Stomatitis is an infectious disease of the oral cavity, or rather its mucous membrane. The manifestations of this disease are quite unpleasant. Therefore, if stomatitis occurs on the tonsils, treatment in adults and children should begin immediately. The sooner you take action to get rid of the pathology, the better for you. Of course, ideally, you should consult a doctor. But not all patients do this. Most stomatitis treatments are done at home. Today you can find out which measures will be safe and effective.
Types of stomatitis and the main causes of its appearance
There are many varieties of stomatitis. Based on the causative agent of this disease, a certain type of treatment is selected. A white sore may appear in a single or multiple quantity on the tonsil for the following reasons:
- taking certain medications (usually antibiotics, which provokes a fungal formpathology);
- herpetic lesion (aphthous stomatitis);
- mucosal injury (coarse food, foreign objects, hot food, chemicals);
- viral lesion (vesicular stomatitis, transmitted by airborne droplets);
- bacterial diseases (catarrhal stomatitis) and so on.
In everyday life, most often the disease occurs due to injury or due to the constant presence of infection (caries, runny nose, adenoiditis). In children, stomatitis may occur due to the constant presence of foreign objects in the mouth during teething.

Diagnosis of pathology
Assess why stomatitis appeared on the tonsil, and a doctor can make a correct diagnosis during a routine examination. Any additional manipulations and analyzes are usually not required. For each type of disease, appropriate therapy is used. If you want to get rid of the pathology in a short time and correctly, then you should consult a doctor. When diagnosing a disease, the following factors are taken into account:
- age and lifestyle of the patient;
- presence of additional disease stimulants;
- localization and area of rashes;
- additional symptoms in the form of fever, runny nose, enlarged tonsils, chronic diseases.
Stomatitis on tonsils: treatment
What to do if you suddenly notice a white sore on the tonsil? Many patients will suspect angina. But they won't always be right. Treatment of stomatitis and tonsillitisis significantly different. That is why it is so important to make the correct diagnosis. Therapy of the disease consists in the use of symptomatic agents that alleviate the discomfort of the patient and the use of drugs that act on the cause of the disease. Folk recipes and grandmother's methods of treating stomatitis are also very popular. Consider effective options in more detail.

Using painkillers and antipyretics
Very often, stomatitis on the tonsil is accompanied by high body temperature and terrible pain. A person cannot eat normally, it is even difficult to drink. But drinking plenty of water and he althy wholesome food is an important condition for a quick recovery. A variety of over-the-counter antipyretics can be used to reduce fever:
- based on ibuprofen (Nurofen, Burana, Advil) - these drugs are by far the most popular, they can be used in infants, but only in the form of syrups and suppositories;
- drugs with paracetamol ("Panadol", "Efferalgan") - known for a long time, act quickly, but negatively affect the liver (not recommended for people with diseases of this organ);
- drugs with nimesulide ("Nise", "Nimulid", "Nimesil") - effectively and permanently eliminate fever, but negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract, so they should be taken only after meals.
All of the above funds to a greater or lesser extent also have an analgesic effect. But practice shows thatmost effectively eliminate this symptom of drugs based on diclofenac and ketorolac ("Ketorol", "Ketanov", "Diklovit"). Take such drugs should be no more than 3-5 days in a row. Medicines have a symptomatic effect, but they do not affect the cause of the disease.

Antiseptics and their names
If stomatitis appears on the tonsils, then almost always doctors prescribe antiseptic drugs. Such drugs can prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, eliminate existing viruses, fungi and bacteria. At home, you can use the following tools:
- "Miramistin" or "Chlorhexidine" (the latter must be diluted before use) - drugs eliminate the growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi, so you can not go wrong with this medicine.
- Zelenka is an outdated but proven remedy for the treatment of stomatitis, sores are treated pointwise.
- Lugol is one of the most effective remedies for the treatment of tonsils, the treatment is performed with a sterile cotton swab dipped in a solution.
- "Fukortsin" - has an antimicrobial and antifungal effect, contributes to the rapid tightening of aft and improve well-being.
- "Geksoral" - effective if stomatitis on the tonsil is caused by a herpes infection, applied with a sprayer and has a pleasant taste.
- "Tantum Verde" - a spray that has an antiseptic and analgesic effect, can be used even in pregnant women.
All antisepticsmust be used carefully. Many of the drugs described have a drying effect, which can be harmful if used extensively.

Rinse Treatment
Stomatitis on the tonsil can be eliminated quickly enough if you rinse regularly. For this, solutions are selected that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, regenerating and analgesic effects. If you choose the right tool, then improvements will be noticeable after 1-3 days.
- Decoctions of plants, herbs and rhizomes. Chamomile, plantain, sage, or a collection of several types of plants will help to cope with the problem. The decoction is prepared simply: pour a tablespoon of dry grass with a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to gargle after each meal, but at least 4-6 times a day.
- Hydrogen peroxide has an antimicrobial, healing and decongestant effect. It will perfectly cope with its task with candidal, aphthous and herpetic stomatitis, localized on the tonsils. It is important to be careful not to swallow the solution while rinsing.
- "Furacilin" is an antimicrobial agent. The medicine is produced in tablets, from which it is necessary to prepare a solution. For 100 ml of warm water you will need one tablet. Wait for it to completely dissolve, then rinse the tonsils 3-4 times a day.
- "Rotokan" - a solution that has a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is effective in the treatment of autotic stomatitis. Rinsing is carried out with a solution diluted in water for5-7 days.
After rinsing, refrain from eating and drinking for 30-60 minutes.

Home Medicine
If stomatitis appeared on the tonsils, how to treat without a doctor? Therapy can be carried out with the help of folk remedies and well-known methods. Some of them are very effective, so they are used from generation to generation:
- rinsing with soda - disinfects, relieves inflammation and promotes healing;
- lubrication with aloe juice - inhibits the growth of microorganisms, creates a protective film;
- point compresses of crushed garlic - a natural antibiotic;
- mouth rinse with cabbage and carrot juice - boosts immunity and promotes healing of ulcers.
If stomatitis appears in children on the tonsils (the photo of the ulcers is given for your visual reference), then you should not resort to self-treatment. Be sure to take the child to the doctor.

Stomatitis on tonsils in a child: what to do?
Often this disease occurs in children. What drugs do doctors recommend to use in these cases?
- "Vitaon" - an oil remedy based on herbal ingredients. It has a softening, anti-inflammatory, healing effect.
- "Vinilin" - a thick solution that forms a film on the treated surface. Protects ulcers from food and drink irritation.
- Cholisal is an analgesic and antiseptic gel that retains its effect for 6-8 hours.
- "Lyzobact" is an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent available for use in children from three years of age and pregnant women.
- Oxolinic ointment - used to provide an antiviral effect. Also, the drug prevents further spread of infection along the mucous surface.
If the baby has stomatitis on the tonsils (you have already seen the photo), then you should definitely reconsider the child's nutrition. Food should be soft, without s alt and spices. Eliminate fruits and raw vegetables, offer your baby more to drink.

Stomatitis on the tonsils in adults and children is an unpleasant phenomenon, but not fatal. Even if no action is taken to eliminate it, a he althy body will cope with the infection itself within a week. Stomatitis, which appeared on the tonsil, is important to distinguish from tonsillitis, since the latter requires a mandatory visit to the doctor and treatment. If you are not sure about the nature of the origin of white sores, then visit the doctor and find out all the ways to treat stomatitis on the tonsils.