Human skin in any area is literally permeated with small vessels, which are normally not visible externally. And the he alth of the skin just also depends on these vessels, which carry nutrition and oxygen to it. But if a failure occurs in their work, this is reflected immediately on the condition of the skin. It also becomes a manifestation that the vessels themselves begin to protrude to the surface and become visible - the veins crawl out on the face. Usually due to the expansion of capillaries in the form of a network of vessels and spider veins, which are called telangiectasias. These manifestations are combined with the name rosacea or varicose veins on the face.
Essence of pathology

Couperose (rosacea of an unspecified type) thus refers to pathologies with impaired blood microcirculation due to increased fragility and expansion of capillaries. This happens due to a violation of the elasticity of the vessels, while their wear resistance is lost. Negative factors can narrow and expand capillaries. But the property tonarrowing is lost quickly and vasodilatation remains. They are unable to pump blood. Often this is complemented by blockage. It looks like red dots with twisted lines of capillaries extending from them. Their thickness does not exceed 1 mm, the color is red and purple-red.
Asterisks are a very accurate name for formations on non-inflamed skin. They are especially often and clearly visible on the cheeks and wings of the nose. More often this pathology is typical for women, especially after 30 years. They pay more attention to their appearance, which may explain the frequency.
Why are veins visible on the face? Not only does the vessel wall lose its elasticity, but the skin also becomes thinner with age or for various reasons. Therefore, the veins become noticeable, appearing through them. This phenomenon occurs not only on the face, but also on the skin of the entire head and neck. Of course, few people are happy about it.
So, the cause of veins on the face and the appearance of rosacea is dilated capillaries. Pathology begins with the smallest caliber of vessels, but if left untreated, others are also affected. Knot-like protruding formations appear. Varicose veins on the face are not particularly harmful, but an aesthetic defect gives rise to psychological problems.
About the name of the pathology
Varicosis on the face is an unofficial name for a public diagnosis. The name has taken root because similar capillary nets accompany another common disease - varicose veins of the lower extremities. But these are not analogues. They have different reasons and treatment tactics too.
What is a spider vein
Telangiectasia is a steady expansion of blood vessels of the skin or mucous membranes, which is non-inflammatory. Asterisks in this case arise from arterioles, capillaries and / or venules. Due to the lack of consequences, it is rather a symptom and it may accompany some pathologies.
Couperosis can occur on almost any part of the body: face, lips, eyes, tongue, buttocks, legs, stomach, etc. The most common localization on the face: on the cheeks, wings of the nose, under the eyes. Asterisks on the skin may appear, and disappear after a while. But over time, they become brighter and expand.
Emerging Factors
Why did veins appear on the face? The reason may be:
- liver disease;
- heart disease;
- pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
- hypertension;
- anemia;
- dehydration;
- circulatory disorders.
- varicose veins can also appear suddenly, especially after insolation, visits to solariums;
- frostbite;
- constant lack of sleep;
- age-related changes;
- poor heredity with congenital vascular pathology;
- dry facial skin;
- excessive load on the skin of the face with allergic frequent sneezing;
- use of poor quality cosmetics;
- alcohol abuse (especially red wine);
- smoking;
- spicy food, coffee, chocolate;
- hormone imbalance during pregnancy, menopause (hormones are disturbed even during the menstrual cycle!);
- applying hard peels;
- long receptionKOKov;
- use of glucocorticosteroids;
- work with overheating or hypothermia;
- hard physical labor.
The owners of fair skin are especially prone to varicose veins.
Symptomatic manifestations

Symptomatic of the disease depends on the stage:
- On the first wall of the capillaries are still able to contract. For no apparent reason, a mild reddening of the face appears, which disappears after a while. Later, the veins expand more and lose their ability to contract.
- At the second stage, spider veins appear. A photo of the veins on the face is shown below. Telangiectasias are often accompanied by itching. The vessels are irreducible, they rupture and subcutaneous petechial hemorrhage is formed. Later, already under the eyes and on the cheekbones, a mesh of already bluish color appears - it is formed by veins. Here, the diameter can already reach 3 mm. By themselves, such disorders do not disappear, since the venous system is closed.
- The last stage of rosacea is dilated veins that have come to the surface. Microcirculation is chronically impaired, vasodilation is not controlled and they swell. Bumpy areas are visible on the face.
Principles of treatment

This pathology is characterized by vivid manifestations, so it will not be difficult for a specialist to make a diagnosis. Rarely does a specialist need a microscope.
How to get rid of facial veins? Treatment is necessarily complex, it can be conservative, hardware andinjectable.
With conservative treatment, in addition to the external use of cosmetic preparations and special creams, anti-varicose drugs and vitamins are taken. Therapy does not guarantee a relapse - this must be remembered.
In the early stages of the disease, when veins appeared on the face, local remedies can be of great help: therapeutic tonics, creams, masks, compresses. Launched varicose veins are treated with ozone and mesotherapy, laser beams.
Effective topical preparations

