The sensation of a sore throat that is accompanied by a cough is familiar to many. Most people do not try to treat this condition, hoping that it will go away on its own. However, most often, such symptoms indicate a serious inflammation that does not go away without the use of pharmaceuticals or alternative methods that can relieve inflammation.
Main causes of condition
Why it tickles in the throat, and the cough does not go away - tens of thousands of patients turn to therapists and otolaryngologists with this question every year. Cough is a symptom more often of inflammatory and infectious diseases. But a sore throat can report more serious pathologies. for example, such a combination of symptoms may indicate the presence of bronchial asthma. Depending on body temperature, hoarseness, the state of the lymph nodes and other clinical markers, one can try to draw preliminary conclusions about the reasons why the tickle in the throat and cough does not go away for more than one week.
Herelist of the most common causes of such discomfort:
- tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis;
- adenoiditis;
- allergic manifestations;
- bronchial asthma.

Which doctor should I contact?
In order to establish the exact cause of a sore throat accompanied by a cough, you should contact an otolaryngologist. A general practitioner or pediatrician can also help. To begin with, it will be necessary to pass a general and biochemical blood test, then, if necessary, carry out a scraping from the mucous membrane of the throat and nasopharynx.
If a bacterial or viral infection is detected, appropriate treatment will be given. In most cases, you cannot do without antibacterial drugs - only they can destroy staphylococcus and other pathogens in the blood that cause laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc.
If an allergy is suspected, the patient will be referred for a consultation with a specialist. You will need to pass a special analysis that will allow you to calculate the antigens. An allergist will prescribe a suitable antihistamine. After a course of medication, the patient will have an allergic dry cough. Tickling in the throat, in the nose, sputum is released - all these symptoms can also be a symptom of an allergy, you should definitely mention them at a doctor's consultation.
Angina as a cause of sore throat and cough
Angina is one of the most common acute respiratory diseases. Accompanied by the following signs:
- sore throat, which on the second day is replaced by acute pain when swallowing;
- inflammation of the lymph nodes;
- depending on the complexity of the course of the disease, the temperature may rise;
- cough is most often mild, dry;
- general weakness, poor performance.
When angina is characterized by an unpleasant sensation of tickling, which provokes a contraction of the throat, and as a result, a cough appears. in order to avoid this, the virus that caused the development of the disease should be destroyed. Without antibacterial drugs, most often, this is impossible.
If the patient feels that the throat tickles to the point of coughing, what should I do? First of all, contact a general practitioner, anti-inflammatory drugs of general action will be prescribed. "Fervex", "Teraflu" can also be prescribed to relieve the main symptoms of a sore throat - often, provided that the patient has good immunity, this is enough. Angina is also amenable to therapy at home - honey and bee products, as well as decoctions and tinctures of nettle, calendula, chamomile, are excellent for sore throat, pain in the nasopharynx, cough.

Pharyngitis - treatments and symptoms
The disease is a lymphoid inflammation of the tissues of the pharynx. Most often combined with an acute inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract. The disease most often overtakes patients at the end of winter, when the immune system is weakened, the body's resistance to infections and viruses is almost at zero.
In the absence of proper treatment, pharyngitis can become chronic, in which case the patient's voice may forever remain a little hoarse, low, bass. To prevent this from happening, you should consult a doctor at the first sign:
- implicit pain in the throat and nasopharynx;
- inflammation of the lymph nodes;
- tickles in the throat;
- cough starts without much sputum;
- voice timbre changes.

Causes of pharyngitis
Otolaryngology distinguishes the following forms of pharyngitis depending on the causes of its occurrence:
- viral or infectious;
- allergic;
- fungal.
The most common are viral and infectious causes of the disease, much less often - allergic and fungal. In order to prevent the development of pharyngitis in children and adults, simple rules of prevention should be followed:
- eat only from clean dishes;
- do not drink too cold drinks;
- wear a scarf and hat in the cold season;
- take vitamin-mineral complexes;
- take immunity boosters;
- avoid general hypothermia;
- wear quality shoes that don't leak or get your feet wet in cold weather;
- do not swim in water at temperatures below twenty degrees;
- don't stay in the water for too long - general hypothermia is an excellent background for the development of pharyngitis.
Laryngitis -a disease in which it tickles in the throat and coughs
In this case, the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the larynx begins. The patient feels an unpleasant tickling in the throat, nose, nasopharynx. This process may be accompanied by a mild cough with sputum production. Otolaryngology distinguishes two forms of laryngitis: acute (the disease bothers the patient for several days) and chronic, in which the symptoms persist for several years.
In the absence of adequate treatment, the acute form can develop into a chronic one. Unpleasant sensations in the nasopharynx cause coughing, tickling in the throat and expectoration of thick sputum in a small amount - laryngitis may be diagnosed.

