Cold is a disease that is familiar to everyone. For the first time, a person encounters this problem in childhood. Symptoms of pathology are known to everyone. The common cold is a group of acute respiratory infections, the symptoms of which can be quite diverse. How long is the incubation period for SARS and how to alleviate the course of the disease?
What is a cold

The common cold is an infectious disease caused by viruses. It affects the upper respiratory tract and mucous membranes. Basically, a cold means SARS, sometimes SARS.
The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, and contact infection is also possible. Therefore, experts advise staying in the same room with the sick person for as little time as possible. In the case when it is not possible to avoid contact with the patient, it is worth treating the room several times a day with disinfectants and using gauze bandages, which should preferably be changed every two hours.
According to statistics, a preschooler can get colds up to six times a year, a schoolchild - up to four, an adult - up to three times.
First signs of a cold

Like any other disease, a cold can be identified by the first symptoms. Fatigue, general weakness, runny nose, headaches, muscle pain, dry or wet cough (mostly dry) are the first signs of pathology.
The disease manifests itself gradually. Insignificant and imperceptible initially, the symptoms increase and intensify rather quickly, the body temperature rises, the patient tends to sleep.
Causes of pathology
The causes of pathology can be varied. The incubation period for colds is also varied.
The most common causative agents of the common cold are the following viruses:
- flu virus;
- parainfluenza virus;
- enterovirus;
- adenovirus;
- reovirus;
- rhinovirus;
- respiratory syncytial virus.
Infection is facilitated by weakened immunity and the ingress of the virus into the human body.
Weakened immunity is provoked by severe stress for the body, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, constant overwork.
Scientists have proven that the psychological stress suffered by a person greatly weakens the human body and leads to quite serious diseases. Improper nutrition or eating disorders also reduceimmunity and make the body unstable to various kinds of infections. Reduce the body's resistance to disease and constant overwork, heavy physical exertion and lack of sleep.
The common cold is a very contagious pathology, it is easily transmitted from one person to another when the pathogen enters the mucous membrane. A small number of pathogens are enough to infect.
Source of infection
Most often, the source of infection is an infected person, or the virus itself (mainly adenovirus), as well as bacteria (staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae).
The incubation period of a cold lasts no more than 1-2 days. The manifestation of the disease on the next day after infection is possible. The patient is most dangerous to others in the first two days after the onset of symptoms. The course of the pathology can last from two days to one week.
Types of infection

There are two ways to get a cold:
- Bacterial contamination.
- Infection.
Bacterial infection occurs due to bacteria entering the human body. Bacteria are everywhere and everywhere. A bacterial infection enters the human body due to a weakened immune system. Infection can occur from bacteria that were previously completely harmless. Therefore, bacterial contamination is possible not only from person to person, but also from the environment.
Viral infection can only occur after contact withsick person. Such an infection is transmitted only from person to person.
The incubation period for a cold lasts no more than two days.
Adult colds

Adult colds are accompanied by the following symptoms:
- general malaise;
- body aches;
- muscle pain;
- high body temperature;
- runny nose;
- cough;
- sore throat;
- throat redness;
- headaches;
- chills followed by heavy sweating;
- loss of appetite;
- headaches;
- insomnia;
- enlarged lymph nodes.
During a cold infection, the functioning of the glands that are responsible for the separation of mucus is disturbed. As a result, mucus begins to stagnate in the sinuses, and its amount increases. The body thus fights the infection, getting rid of it.
Any cold is accompanied by a severe runny nose.
The incubation period of a cold in adults lasts no more than two days, but most often the infection makes itself felt almost immediately after it enters the body.
The disease subsides two to three days after the onset of symptoms. The infected person can already get out of bed and feels much better. But for a full recovery, a week must pass after infection. Of course, the speed of recovery directly depends on the methods of treatment.
Detailed description of symptoms
Many people confuse various diseases with a simplea cold. To avoid a fatal mistake, it is necessary to consider the symptoms of a cold in more detail.
- Intoxication of the body. The symptom is caused by the penetration of the infectious agent into the tissues of the body or as a result of the body's struggle with the virus. Intoxication manifests itself in the form of dizziness, headaches, sleep disturbances, nausea, and general weakness.
- Increased body temperature. Body temperature is a clear sign of a cold. It can range from 37 to 40 °C. Such fluctuations may depend on the body's immunity. In some situations, high temperature rises in the first hours after infection, while in others, on the contrary, it is practically absent.
- The appearance of a runny nose. This is the very first and main symptom of a cold. On the first day after infection, an abundant separation of a liquid transparent secret begins. A runny nose makes it possible to distinguish a cold from other similar but more serious diseases. If the secret ceases to be separated, stagnates in the nasal sinuses, pains appear in the nasal region, then this indicates the development of sinusitis or frontal sinusitis. These are severe pathologies that require antibiotics.
- Headache. This symptom also speaks of a cold infection. Pain may intensify during an increase in body temperature. Severe headaches may be indicative of sinusitis.
- Sore throat. Pain in the throat can be of varying severity. They range from a slight tingle to being unable to swallow food.
- Cough. The appearance of a cough is not the primary symptom of the disease. It appears after fever, runny nose and sore throat.
When to see a doctor
There are several reasons why you need urgent medical attention. It should be understood that the incubation period of a cold by age does not differ. It is the same for everyone. Still, it is worth highlighting the risk group.
- The age of the patient is above 65 years. It is worth remembering that the incubation period of SARS in adults is two days. Despite this, when the first symptoms of a cold are found in an elderly person, it is worth sounding the alarm, because the immune system is weakened.
- The age of the patient is less than 3 years. The incubation period of SARS in children also lasts two days. Immunity in children under the age of three is not yet formed. He is not strong. Therefore, you should be careful about small cold children.
- Severe headache.
- Increased body temperature, which cannot be brought down for three days.
- The appearance of a strong barking cough, discoloration of the mucus from the nose and sputum.
- Severe chest pains.
- Patients with comorbidities (liver failure, renal failure, hematology, oncology);
- Patients with chronic bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.

