorice root, anise fruits, pine buds, marshmallow root. Sometimes mullein flowers are used to eliminate dry cough. These herbs can be brewed together, the ingredients are taken in equal proportions. When preparing the infusion, only one spoon of the resulting mixture is used and 500 ml of boiling water is poured. The agent is taken no more than four times a day, 125 ml, regardless of meals.

How to relieve a bad dry cough with milk? This is a unique product that not only strengthens and saturates the body with nutrients, microelements, but also helps to get rid of many ailments. A milk decoction with figs is often used, such a remedy relieves whooping cough and severe cough, relieves inflammation, reduces fever, and treats tracheitis.

It is also recommended to use milk with ginger or propolis. This remedy is used with caution in the treatment of cough in children. Drinks with these components are effective in severe attacks, viral diseases, and inflammatory processes. They help to get rid of pathogens, have a warming effect. Drinks are best consumed before bed, you can add sugar for taste.

How to relieve dry cough in an adult with radish? This is a unique annual herbaceous plant that has a lot of positive properties. Improves when used correctlythe efficiency of the body, saturates with nutrients, helps to fight many ailments. But do not forget that the use of radish has negative sides. It is not recommended to eat with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, pancreas, cardiovascular system. Therefore, before therapy with this vegetable, it is advisable to take everything into account in order to exclude negative consequences and complications.

how to relieve dry cough in a child
how to relieve dry cough in a child

So how can an adult's dry cough at night be relieved with this annual? Radish juice is recommended to be mixed with honey and sugar. Take the mixture once a day, regardless of the meal, 6 g each. The remedy is used even to treat illness in babies.

Dry cough and pregnancy

Pregnancy is a great time, but during this period a woman should take care of herself in order to exclude complications in the development of the fetus. There are cases when even during this period, expectant mothers are faced with various ailments. Any actions, and even more so taking medicines, should be agreed with a specialist who will help you choose the right drugs and other medicines.

A variety of factors can provoke a dry cough in a pregnant woman. First of all, this disease occurs at the initial stage of acute respiratory infections, there is fever and a runny nose, which worsens the quality of life of a pregnant woman. Attacks occur at night, in parallel, the tension of muscle tissue increases, especially in the abdomen. Such an ailment is undesirable, especially whendiagnosis of low placenta previa. Therefore, early bleeding occurs.

How to relieve dry cough at night and during the day during pregnancy? In modern medicine, there are medicines that are recommended for use during the period of gestation. The dose and course of treatment are calculated exclusively by a specialist. A woman is prescribed antitussives that can anesthetize, relieve spasm. The composition should not include narcotic components. In any case, it is not advisable to use drugs in the first weeks of pregnancy.

As for folk therapy, it is allowed to do inhalations with potatoes, baking soda. This method will alleviate the condition, reduce the severity of coughing. A decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or linden is recommended, which is taken in small doses and preferably at bedtime. These herbs soothe, strengthen the immune system, do not have any negative impact on the body and the development of the unborn child.

If a woman has been diagnosed with bronchitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis or other respiratory disease, hospitalization is carried out. Even after a complete cure, a pregnant woman may be left in the clinic for further monitoring of her condition in order to exclude complications.

How to relieve dry cough in an adult quickly, as well as during pregnancy? Experts recommend rinsing the mouth and throat with a warm soda solution. For cooking, you need to take 250 ml of boiled water and 5 g of the indicated component. Soda can be replaced with apple cider vinegar (12 g per 500 ml of liquid). It is advisable to rinse every two to three hours. Atif necessary, the procedure is repeated at night.

When bouts of dry cough, you need to monitor the humidity in the room. It is necessary to arrange containers with water throughout the room, often carry out wet cleaning.

Prevention measures

To exclude he alth problems, including dry cough, you need to pay attention to prevention and timely therapy. If you monitor your condition, then the problem will never touch and you will not have to resort to treatment and other cardinal methods. If any alarming symptoms occur, you should immediately seek qualified help, undergo a thorough examination. The course of treatment is prescribed exclusively by the doctor based on the data received.

Prevention activities that include:

  • humidification of dry indoor air;
  • regular cleaning to prevent the development of an allergic reaction to dust;
  • strengthening immunity, hardening;
  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • outdoor walks;
  • timely treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • exclusion of hypothermia.

If the work is associated with harmful working conditions, you must follow all safety recommendations, use products that remove toxins from the body. Dry cough is a serious disorder that leads to a deterioration in well-being, so you need to monitor your he alth. Exclude any provoking factors, especially for children and pregnant women. If any questions arise,you can always seek additional advice from a specialist who will tell you what to do in a given situation, but do not resort to self-treatment.
