Why is the eyelid swollen above the eye and what to do in this case?

Why is the eyelid swollen above the eye and what to do in this case?
Why is the eyelid swollen above the eye and what to do in this case?

A person's eyes say a lot. They can express joy, sadness, fear and many other emotions. But when the eyelid above the eye is swollen, the face looks unattractive. There can be many reasons for this. And it is on why the eyelids swell that the further treatment will depend.

swollen eyelid above the eye
swollen eyelid above the eye

But it is worth saying right away: it is impossible to find out the root cause on your own, this matter should be entrusted exclusively to the doctor. It is better not to delay the visit to the optometrist, as the consequences can be very unpleasant.

Swollen eyelid. What to do? To begin with, one should think about the nature of such a phenomenon. If the swelling is small, the skin has not changed its color, and the eyes do not itch, there are probably minor disturbances in the functioning of the body. Usually such a picture is observed in the morning, both in women and in men. If you drank alcohol the previous evening, then there is nothing surprising in the fact that the eyelid above the eye is swollen. For some people, just one sip of alcohol is enough for these effects to appear. In this case, alcohol intake should be avoided.at all. Some people also shouldn't drink tea at night.

why do eyelids swell
why do eyelids swell

Eyelids can periodically swell due to disturbed water balance in the body. This usually happens when people consume enough s alty foods. And s alt, as you know, retains water in the body, which manifests itself in the form of swelling, not only on the eyelids, but also on the face and the whole body.

If you have a swollen eyelid above your eye, it may be due to a mote or hair. Quite often, a person does not even feel itching. And then the symptoms are only swelling and redness. You cannot cope without the help of a doctor - only he has the necessary knowledge and tools with which the mote can be removed without damaging the cornea.

Cosmetics often cause allergies. If you've started using a new mascara, eyeshadow, or eyeliner and your eyelid is swollen, just buy other beauty products. Creams can also cause allergies, in which case you need to stop using them. To eliminate the phenomenon, wipe the eyelids with an ice cube several times.

swollen eyelid what to do
swollen eyelid what to do

Maybe you have seasonal allergies. If it has been identified for a long time, you should not worry. If this is just an assumption, you need to consult a specialist, and he may prescribe certain drugs.

Swelling is often caused by an infection, such as stye or conjunctivitis. On the first day, you can try applying tea bags. If after two days there is no improvementobserved, go to the doctor.

The eyelid swells most strongly from insect bites. In this case, the palpebral fissures can become very small. The swelling is usually quite firm. It is important to take Tavegil or Suprastin once a day, and also lubricate the bite site with a special ointment (for example, Erythromycin). However, in this case, self-medication can be dangerous and risky, since the infection can spread even more. If after 2 days the situation does not change, a trip to the doctor is inevitable.

Take care of your he alth!
