Treatment and diet for diabetes mellitus - this question is of interest to an increasing number of Russians every year. After all, this is one of the most common diseases among people of working age. According to statistics, about 285 million people on the planet today suffer from diabetes. If you believe the disappointing forecasts, then in the next decade and a half this figure could grow by 150 million people. Among the leaders in this list are the countries of North America. Russia ranks fourth in terms of the prevalence of the disease. Around 750,000 people take insulin every year.
Types of disease

Timely treatment and diet for diabetes can greatly alleviate the patient's condition. Otherwise, he should be afraid of quite serious complications. For example, brain damage or vascular diseases. That is why it is so importantconduct competent treatment at an early stage.
There are several types of illness, which are distinguished by the types of complications that occur, the causes of occurrence, as well as the complexity of treating the disease itself. Let's consider each of the classifications separately. Etiological distinguishes diabetes by the reasons that led to its appearance:
- Type DM1 mostly affects people under 30 years of age. This is type 1 diabetes, which is also called insulin dependent. The main symptoms that characterize it are: excessive appetite, thirst, weight loss, increased urination. The disease appears due to a failure in carbohydrate metabolism due to the destruction of beta cells located in the pancreas. At the same time, the latter ceases to supply the insulin necessary for the body. If left untreated, it can cause coma or even death.
- Type 2 diabetes is considered non-insulin dependent. As a rule, they suffer from a genetic predisposition, as well as in old age. At the same time, insulin is produced in insufficient quantities only if a person leads an active lifestyle, eats properly, monitors the level of sugar in the body. In this case, patients may suffer from hypertension, obesity, hyperkalemia. They may have impaired kidney function, cardiovascular disease.
- Gestational diabetes is also called gestational diabetes. It is isolated in a separate group, since pregnancy cannot be attributed to a disease - it is a natural state of the body. This form first appears, but after childbirth inpasses in most cases. Scientists consider this type of disease symptomatic. It should be feared as it increases the risk of birth defects in the infant and even fetal death. What's more, diabetes may worsen years after childbirth.
- In some cases, it is not possible to determine the disease, so doctors around the world propose to classify a type of diabetes of indeterminate type.
There are also types of diabetes that can be caused by infections, endocrinopathies, destruction of the pancreas, genetic factors. There are several types of diabetes according to the types of complications. In this case, vessels, nerves, eyesight can be affected, as well as diabetic foot syndrome can develop.
When classifying diabetes according to the severity of treatment, they distinguish:
- A mild form of type 2 diabetes that needs to be treated in the early stages of the disease. At the same time, the patient feels muscle weakness, dry mouth, and retains his ability to work. No insulin is required at this stage.
- Moderate diabetes is characterized by severe metabolic disorders. The patient needs to systematically take drugs that lower blood sugar levels, or insulin. At the same time, he is allowed almost all food that meets his needs.
- Severe form requires daily insulin intake, as there are negligible carbohydrates in the body: they are all excreted in the urine. With careful and correct treatment, a severe degree of the disease can be translated into moderate severity.
Modern methods

In Russia, most patients suffer from type 2 diabetes. A large number of people are in a pre-diabetic state, when the disease cannot yet be diagnosed, but their sugar levels are invariably elevated. Currently, there are several ways to deal with this disease.
One of the most effective diet is considered. In the treatment of diabetes, a person completely refuses alcohol, uses sweeteners. There are many diets that are used for one form or another of the disease. The main thing is not to decide on your own which one to follow, but be sure to consult a doctor.
Diabetes-lowering drugs are also called anti-diabetic drugs. These drugs help keep blood sugar at a certain level. They are suitable for those patients who produce insulin on their own, but it is not enough. Such medications are recommended to be taken in conjunction with physical activity and diet.
The most popular treatment for diabetes is insulin. It is usually prescribed along with hypoglycemic medications. This method of treating diabetes mellitus is used for ketosis, weight loss, before surgery, as well as for any complications in patients with type 2 diabetes. Insulin is contraindicated during lactation, pregnancy, in a coma, as well as in hemorrhagic diseases.
One of the main principles of the treatment of diabetes is that the patient should regularlyassess blood sugar levels. For this, glucose in the blood serum is measured. Control is carried out several times during the day. This helps to choose the most effective treatment. The limiting range of glucose levels for each patient is set by the doctor. In this case, in most cases, they are guided by average figures. On an empty stomach, it should not exceed 6 mmol per liter, and after some time after eating, the indicator should not exceed 8.
Specific treatment of different types of diabetes
The most common violations are the first and second types. In the treatment of these varieties of the disease has its own specifics. With the first type of illness, the patient requires insulin therapy throughout his life. At the same time, he should evaluate the level of glucose in the body, engage in physical education, be observed by an endocrinologist. Complete elimination of diabetes in this case is possible only with transplantation of the pancreas, as well as insular cells. However, this is an expensive and extremely painful method. Moreover, after the transplant, you will have to constantly take immunosuppressive drugs.
Type 1 diabetics should definitely follow a strict diet. The main thing is to give up hard-to-digest fats. 30% of the daily diet should be fats, proteins - at least 20% of the daily norm. The rest of the amount of substances received by the body should be occupied by carbohydrates. Be sure to limit the use of alcohol. Daily calorie intake is subject to strict control.
There are several types of management in international practicetype II diabetes. Patients are advised to exercise, a low-carbohydrate diet, hormonal injections and certain medications, as well as a proper diet to regulate their sugar levels and keep them stable. By the way, physical education contributes to the removal of excess carbohydrates from the body.
The daily diet should include a large amount of vitamins and minerals, reduce s alt intake. Hiking, swimming, cycling are welcome.
Features of food

