Warm Compresses: Application Technique and Application

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Warm Compresses: Application Technique and Application
Warm Compresses: Application Technique and Application

Video: Warm Compresses: Application Technique and Application

Video: Warm Compresses: Application Technique and Application
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Indications for pain in muscles and joints, inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue, subcutaneous hemorrhages are healing warming compresses. They are also superimposed with post-injection infiltrates, with coughing, otitis media and many other diseases. The purpose of this procedure is to have a powerful absorbing and distracting effect on the site of inflammation. Warm compresses are the easiest and most effective way to reduce inflammation. They allow you to quickly anesthetize the application site, relieve inflammation, soothe and speed up recovery.

warm compresses
warm compresses

Using the method, in the healing power of which our great-grandmothers believed, you can quickly cope with inflammation and get rid of he alth problems with a minimum of financial costs, effort and time. It is also important that the components of traditional compresses are always in first-aid kits and in the kitchens of any home. Alcohol and vinegar, oil and basic medicines allow you to start treatment without having to run to the nearest pharmacy for a dose of expensive drugs.

What is the benefit of a warm compress

The use of a warm compress is relevant whenmany he alth problems. This includes inflammation of the ear that causes terrible pain, and excruciating bronchitis, pneumonia, and problems with muscles and joints. This procedure has a minimum of contraindications, it allows you to cause a strong blood flow to the desired area, reduce pain, expand blood vessels. For example, a warm compress on the ear helps to cope with the most acute pain, and a compress on the throat relieves the symptoms of a sore throat. When choosing the components of a compress, it is necessary to focus not on the advice of grandmothers who talk about how they treated you in your deep childhood, but on the recommendations of specialists who control treatment.

applying a warm compress
applying a warm compress

Necessary equipment for compress

Setting up a warm compress requires the following equipment: cotton fabric or a piece of gauze, compress paper, polyethylene, the size of which is slightly (2 cm) larger than a piece of cloth or gauze, cotton wool, water or a remedy recommended by a doctor. It can be alcohol, sodium solution, dimexide, oil, vinegar, etc. The size of the fabric is selected taking into account the size of the place on which the compress will be applied. It should be borne in mind that the gauze must be folded in several layers (traditionally eight). The fabric cannot be reused as it accumulates toxins removed from the warm compress.

warm compress on the ear
warm compress on the ear

"Original" healing compresses

A warm compress for coughs and inflammation of the lungs from a hot baked potato will help you quickly copedisease without any side effects. Pain in the liver is perfectly blocked with a warm compress made on the basis of nitrogen-containing plants. It can be beans, peas or flax seeds. Fractures heal more easily if warm compresses with mummy are applied to the affected area. A hot heating pad is placed on top of the bandage. This is followed by a dry fixing cloth, which helps to retain heat from the heating pad for a long time. With problems in the functioning of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, heated sand is traditionally used, which, thanks to the combination of hydrogen and silicon, allows you to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible.

Heating Compress Technique

Gauze or cloth is moistened in the solution and squeezed lightly until the liquid starts to drain. The resulting wet wipe is applied to the sore spot, covered with oilcloth or compress paper, then with a layer of cotton wool, trying to completely cover the previous layers. Setting a warm compress involves a strong fixation with a bandage. The time for which the compress is attached depends on the composition of the active substance. Water warming compresses are applied for up to eight to twelve hours, traditionally at night, alcohol-based compresses are kept in the region of two to three hours.

warm compress for cough
warm compress for cough

With laryngitis and pharyngitis, the bandage on the throat is not fastened tightly. The moistened tissue is located above the site of the palatine tonsils and submandibular lymph nodes. The bandage is applied over the head, while covering the cheek area. With angina, it is necessary to imposecompress in such a way as to leave the thyroid gland open. If you neglect the advice on applying a compress, then you can not cure, but aggravate the course of the disease. A warm compress when coughing quickly copes with the symptoms of the disease and makes you feel better.

Compress for otitis media

Tormented by otitis media? A warm compress on the ear with inflammation also has its own characteristics. The place of application is wiped with a composition in which the fabric will be wetted, after which a gauze bandage is applied. The gauze is folded into 8 layers according to the size of the ear, a slot is made for the auricle, the bandage is tightly fixed behind the ear, pressed and covered with polyethylene. This is followed by a fairly thick layer of cotton wool, a bandage, a warm scarf or hat. Thanks to this treatment, the pain in the ear will subside quickly enough. However, it is necessary to go through the entire course of procedures in order to consolidate the result and cope with inflammation. Proper warm compress technique is a guarantee of a speedy recovery.

warm compress technique
warm compress technique

Contraindications for compress

Despite the obvious advantages and high safety of the procedure, warm compresses are far from being shown to everyone. Contraindications are violations of the integrity of the skin at the site of the compress, as well as high body temperature in the patient. In these cases, it is necessary to listen to the recommendations of the attending physician and resort to other methods of treatment. Eczema, lichen, carbuncles are also contraindications for applying a compress. Do not apply a warm compress for allergic reactions to anyor a treatment component, for example, alcohol, dimexide, vinegar, etc. In this case, you should pay attention to substances to which your body reacts neutrally, but which have the same warming effect.

How to check if the compress is applied correctly

The warm compress technique is simple. However, it is important to check how well the bandage is installed. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on this. For such a check, it is enough to stick your finger under the edge of the compress an hour or an hour and a half after its application. If you feel tangible heat and moisture under the bandage, then you did everything right, the treatment will bring results. If there are no such sensations, it is worth replacing the compress, trying to follow all the recommendations for applying a bandage. After removing the compress, it is necessary to apply a dry gauze bandage. This will keep the heat at the compress site longer.

applying a warm compress
applying a warm compress

Compress safety

Warm compresses are an effective treatment for many he alth problems. However, precautions must be taken. To avoid injury to the skin, apply a compress according to the recommendations of the attending physician. Most often, the imposition of a compress is recommended at intervals of a day or two. In some cases, compresses are applied almost continuously, leaving the skin to breathe for two hours between dressings. Applying a warm compress is one of the safest procedures. That is why it is oftenprescribed in the treatment of children, including infants, who tolerate the procedure well and quickly recover. A warm bandage allows you to relax and fall asleep quickly, which is important when treating babies, who often behave capriciously during illness.

applying a warm compress
applying a warm compress

Warm compresses have long and firmly secured the glory of one of the most effective methods of treating many diseases, which is why you should make your choice in favor of a compress that can replace many expensive methods. Before applying a warm compress, you should consult a doctor who can draw conclusions about the appropriateness of using this method of treatment. For bruises, on the contrary, it is necessary to cool the area of the body with a cooling compress, the purpose of which is also to relieve inflammation, but the effect of the remedy is completely different.