Vascular diseases have been getting younger in recent decades. Pathologies appear in people under the age of 25-30 years. This is due to lifestyle, lack of physical activity, nutrition. Varicose veins in the intestines cause considerable inconvenience to each owner. Constipation with hemorrhoids is a frequent companion. Now it's no secret to anyone how to recognize it and what to do to eliminate it. Thanks to modern developments and researches of proctologists, phlebologists and angiosurgeons, hemorrhoids can be cured completely, and in the future they can be prevented.

What are hemorrhoids?
Intestinal hemorrhoids are called varicose, inflamed or thrombosed veins. They can be inside the rectum, on the anal sphincter, or outside. Often people do not notice the disease at an early stage, and that is when there is a chance to eliminate it.completely, without resorting to surgical interventions.
Hemorrhoids inevitably cause a violation of the quality of life. A person experiences pain, itching, burning in the sphincter area. Also, in patients, the digestion process is disturbed, stool retention occurs, efficiency decreases, depression, isolation, and complexes occur.
Constipation with hemorrhoids
This symptom almost always accompanies intestinal varicose veins. A vicious circle arises: a person cannot empty the intestines, which contributes to squeezing the veins. Dilated and inflamed vessels of the mucosa do not allow defecation, as hard feces damage them, causing bleeding.
Constipation with hemorrhoids can be long or short-term (from 2 to 10 days). With a long absence of stool, the patient is at risk of intoxication, as waste products accumulate in the digestive tract. As a result, a person may experience additional symptoms of the disease: fever, nausea, heartburn, flatulence, and abdominal pain. You can recognize constipation with hemorrhoids by the following factors:
- no stool for 2 days or more;
- there is fermentation in the abdomen and pain that goes away after a bowel movement;
- feces are small in volume, formed in small lumps;
- after stool there is a feeling of incomplete bowel cleansing;
- going to the toilet causes pain, discomfort, provokes bleeding.
In the bulk, all the symptoms of constipation in hemorrhoids are the same as in other diseases. Mainindicator is the absence of stool for several days.

Why do intestinal disorders occur?
As you already know, hemorrhoids begin to bleed after constipation and bowel movements. This causes additional inflammation, provokes pain. The person, in turn, tries to avoid this condition by delaying the act of defecation (provoking constipation). It is hard to say what is the original cause and what is the effect. It can only be noted that constipation causes hemorrhoids, and the absence of a regular stool causes inflammation of the veins and their expansion. There are also other reasons for stool retention with intestinal varicose veins:
- passive lifestyle (in the absence of activity, intestinal motility decreases);
- malnutrition (the predominance of junk food without coarse fiber causes stagnant processes in the intestines);
- lack of fluid (lack of water in the body provokes the formation of dense feces);
- stress, lack of sleep, lack of time (sometimes a person does not have a free minute for a full bowel cleansing and going to the toilet).
Constipation and hemorrhoids during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth are not uncommon for modern women. During childbearing, intestinal loops are compressed, causing stool retention. Constipation causes a woman to strain hard, and this provokes hemorrhoids. What can we say about natural childbirth. In the process of attempts, many new mothers fall out hemorrhoids. The condition is exacerbated by stretched abdominal muscles.abs and lack of good peristalsis.

Main symptoms of the disease
In the first stages, hemorrhoids may not manifest themselves in any way. Some people feel mild discomfort in the anus. Further, with a greater stretching of the veins, constipation begins to bother. Delayed stool complicates the disease. The patient has pain, itching. Bleeding that occurs after a bowel movement can cause anemia. Paleness of the skin, dizziness and fatigue are indirect symptoms of intestinal varicose veins.
It is impossible to detect internal nodes on your own. One can only assume their presence. But external hemorrhoids are easy to identify. In the anus, one or more blue-red balls from the veins are formed, which are very painful on palpation.

To treat or not to treat?
If you are worried about constipation with hemorrhoids, what to do - the doctor will tell. Seeking medical attention is inevitable. However, many patients delay visiting the hospital. Some are shy, others are afraid, others do not have enough time. All of these are excuses. The longer you wait, the more the situation worsens. If the first stages of intestinal varicose veins can be cured with conservative means and home procedures, then in the future you will have to resort to surgery. It would be nice if these were minimally invasive interventions. But with advanced hemorrhoids, they will also be ineffective: the patient will need a full-fledged operation.
If you have internal hemorrhoids, constipation will inevitably bother you. With the external location of the nodes, there is no such severe discomfort and pain during defecation. When varicose veins are located in the intestines, the friction of dense fecal masses with inflamed vessels causes suffering. Therefore, the first thing doctors recommend is the use of symptomatic medicines. To eliminate constipation, you can use drugs:
- "Duphalac" - relaxes and normalizes the microflora, can be used during pregnancy and lactation;
- "Guttalax" - not suitable for long-term use, stimulates colon peristalsis;
- "Regulax" - drops that have a laxative and liquefying stool action;
- "Mukofalk" - increases the volume of feces, especially relevant for people on a diet;
- "Glycerin" - suppositories designed for emergency cases, with prolonged use are addictive.
The use of laxatives for hemorrhoids facilitates bowel movements, eliminates constipation. But these drugs do not affect the enlarged nodes themselves, so the drugs are called symptomatic.

Hemorrhoid treatment is the key to success
To get rid of the disease itself, you must follow the doctor's recommendations. Diet for hemorrhoids and constipation is an integral part of the treatment. In the early stages of the disease, specialists practice conservative methods. Medicines that are used to treat nodes: Venarus,"Detralex", "Troxevasin" (ointment), "Relief" (candles) and many others. These drugs relieve inflammation, increase the tone of the veins, improve blood circulation. If they are ineffective, then other methods of treatment are used:
- sclerosing - the introduction of an adhesive into the node, which contributes to its deflation, the vein is replaced by connective tissue;
- ligation of arteries - the vessels that feed the node are turned off;
- latex rings - put on the knot, which later dies off and falls off;
- cryotherapy - freezing of formed nodes with liquid nitrogen.
Modern medicine is developing new methods of treating hemorrhoids and, as a result, eliminating constipation. They are combined and complemented. For each patient, an individual scheme is selected in accordance with his state of he alth. Despite the fact that all manipulations are different, the diet for hemorrhoids and constipation for any patient will be the same:
- drink plenty;
- eating plenty of fiber;
- preferred fresh vegetables, fruits, high protein foods;
- avoid fatty, spicy and s alty foods;
- total exclusion of alcohol and carbonated drinks.

After surgery
Constipation after hemorrhoid surgery is usually unavoidable. After major surgery, the body needs time to recover. This period is aggravated and lengthened by the fact that the operation is performed on the intestines. Usually after thistreatment, the patient stays in the hospital for at least 5-7 days. Therefore, if you have anxiety, you can consult a doctor. After the wounds have healed, you will definitely be prescribed conservative treatment, which will include taking laxatives and special nutrition. With hemorrhoids and constipation (after removal of the nodes by the surgical method), the stool normalizes gradually, and the intestines get used to working correctly.

Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant intimate problem, faced with which many people put off a visit to the doctor. If you have recently begun to observe periodic pain in the anus, which are complemented by a lack of stool, then adjusting your diet will help you. With hemorrhoids and constipation at a later stage, this will not be enough. Visit a doctor and learn more about your he alth!