Diet plays a special role in the standards of diabetes management. Most experts are of the opinion that the greatest result is achieved with fractional nutrition, that is, five to six times a day. Every day - three key meals of two to three meals. It is also recommended that the patient make two or three snacks from one dish. Ideally, you need to eat at the same time every day, developing the habit of the regime.
Each meal, the body must receive a certain number of calories. Their distribution throughout the day is as follows:
- breakfast - 25%;
- second breakfast - 10-15%;
- lunch - 25-30%;
- snack - 5-10%;
- dinner - 20-25%;
- second dinner - 5-10%.
There are also a few more rules of diet and diabetes treatment that can significantly increase the therapeutic effect:
- The last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime.
- During the meal, dishes withhigh fiber should be eaten first.
- If there are sweets in the patient's diet, they should be eaten with the main meal.
- It is forbidden to eat after stress or physical exertion.
- It is important to eat in moderation. Gluttony should be avoided, leaving the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

With diabetes, there are certain rules in cooking that should be followed. For example, prolonged heat treatment of products is not recommended. Food is best steamed or boiled. Remember that heat treatment increases the glycemic index. It's bad for a diabetic. It is not recommended to eat deep-fried, grilled dishes, as well as semi-finished products, fast food. It is forbidden to add ketchup, mayonnaise, sauce to food.
Products with a high starch content should not be crushed or boiled so that the substance is less absorbed. Therefore, make sure that cereals are not digested, and boil potatoes in general in their skins. It is recommended to serve dishes not too hot and not too cold. The optimum temperature is from 15 to 70 degrees.
Product Index