The following remedies have proven themselves:
- Cream-wax "He althy". It contains: bee venom, wax and vitamins B1 and C.
- Creams and gels "Troxevasin", "Troxerutin", "Venitan" - improve blood flow and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
- Heparin ointment - it prevents blood clots from forming and reduces blood clotting.
In addition to external treatment, veins must be treated from the inside - for this, venotonics are used. Among them are "Angistax", "Phlebodia", "Venoruton", "Ascorutin".
When the veins on the face are very visible, the cream "Sofya" helps very well. The product has a rich useful composition: heparin, horse chestnut, burdock, string, a number of vitamins, wax, oils and other components. The cream is a venotonic, reduces the appearance of asterisks.
"Dirozeal" - is considered a derivative of "Troxevasin". The active substance is dextran sulfate and retinaldehyde. Improves microcirculation in the veins of the face, skin andenhances metabolism. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the epidermis.
"Bodyaga" - helps against inflammation, enhances microcirculation, helps to remove dead tissue of the epidermis.
Today, there are a lot of creams for varicose veins on the face. They are best applied at night. Useful creams with arnica, vitamin C and routine.
If veins appear on the face, what should I do? From cosmetic procedures are shown: laser, ozone therapy and radio wave treatment. Useful massage and folk remedies (after consulting a doctor!). Self-treatment will not give any effect.
Ozone Therapy
Ozone treatment for rosacea is a procedure for saturating the skin with an ozone-oxygen mixture. Such procedures are performed at the initial stage of the development of pathology.
An ozone-oxygen mixture is injected into the problem area of the skin with the thinnest needle. It contributes to the normalization of microcirculation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
The walls of the veins on the face are strengthened, and the vessels themselves are moving away from the surface layer. The result shows up pretty quickly. The method is completely safe and does not leave scars.
The only downside is the lack of evidence base about the effectiveness. But patients report positive trends when using ozone therapy very often.
Laser therapy

During the procedure, the vascular pattern is cauterized with a laser beam, which seals the affected vessels. They stick together and become invisible. Today it is the most effective, safe and painless waytreatment.
For the face, this is true because it does not leave scars and scars. You may experience a slight tingling sensation during the procedure.
In the initial stages of varicose veins on the face, one 40-minute session is enough. The laser has a cooling effect and the burn of the face is excluded. Repeated course treatment can be repeated only after 3 years, so as not to provoke premature skin aging.
Radio wave therapy
Radio wave therapy is a technique of exposure to high frequency waves with alternating electric current. Effective only in the initial stages and in a small area. The principle of action is similar to laser and phototherapy. The effectiveness of this technique is visible from the reviews, but there is no evidence base.
Subcutaneous injection into problem areas with medicinal cocktails that constrict blood vessels and / or speed up metabolism. If veins appear on the face, therapeutic plastic (lymphatic drainage) massage will increase skin tone and reduce the manifestations of spider veins. Sclerosing methods on the face today are not used to avoid scarring and pigmentation. They can only be used for leg veins.
Folk ways

Folk remedies:
- Apple cider vinegar can help with facial veins. It removes excess oil from the skin. Eliminates "stars" in the shortest possible time. Masks are prepared with it: 60 ml of heated vinegar + 2 tbsp. l. flour and honey. In addition, apple cider vinegaryou can add to salads or drink honey dissolved in vinegar in a glass once a day (for 200 ml of water 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp honey).
- Crushed potatoes are applied to the skin for 10 minutes.
- Berry mix. A mixture of several berries must be crushed and add 1 tsp. starch. Apply for 20 minutes.
- Mask of fresh apricots for 20 minutes.
- Fresh banana mask. Wash off with tonic.
- Green tea infusion mask.
- Mask of grated horseradish, applied for 5 minutes.
- Green tomato compresses - brown tomatoes, cut into small pieces, then applied to the problem area. Keep it on until you feel a slight tingling sensation. After that, the tomatoes are removed from the face and the skin is washed.
- Wiping the face with hydrogen peroxide - tampons are also applied for 20 minutes.
- Peeling with salicylic acid - 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey + 5 drops of an alcohol solution of salicylic acid (15%). The mixture is kept for 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.
- To wipe the face with rosacea as a tonic, you can use a decoction of chamomile, a decoction of hops. The latter is also taken orally.
Features of food
There is no special diet for rosacea. You only need to follow the general rules:
- limit fatty and s alty foods;
- introduction to the diet and increase in the share of vegetables and fruits, cereals;
- water consumption of at least 2 liters;
- avoiding sweets and soda;
- refusal of alcohol (red wine) - alcohol always dilates the blood vessels of the face;
- coffee, tea,cocoa, chocolate, fatty meat and fish, smoked meats and spices, fatty sour cream and cheeses should be excluded or limited;
- food should not be hot.
Prevention measures

Sun protection needed - use special anti-sun creams all year round. For daily care, care products containing anti-varicose agents are used.
Solarium, sunbathing on the beach and sauna should be avoided.
Be sure to use vitamin-mineral complexes, which should include ascorbic acid and vitamins K and P.
It is necessary to use only high-quality cosmetics, do not attend mechanical peeling procedures, wash your face only with comfortable warm water.
Do not use cosmetic products containing mint, cloves or eucalyptus on the face. All cosmetic manipulations must be carried out very carefully, without aggressiveness.
Varicose veins on the face do not pose a danger to the life of the patient, but may well lead to the development of the inflammatory process and microcirculation disorders. It is better to stop couperosis at the initial stage in order to avoid the involvement of other, larger vessels in the process. We should also not forget that such a visible defect on the face causes isolation and inferiority complexes in a person, which does not allow him to fully live and work.