Some people have pain in the lower abdomen when walking. This condition can be provoked by various causes and diseases. It is very difficult to establish the cause on your own, therefore, in any situation, a doctor's consultation is necessary. To do this, you must definitely go for a complete examination so that the doctor can make the correct diagnosis.

Description of pathology
To understand why the lower abdomen hurts when walking, you first need to find out exactly where the pain is and what can provoke it. It is imperative to pay attention to the nature of such pain, as well as how often it occurs at all and whether these painful sensations will pass when the person stops moving.
Pain sensations are completely different, and it depends on the pathology of which particular organ provokes pain. Indeed, in the abdominal region there is an intestine, and in addition, the stomach, along with the liver, ovaries, pancreas, etc. And absolutely everyoneof the listed organs is involved in inflammatory processes or infectious pathology, therefore, in each specific situation, individual therapy will be required.
So, let's move on to considering the reasons why a person has pain in the lower abdomen when walking.
Common causes of pain for men and women
The causes of discomfort, and in addition, feelings of discomfort when walking can be:

- The presence of various pathologies of the intestines, stomach and reproductive system. In addition, diseases of the heart, female reproductive system and peritoneum are not excluded. A similar symptom may also indicate a disorder of the nervous system, including.
- Presence of injury or damage to the pancreas, kidneys and other organs.
- Presence of serious injuries that could cause a pelvic fracture along with soft tissue contusion.
- The appearance of thrombosis or blockage of the vessels of the abdominal region.
- Diseases that are associated with damage to the abdominal walls, whether it is a rupture of blood vessels or a hernia.
- The appearance of soreness can occur with a problem with the spine.
- Very often the cause of such pain may be inflammation in the pelvic organs. It is worth noting that representatives of both sexes are susceptible to this.
Location location
The cause of dull pain can be determined by its location. In the event that discomfort appears directly above the pubis, then they can be provoked by pathologies of the genitourinary system, intestines ordiseases of the genital area. In the case of severe inflammation occurring in the ovaries in women, pain during walking may become stronger.
Colitis in the lower abdomen when walking in the right side with inflammation of appendicitis, diseases in the appendages in women, and in addition, pathology of the seminal vesicles in men. And the direct presence of inflammation in the ovaries or diseases of the rectum can provoke a painful sensation in the left side.
Why does a man's stomach hurt?
It is worth noting that the reasons for the fact that the lower abdomen hurts when walking, men do not have as many as women. The main causes of this symptom are predominantly intestinal disorders along with prostatitis. To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist, and in addition, visit a urologist.
As a rule, in men with prostatitis, a dull pain when walking can appear in the groin and perineum. Against this background, she usually gives to the right or left side.

Why do women experience abdominal pain?
Almost every woman at least once in her life experienced a painful sensation in the lower abdomen while walking or running. Often this is due to gynecological problems. In the event that a dull periodic pain occurs, this signals a violation in the functioning of the ovaries, the appearance of inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes, endometriosis, adhesions or uterine fibromyoma.
Pain in the ovaries can be different - stabbing, cutting, aching.
Algodysmenorrhea female pain during rapid movement can be triggered by menstruation. Usually these last for a couple of days, and such a condition can be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, upset stools, excessive fatigue and weakness of the body as a whole. When walking, such pain can radiate to the thigh.
When pain is caused by endometriosis, the symptoms will be pain in the lower abdomen that occurs on critical days, during sex and against the background of urination. Infectious pathologies with which women can become infected sexually (we are talking about gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia) can also provoke pain during movement.
Pain in the ovaries that occurs during pregnancy and resembles contractions can be a symptom of the risk of spontaneous miscarriage. And in the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, acute and sharp pains occur suddenly, and they are so strong that they can cause pain shock along with loss of consciousness.
Adhesion process
In what other cases does colitis in the lower abdomen in women? Adhesions in the fallopian tubes are almost always accompanied by constant pain, which significantly interferes with movement. Often, in such a situation, surgical intervention may be required. Pain while walking in a woman may appear as a complication after an abortion and will indicate the appearance of sepsis. The presence of diseases of the genitourinary system in the form of kidney stones, pyelonephritis and cystitis can often cause discomfort in the lower abdomenwhile driving.

