The mysterious diagnosis of "folate deficiency anemia" can be heard quite often. What does it mean? First of all, confirmation of this condition indicates an insufficient amount of vitamin B12 or B9 (folate) in the blood.
Folate (folic acid s alt) is needed by the body to produce new red blood cells, responsible for delivering oxygen to the internal organs. With a decrease in their number, anemia develops, causing the patient to become weak and tired.
If you are diagnosed with vitamin B12-folate deficiency anemia during pregnancy, there is a risk of fetal malformations such as spina bifida. This defect leads to deformation of the child's spine.

With a confirmed diagnosis, you can use special medications and biologically active food supplements with a high content of folic acid - this will reduce the risk of adverse effects on the fetus, and in case of a deficiency of the mentioned substance not associated with anemia, it will prevent the development of a dangerous condition.
Britishscientists have concluded that maintaining a normal level of folate in the blood helps reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system and rectal cancer.
What is folic acid
Folic acid is a synthetic analogue of vitamin B9, also called folate. This vitamin is washed out of the body with sweat and urine. It does not accumulate in the internal organs, so every day you need to eat food containing enough vitamin B9. The same is true for vitamin B12, which is often low at the same time as folate levels in a diagnosis of vitamin B-12-folate deficiency anemia.

The main reason for the development of a pathological condition is monotonous malnutrition. Often, a diet low in vitamins or excessive heat treatment of food (frying, stewing, steaming, boiling, grilling, using a microwave oven) becomes a risk factor. Folic acid is found in small amounts in most foods, but citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, and fortified cereals and muesli are especially rich in it. In rare cases, an anomaly occurs - the inability to absorb enough folic acid from food entering the body. Excessive bleeding can also lead to anemia.
Also, vitamin B-12-folate deficiency anemia can be caused by:
- Pregnancy. During this period, the rate of assimilation of folates decreases. Besides,the growing fetus begins to take vitamin B9 from the mother's body. Toxicosis associated with vomiting also contributes to the loss of essential substances.
- Malabsorption (impaired absorption). This disorder is diagnosed when there is insufficient absorption and assimilation of a certain vitamin or mineral. Folic acid absorption is affected by certain diseases and medications taken. For example, celiac disease (gluten intolerance) or medications designed to fight seizures can cause malabsorption.
So, as you already understand, against the background of all of the above, folic deficiency anemia develops. The pathogenesis includes a violation of DNA synthesis due to a decrease in the level of active folic acid in the blood.

Risk factors
Summarized, the risk factors leading to the development of a condition such as vitamin-B12-folate deficiency anemia can be summarized as follows:
- abuse of heat treatment of food;
- vitamin deficient diet;
- frequent alcohol abuse (alcohol interferes with folate absorption);
- certain diseases (eg sickle cell anemia);
- medication (usually this group includes medicines for cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and seizures);
- pregnancy.

Signs and symptoms
At present, more and more people of different age groups are diagnosed withfolate deficiency anemia. The symptoms of this condition are listed below. This is:
- feeling tired;
- appearance of ulcers in the oral cavity;
- gray hair;
- swollen tongue;
- slow growth in children.
Although these signs invariably accompany folate deficiency anemia, symptoms of a similar nature occur in patients with a lack of folate, not associated with anemia, and in people with a monotonous or inadequate diet.
The following are often added to the main features:
- dizziness;
- chill;
- irritability;
- headache;
- shortness of breath;
- pallor of the skin;
- diarrhea;
- unplanned weight loss;
- loss of appetite;
- disturbed concentration.
Since the above symptoms may indicate another blood disorder, you should consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis. Vitamin-B12-folate deficiency anemia is determined by the results of a complete blood count. This study helps to detect an insufficient number of red blood cells.

Perhaps the doctor will prescribe specific studies to determine the exact level of folic acid. If the patient is a woman of childbearing age, it is likely that an additional pregnancy test will be required, as the body will direct the bulk of folic acid to the development of the fetus. Besides,you will need to answer a series of questions about nutrition to rule out the possibility of pathology due to malnutrition.
If you are taking any medications, be sure to let your doctor know as some medications can cause or exacerbate folate and vitamin B12 deficiencies.
Once the diagnosis of folate deficiency anemia is confirmed, treatment will primarily focus on increasing folic acid levels. The easiest way to replenish folate levels is to take the vitamin in tablets until the anemia is gone. However, with a particularly low amount of vitamin B9 in the blood, intravenous folic acid is prescribed.
At the same time as taking medications and biologically active food supplements, you should increase the consumption of foods rich in the mentioned substance. These include spinach and other leafy green vegetables, pinto beans, and oranges. Eat more fresh foods and avoid fried foods that are high in fat and have little to no real nutrients as much as possible.
To prevent the occurrence of such a disorder as vitamin-B12-folate deficiency anemia, British scientists recommend taking 400 mg of folic acid every day. During pregnancy, certain diseases and pathological conditions of the body, the need for this substance may increase. The maximum dose without danger of exceeding the norm is 1000 mg of folic acid. Interesting fact: the synthetic form of vitamin B9 is absorbed much better than naturalfolate found in food. That is why even those who eat a balanced diet that is as nutrient dense as possible usually need to take additional doses of folate.
Check with your doctor before using folic acid and special dietary supplements.

Adequate treatment of B12-folate deficiency anemia leads to the development of positive dynamics and the final relief of the symptoms of this condition. Recovered patients, as a rule, do not suffer from relapses. Intensive treatment usually lasts for two months.
Possible Complications
The symptoms of the analyzed state invariably cause discomfort. Since folate deficiency anemia most often develops during pregnancy, diagnosis should be timely and as complete as possible in order to exclude intrauterine malformations of the fetus (associated with impaired spinal formation and neural tube defects).
In addition, the following possible complications have been recorded in scientific and medical practice:
- appearance of premature gray hair (straight hair often begins to curl);
- increased skin pigmentation;
- infertility;
- deterioration in cardiovascular disease or heart failure.

Folic deficiency anemia is a condition that is easy to prevent. Enough to eatmany foods high in folic acid. The recommended daily dose of 400 mg (in addition to the diet) is suitable for all women. You need to adhere to such a scheme before the planned conception and during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Although the opinions of scientists about the need for drug prevention of such a disorder as folate deficiency anemia still differ (not all doctors confirm the benefits of taking additional doses of folic acid), there is real evidence that some pathologies depend on the lack of folate and vitamin B12. Incorporating food supplements with a high content of the mentioned substance in the regular diet has its advantages:
- reduces the risk of atherosclerosis;
- prevents the occurrence of cerebrovascular accidents;
- helps prevent neural tube defects in the fetus when taking folic acid before and during pregnancy;
- helps reduce the risk of autism and disorders associated with gestational diabetes in newborns.
Supplemental folic acid was previously thought to reduce the risk of cancer. However, at present there is evidence of the opposite effect: in some cases, an increased content of this substance in the body causes the growth of pathologically altered cells and leads to the progression of oncological diseases. Thus, before using folate, it is necessary to consult a doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications to taking synthetic folate.vitamin B9.