Nosebleeds are quite common. In most cases, it affects young children and the elderly. Many perceive such a symptom frivolously, do not consider it worthy of attention. And this is a big misconception, because the sign clearly indicates any disturbances in the body. If no action is taken, a small difficulty can turn into an incredible problem. First of all, you need to identify the causes of nosebleeds, and then talk about the dangers to he alth. Development can be caused by both a banal wound on the mucous membrane, and a serious disease of the internal organs.
The phenomenon under consideration scientifically sounds like “epistaxis” and is a process of blood discharge from the nasal cavity, which occurs as a result of rupture of blood vessels. Sometimes epistaxis is marked by a large blood loss, which threatens human he alth. In such situations, an ambulance is indispensable.

The nasal mucosa is made up of a huge number of small blood vessels. Accordingly, when they are damaged, the liquid connective tissue flows out of thenostril. In rare, severe cases, blood flows into the larynx, which significantly interferes with breathing.
It is worth noting that the most common cause of nosebleeds in children and adults is damage to the mucosa as a result of accidental trauma. In older people, the symptom is observed more often, due to deformation of the organs. The mucosa becomes thinner and drier, the ability of blood vessels to contract is reduced, arterial hypertension is detected. In general, there are two types of epistaxis:
- front when blood flows out;
- posterior, very rare, but life-threatening. In such a situation, liquid connective tissue flows inward along the nasopharynx.
Why is my nose bleeding?
There are many causes of nosebleeds. They depend on the age, the external environment of the person and the state of his he alth.
- Injury or damage. It can either be just a bruise leading to rupture of blood vessels, or a broken nose. External influences of this nature often lead to bleeding.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Such pathologies are mainly found in adults. Along with diseases, jumps in blood pressure and spasms are observed. Bleeding from the nose often opens during a hypertensive crisis, when the pressure reaches a critical level.
- Extreme environmental conditions. This refers to a reaction to heat or sunstroke. As a rule, epistaxis is an inevitable part of the consequences.
- Age. As already noted, peopleThe elderly are at risk due to the aging of the body. As for children, the most dangerous period is puberty. Women are prone to bleeding during hormonal changes in the body.
- Stressful situations, emotional outbursts. It is no secret that depression and psychological disturbances greatly deplete the body, as a result of which the vessels become thin. In addition, pressure surges are observed, which leads to epistaxis.
- Vitamin deficiency causes nosebleeds due to changes in the normal state of vascular cells.
- Impaired blood condition. This is already a physiological feature in which the liquid connective tissue has problems with clotting. Epistaxis occurs with any influence of an external and internal nature.
Blood clotting
When bleeding begins, first aid must be given and it must be stopped. Epistaxis usually does not last long, as the liquid connective tissue forms a blood clot that closes the hole. In case of severe bleeding from the nose, there is a possibility of clotting problems. And this is no longer a mucosal injury, here we are talking about a serious pathology.

There is a disease called "hemophilia", which manifests itself only in men of different ages and he alth conditions. The fact is that if genetically the patient does not have the ability of blood to coagulate, it is impossible to cure the disease. All that a patient can do in such a situation is to consult a specialist andinform him.
Epistaxis is often caused by the wrong actions of a person. And we are talking not only about the lack of vitamins, but also about drugs, the intake of which significantly reduces the level of blood clotting. Medicines should be used only on the advice of a doctor. A similar situation with traditional medicine. People often exceed a certain amount, and then are surprised at the appearance of nosebleeds. Here you can advise to be more careful and know when to stop. If you are in doubt about something, it is better to check with a professional. It hasn't hurt anyone yet.
Frequent nosebleeds
Epistaxis can be both rare and recurrent. In the first case, we are talking about fast and independently ending bleeding. In most cases, they do not cause concern, because one bursting vessel is unlikely to undermine he alth. A completely different matter is the recurrent discharge of liquid connective tissue. If such a symptom occurs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Often, this sign indicates the presence of a serious illness.
Simultaneously with epistaxis, there is tinnitus and dizziness. If a person has lost a lot of blood, then this is a direct threat to life. The causes of frequent nosebleeds are quite different; the process does not always indicate the presence of serious diseases. The situation arises as a result of severe trauma to the mucosa, accompanied by the presence of tumors in the nose. However, there is a constant riskrelapse, and the person does not know at what point the blood will bleed again.
Epistaxis in pregnant women
Women "in position" are at risk. According to statistics, 60% of expectant mothers experience nosebleeds. One reason may be a lack of vitamins, especially organic substances of group C. Blood vessels become elastic, which increases the risk of epistaxis.
Pregnant women are exposed to illness when taking a long walk, especially in winter. Frosty and dry air can destroy blood vessels. Calcium deficiency leads not only to epistaxis, but also to bleeding gums and other unpleasant moments. If heavy bleeding is accompanied by a headache, then there is a possibility of the presence of high blood pressure. Expectant mothers need to be sensitive to their he alth, since the condition of the baby depends on it. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is better to immediately call an ambulance. The doctor will check the pressure and name the cause of the disease.
Bleeding and disease
The presence of any disease can cause nosebleeds in adults and children. If the patient suffers from catarrhal viral pathologies, then he often has a runny nose. Epistaxis opens due to traumatic injuries. Sneezing, a strong cough provoke the destruction of capillaries, which leads to bleeding, the nature of which depends on many factors, including blood clotting. In the presence of allergic rhinitis, bleeding is also possible. Allergenaffects the immune system, destroying it, which leads to a protective reaction of the body in the form of various symptoms.

