Pisyak on the eye is the popular name for such a problem as barley. Many people have experienced it at least once in their lives. Pathology delivers a lot of discomfort, as it is an inflammation of the eyelid.

In the article we will talk about how to treat a puss, what symptoms it accompanies and whether there are ways to avoid such a nuisance.
Causes of occurrence
What contributes to the appearance of barley on the eye? There can be many reasons, so let's highlight the main ones:
- poor hygiene;
- malfunctions in the digestive tract;
- poor immunity;
- blepharitis or demodicosis;
- hypothermia.

Women are at greater risk than men. This is due to the fact that they use decorative cosmetics, which can often be of very questionable quality or expired.
Pisyak on the eye is characterized by pronounced symptoms.
At the very beginning, the disease manifests itself in the form of redness of the eyelid, a feeling of heaviness, local itching and swelling, as well asthe appearance of a small bump. After a short period of time (about 3-4 days), a small abscess appears with a white head or crust, resembling a grain. Around the fifth day, it breaks and pus flows out. Moreover, if the barley was internal, there is a possibility of infection of the eye.
When to go to the doctor?
Pisyak on the eye is a relatively harmless disease. Nevertheless, if some symptoms occur, it is worth contacting the clinic as soon as possible to receive qualified help. These include cases where:
- temperature rising;
- swelling has not started to subside after 4-5 days or continues to grow in size;
- an abscess interferes with vision, causes pain, presses on the eye;
- barley disappeared, but soon appeared on another or the same eye;
- an abscess on the eye led to conjunctivitis;
- there is an increase in lymph nodes;
- an unpleasant tick appears.
The doctor will carefully examine all the accompanying symptoms and suggest ways to get rid of the problem. If necessary, he can open the abscess or prescribe the use of special drugs, such as a pulling ointment or antibiotics.
Depending on the stage of the disease, the method of treatment will also differ.
When the first signs appear, you can use the usual "brilliant green" or alcohol. They must be applied to a cotton swab and burn the tubercle or edema. You can repeat the procedure up to 5 times a day. This method will help preventthe formation of an abscess, which means that the disease will not go to the next stage and will not cause complications.

At this stage, dry heat will be an excellent assistant in getting rid of the problem that has arisen. The method consists in heating the problem area. This can be done with a hard-boiled egg or potato and s alt heated in a pan, wrapped in a thick cloth. The compress itself should not be hot, so as not to provoke a burn.
If the pisyak on the eye was noticed after the appearance of the abscess, the use of the two methods described above is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, you can not only not get the expected result, but also provoke a number of complications.
In such situations, treatment is carried out with the help of local medications. These include special creams, gels, ointments, eye drops. All of them have strong antibacterial properties, due to which there is a rapid destruction of all pathogenic organisms that provoked the development of the disease. The most common drugs are "Tetracycline", "Erythromycin", "Gentamicin", "Ciprofloxacin".
It was already mentioned above that barley can cause conjunctivitis. How to treat pussy in this case? The answer is very simple: it is necessary to add antibiotics to standard therapy. Most often, in such cases, ophthalmologists prescribe "Floxal", "Tobrex", "Albucid". They need to be applied every 4 hours for 5-7days.

Pay special attention to the fact that in no case should an abscess appear, be squeezed out, cauterized or heated! This may contribute to the further spread of the infection.
Prevention of pussy is to follow a few simple rules.
First, you must adhere to the rules of hygiene. This is especially true for the care of the eye area.
The second point is relevant for women: in no case should you go to bed with mascara or shadows on your eyes. It is necessary to wash off cosmetics every night so that the skin can breathe and pathogenic bacteria do not multiply in it.
In addition to all of the above, it is important to monitor your he alth: dress according to the weather, avoid freezing and strengthen immunity in every way.
In cases where barley appears again and again, ophthalmologists recommend starting a multivitamin and dry yeast.
Be he althy!