Swelling of the nasal mucosa is called excessive swelling of his sinuses due to excessive blood flow. In certain cases, swelling may be accompanied by inflammation.
The nasal mucosa plays the role of a kind of barrier that effectively delays the infection that enters the fragile children's body, preventing its penetration into other systems and organs.
The presence of mucosal edema may be a sign that the body has begun to fight pathological elements and damage leading to a similar reflex reaction. In response to a threat, the child may experience an increase in vascular permeability, in addition, excessive blood flows to the nose.

Causes of swelling of the nasal mucosa without and with a runny nose
Usually swelling of the mucous membrane occurs in children in the nose for the following reasons:
- frequent colds;
- manifestation of allergies in some systems;
- mechanical injury.
Allergic reaction occurs due to the fact that the child's body for some reason accepts certain substances as foreign. And this reaction will depend on the indicators of the response of the child's body. In general, more than 200 varieties of allergens are known, the most common of which are citrus fruits, the pollen of some plants and trees, wool, certain chemicals, and medications.
The allergen, acting on the vessels of the nose, contributes to their expansion, the mucosa begins to more actively produce a special secret in order to prevent the possible penetration of allergens, which can provoke swelling of the nasal mucosa.
With the development of acute respiratory infections, swelling of the nasal mucosa and runny nose are usually eliminated in 5-6 days, especially when the infection has not had time to move to the nasal appendages. Otherwise, the child may develop sinusitis or sinusitis.
If the inflammation of the nasal membranes is not cured in time, this can lead to rather dangerous consequences after a while: a large amount of accumulated pus with untimely therapy can get into the area of the eyes, teeth or even the brain due to a rupture of the nasal mucosa.
Inflammation caused by excessive swelling of the nasal mucosa often develops as a result of persistent hypothermia: a long stay without a hat on the street, swimming in cold water can be dangerous, especially if the child has weak, weak immunity. In certain cases, the cause of inflammation is the consumption of cold drinks.
The cause of swellingThe nasal mucosa in a child can often serve as adenoids. This disease develops due to a lack of essential vitamins, weakened immunity, as well as frequently recurring SARS.
Swelling of the nasal membrane as a result of injury is a completely natural, normal reaction of the body. Due to mechanical trauma, the integrity of the nasal membrane is violated, due to which the protective systems try to quickly and fully compensate for the resulting "damage".
The time it will take to eliminate the swelling of the nasal mucosa in a child depends on the he alth of the victim, as well as the severity of the injury. In children with good immunity, the process of regeneration of nasal tissues will be higher. Children with diabetes, on the other hand, will take longer to heal injuries than usual.
Swelling of the nasal mucosa can sometimes appear when:
- hormonal disorders in the body;
- benign or malignant neoplasms in the nasal cavity;
- septal curvature;
- narrowness of the nasal passages;
- get foreign elements.

Swelling treatment
If swelling of the nasal membrane occurred due to trauma, you should take the child to a traumatologist. He will be able to determine the level of damage to the bones and tissues of the organ. If an allergy appears, the help of an allergist is shown, and if swelling provoked ARVI, it is recommended to contact an otolaryngologist.
Excessive swelling of the nasal mucosa will be especially dangerous for newborns, since their body does not yet have the ability tobreathe through the mouth. In addition, problematic nasal breathing can cause a baby to stop breastfeeding.
You can try to eliminate excessive swelling of the nasal membrane yourself, using a wide variety of over-the-counter medications for this. In addition, it will be possible to perform simple procedures just at home! The main thing is to consult with a pediatrician to prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications!
Reception "Suprastin"
In case of an allergy that caused swelling, it is necessary to exclude the effect of the allergen on the children's body as much as possible. To do this, you can take the antihistamine Hungarian drug "Suprastin", which contains chloropyramine in its composition. It is produced in the form of tablets or ampoules intended for parenteral use by a child. But it is worth remembering that this drug is contraindicated for use in premature and newborn babies.
With caution, the remedy is prescribed for the following pathologies in a child:
- posec and liver diseases;
- glaucoma;
- Inadequate body response to the drug;
- myalgia;
- epilepsy;
- vascular and heart diseases;
- frequent constipation;
- gastric reflux;
- problem urination.
Lactose, which Suprastin contains, can cause rather undesirable reactions in children who suffer from lactase deficiency. While taking this drug, the child is not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time, so as not toprovoke the development of photosensitivity.
Exceeding the dose of "Suprastin" can provoke the development of symptoms that are similar to atropine poisoning: impaired coordination in the child, involuntary movements, excessive anxiety, convulsions and hallucinations, sinus tachycardia, dilated pupils, fever, and possible urinary retention.
The child may also experience a state of increased arousal, which may alternate with lethargy, postictal depression, and occasional seizures. Active monitoring of cardiac and pulmonary function and symptomatic treatment are recommended.

