Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease diagnosed mainly in boys. Pathology affects the head of the penis and the inside of the foreskin. The process is accompanied by severe symptoms, which significantly worsens the patient's life.
It is possible to diagnose balanoposthitis in children with an external examination. Based on the results obtained, therapy is prescribed, which involves the use of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory ointments, baths, washing. If the child has a chronic stage, surgery is performed.

Provoking factors
Very often balanoposthitis occurs in infants, which is provoked by improper use of diapers. This inflammatory process also occurs in boys as a result of the development of pathogens. Progresscertain conditions contribute to pathology:
- Improper baby care, use of soap when washing.
- Poor-quality products for personal hygiene and washing children's clothes.
- Incorrect diaper size, rarely changed.
- Tight panties that can rub the head of the penis, which provokes injury to the skin and infection.
- Allergic reaction to powder or baby cream used.
- Disturbed structure of the external genital organs, which can provoke various inflammatory processes.
- Exposure of the head of the penis unnecessarily.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Overweight problems.
- Baby malnutrition.
Also, normal hypothermia can also provoke this inflammatory process in boys.
General symptoms
The first symptoms of balanopastitis in a child include pain and itching in the head of the penis. Also, a small patient will complain of a burning sensation in this area. Difficulty passing urine may be noted. During the examination, the specialist notes redness and swelling of the head, if you pull back the foreskin, you can see the accumulated smegma, which has an unpleasant odor.
If a purulent form of the disease is diagnosed, then there will be a discharge of pus from under the foreskin. The child is very worried about this condition. Also, in addition to local signs, there may be other reactions of the body to the inflammatory process.

Additional symptoms of balanoposthitis in a child (photos of this pathology can be seen on specialized sites):
- Increased body temperature.
- General weakness.
- The child constantly wants to sleep, is naughty a lot.
The irritability of the child is associated with itching, which constantly bothers him.
Symptoms in infants
Very often this inflammatory process is diagnosed in infants. This is due to the fact that even if hygiene is observed, microorganisms from the intestines, after emptying, enter the foreskin, as well as the head, which leads to an inflammatory process. Phimosis, which is observed in every boy in the first year of life, can complicate the hygienic process.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis in children of this age group are always distinct, therefore, at the first manifestations of the disease, you should immediately contact a urologist. We list the signs of this inflammatory process:
- Swelling of the glans and foreskin, it has a bright red tint.
- You can see red dots on the penis during examination.
- The baby is restless, does not sleep, refuses to eat.
- There is pain when urinating, the baby is crying.
If you ignore this pathology and do not seek timely help from a specialist, this will lead to irreversible serious consequences.
Balanoposthitis in preschoolers and schoolchildren
Even inAt this age, balanoposthitis is also common. It occurs as a result of the same provoking factors:
- Phimosis. At this age, it acquires a pathological form.
- Bad hygiene.
- Accession of candida microflora.
Also, do not use tight underwear, as it negatively affects the condition of the penis and foreskin. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor not only the hygiene of the child, teach him how to wash properly, but also carefully choose underwear.
Balanoposthitis in adolescents
Very often balanoposthitis in children of this age is accompanied by a staphylococcal infection, as well as streptococcus and candida. This is due to the fact that the teenager does not follow personal hygiene properly, wears tight underwear.
Balanoposthitis in adolescents very often develops in parallel with existing pathologies:
- gonorrhea;
- trichomoniasis;
- candidiasis;
- herpes.
In adolescence, phimosis is quite rare, but if this happens, surgery should be performed. In such a situation, a complete examination is carried out in order to exclude existing diseases and prescribe a complete treatment for balanoposthitis in a child. The symptoms of pathology are the same as at an early age.

