Health 2024, October

Amyostatic syndrome (amyostatic symptom complex, akinetic-rigid syndrome): causes, symptoms and treatment

Amyostatic syndrome (amyostatic symptom complex, akinetic-rigid syndrome): causes, symptoms and treatment

What is the amyostatic syndrome (amyostatic symptom complex, akinetic-rigid syndrome). The main causes and characteristic symptoms of the disease. Effective methods of treatment, prognosis

Rash during pregnancy - features, possible causes and treatment

Rash during pregnancy - features, possible causes and treatment

Why does a rash occur during pregnancy: the main causes and possible diseases. Additional symptoms and diagnostic methods. Effective methods of treatment and practical recommendations. Proper skin care

Kidney stone in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Kidney stone in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

What is a kidney stone in a child. The main causes and characteristic symptoms of the disease. Effective methods of treatment: drugs used and practical recommendations. Modern Therapy Options

Chronic bronchitis: prevention, methods, drug review

Chronic bronchitis: prevention, methods, drug review

Chronic bronchitis: preventive measures and effective methods. Review of medicines and practical recommendations. Ways of primary and secondary prevention. The use of physiotherapy exercises, popular exercises

Persistent infection. Forms of viral infection, its pathogens

Persistent infection. Forms of viral infection, its pathogens

Persistent infection. Description of the disease. What are the forms of persistent infection? The main causative agents of viral infection. What is a chronic persistent infection: the main signs. Persistent infection in children

Decrease in white blood cells (leukopenia): causes and treatments. The function of leukocytes in the blood

Decrease in white blood cells (leukopenia): causes and treatments. The function of leukocytes in the blood

Leukocytes are white blood cells that protect the body from internal and external pathogenic agents. Characterization of lymphocytes, neutrophils, basophils, monocytes. Leukocyte norms. What causes a decrease in white blood cells. Disease symptoms. Diagnostics. Methods of treatment and preventive measures

Crepitation and pleural friction rub: main differences

Crepitation and pleural friction rub: main differences

Crepitation and pleural friction rub: main differences. What is crepitus and the causes of the appearance of pathology. Diagnosis of crepitus. What is pleural friction noise, causes of pathology, diagnosis. What does a pleural friction rub sound like?

How to get rid of abdominal pain: causes, symptoms, painkillers and doctors' advice

How to get rid of abdominal pain: causes, symptoms, painkillers and doctors' advice

Everyone at least once experienced unpleasant pain in the abdomen. It is important to understand the causes of this pain. After all, it can be a mild ailment, and something serious. Despite the fact that the causes of pain are very diverse, there are the most common ones, which we will talk about. So, what are the possible reasons why your stomach bothers you? Let's take a look at them and the symptoms briefly. You can also find the answer to the question of how to get rid of abdominal pain in a given situation

Acne from milk - possible causes and features of treatment

Acne from milk - possible causes and features of treatment

Why milk pimples on the face. What causes acne from milk: lactose intolerance, allergic reactions, hormones, steroids. What to do? Milk from the supermarket and goat milk. Treatment methods and recommendations

Intestinal pneumatosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Intestinal pneumatosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

One of the rather rare, but insidious diseases is intestinal pneumatosis. It is diagnosed more often in young children and the elderly, and pregnant women are also at risk. The disease is caused by the formation of air cysts in the intestinal walls, that is, gases from the stomach do not pass through the mucous membrane and do not enter the circulatory system

Reduce pressure. Medications that lower blood pressure. What herbs lower blood pressure?

Reduce pressure. Medications that lower blood pressure. What herbs lower blood pressure?

The article describes the main groups of drugs that are prescribed for hypertension, indicates the features of diet therapy for high blood pressure, also describes the herbal treatment of this pathology

Bad cholesterol, decrease and increase

Bad cholesterol, decrease and increase

The human body simply needs cholesterol, but its excess can be harmful. Deviation from the norm in the direction of lowering cholesterol is also dangerous

Symptoms and treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve, reviews

Symptoms and treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve, reviews

This disease is more common than inflammation of any other nerves. This is due to the structure of the facial bones, or rather, their insufficient width. In this regard, the facial nerve undergoes oxygen starvation, and, in addition, it is pinched and inflammation appears. Most often, the change is observed on one side of the face, but there are cases of bilateral lesions

Antibiotics for coughs for adults and children. Which cough is treated with antibiotics