Baby nasal drops
To facilitate the child's breathing process, pediatricians show the use of vasoconstrictor drops, and if the signs of allergy do not disappear after a while or if the swelling has moved to the throat, the child needs emergency care.
With the development of edema in the nose, which was caused by frequent acute respiratory viral infections, one should rather quickly influence the source of infection, because after its destruction, unpleasant signs of edema will also disappear.
With a relatively mild swelling of the nasal membrane without pus and fever, you can wash the nasal passages with a s alt solution, use inhalations, sprays and ointments that improve breathing, as well as vasoconstriction.
But it should be noted that the body will get used to these remedies, because of which it will cease to resist the resulting edema without outside help. So, you do not need to use drops for more than 5 days.
For a list of vasoconstrictor drops for children, see below.
This drug has a persistent vasoconstrictor effect due to the effect of adrenoreceptors on peripheral vessels. According to the instructions for use, "Naphthyzin" is applied to the mucous membranes of the child's nose, it is possible to effectively reduce swelling and hyperemia, greatly facilitating breathing through the nose with rhinitis.
This remedy is used for children's eustachitis, acute rhinitis, otitis media, as well as inflammation of the sinuses. However, it is not recommended to use Naphthyzin for more than 4 days, and its reuse is possible only after 1.5-2 weeks.
Based on the instructions for use of Naphthyzinum, these drops are used after a good cleansing of the nose, instilling 3 drops of a solution with a dosage of 0.05% into the child's nostrils. Also, if necessary, you can insert a cotton swab soaked in the solution into the nose for 2 minutes.

According to the instructions for the use of "Tizin" for children, this remedy is used for the symptomatic treatment of patients suffering from bacterial, vasomotor and allergic rhinitis. In addition, it is used as an effective tool for complex therapy of viral infections, sinusitis and pharyngitis. Acute viral infections may be accompanied by swelling of the nasal membrane, as well as rhinorrhea.
Instructions for the use of "Tizin" for children indicates that it is not advisable to use patients withglaucoma or hypersensitivity to the substance tetrizoline. This remedy is contraindicated for the treatment of inflammation of the nose, which is not accompanied by hypersecretion.
It is not recommended to give "Tizin" to children who take drugs with tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors. In addition, "Tizin" is not intended for children who have not reached 2 years of age, suffer from pheochromocytoma, diabetes, arterial hypertension, as well as other pathologies of the endocrine and vascular system.
When the dose is exceeded in a child, increased adsorption of alpha-sympathomimetic imidazole derivatives is usually noted, which can depress the central nervous system, which is accompanied by a decrease in heart rate, low temperature, loss of strength, hypotension, and sudden respiratory arrest.
Children may experience nausea and vomiting, dilated pupils, respiratory failure, cyanosis, pulmonary edema, fever, and minor mental disturbances. At the first symptoms of an overdose, the child should promptly gastric lavage, give activated charcoal, give plenty of fluids, and perform symptomatic treatment.

Mometasone, which is the active substance of these drops, refers to synthetic glucocorticosteroids. Simply put, it is an effective hormonal agent that has a powerful anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect on the nasal area, reducing swelling of the mucous membrane.
"Nasonex" with swelling of the nasal mucosa in a child will not be absorbedinto the blood, use it topically. There will be no systemic effect, due to which these drops are allowed to be taken by children who have reached the age of 2.
Indications for use of the drop: acute sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, non-bacterial rhinosinusitis or nasal polyposis. The appointment of drops for children with sinusitis and adenoids may be ineffective, since the cause of inflammation in the tonsils of the nasopharynx will be bacteria, as well as viruses.
Spray "Nasonex" is not prescribed for surgical interventions and possible nasal injuries, infections, hypersensitivity, as well as for children under 2 years of age. Common negative phenomena include itching and burning sensation in the nose, bronchospasm, pharyngitis, and candidiasis.

