Central paralysis: signs, symptoms and treatment

Central paralysis: signs, symptoms and treatment
Central paralysis: signs, symptoms and treatment

Central paralysis is one of the most dangerous diseases affecting the human nervous system. When it appears, the quality of life is significantly reduced, and in order to return to the previous rhythm, it is necessary to take all possible measures as soon as possible. Such an ailment can be cured only by using an integrated approach, which includes medication, physiotherapy, homeopathy, surgery, and more.

Description of the disease

Central paralysis is a violation of the activity of some parts of the brain, resulting in a disorder of the muscles and tendons. This disease indicates that a person has had a break in the neural connection, which makes it difficult to transfer information from the brain to the endings in the body.

In the initial stages of the disease, it is very important to be able to distinguish between central and peripheral paralysis:

  1. In the firstIf there is a malfunction of the pyramidal system, an interesting feature will be the fact that a violation in the work of human muscles very often occurs on the opposite side from the place where the problem areas of the nerves are located.
  2. In the second case, completely different parts of the brain malfunction, and the detected symptoms will be completely opposite to central paralysis, for example, instead of increasing muscle tone, it decreases.

Central and peripheral paralysis of the facial nerve differ in the same way. An experienced specialist can easily distinguish the two types of this disease from each other.

central paralysis
central paralysis

Main causes of disease

For more effective treatment of paralysis of the central nervous system, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the malfunction in the motor centers of the brain. There are a huge number of different factors that can provoke the onset of the disease. Here are some of them:

  • heredity and predisposition of the body;
  • congenital and acquired pathologies;
  • the presence of infectious diseases that affect the nervous system and develop in the spinal cord or brain. These include syphilis, tuberculosis, meningitis, etc.;
  • eating a large amount of junk and fatty foods, non-compliance with the diet;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • poisoning with various toxic substances, including alcohol;
  • formation of malignant tumors affectingon the work of the human brain and nervous system;
  • destruction of neural connections can occur when there are problems in the circulatory system, such as bleeding, thrombus formation or vascular stenosis;
  • in most cases, central palsy is a complication after a stroke.

The reasons why this disease can develop are very diverse. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your he alth and, at the slightest suspicion, seek help from a specialist. Recently, the central paralysis has greatly "rejuvenated". If earlier older people suffered from it to a greater extent, now such disorders can occur at a younger age.

central and peripheral paralysis
central and peripheral paralysis

It is worth noting that in people burdened with a hereditary factor, central paralysis can develop in the first years of life. For example, in the presence of a birth injury or under the influence of internal factors.

Main symptoms

Recognize the appearance of the syndrome of central paralysis is very simple. After all, most of the signs of this disease are visible to the naked eye. Let's list them:

  • weakening of facial muscles;
  • mouth opens slightly;
  • involuntary opening and closing of eyes;
  • disturbance of speech functions occurs;
  • gait is distorted;
  • muscle hypertonicity makes them more dense and static, which makes it difficult to move and the limbs take on an unnatural position;
  • due tostretching of the tendons, you can notice convulsive, rhythmic contractions of the muscles of the knees or feet;
  • as a protective reaction to mechanical irritation, a noticeable tremor of the limbs appears;
  • anomalies of mobility appear, it becomes weakened or, conversely, strengthened;
  • unnatural and random movements of the shoulders, flexion and extension of the joints of the arms or legs;
  • there is also a weakening or complete disappearance of abdominal reflexes.

With central facial paralysis, most of the symptoms described above are localized on the face of a person. Usually the disease is expressed in unnatural facial expressions and involuntary muscle contractions.

central facial paralysis
central facial paralysis

This disease is very dangerous because it can lead to impaired brain activity, and the number of cells that cannot be restored is growing every day. Therefore, the earlier the therapy was started, the more likely it is to get a positive result.

Diagnosis of disease

Signs of central paralysis can be detected during a visual examination. But for an accurate diagnosis, specialists resort to the following methods:

  1. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, which can be used to see neural connections.
  2. X-ray of the joints and bones of the limbs, spine and skull.
  3. Electromyography.
  4. Analysis for histology of painful muscles.
  5. Spinal fluid puncture.
signs of central paralysis
signs of central paralysis

TreatmentA neurologist deals with central paralysis. It is he who should be contacted when the first symptoms of the disease are detected.

Differential Diagnosis

During the differential diagnosis, the specialist determines the volume and severity of symptoms of central paralysis. At this stage, all information about the disease is collected and analyzed in order to prescribe an effective and safe therapy. With the help of external signs, you can find out the root of the problem and determine in which area the damage occurred:

  1. If all limbs are immobilized, then this indicates that there has been damage to the spinal cord in the neck.
  2. If the right or left side of the body is disturbed, it can be concluded that the internal capsule is damaged.
  3. Paralysis of the legs indicates damage to the spinal cord, predominantly in the chest or lower back.
  4. Disruption of the work of one limb indicates the presence of peripheral paralysis.
  5. Failure in the work of the eye muscles indicates the pathology of the cranial nerves.
  6. Facial paralysis is characterized by unnatural facial expressions.
  7. When observing flaccidity of the tongue, the root of the problem will be a malfunction of the hypoglossal nerve.