In modern medicine, there are several types of balanoposthitis in children. These include:
- Simple. Characterized by redness throughout the area, swelling and macerationthe skin of the head, as well as the inner part of the foreskin. Then there is the formation of erosion of various types, which differ in their size and shape. Of these, pus with particles of the epithelium can stand out. There is itching and burning. After the therapy, there are no traces of the inflammatory process on the skin.
- Erosive balanoposthitis in a child. Photos of this type of pathology demonstrate the presence of white areas with dead epithelium, which then turn into large erosions of bright red color. The process can be complicated by phimosis. There are pain sensations. After treatment, no traces of the disease remain.
- Gangrenous. This form of the disease is accompanied by fever, fever, general malaise. Deep purulent-necrotic ulcers of various sizes are diagnosed. Pain, swelling, redness of the head and foreskin are noted. phimosis develops. The recovery process takes a long time.
Only a specialist can determine the type of pathology after a thorough examination.
Purulent balanoposthitis
The purulent form of the disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the described area, which disrupts the process of emitting urine and smegma. As a result, there is a release of purulent masses, most often with a specific smell. The main symptom is redness, swelling of the head. Any form of the disease is always accompanied by discomfort, itching and burning, especially when passing urine.
Provoke purulent balanoposthitis can yeast, staphylococcus aureus,streptococcus. If there is a strong inflammatory process, which is accompanied by the release of pus, then the foreskin is circumcised.
Acute balanoposthitis
The acute form of the inflammatory process very often occurs as a complication of infectious diseases. Balanoposthitis is observed as a result of the previously mentioned provoking factors. It is accompanied by redness of the head, problems with urination, discharge, swelling and increased body temperature. Occurs unexpectedly and proceeds quickly. Treatment in this situation should be prescribed within a day. Therefore, you should not engage in self-therapy, but immediately seek qualified help.
A pediatric surgeon or urologist will help solve problems. Diagnostics does not imply instrumental research. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the symptoms, conduct an examination and laboratory tests to prescribe the treatment of balanoposthitis in a child.

The following types of examinations are recommended:
- Urine analysis. White blood cells and bacteria will be noted.
- Bacteriological examination of urine. Helps to identify the pathogen.
- PCR and ELISA. These studies help to accurately determine the type of pathogen.
To rule out comorbidities, you need to undergo an additional examination by other highly specialized specialists, as well as donate blood for sugar, conduct an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder.
Therapy depends on the degree of disease progression. Light degreebalanostitis is treated at home. The severe form is eliminated under the supervision of a specialist. If the situation is severely neglected, then the treatment of balanoposthitis in a child, Komarovsky, for example, recommends that it be carried out by surgery.

Mild disease implies the following activities at home:
- Careful hygiene procedures after a bowel movement and diaper change (for babies).
- Every couple of hours - baths with chamomile.
- Using moisturizer.
If you follow the above recommendations, then the treatment of balanoposthitis in a child at home will last no more than three days. But this only applies to the initial stage.

If a severe form of pathology is diagnosed, then it is worth undergoing an examination. Treatment is prescribed by a specialist. To achieve a positive result from therapy, you need:
- Carry out all the same hygiene measures as with mild form.
- Every couple of hours, take baths with chamomile or a solution of furacilin.
- Before going to bed, use applications with antimicrobial drugs (most often prescribed "Levomekol"). The course of treatment lasts no more than 4 days. If a child is diagnosed with a fungal form of pathology, then Clotrimozol or Candide should be used. The course of treatment lasts about 3 weeks.
To make it easier for your baby to go to the toilet, you can also put him in warm water.
Therapywith a purulent form of the disease is significantly different. Treatment of balanoposthitis in a child at home of this type is not carried out. In most cases, a circular excision of the foreskin of the penis is prescribed.
Complications: preventive measures
If the therapy of the described disease is absent, then this can lead to negative consequences:
- The process becomes chronic.
- Infection and bacteria are spreading.
- Acute urinary retention occurs.
- Phimosis progresses.
- Gangrene develops.
- The head is deformed.
- Malignant neoplasms occur.
Prevention measures should include:
- Hygiene procedures every evening, especially after a bowel movement.
- The baby is timely replaced with a diaper change, the correct size is selected.
- Older boys should expose and wash the glans while washing.
It is worth remembering that the child should have a personal towel for intimate hygiene. It is also necessary to use underwear that will exclude chafing of the head.