In the presence of an acute form of the course of the disease, pain in most situations occurs suddenly. Pain that increases gradually will indicate the development of inflammatory processes. Pain that recurs periodically over a long period may indicate chronic diseases.
In the case of infectious pathologies, discomfort may be accompanied by aching pain that occurs both at rest and during movement. In the presence of inflammation of the uterine appendages and tubes, women experience regular pulling pains that radiate to the left or right side. These can intensify during each movement. The cause of these sensations is determined only after passing a thorough diagnostic examination.
What to do if the lower abdomen hurts?
When pain occurs during movement, you can not be treated on your own, you should immediately consult a specialist. To establish the correct diagnosis, the doctor must know exactly where the focus of this trouble is located, because the localization of pain may indicate the pathology of a particular organ. First of all, the doctor will palpate the abdomen in order to determine the area of pain. The next step is to determine the property of pain when walking. It can be bursting, dagger, aching, pulling, frightening, squeezing, sharp, and so on.
What to do if the lower abdomen hurts, everyone should know. To establish a doctor's diagnosisit is necessary to know how pain sensations are transformed during movement and whether their localization changes during walking. In any case, it is very important not to engage in self-treatment, since any pain is the first call about the presence of problems in the body, in connection with this, the sooner you start therapy, the more effective the result will be.
What is in the lower abdomen?
To take certain treatment measures, you first need to know about those organs that are located in the lower abdomen. This, of course, is the reproductive and urinary system. Diseases of such important organs, such as, for example, the liver, along with the intestines and kidneys, are often accompanied by pain that radiates down the abdomen. Abdominal pain can come from an existing disease, but also from possible recent injuries.

What is in the lower abdomen is now clear.
The appearance of pain in the organs
The most common pain that people feel in the lower abdomen is provoked by the following organs:
- A person's appendix can become inflamed. When a painful sensation lasts more than twelve hours and does not subside for a single minute, and the patient points to a specific focus, then this is most likely a manifestation of appendicitis. Similar symptoms may also be present in the umbilical region. In this case, you cannot use self-treatment, you do not need to look for where the pain is, but you need to immediately call a doctor, and this should be done as soon as possible. After the examination, the specialist will decide for himself whether emergency assistance is required or not.
- Give it downthe abdomen can also be with liver pathologies. Pain, as a rule, occurs during inflammatory processes occurring in the liver against the background of its increase in size. If the patient has hepatitis, there may be pulling pains on the right side. The liver can become sick due to many drugs. Alcohol also affects this important organ, and its excessive consumption leads to inflammation of the liver, and often to very serious diseases.
- The human kidneys are located on both sides of the body. Their incorrect work can cause pain in the abdomen, which will radiate to its lower part. The reasons for this are anything, from inflammation due to hypothermia, ending with the presence of stones, and so on. In this case, only a specialist with a narrow profile, which is a urologist, can help.
It happens that after a long walk, the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman hurts.

Pregnancy causes pain
Similar pain can also appear during a woman's pregnancy, even for a short period of time. As the fetus grows with an increase in the uterus, the pain can begin to strongly give down the abdomen. This is a natural process that does not require medical and medical intervention. It is necessary to consult a doctor if there is an exact certainty that there is no pregnancy. Then it is worth considering the likelihood of a disease of the genitourinary system, for example, cystitis or infections of the genital organs.
When does the lower abdomen still hurt, especially when walking?

Aching pain
This manifestation can be observed in the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system and against the background of the occurrence of cysts of various origins. Pain is especially manifested precisely in the presence of ovarian cysts, since their increase can occur. Subject to a timely examination by a gynecologist, all problems will be identified and cured.