To be he althy, you need to know how your own body works. Any disruption in the functioning of the body's systems can lead to serious consequences. Let's look at how the heart works, where the sinoatrial node is located.
The mechanism of human existence

Man as a working multifunctional mechanism. He can do many things: eat, drink, walk, sit, look out the window - the list is endless. All of the above are responsible for the vital systems of the body. Each organ performs a specific function, it is impossible to replace it with another. Everything is very simple: our eyes are responsible for visual perception, ears - for auditory, stomach is responsible for digestion, lungs - for breathing, brain - for mental and other operations, spleen and liver - for digestion and transport of food in the body, etc. e.
All organs are important and interconnected. Even without one, our body will not be able to fully function, and we, accordingly, will be susceptible to diseases. In today's world, it's easydetermine whether a person is he althy or not. The color of the skin, the condition of the teeth, fatigue, exhaustion, etc., speak about a disease in a person. Therefore, each of us must take care of our he alth, namely, the proper functioning of the internal organs.
The heart is a vital organ

Heart is a circulatory organ that transports blood through the vessels. It is capable of pumping 4-5 liters of blood per minute. But this is not the final figure, it can reach 30 liters. Based on research data, the weight of the heart is approximately 300 g, width - 7-10 cm, length - 12-13 cm. It is believed that if you clench your fist, then its circumference will correspond to the size of the heart. But all this is relative and depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the rhythm of life.
The heart is an organ that is involved in transporting nutrients through the blood vessels to the brain and other organs. And while it works without deviations, our body does not experience difficulties in life.
But do not forget that this body is not eternal and may fail and require urgent restoration. Heart problems can appear due to heredity, the influence of the internal environment, alcohol and smoking abuse, frequent stress and lack of sleep, as well as other negative factors. The best prevention is exercise and a he althy diet.
Structure of the heart

The heart consists of four chambers separated by special partitions. The two chambers are the left and right atrium. In the rightthe sinoatrial node is located in the atrium. The other two chambers are the left and right ventricles. The right side of the heart, where the right atrium and ventricle enter, is responsible for venous blood, and the left side, where the left atrium and ventricle are located, is responsible for arterial blood.
Between the atria and ventricles there is a valve that prevents blood from flowing in the opposite direction. Also in the heart there are vena cava, which enter the right atrium, and pulmonary veins - into the left atrium.
Where is it

Today we will consider in more detail one of its components - the sinoatrial node. It's just a scary name.
It is also called the sinoatrial, sinus node, Keyes-Fleck node. The sinoatrial node is located in the right atrium, where the superior vena cava flows. This explains why we looked at organ structure earlier.
The sinoatrial node of the heart is a node, which is an accumulation of muscle tissue. The length of such a node, as a rule, is from 1 to 20 mm, and the width is from 3 to 5 mm. The structure of the sinoatrial node includes two types of cells: those that excite electrical impulses for the work of the heart, and those that are responsible for conducting the resulting stimuli from the node to the atria.
The outer shell of these cells (membrane) is characterized by high permeability to sodium ions. The presence of sodium ions leads to the occurrence of certain actions in the cells that are nearby, this is the so-called excitation wave. Shocks of excitation pass through the heart muscles andprovoke their contraction.
The main function of the sinus node is the excitation of electrical impulses. The impulses that have arisen in the node lead to excitation and contraction of the heart. During normal operation, this is 60-80 ppm.
The sinoatrial node is often called the pacemaker of the heart in many respects, since a wave of excitation originates in it, which, in turn, provokes the next one.
The contraction propagates along the walls of the atrium at a speed of 1 m/s. This information makes it possible to understand how the node works and where its location is.
Conducting system of the heart

The sinoatrial node (in Latin nódus sinuatriális) is of great importance in the life of the body. Is it really as important as we talk about it? The answer is simple, because the heart is a pump for our body, which pumps blood through the veins and arteries. This pump works only due to contractions in the organ. This is possible thanks to the conduction system of the heart.
Integral and very important components of this system are two components: the Kees-Fleck knot and the Aschoff-Tavara knot.
Kis-Fleck knot and Aschoff-Tavara knot
Their feature is that their cells are able to transmit nerve impulses that provoke contraction of the atria and ventricles. This is because their cells are interconnected by ends and side surfaces. As a result, they are sensitive. Cardiac stimuli begin at the sinus node, then diverge through the atria and finallyreach the atrioventricular node.
History of origin of terms
The history of the origin of terms begins in the 19th century. The beginning of the 20th century is famous for its morphological studies of the heart, which entered science and history. In 1806, S. Tavara discovered the atrioventricular node. He was named after the scientist. A. Keys and M. Fleck studied this issue, they accurately described the sinus node. They soon proved that this node is the main, one might say, indispensable generator of cardiac impulses.
It was also important that if the sinoatrial node loses its functions, the anrioventricular node automatically becomes the rhythm generator. Thus, these nodes complement each other in case of violation of the functions of one of them.
Problems and pathologies

All organs of the body can be subject to the development of various pathologies. Nobody is immune from this. The heart is one of the organs that suffers most often. And of course, there are problems in the work of the nodes of the conduction system of the heart. It is worth being very careful about these disorders, as they can disrupt the conduction system of the heart, which will lead to negative consequences. These problems result in:
- Partial blockade. In this case, the pulse is conducted slowly.
- Complete blockade, when there is no impulse at all.
Such blockades can occur in different parts of the whole system. For example, it can be a sinus blockade - a site of violations and deviationsit is in this node, the atrioventricular blockade is directly in the area of \u200b\u200bthis node, etc. That is, the place where the blockade occurs is considered the name.
We already know that if the sinoatrial node does not work well, then this entails dysfunction of the rest of the components of the heart. Therefore, it is worth keeping all organs in order and protecting them as much as possible.
Even if a person leads a completely correct lifestyle, follows all the recommendations, regulates the time of work and rest, avoids stressful situations, he will not be able to avoid congenital blockades. They, as a rule, do not affect a person's life and do not bring any discomfort.
Causes of diseases

The causes of heart disease can be different. Sometimes we may not even know that we are a carrier of any pathology. There are such causes of pathology:
- acquired or congenital heart defects;
- surgical consequences, trauma;
- complications after illness;
- nervous system disorder;
- diseases of the respiratory system;
- thyroid disease, diabetes, anemia;
- side effects of medications;
- alcohol and smoking;
- blockades for no apparent reason.
People have the opportunity to solve such problems with medical and surgical methods.
Drug treatment involves taking vitamins and drugs, dieting (increasing the portion of fresh vegetables and fruits,avoiding fatty and sugary foods). Surgery is used when medical treatment does not work. For example, a person often loses consciousness or the disease becomes malignant. In such cases, it is possible to install a pacemaker. After that, such people should be under the constant supervision of specialists.
Disease prevention
Currently, everyone has some kind of he alth problem. It can be acquired diseases or congenital. Unfortunately, not every person can afford regular treatment or recreational activities. But this does not mean that you need to put up with he alth problems. Experts recommend following some rules that are effective and necessary in order to prevent disruption in the work of these organs. With the help of them, you can not only maintain the level of he alth, reduce the risk of new ones, but also alleviate the form of existing diseases. These rules include:
- correct daily routine;
- rational nutrition;
- giving up bad habits;
- avoiding stressful situations;
- timely contacting specialists.
Fulfilling such rules will not be difficult, but the result will not be long in coming. Most importantly, follow the systematic implementation and learn to enjoy them.
So we learned where the sinoatrial node is located, what it is responsible for, and how to keep the heart stable for many years. Take care of yourself, don't get sick! And most importantly, take care of your he alth.