Nail removal: causes, methods, reviews

Nail removal: causes, methods, reviews
Nail removal: causes, methods, reviews

An ingrown toenail is a problem that can occur in both adults and children. If nothing is done with the affected limb, then in the future the nail plate will be distorted, its structure will change. And then the inflammatory process can spread to the bone, and then to the entire foot. To prevent this from happening, you need to fix the problem in time. Often, doctors suggest that the patient remove the affected nail. Today we will find out in what ways this can be done and what is the price of the issue. And also find out what people think about the laser and radio wave method of eliminating the affected horn plate.

nail removal
nail removal

Reason to get rid of

Nail removal is carried out only when ointments, creams and other preparations do not cure the problem. In the following situations, the horny plate must be completely disposed of:

  • Fungal disease. Sometimes no medicines, ointments bring results. Due to the defeat of the fungus, the nail is severely deformed, it becomes yellow or graycolors. In this case, removal of the plate is recommended. The dermatologist cleans the skin under the nail bed, removes fungal pathogens.
  • Ingrown horny plate. The problem is characterized by such unpleasant symptoms as pain when walking, reddening of the finger, swelling of the side ridges. In this situation, a fungal infection may develop further. If the nail on the thumb grows, then the doctor often decides to remove the plate.
  • Household injury, which resulted in a change in the color of the nail, suppuration, inflammation in the adnexal formation of the skin. To prevent serious infection, doctors advise getting rid of the wounded keratinized plate.
laser nail removal
laser nail removal

Methods of therapy

Nail removal can be done by methods such as:

  1. Using a laser.
  2. Applying the keratolytic patch.
  3. Surgical removal of the stratum corneum.
  4. Radio wave method.

Laser method

If a person has an ingrown nail on the thumb (or on any other), then this method will help to fix this situation painlessly. With the help of a laser, a specialist removes the damaged area of the plate, eliminating the inflammation that has arisen at the site of ingrowth. At the same time, he althy tissues remain intact. If the cause of the ingrowth is a fungus, then after laser exposure it is completely removed, because the radiation has a sterilizing effect.

Laser nail removal usually takes no more than 30 minutes.

nail removal price
nail removal price

Advantages of this method:

  1. Painless procedure.
  2. High efficiency.
  3. Simultaneously get rid of the affected nail and fungal infection.
  4. No relapses or bleeding.
  5. Fast recovery.

This method also has disadvantages. Laser therapy should not be applied to people who have problems with blood clotting, as well as diabetes.

Surgical method

This method is a short operation that usually takes up to 30 minutes. The doctor injects a local anesthetic, removes part of the damaged nail or the entire plate. The specialist then applies a bandage.

Partial resection is done when there is a thickening of the nail fold, but the nail itself does not fester. Complete excision is performed in case of soft tissue suppuration.

Cons of the method:

  1. Wound healing and dressing changes occur until a new nail grows. Sometimes it can take several months.
  2. Accidental damage during the mini-surgery of the entire growth zone of the nail. After that, a recurrence of the problem may occur, or the horny plate will not grow at all.

Plus method: you can prevent suppuration of bone tissue.

Today, surgical nail removal is extremely rare.

surgical removal of nails
surgical removal of nails

Using a keratolytic patch

This method is widelycommon in outpatient practice. A keratolytic patch is often used when several nails or the entire plate is affected.

The composition of the keratolytic agent includes chemical elements such as urea and salicylic acid. Before fixing the patch, it is necessary to remove the upper shiny layer with a nail file, and seal the skin around the nail with adhesive tape. A medical sticker is applied to a sore spot, after 3 days it is replaced with a new one. After each replacement, you need to carefully clean the affected areas of the nail with scissors or nippers, and also clean the nail bed from deposits.

Radio wave method

This method is not traumatic. Radio waves are used here to get rid of the nail. The duration of therapy takes no more than 8 minutes.

Before starting the radio wave procedure, the doctor performs local anesthesia. Then he removes the problematic parts of the horny plate, and treats the place where the nail grows with a radio wave. Then the specialist applies a sterile dressing to the affected area to prevent infection.

Pros of the method:

  • Fast healing.
  • High efficiency.
  • Low injury rate.
  • No recurrence.
  • Fast recovery period.
  • No need to change bandages.
  • After this procedure, the finger looks aesthetically pleasing.
ingrown thumb nail
ingrown thumb nail

Reviews on the laser removal technique

Those people who preferred this method of eliminating the nail in different waysevaluate it. So, some believe that this is the most appropriate method. People quickly return to normal life after the laser. Removing nails in this way has opponents. So, some patients note that after exposure to a laser, their nails became like waves. Also, people write that during the manipulation there is a strong smell of burning, torched meat. Patients also note that relapses after this method are possible, and they are indeed observed.

Reviews on the radio wave method

Removing nails in this way has a lot of positive feedback. People who have decided on this method of eliminating the affected plate note that there are no relapses or side effects after the manipulation. True, this happens only when a mini-operation is performed by a qualified doctor. There are several negative assessments of people who write that after the radio wave method, the recovery period lasts a long time. But if you follow all the doctor's prescriptions and be attentive to your he alth, then no negative moments will arise.

toenail removal
toenail removal

Proper care after removal of the nail plate

After any procedure, the operated nail needs care and rest. In order for the recovery period to be effective and efficient, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Try not to transfer body weight to the diseased limb.
  • If a toenail was removed, you need to try to provide a problematic horny platepeace.
  • Take pain medication if needed.
  • Before a pedicure or dressing, thoroughly disinfect your hands.
  • Always wear clean socks and comfortable shoes throughout the recovery period.
  • Be sure to ask a specialist if you can take a shower.

Nail removal: price of the procedure

The cost of a mini-operation may vary and depends on parameters such as:

  • Clinic location.
  • Availability of modern equipment.
  • Method of manipulation.
  • Neglect of the disease.

So, for example, the cost of a laser procedure can range from 2.5 to 6 thousand rubles. If the affected nail plate is removed by the radio wave method, then the person should be ready to pay from 4 to 7 thousand rubles for the operation.


From this article, you learned everything about such a procedure as removing a nail. The price of the issue, the resection techniques used, the pros and cons of each were considered. Judging by the reviews, people like the result after the radio wave method. True, this method is the most expensive of the existing ones. Laser removal of the affected nail has both supporters and opponents. This method can be advised only if a competent doctor takes up the work.