Antibiotics for coughs for adults and children. Which cough is treated with antibiotics

Now it is difficult to find a person who does not know about the existence of antibiotics. These drugs have saved thousands of lives, but should you take antibiotics when you cough? And if so, under what? We will talk about how to take these medicines correctly and not harm your he alth in this article

Treatment of gonorrhea in women: signs, drugs and methods

Treatment of gonorrhea in women: signs, drugs and methods

This disease existed in ancient times, because the fact that gonorrhea is a source of impurity was said in the Bible. This is one of the most dangerous sexually transmitted infections (STDs). Many people know this disease under the name "clapper", and although this is considered a common name for the disease, but in Germany this name is official

Meningococcal nasopharyngitis - description, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Meningococcal nasopharyngitis - description, causes, symptoms and treatment features

The common cold can be the beginning of a serious and dangerous illness. The unpredictable course of meningococcal nasopharyngitis can even lead to death. Timely visit to the doctor will prevent the development of serious complications

Purulent inflammation: description, causes, types and features of treatment

Purulent inflammation: description, causes, types and features of treatment

Purulent inflammation is a fairly relevant topic for discussion, since recently more and more people have begun to turn to doctors with similar problems. The reasons for such a sharp deterioration in the he alth status of the population can be various factors. We want to talk about them and much more in our article. The collected information is aimed at helping victims of this disease

Stuffed up ears, headache: what to do?

Stuffed up ears, headache: what to do?

Head pain is no longer a problem as it can be managed with just one pill. However, in combination with congestion in the ears, such pain can be an indicator of a disease. It can be connected not only with the work of the auditory analyzer, but also with the functioning of the central nervous system, heart and blood vessels

Acute and chronic gastritis: what is it and their symptoms

Acute and chronic gastritis: what is it and their symptoms

Gastritis… What is it? In general, modern medicine means by this term a certain group of chronic and acute diseases of the stomach. Their common feature is its inflamed mucous membrane. More about this in our article

How is hemorrhoid surgery performed? Her types

How is hemorrhoid surgery performed? Her types

The most common vascular disease in proctology is, of course, hemorrhoids. What is it, and how is the operation to remove hemorrhoids - learn in our article

How to treat lichen in humans? Helpful Hints

How to treat lichen in humans? Helpful Hints

Most of us are sure that lichen is a harmless disease. Moreover, we believe that it is most often observed in our smaller brothers, and allegedly has nothing to do with us. But is it? And what if the disease affected us directly? How to treat lichen in humans?

Women's magazine: what to do if you hurt your leg?

Women's magazine: what to do if you hurt your leg?

What is a bruise? This is a kind of mechanical damage to soft tissues in one place or another. At first glance, it's okay if you hit, for example, on the corner of the bed or dropped something heavy on your foot. But this is only at first glance. What are bruises, and also what to do if you hurt your leg, we will find out in the article

What is plague: history, occurrence, treatment

What is plague: history, occurrence, treatment

What is the plague? This is a very serious infectious disease, leading to fairly large-scale epidemics, in most cases ending in death. Let's talk about this

What to do if an intimate place itches? Helpful Hints

What to do if an intimate place itches? Helpful Hints

What to do if an intimate place itches? Take action, friends! How exactly - we will find out in our article

Intestinal obstruction: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Intestinal obstruction: symptoms, treatment and consequences

In this article we will look at a disease called intestinal obstruction. A general medical description will be given here. We will also get acquainted with the diagnosis of the disease, methods for eliminating the problem and a number of possible complications that can lead to obstruction

How many stay at home with chickenpox: incubation period, features and recommendations

How many stay at home with chickenpox: incubation period, features and recommendations

Chickenpox is a disease that most often affects children. This is not bad, because at an early age it proceeds relatively easily, without complications, and immunity persists for the rest of your life. After 5 days, the child becomes much better, only spots all over the body remain as a memory of the disease, which will remind of him for several weeks. Because of this, parents often ask doctors how long they stay at home with chickenpox. Let's try to figure this out today

What is pancreatitis? Symptom of the disease

What is pancreatitis? Symptom of the disease

Pancreatitis is a number of inflammatory diseases that affect the pancreas. In the process of disease, iron secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum, as a result of which a process is started in which the tissues of the organ begin to digest themselves