Viruses and infections can multiply in the nose. Often the question arises: why does blood come from only one nostril? The fact is that it was she who had more infectious load. Epistaxis is also observed in people who have been under adverse conditions for a long time. Low air temperature provokes nasal congestion, after a while the symptom disappears. Sometimes there is a rupture of the capillaries, leading to the release of liquid connective tissue. Bleeding from the nose in adults is also caused by the presence in a polluted dusty environment. Aggressive conditions can affect the destruction of several vessels. Typically, epistaxis of this kind does not last long. But if the bleeding opens due to the thin walls of the vessels, it can become strong due to environmental influences.
Nosebleeds in children
As you know, a child's body is rather weak compared to an adult. The internal organs and immune system have not yet fully formed, and therefore epistaxis occurs more often and for less serious reasons. Any bleeding occurs as a result of rupture of the vessel. Ideally, you should immediately determine the cause during first aid. In principle, the grounds for the emergence of such a process are the same as in adults. Only sometimes a less strong impact on the vessels is enough to destroy them.

In addition to injuries and damage to the mucosa, nosebleeds in children cause fragility of the walls of blood vessels, increased blood pressure, blood diseases, etc. One cannot fail to mention the psychological factor, because nervous disorders can lead to epistaxis. It is necessary to say about the hereditary component. There is such a disease - lupus erythematosus, which is caused by malfunctions in the immune system and is inherited. Too dry air in the room has a negative effect on the mucous membrane. It atrophies, and the vessels become brittle. Frequent nosebleeds in a child are observed in the presence of infectious pathologies, impaired clotting function, hypertension, etc. The task of parents is to find out the cause of the disease as soon as possible and spend all their energy on treating it. Symptoms cannot be ignored, because epistaxis indicates a malfunction of the body.
How to stop bleeding?
When liquid connective tissue begins to flow out of the nasal cavity, it is necessary to stop it and provide first aid. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do it right.
Let's consider a certain sequence of actions that must be performed when opening bleeding:
- You need to sit the patient upright, tilt the head forward, as close to the chest as possible.
- A cold cloth should be applied to the bridge of the nose, snow or ice can be used. If this is not possible, put any cold object, this will reduce the intensity of blood circulation.
- should drip vasoconstrictordrugs used for nasal congestion. If this is not at hand, you can use lemon juice.
- Use your thumb and forefinger to press the wings of the patient's nose against the septum. Thus, you block breathing, forcing the victim to use his mouth for these purposes. If the bleeding is light, it will stop after a few minutes.
- If all else fails, use cotton swabs soaked in water or hydrogen peroxide. Tampons should be placed in the nostrils and kept for half an hour. As they become saturated with blood, they need to be changed.

What not to do?
There are several things that are forbidden to be done. After all, this will only aggravate the situation and will not help the patient in any way. First, you do not need to blow your nose, as this process will dislodge the blood clot, and the liquid connective tissue will flow out again. Second, don't tilt your head back. This is the most common mistake. Most people believe that if blood cannot flow out of the nostrils, it will stop flowing. But they are mistaken, because such an action will not improve the condition, because the blood will go to the larynx, pharynx, etc. The result can be disastrous: the patient will choke on liquid connective tissue.

Finally, thirdly, you can not pull out a foreign body on your own. It happens that the cause of epistaxis is the presence of interference in the nostrils. If you try to pull it out yourself, it can move and cause suffocation. Normalnosebleeds can lead to very serious consequences, so it is important to know about the rules of care and what not to do.
When should I call an ambulance?
Let's single out the cases, upon the occurrence of which one cannot do without medical help:
- bleeding does not stop for twenty to thirty minutes;
- epistaxis caused by injury to the head, liquid connective tissue is discharged from the nose along with a clear liquid;
- blood flows in a stream without clot formation;
- bleeding accompanied by vomiting, indicating stomach problems;
- high blood pressure;
- blood is frothy, indicating lung pathology.
Doctors help
It is worth noting that the treatment of nosebleeds comes down to an emergency stop of the flow of liquid connective tissue. When the above situations occur, you need to call an ambulance. Doctors usually take the following measures to stop bleeding:
- Tamponade. A gauze swab is inserted into the nasal cavity. The fabric must first be treated with petroleum jelly or a special paste. This will improve blood clotting. There are two ways to insert a tampon: anterior, when gauze is applied from the side of the nostrils, and posterior, when using the side of the oropharynx.
- Surgical intervention. An extremely rare method, used in 7% of all cases. It is resorted to only when necessary, if other methods have proven useless. Doctors clog or ligate the arteries that supplynose with blood, cauterize with current or act with liquid nitrogen. In each case, the doctor decides which path will be most effective.

Minor bruising of a single nature does not imply special therapy. If a patient has epistaxis quite often, you should consult a specialist. By the way, which doctor should I book an appointment with? If you have problems with your nose, an otolaryngologist will help you. He will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary studies and determine the cause.
If bleeding appears against the background of sinusitis or runny nose, no special treatment is needed. In this situation, it will be enough to cope with the underlying disease, and all the symptoms will disappear by themselves.
When epistaxis opens due to drugs that impair blood clotting, you should immediately go to the doctor. He will prescribe new dosages of drugs, as well as prescribe vitamins and calcium.
In this article, we talked about the causes and treatment of nosebleeds, and also considered the sequence of actions in first aid. This information will be useful to everyone, because no one is immune from the release of liquid connective tissue.