Glycemic index is the ability of certain foods to increase glucose. This indicator should be equal to the calorie content and carbohydrate content. It must be taken into account when drawing up different diets.
Note that the higherglycemic index of products in the table for diabetics, the faster we should expect an increase in glucose levels. With an equal amount of carbohydrates, a higher index should be expected in those products that have less vegetable fibers and more simple carbohydrates.
Low is considered a glycemic index of less than 40, medium - from 40 to 70, high - more than 70. Its value is important for patients with severe type 2 diabetes, as well as insulin-dependent patients. A table of products with a glycemic index helps diabetics navigate.
Product | Glycemic index |
Basil, parsley, vanillin, oregano, cinnamon | 5 |
Leaf lettuce | 9 |
Avocado | 10 |
Soybeans, spinach, rhubarb, tofu, peanuts, pickles, pickles, leeks, olives, onions, pesto, zucchini, ginger, mushrooms, asparagus, pine nuts, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, chili peppers, fresh cucumbers, brussels and cauliflower, celery, bran, broccoli, cashews, almonds | 15 |
Eggplant, soy yogurt, peanut butter, artichoke | 20 |
Pumpkin seeds, gooseberries, soy flour, strawberries, mung beans, strawberries, fresh raspberries, red currants, green lentils, cherries | 25 |
Passion fruit, fresh tangerines, milk, dark chocolate, yellow lentils, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, fat-free cottage cheese, tomatoes, pears, jam,beets, garlic, carrots, green beans, grapefruit, apricots, brown lentils, soy milk | 30 |
Yeast | 31 |
Tomato juice | 33 |
Peach, compote, nectarine, pomegranate, beans | 34 |
Fat-free natural yogurt, fructose ice cream, plum, quince, sesame, orange, Chinese noodles, green peas, apple, chickpeas, black rice | 35 |
Foods with an average glycemic index are also acceptable, but less often.
Product | Glycemic index |
Apricots, prunes, pasta, carrot juice, buckwheat, dried figs | 40 |
Whole grain breakfasts | 43 |
Grapes, orange juice, brown rice, coconut, grapefruit juice | 45 |
Cranberries | 47 |
Apple juice, persimmon, brown rice, lychee, mango, pineapple juice, cranberry juice, kiwi, basmati | 50 |
Canned peaches, shortbread, sushi, bulgur, mustard, spaghetti, grape juice, ketchup | 55 |
Arabian pita, sweet corn | 57 |
Papaya | 59 |
Oatmeal, cocoa powder, mayonnaise, melon, long grain rice, lasagna, sugar ice cream, banana, chestnut | 60 |
Pizza on a thin crust with cheese and tomatoes | 61 |
Flatcakes | 62 |
Macaroni and Cheese | 64 |
Whole grain and rye bread, canned vegetables, sorbet, sweet potato, boiled potatoes, maple syrup, raisins, sugared muesli, jam, marmalade | 65 |
Wheat flour | 69 |
Foods with a high glycemic index are not recommended for diabetics, and are prohibited for some patients.
Product | Glycemic index |
Couscous, semolina, brown and white sugar, risotto, barley, chips, croissant, noodles, soda, chocolate bars | 70 |
Millet | 71 |
Rice porridge, French baguette, pumpkin, watermelon | 75 |
Donuts | 76 |
Cracker | 80 |
Mashed potatoes | 83 |
Popcorn, rice pudding, hamburger buns, stewed or boiled carrots | 85 |
White Rice | 90 |
Canned apricots | 91 |
Rice noodles | 92 |
Fried and baked potatoes, potato casserole, buns | 95 |
Rotabaga | 99 |
Modified starch, toast, glucose | 100 |
Dates | 103 |
Beer | 110 |
Diet for type 1 diabetes
Help to understand the contents of useful and harmfulsubstances in certain products will help you in stores for diabetics. The diets themselves differ depending on what type of disease the patient has.
Features of the diet for type 1 diabetes are that carbohydrate intake should not be strictly limited. This is thought to lead to glucose intolerance or hypoglycemic coma.
In this case, it is important for the patient to take into account the carbohydrates consumed. The diet menu for type 1 diabetes should include a variety of vegetables. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of processed foods, fast food, the amount of liquid with a high level of sugar, fruit juices. You should not forget about carbohydrates: if they are scarce, the sugar level can be reduced to a minimum.
Table 9

But what kind of diet is needed for type 2 diabetes, there is no consensus. There are several principles of nutrition that differ in details. In Soviet practice, an approach was used, the author of which was the gastroenterologist Pevzner. He compiled several diets for the treatment of various ailments, one of which was a violation in the metabolism of carbohydrates.
The anti-diabetic method was ranked ninth on the list, so it is known as table number 9. The type 1 diabetes diet in this case is intended for patients who have the most severe stages of the disease.
The main diet is low-fat foods and vegetables. The amount of carbohydrates in this case should not exceed 300 g fordays, proteins must correspond to the physiological norm (80 g per day), vegetable and animal are divided approximately in half. The optimal amount of fat is 90 g. During the day, you should drink at least one and a half liters of liquid.
Sample menu

What can you eat on a diet with diabetes? The daily calorie intake of table number 9 for patients with normal weight is 2,500 kcal.
In this case, the consumption of pasta and pasta products, bread, beets, carrots and potatoes is minimized. The ban includes jam, marmalade, refined sugar, ice cream, confectionery, dried fruits and sweet fruits.
If the patient is overweight, the daily calorie intake should be reduced to 1,500-1,700 kcal. The maximum amount of carbohydrates per day is 120 g. Sausages, lard, sausages, vegetable and butter, spreads, margarine, mayonnaise, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream, fatty cheese, seeds, nuts, fatty meat are excluded from the diet.
US Diabetes Association Guidelines
During the diet for diabetes, the foods that are allowed and prohibited for patients are the same in most recommendations. For example, the American Diabetes Association prohibits the consumption of fast carbohydrates and also significantly limits the total amount of carbohydrates in the diet.
An exemplary diet for diabetes is aimed at ensuring that sugar does not rise:
- Breakfast: oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs.
- Lunch: first - pureed vegetable sura, cabbage soup without meat; for the second -beef goulash, fish cakes, boiled meat; garnish - vegetable salads, stew, stewed cabbage.
- Snack: boiled egg, vegetable casserole, kefir.
- Dinner: second course and side dish, which is allowed at lunch.
In the diabetic store you can easily find everything you need. In many ways, these recommendations are similar to the requirements of table number 9, but at the same time there are not such strict restrictions on fats. The main emphasis is on maintaining a balance between fats of different classes.