Necrosis of the pancreas: causes, symptoms, treatment

Necrosis of the pancreas: causes, symptoms, treatment

Pancreatic necrosis is a serious infection commonly associated with acute pancreatitis. During recurring attacks of the disease, pancreatic tissue cells can die (become subjected to necrosis) and subsequently infect neighboring

How to restore a hoarse voice: causes of hoarseness and treatment methods

How to restore a hoarse voice: causes of hoarseness and treatment methods

Colds can not always pass without a trace. Often after it there are complications in the form of a hoarse and hoarse voice. In this case, a person simply can not talk. Restoring your voice in just a few days is not as easy as it seems at first glance, especially when a person has to talk a lot at work. And although the restoration of the voice is not at all an easy task, but it is feasible for everyone

What to do if you lost your voice? How to quickly recover? Causes, symptoms, treatment with home and medical methods, recommendations and advice from doctors

What to do if you lost your voice? How to quickly recover? Causes, symptoms, treatment with home and medical methods, recommendations and advice from doctors

Everyone can lose their voice. This problem occurs for several reasons. But what to do if you need to solve the problem immediately? For this, there are both special drugs and methods of traditional medicine. Before using any method of treatment, you should consult your doctor

Problems with the pancreas: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, effective treatment

Problems with the pancreas: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, effective treatment

The pancreas is one of the most important glands in our body. It belongs to the group of glands of mixed secretion. It is very important to have an idea of what problems with the pancreas can occur in a person, how they manifest themselves, and how to deal with them

Leukocytes in the feces of an infant: causes. The norm of leukocytes in the feces of an infant

Leukocytes in the feces of an infant: causes. The norm of leukocytes in the feces of an infant

When a child is born, it is very important for parents to pay due attention to his he alth. For this, tests are given, only they can show how the baby feels. Leukocytes in the feces of an infant are one of the most important indicators. Their number can tell whether the newborn's immunity is strong and whether the body is ready to fight infections that penetrate from the external environment

Headaches: brain tumor. The first symptoms of a brain tumor

Headaches: brain tumor. The first symptoms of a brain tumor

If a person often suffers from severe headaches, a brain tumor is not yet an accurate diagnosis. In any case, the malaise should not be ignored, it is very important to undergo an examination by a doctor to find out the cause of the disease

The most common skin diseases: features and possible causes

The most common skin diseases: features and possible causes

Skin covers the entire human body. That is why, with problems with it, the patient may experience severe discomfort. It may seem that the skin is quite simple in its structure. However, this is a complex system. It takes part in all body functions, including respiration and thermoregulation

Dyskinesia of the gallbladder: types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet

Dyskinesia of the gallbladder: types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet

Abdominal pain is a common symptom of many diseases of the digestive system. One of the pathologies is gallbladder dyskinesia - a disease that is relatively harmless, but greatly impairs the patient's quality of life

Swelling of the nasopharynx: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment

Swelling of the nasopharynx: symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment

In the bones of the outer skull there are air-filled sinuses covered with a mucous membrane. In anatomical terminology, they are called paranasal (paranasal) sinuses, which are ready for self-cleaning. In the normal regimen, 40-60% of bacteria and dust elements passing into the deepening of the nose with the inhaled atmosphere are neutralized and removed together with nasal mucus

Voice disappears: what to do?

Voice disappears: what to do?

Quite often, patients turn to doctors complaining that their voice is disappearing. In fact, this phenomenon can occur for various reasons. However, a hoarse voice may indicate the presence of certain diseases. That is why it is best to immediately consult a doctor with a similar problem

Is epilepsy curable: causes, treatment methods, prognosis

Is epilepsy curable: causes, treatment methods, prognosis

Epilepsy is considered a very dangerous disease of the nervous system, occurring in about one percent of the population. There are many prerequisites for its occurrence, as well as a large number of therapeutic methods. In this article, we will talk about whether epilepsy is curable, as well as find out the main causes of its occurrence, methods of treatment and forecasts for the future

Fracture of the hand: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Fracture of the hand: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The article discusses such a type of injury as a fracture of the hand. Attention is paid to various forms of fracture, symptoms and treatment methods

Dislocated wrist: symptoms and treatment

Dislocated wrist: symptoms and treatment

Dislocation of the wrist significantly limits a person's ability to work. With an injured hand, it is impossible to perform even simple actions. This injury is quite common in both adults and children. The wrist consists of many bones, this part of the hand is very vulnerable. Often, damage occurs not only with a bruise or blow, but also with an awkward movement. Only a specialist can diagnose and treat an injury