Possible Complications
Despite the fact that a cold is a mild illness, complications are still possible.
- Sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis can be the result of a cold. They areoccur with inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. There is nasal congestion that does not go away, but only intensifies, headaches, pain in the nasal sinuses, nasal voice.
- Otitis. Pathology is manifested by severe pain in one or both ears. This means that the infection has hit the ear cavity.
- Bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis.
- Lymphadenitis (infection of the lymph nodes).
Despite the fact that the incubation period of the SARS virus is short, and the course of the disease does not last long, complications from a cold can be quite serious.
Diagnosis of disease
Diagnosis of the disease is quite simple. After the end of the incubation period of a cold in adults, it is worth coming to an appointment with a therapist who can diagnose a cold during the initial examination. Additional tests are not prescribed, as the pathology is easily determined.
Additional examinations may only be ordered in cases where comorbidities are suspected.

Treatment of colds is carried out at home. Therapy does not require the definition of the patient in the hospital. Since the incubation period of influenza and SARS in adults is only two days, you can determine the presence of infection yourself.
For treatment, the following measures are usually taken:
- Bed rest. During sleep, the body gains strength to fight infection.
- Compliance with the drinking regimen. The patient needs to consume as much as possibleliquids, including drinking water.
- Rejection of increased physical activity.
- Eating soft foods and broths. Refusal of alcohol, fried, spicy and s alty foods.
It is worth remembering that the temperature can only be brought down when it has reached 38 ° C. Otherwise, the body will stop fighting the infection on its own.
Cold medications

There are many drugs for the treatment of colds. Since the incubation period for influenza and SARS is quite short, everyone can recognize the disease on their own and start treatment at home. Pharmacies, in turn, offer the following drugs: "Arbidol", "Anaferon", "Ingavirin", "Amizon", "Kagocel", "Rimantadine" and others.
Antipyretics can be in powder or tablet form:
- Powder preparations: Teraflu, Rinzasip, Coldrex, Fervex, etc.
- Antipyretic tablets: Ibuprofen, Nurofen, etc.
With severe nasal congestion, the following drugs can be used: Nazol, Nazivin, Nazol Advance, Tizin, Pinosol, Aquamaris, Aqualor, etc.
It is worth remembering that the use of drops from the common cold should last no more than seven days. Otherwise, the nasal mucosa will atrophy and the drugs will stop working.
Folkcold cures
There are many methods of treating cold infections, which are almost always used in combination with the main treatment.
- Foot baths with mustard. A few tablespoons of dry mustard are dissolved in warm water and the legs are soaked for 15-20 minutes. Such procedures are best done before bedtime.
- One teaspoon of dandelion root is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes. Then divided into several servings and taken throughout the day.
- Freshly squeezed carrot juice is mixed with a slurry of 5 cloves of garlic, divided into equal portions and taken throughout the day.
- Aloe juice is instilled into the nose 5 times a day, a few drops, it helps get rid of the common cold.
- Linden tea relieves sore throats.
- Decoction of viburnum berries has a unique therapeutic effect. A few spoonfuls of berries are boiled and drunk as compote throughout the day.
Cold Prevention
In order not to become infected during the period of influenza and SARS, the following rules should be observed:
- do not visit crowded places;
- use gauze bandages;
- refuse contact with the patient;
- take antivirals as a preventive measure;
- eat foods high in vitamins, especially vitamin C.
It should be understood that neglecting precautions will lead to infection with a cold. Conversely, following all the rules will greatly reduce the riskinfection.
Cold is a disease caused by various infections, viruses or bacteria. Every person has encountered it. The incubation period of a cold is 1-2 days, so the disease is difficult to confuse with other pathologies. The treatment of the infection is quite simple, it is only necessary to follow the rules known to everyone since childhood: bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and taking medicines in a timely manner. Many parents wonder how long is the incubation period for a cold in children? It is the same for everyone. Only children should be given more attention during illness, as their immunity is often weakened. To avoid infection during the cold and flu period, it is worth using antiviral drugs and taking basic precautions.