Causes of VVD: symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, treatment

Causes of VVD: symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, treatment
Causes of VVD: symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, treatment

Every fourth patient suffers from some kind of functional disorder, which is associated with disorders in the work of the heart, blood vessels or other internal organs. Recently, vegetative-vascular dystonia, in simple words, VVD, has been very often diagnosed. This pathology manifests itself in different ways and is accompanied by corresponding symptoms. To eliminate the disease, you need not only to undergo a thorough examination, but also pay attention to non-drug treatment and alternative methods of therapy. With such a diagnosis, patients are advised to restore the overall balance in the body, adjust the condition and functionality of the nervous system.

What is this

VSD or somatophoric autonomic dysfunction (according to ICD-10) is a disease that has a whole range of symptoms and complex development mechanisms. The basis of this pathology is a violation of the regulation of the ANS, as well as a variety of disorders in the workinternal systems.

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The causes of VVD will be different and not always easily determined. Symptoms depend on the provoking factor, but there are also general signs of this disorder from the nervous system. Pathology develops due to constant stressful situations, as well as a weak adaptive ability of the ANS. Vegetative-vascular dystonia in simple terms can arise due to unfavorable external or internal conditions that can unbalance the nervous system, disrupt the functionality of the heart, blood vessels or other organs. As for neurosis and depression, they contribute to the emergence of this disease, as they are diagnosed a second time.

Very often, the cause of vegetovascular dystonia is a violation of the development of connective tissue, which is present in all internal systems, so the situation can affect all body functions. This is the trick of pathology.


Dystonia is of three types. These include cardiac, hypertensive and hypotensive. Each type is characterized by certain symptoms that help in making a diagnosis. In this situation, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and therapy, as this can lead to serious violations and irreversible negative consequences.

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The causes of cardiac type IRR are varied and are determined only as a result of a thorough examination. This disorder is characterized by pain in the region of the heart. The pain can be sharp, burning, stabbing. It is not always possible to accurately determine its occurrence. The patient may also complain of heart failure. This type of IRR is also manifested by such signs as tachycardia, shortness of breath. At the same time, there will be no serious changes and violations on the ECG.

As for the hypotensive type of pathology, it is accompanied by such symptoms as:

  • increased weakness and lethargy;
  • always sleepy;
  • patient feels tired all the time;
  • chilliness of the lower and upper extremities is noted;
  • if you stand up abruptly, it may darken your eyes;
  • loss of consciousness associated with low blood pressure.

Hypertensive type of vegetative-vascular dystonia: what is it in simple words? This is a disorder that is characterized by frequent bouts of cephalalgia, dizziness, and elevated blood pressure. If therapy is not started in this situation, then there is a possibility of this type of disorder turning into hypertension.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia: causes of occurrence

vegetovascular dystonia causes
vegetovascular dystonia causes

As mentioned earlier, VVD is a serious pathology that can provoke a malfunction of organs and systems. If treatment is not provided in a timely manner, this will worsen the quality of life of the patient and affect his well-being. According to naturopaths,the causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia include such predisposing factors and provoking diseases as:

  1. Disturbances in the development of the nervous system.
  2. Features of the genetic and constitutional type.
  3. Mitochondrial pathology.
  4. Any psychological personality traits.
  5. Hormonal disorders.
  6. Weakened muscle activity of the body due to a sedentary lifestyle.
  7. Disorders and diseases in the cervical region.
  8. Allergic reaction of the body to any external stimuli.
  9. Diseases of the endocrine system.
  10. Pathologies associated with a person's professional activity.
  11. Injury to the brain or spinal cord.

Also, the causes of external VSD include the following:

  • constant stress situations;
  • infectious diseases;
  • effect on the body of physical or chemical agents, such as currents, vibrations, alcoholic beverages, caffeine;
  • Incorrectly formed mode of work and rest - as a result, the patient has a significant constant overwork.

If the patient is under the influence of negative external factors for a long time, this can provoke a violation in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. As a result, metabolism, water and electrolyte balance, microcirculation mechanisms and tissue oxygen supply suffer. Occurrence of oromandibular dystonia or otherwiseviolation provokes the corresponding signs, which are worth paying attention to at the first manifestations.

vegetative vascular dystonia in men
vegetative vascular dystonia in men


The signs of this violation are varied and affect individually or together the most important organs and internal systems. Without a professional examination, it is difficult to determine what exactly the patient has, so you should not pay attention to self-diagnosis, as this is ineffective. The causes, symptoms and treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia are closely interrelated and depend on each other.

VSD symptoms:

  1. Cardiovascular. In this situation, the patient will complain of violations of the heart rhythm and blood pressure. The skin becomes pale or "marble", there are hot flashes, chilliness in the lower and upper extremities. Very often, aching and stabbing pains in the region of the heart are confused with angina pectoris. These sensations are not associated with increased physical activity, they cannot be eliminated as a result of taking special groups of medicines.
  2. A symptom related to the respiratory system. The patient notes rapid breathing, he lacks oxygen; inhalation is incomplete and labored. Due to the fact that the blood loses a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide, it becomes saturated with alkalis, and the work of the respiratory center is inhibited. As a result, the patient is diagnosed with spasms in the muscle tissue, impaired sensitivity in the oral cavity, limbs, and dizziness.
  3. Irritable bowel symptom. In thissituation, there are unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, there are frequent urges to the toilet, significant gas formation, frustration. The patient also complains of appetite, bouts of nausea, gagging, impaired swallowing, discomfort in the stomach. This symptomatology should be paid attention only if gastric ulcer has not been previously diagnosed.
  4. Problems with sweat separation. A person constantly and intensely sweats, the soles and palms suffer more.
  5. Urinary disorders. The patient complains of pain during urination. At the same time, diseases of this system and changes in the results of urinalysis are not diagnosed.
  6. Disorders of the reproductive system. Vegetative-vascular dystonia in men negatively affects erection and ejaculation, while women suffer from vaginismus and anorgasmia.
  7. Symptom of impaired thermoregulation. The patient notes a slight increase in body temperature, chills. Deviations from the norm are observed before lunch and are tolerated quite easily. In most cases, this symptom is diagnosed in patients of a younger age category.
vegetative vascular dystonia in women
vegetative vascular dystonia in women

As can be seen from the above, the causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia, like the symptoms, are diverse and closely related.


