One of the problems associated with the process of urination is urinary retention, or in other words ischuria. This pathological condition can occur in the entire category of the population, but most often it affects men. Persons suffering from this affliction are unable to completely empty their bladder, or the urine passes out drop by drop and with great difficulty. A person may assume that he has this disease if his stomach begins to grow, discomfort occurs in the lower abdomen, and the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. What reasons lead to the development of ischuria, why is it dangerous for men and is it possible to cure it?
Disease types
There are different types of urinary retention, which proceed in different ways. It can be acute and chronic (complete and incomplete), as well as paradoxical.
Acute full-form ischuria appears unexpectedly. There are painful sensations in the abdomen or bladder, and there is a feeling of fullness of the latter. Increased urge to urinate. The incomplete acute form results in very little urine output.

Chronic ischuria- this is such a pathology that can be completely asymptomatic for some time, but as it develops, it begins to manifest itself more and more, reminding of itself. The full form is characterized by the fact that a person cannot independently carry out the process of urination, only a catheter installed in the urethra helps him in this. With an incomplete chronic form, a man is able to empty himself, but not completely, and part of the urine remains in the bladder.
There is also such a variety as paradoxical ischuria. It is characterized by the fact that the bladder begins to stretch very much, there is atony and an excessive increase in the sphincters, due to which the man is not able to go to the toilet himself. That is why paradoxical ischuria leads to the fact that urine begins to stand out from the urethra in drops.
Causes of acute ischuria
Urine retention, occurring in an acute form, occurs suddenly. Basically, it is a complication of prostate adenoma. With the growth of this benign tumor, the section of the urethra passing through the prostate begins to change: it stretches in length and curves. This leads to the fact that urine begins to linger in the urethra, and its outflow is carried out with great difficulty. Prostate adenoma leads to swelling of the gland itself and an increase in its size, which also contributes to the occurrence of acute ischuria.

In addition, the following events lead to the formation of pathology:
- spinal or brain injury;
- operation onspine or abdominal organs, as a result of which the patient is prescribed prolonged bed rest;
- heavily intoxicated;
- hypercooling of the body;
- forced delay in urination;
- multiple sclerosis;
- overdose of sleeping pills;
- drug poisoning;
- physical tension and stress;
- penetration of blood clots into the bladder in a man.
Causes of chronic ischuria
This form of urinary retention is formed as a result of the following pathological factors:
- Injury or damage to the urethra or bladder.
- Clogged organs responsible for excretion of urine. The lumen of the canal may close as a result of a stone or other foreign body that has fallen into it. Usually either the vesicourethral segment or the urethra itself is clogged. In the first case, this may be due to a malignant tumor of the bladder, a polyp, or a congenital malformation of the segment. In the second case, the blockage occurs due to the protrusion of one of the walls of the bladder or narrowing of the lumen of the urethra.
- Squeezing the bladder. It is caused by pathologies of the genital organs, such as prostatitis, balanoposthitis, cancer, phimosis, prostate sclerosis. The bladder in a man can also be squeezed due to pathologies of the organs located in the small pelvis. These include pathology of the perineum, hernia in the groin, cancer of the rectum, aneurysms of the hypogastric arteries.

In addition, the chronic form appears in diseases of the central nervous system, such as neurogenic bladder dysfunction. In this case, spastic ischuria occurs, in which this organ contracts, and the urethral sphincter relaxes involuntarily.
If you find at least one of the listed symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary studies and make the correct diagnosis.

First, the specialist examines the history of the disease and complaints, as well as the patient's lifestyle. After that, the doctor examines the patient, probing the enlarged bladder in the lower abdomen. This diagnostic method makes it possible to distinguish ischuria from anuria, in which there is no urination at all.
The patient must pass a general blood test to determine signs of an inflammatory process, and thanks to a general urine test, pathological changes in the kidneys and bladder are detected.
A biochemical blood test determines if there are any abnormalities in the work of the kidneys.
Abdominal ultrasound, taken after the patient urinates, measures the amount of urine left in the bladder after urination.
How is ischuria treated?
This disease is treated most often by catheterization. The essence of this procedure is as follows: a special metal catheter is inserted into the bladder through the urethra, which helps urine to come out of thisorgan. There are these devices and rubber. At the end of the catheter there is a beak-like bend that allows it to better pass to the bladder. It can stay in the body of a man from a day to two weeks. After the onset of improvement, the person begins to urinate normally without any delay. For greater effect, the doctor may prescribe alpha-blockers at the same time as this procedure, which is also used to treat prostate adenoma.

In addition, urine can be removed from the bladder using capillary puncture. In this case, the patient under anesthesia is injected with a long needle 1.5 cm above the pubis and to a depth of 5 cm. The outer end of the needle should have a soft tube. This instrument must be inserted into the bladder to help the urine flow out of it through the tube. As soon as the organ is free of urine, the needle is removed. This procedure is performed several times a day.

In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment of ischuria, the following complications may occur:
- kidney failure;
- pyelonephritis;
- cystitis;
- gross hematuria;
- stone formation.
Thus, now it became clear what ischuria. This is urinary retention, occurring in acute and chronic form. It is necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and treat it in time. Doctors must choose the most appropriate method for this, so that in the future the man does not have problems with urination.