This is a local and quite effective drug that contains fluticasone furoate, a trifluorinated synthetic glucocorticosteroid. "Avamys" has a fairly high affinity for glucocorticoid receptors, having a persistent anti-inflammatory effect.
Nasal drops are used intranasally, but in order to achieve the effect, it is recommended to adhere to the regularity of the scheme of use. The effect of this remedy is observed for 8 hours after the first treatment of the nasal cavities with Avamys. If a child's nasal mucosa swells at night, then this is the first remedy that is used for such a pathology.
Side effects are called nosebleeds, angioedema, ulceration of the nasal mucosa, anaphylaxis, urticaria and a possible rash. Asthis is a hormonal drug, it is undesirable to use it together with other hormonal drugs, since the combined action tends to cause an overdose.
Judging by the reviews, "Avamis" in case of swelling of the nasal mucosa, the child is not advised to prescribe to those suffering from individual intolerance to some of its components. This drug should be used with extreme caution in children with severe hepatic impairment. The use of the spray is not recommended for people who are prone to frequent nosebleeds, in the presence of wounds on the mucous membranes of the nose, as well as after surgical interventions.

Other treatments
Inside, the use of antiviral drugs is indicated, which will prevent the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, as a result of which they will not affect other organs.
The effect of taking these drugs is clinically proven, but it is worth noting that some of them have side effects, even delayed, so they are not recommended for use in childhood.
When an infection gets into the sinuses, a child may be prescribed intravenous or local use of drugs: immunostimulants, antibiotics, antiseptics. With excessive accumulation of pus, the nose should be urgently and thoroughly washed with a solution of furacilin and other antimicrobial agents. It is better to perform this procedure under the supervision of a doctor, since improper execution can provoke an infection in the ear.
When swelling of the nasal mucosa withoutassociated pathological discharge, mechanical damage to his sinuses can be suspected. In this case, first you need to apply cold to the nose as quickly as possible - this will narrow the blood vessels, and also stop the flow of lymph and blood.
Swelling usually resolves on its own when tissue repair occurs. To speed up regeneration, there are special healing ointments for children, and to eliminate excessive swelling, you can use vasoconstrictor drops. More severe inflammation may require surgery.
If the mucous membrane is swollen as a result of certain hormonal disorders, the doctor, after a thorough analysis, may prescribe drugs that help reduce hormone levels.
Folk treatment for edema
The use of synthetic drugs can cause quite serious damage to the body, especially when there is intolerance to their components, as well as with weak immunity. They have a serious effect on the child's gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which various disorders can occur, the reproduction of bacteria, as well as a violation of the microflora.
The main advantage of "grandmother's" methods of eliminating swelling of the nasal mucosa is that they are quite safe for children. But it is very important to follow the age-appropriate dosage. So, in order to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa at home, it is recommended to use the following folk remedies:
- Inhalations. Even if there is no nebulizer, you can do inhalations using 4 drops of healing essential coniferous oils, which you needadd to boiling water. You can also alternate oils. You need to breathe over boiling water very carefully so as not to burn the mucous membrane.
- Honey in the absence of allergies is diluted with water, observing the proportion 1:1. The resulting mixture is instilled into the nose, 2 drops throughout the day. It will also be useful to take honey inside, as it strengthens the immune system, providing a powerful antimicrobial effect, helping to eliminate viruses. A child can consume a maximum of 50 g of honey per day.
- Iodine solution is also one of the best methods than to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa in a child due to the presence of a bacterial infection. In order to prepare the solution, you need to take a glass of heated water and add 2 drops of iodine. The main thing is that the composition does not get into the throat, and the child does not swallow it. Therefore, only adult children can use this method.
- Potato inhalation: for this you need to boil the potatoes without peeling them, then, covered with a large towel with a saucepan, inhale the resulting vapors until the potatoes cool down.
- Onion juice: a large onion should be pureed with a blender, add 3 tsp. onion gruel in a glass of warm water. For an additional effect, you can put 1 tsp. liquid honey. The resulting remedy must be insisted for an hour, then drip into each sinus with 5 drops of the resulting remedy.
- Aloe juice: cut off 4 fleshy lower leaves, wash well and grind with a meat grinder. The resulting juice is squeezed through gauze and instilled into the nasal passage of the nose 3 drops 4 times a day.
After the fact
In pharmaciesthey sell a lot of drugs that help relieve swelling in the nasal mucosa, and Internet sites, bookstores and various thematic brochures are replete with folk remedies. Children should be treated under the strict supervision of a pediatrician. It is known that for newborns, swelling can be very life-threatening, as the child can simply suffocate while feeding or while sleeping. How to quickly remove swelling of the nasal mucosa in children and not harm the baby?
It is not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drugs that have a short-term effect. The fact is that after the initial improvement, the nasal membrane can swell even more. It is advisable to use drops that have a longer effect, and do this infrequently so that addiction does not develop, and be sure to monitor the dosage.