A few words about what treats a runny nose best

A few words about what treats a runny nose best
A few words about what treats a runny nose best

A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by irritants or infection. The mucous membrane swells, its permeability increases, the nose is filled with mucus. Often, rhinitis acts as a symptom of other ailments - acute respiratory infections, measles, influenza, scarlet fever. Whatever it is caused by, this condition is painful and dangerous. Due to the constant runny nose, the mucous membrane can undergo pathological changes, and the infection can get into the brain. What cures a runny nose the fastest?

what cures a cold
what cures a cold

Therapy can be both medical and non-drug related. The nose is washed with s alt water, warmed up, inhaled, and the juice of some plants and fruits is instilled into the nasal passages. Consider how you can treat a runny nose using the methods listed.

Nose drops

Vasoconstrictor drops act on special vascular receptors of the swollen nasal mucosa and thereby reduce its volume, it becomes easier to breathe. There are nasal drops that affect only one type of receptor (drugs "Vibrocil", "Nazol Baby", "Nazol Kids"), and drugs that affect two types at oncereceptors ("Nazivin", "Galazolin", "Nafthyzin", "Sanorin", "Otrivin"). What is the best cure for a runny nose? Of course, drops of the second type are more effective, but they are not as safe as the first. Long-term use can damage the structure of the mucous membrane.

The nuances of how to treat a runny nose in the summer depend on the causes that caused it. Pollen can be an irritant, in which case antihistamines such as Suprastin, Claritin and others prescribed by a doctor will help to cope with the problem.

Nose rinse

how to treat a runny nose in summer
how to treat a runny nose in summer

It is made to cleanse the mucous from pus and plaque. Pharmacies have a large assortment of products intended for this, but you can also rinse the nasal passages with a solution of ordinary table s alt. In a glass of warm boiled water, you need to take half a teaspoon of s alt. They take a syringe, seal its end with adhesive plaster to make it look like a cork with a hole. This is necessary so that the solution, which is then injected under pressure into the nasal passage, does not spill back, but passes through the nasopharynx and exits the other nostril.


This is the inhalation of healing vapors of essential oils and decoctions of medicinal plants. Experts say that inhalations with eucalyptus relieve the common cold in three days. Use either a decoction of eucalyptus leaves (two large spoons per liter of boiling water), or drops of its oil (5-6 drops dissolved in hot water). Well proven decoctions of St. John's wort, pine buds, raspberry leaves. You can breathe in the aromaschopped onion or garlic.

how to treat a runny nose
how to treat a runny nose

Warming up

What cures a runny nose better than heat?! You can warm the bridge of the nose and feet. For the bridge of the nose, a glass of cereal (millet or buckwheat) is calcined in a frying pan, poured into a cloth bag and, after allowing it to cool to a tolerable temperature, an impromptu heating pad is applied to the nose for about ten minutes. The procedure is done three times a day and always at night.

To warm the feet, mustard powder is poured into cotton socks and walked with it for two days. This procedure is contraindicated for wounds on the feet, and it is not recommended for young children. At night they also smear the feet with turpentine and then put on woolen socks.

Juice of plants and fruits

The juice from the leaves of a houseplant aloe is instilled into the nose several times a day. Use beetroot and carrot juice mixed in equal parts, to which a few drops of vegetable oil, honey and garlic are added. The resulting medicine is instilled into the nose or soaked in cotton swabs and inserted into the nasal passages.

He althy way

Folk healers have known for a long time that smoke from a burnt bread crouton cures a runny nose. It should be inhaled alternately with each nostril (holding the other at this moment). This procedure allows you to get rid of ailments in one session. If the nose is still stuffy, you can repeat the therapy after a few hours.