Another task facing the specialist will be to find out the cause of central paralysis. It is also very important to determine if any other neurological changes have occurred. And if they are present, complex therapy should be started. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

Medicated treatment

Peoplesuffering from central nervous paralysis, complex therapy is prescribed. In the course of it, the main disease that caused the disruption of the muscles, and the paralysis itself, are treated. Conservative treatments will only produce the desired results if the morphological substrate has survived, with the help of which the affected muscles are regenerated.

Most often, patients with a similar ailment are prescribed the following drugs:

  1. "Baclofen" - this drug has a strong effect on the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles. It also helps to cope with depression and improve well-being.
  2. "Diazepam" - the drug affects the activation of processes in the brain stem, helps to cope with convulsions, has a sedative and central muscle relaxant effect. Side effects include drowsiness, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, allergies, etc.
  3. "Dantrolene" - with the help of this medication, they lower muscle tone. Use with caution in people suffering from lung or heart disease.
  4. Anticholinesterase agents. Their effectiveness lies in the fact that they very quickly enter the nervous system and improve the quality of signal transmission to the muscles, thereby weakening the main signs of the disease.

The dosage is selected individually for each person, taking into account all the structural features of the body.


The goal of physical therapy is to return the muscles to their previous state and prevent their deformation. Introduction of these methods into the main therapydoes not happen immediately. More specific terms are set by the attending physician, taking into account all the features of the course of the disease. The specific procedure is selected depending on the cause of the central paralysis and the degree of damage to the body.

paralysis of the central nervous system
paralysis of the central nervous system

The following methods are most often used in this practice:

  1. Electrophoresis.
  2. UHF and microwave treatment.
  3. Electrical stimulation of immobilized limbs is carried out in conjunction with acupuncture.
  4. Treatment with warm paraffin.

Physical rehabilitation of the patient begins with a restorative massage. Then he is gradually re-learned to use his body, that is, to perform conscious actions. As soon as a person can sit independently, they begin to teach him how to walk. The last step will be to help with the development of fine motor skills and various complex actions, such as fastening buttons, zippers, etc.

Surgery for Central Palsy

Surgery is usually used for flaccid paralysis or cerebral palsy, when conservative therapy failed and neurogenic deformity occurred, that is, the muscles of the limbs were partially damaged and cannot be restored. With cerebral palsy, the goal of this intervention will be to correct the functioning of the limbs that distort statics.

In practice, there are three types of such operations:

  • normalization of tendons and muscles;
  • operations on bundles;
  • restoring the functions of bones and joints.

It is worth noting that the pledgea successful surgical intervention will be a properly selected set of other therapeutic measures that allow you to recover after surgery.


symptoms of central paralysis
symptoms of central paralysis

Homeopathic medicines are very good for recovery after suffering central paralysis, but you should not replace traditional medicine with them. The combined use of these drugs gives a better chance of restoring muscle activity and neural connections. We offer a small list:

  1. "Konium" - helps to get rid of convulsions and tremors, side effects are weakness, chills and insomnia.
  2. "Fibiaron" - this drug is more actively used for prevention, but it can also help recover from paralysis, harmonizing the work of the central nervous system.
  3. "Botrops" - such a homeopathic remedy is a good helper in restoring speech.
  4. "Caustic" - the drug helps to recover from lead intoxication.

Baths for central paralysis

Another recovery aid would be taking baths with various herbal decoctions:

  1. Two or three tablespoons of finely chopped rosehip roots are poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled for half an hour. The resulting broth is added to the bath. It is worth noting that the water temperature should be 37-39 degrees.
  2. You can also use juniper decoction to fill the bath, which is prepared according to the same recipe as the previous one.
central paralysis syndrome
central paralysis syndrome

For best effectiveness after every 10 doses, it is recommended to change the composition of the decoction poured into the bathroom.

Traditional medicine recipes for oral administration

  1. Recover from central paralysis by drinking celery, nettle, psyllium or feijoa juice daily.
  2. 20-30 grams of peony roots are poured with a liter of hot water and insisted for 1 hour, after which they are carefully filtered. Take this remedy one tablespoon three times a day.
  3. 10-15 pine cones are poured with half a liter of vodka for 30 days. Once ready, the tincture is taken 30-50 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Central paralysis is a disease that severely damages the human nervous system. In order to achieve a positive result in the treatment of the disease, you need to use complex therapy and apply all kinds of methods (home procedures, folk recipes).