VSD is considered an exceptional diagnosis. This is due to the fact that after a thorough examination, a specialist may not establish any serious violations inorganism, which could cause the above symptoms.

To eliminate this disorder in the body, the patient is recommended to undergo an examination to determine the cause of the VVD. In parallel, the specialist should pay attention to the patient's lifestyle and comorbidities.

The mandatory types of examinations to detect violations include:

  • electrocardiogram;
  • ultrasound of the cardiovascular system;
  • blood pressure study;
  • stress tests;
  • chest x-ray;
  • spirometry;
  • examination of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • blood, urine and feces analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the peritoneum;
  • electroencephalography.

If necessary, the patient can be referred for additional consultation to various highly specialized specialists.

oromandibular dystonia occurrence
oromandibular dystonia occurrence

What could be the complications

Since the causes of VVD in adults can be a variety of genetic and anatomical disorders, with a long course and the absence of appropriate therapy, all sorts of complications develop that can even lead to death. These include diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems, neuroses, depression, increased anxiety, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the patient believes that the VVD is not capable of harming him, then he is deeply mistaken. The point is that at firstthe disorder does not cause significant discomfort and does not impair the quality of life, but over the years it only becomes more serious, and the symptoms develop more and more. As a result, the treatment will no longer be of high quality, and the general condition will not be able to finally normalize.


VVD without appropriate treatment can lead to vegetative crises, which are characterized by the sudden appearance of disorders from this system. A large role in therapy is given to non-drug methods. Medicines are mainly recommended for patients with advanced cases.

To alleviate the patient's condition, you must first eliminate provoking factors. It is advisable to include constant stressful situations, harmful working conditions, increased physical or mental activity. It is also worth sanitizing foci of chronic infectious diseases, mainly the oral cavity, as well as the tonsils.

Attention is also paid to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system. The patient is advised to avoid alcohol, caffeine and smoking. The daily routine must also be observed. Superficial sleep causes damage to the nervous system and exacerbates the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. As for mental activity, it should be moderate and alternate with physical activity. The room where the patient is located is recommended to be constantly ventilated, as coolness makes breathing rare and deep. When working at a computer, it is worth taking breaks periodically.

vegetative vascular dystonia reasons for the opinion of naturopaths
vegetative vascular dystonia reasons for the opinion of naturopaths

If adults have vegetative-vascular dystonia, then experts recommend paying attention to relaxation, visiting a psychotherapist's office. If necessary, start taking sedatives, sleeping pills or antidepressants. If the degree of the disease is of moderate severity, then sanatorium treatment is suitable. The diet for VVD should be balanced. Foods enriched with vitamins and minerals are recommended in the diet.

As for medicines, they are prescribed by a specialist. The patient may be prescribed herbal remedies and adaptogens (substances that increase the adaptive ability of the body). For pain and discomfort in the heart area, it is advised to take Corvalol, Valocardin, Validol or Valerian.

If VVD is the cause of epilepsy, then in this situation, hospitalization of the patient and constant monitoring of his condition are required. After examination and intensive care, stabilization of the situation, the patient is on home treatment, but is not removed from the register.

Unique treatments

In modern medicine, a variety of non-traditional methods have often been used to eliminate vegetative-vascular dystonia in women and men. These include:

  1. Applied kinesiology. A technique that allows not only to identify, but also to eliminate pathologies of the spine, joints, as well as diseases of the nervous system. The basis is testing of muscle tissue. With the help of palpation, the state of tissues and internal organs is studied.
  2. Therapy with leeches. It helps the patient not only cleanse the blood of blood clots, prevent their formation, but also saturate the body with a variety of biologically active substances.
  3. Acupuncture. This therapy helps to get rid of osteochondrosis, sciatica and other pathologies of the spine and joints. The technique eliminates pain, strengthens the immune system, and is also considered entirely healing.

The appointment of one of the above methods occurs only after the examination and exclusively by a specialist. If this type of therapy does not suit the patient, then you should pay attention to the traditional methods of eliminating the disease.

Patients at risk

The tendency to this violation can be traced from an early age. In most cases, adolescents are susceptible to the development of VSD. If the problem is urgent, the child does not study well, feels constant fatigue, becomes slow, inattentive, confused, and also has problems with sleep and appetite. In this case, it is recommended to reduce physical and mental stress, spend more time in the fresh air, and eliminate stressful situations. The diet should be balanced, fluid intake should be normal.

Also, patients can be included in the risk group:

  • with hereditary predisposition;
  • with unfavorable material, sanitary, social situation;
  • with increased physical and intellectual activity;
  • with pathologies of the nervous andendocrine systems.

Don't rule out patients who are diagnosed with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Prevention measures

These activities should be aimed at strengthening the efficiency of the ANS and increasing the body's adaptation to the effects of negative factors. A he althy lifestyle, a properly composed daily routine, moderate physical activity, a he althy diet, as well as good sleep will help to achieve a positive result in prevention.

The patient is advised to give up bad habits, eliminate provoking factors in a timely manner, and treat concomitant diseases. At the first sign of a violation, it is recommended to immediately seek qualified help and not engage in experiments on your body and he alth.