Varieties of laryngitis and features of the course
Modern otolaryngology distinguishes the following forms of the disease:
- Catarrhal laryngitis is accompanied by the following symptoms: perspiration, hoarseness, intermittent cough, dry or with little sputum. The course of the disease is usually quite mild. Often in the clinical picture of catarrhal laryngitis one can distinguish isphonia, hoarseness, cough (as if it tickles in the throat), soreness and dryness in the throat at high or subfebrile temperature.
- Atrophic variety of laryngitis leads to thinning of the mucous membrane of the throat and nasopharynx. A distinctive feature of this type of disease is the formation of brown crusts on the mucous membrane, which secrete the ichor and cause severe discomfort to the owner.
- Allergic laryngitis is quite rare and is accompanied by profuse lacrimation. The throat not only hurts, but also itches. Until the patient starts taking antihistamines, other treatments will be powerless.
- Hypertrophic laryngitis differs from the usual course of the disease by thickening of the mucous membrane of the larynx. In the chronic form of the disease, thickenings can reach such a large size that they prevent the normal closing of the larynx.
- The diphtheria form of laryngitis is characterized by the transfer of infection from the throat to the tonsils, which can subsequently cause the development of chronic tonsillitis. To avoid such a complication, laryngitis should be treated as early as possible.

Bronchial asthma: features of the course
Many patients complain of lack of air when tickling in the throat. How to stop a cough if, in parallel with it, a person begins to choke and feels itchy in the throat, nasopharynx, nose? First of all, do not self-medicate and consult an otolaryngologist. Such a dangerous symptom as lack of air may indicate the development of bronchial asthma. This is a serious disease that can be fatal, although at first the only concern is that from time to time it tickles in the throat and causes a cough.
Why might a patient begin to choke? The following factors affect the lack of air in the lungs:
- increased reactivity of the smooth muscle elements of the walls of the bronchial tree, leading to spasmfor any irritation;
- exogenous factors that cause a massive release of mediators of allergy and inflammation, but do not lead to a general allergic reaction;
- swelling of the bronchial mucosa, impairing airway patency;
- insufficient production of mucous bronchial secretions (asthma cough is usually unproductive);
- preferential lesion of small diameter bronchi;
- Changes in lung tissue due to hypoventilation.
Allergic manifestations
Most people are used to thinking that allergies are manifested in continuous sneezing and nasal discharge. In fact, there are many more manifestations: it is tearing, itching, dermatitis, rashes, urticaria, nausea, tickling of the throat and cough. How to treat such manifestations of allergies? There is only one solution - competent selection and use of an antihistamine for the rest of your life.
In some cases, you can do without drugs - it's enough just to permanently exclude the source of the problem from the environment. For example, if you are allergic to citrus fruits, never, under any circumstances, eat them. If an allergic reaction manifests itself to poplar fluff, it will be more difficult to exclude it, even if you do not leave the house, the manifestations of the disease will disturb the patient. Therefore, in some cases, taking pills is indispensable.

This is an inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. It is diagnosed more often in children and adolescents. typical for patientsunpleasant, "gundosy" timbre of voice. At the same time, they are tormented by constant sore throat, runny nose, problems with swallowing. Treatment is most often surgical - in a hospital, plaque and pus should be scraped off the nasopharynx and, in the presence of adenoids, they should be cut out.
Advice on how to prevent the development of adenoiditis: always completely treat a runny nose, cough, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis and other inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx. This is the only way to insure yourself against unpleasant complications in the form of adenoiditis.

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
This is a relatively rare disease in which it tickles at the root of the tongue, which provokes a cough. The condition is most often caused by neurological problems, which often require a course of sedatives or nootropics to resolve.
Reviews of those patients who "managed" to receive such a rare diagnosis indicate that after proper rest and the establishment of sleep phases, the symptoms of glossopharyngeal neuralgia became much less pronounced. Tickle and discomfort in the larynx came, cough subsided. Another important tip that will come in handy in the fight against glossopharyngeal neuralgia is to try to completely stop smoking both ordinary cigarettes and electronic ones. The less aggressive impact on the larynx, the more chances to get rid of the problem.