One of the biggest problems in modern neurology are diseases caused by pathological changes in cerebral vessels and disruption of normal blood circulation in the main organ of the human body. As a rule, they develop after a cerebral infarction. At the same time, the statistics remain disappointing. Although modern medicine has many effective treatments, about 35 percent of cases are fatal.
A large number of patients do not fully recover from a heart attack and remain disabled. They develop various neurotic and psychological defects that make normal life impossible. Let's try to figure out whether recovery after an ischemic stroke is possible, as well as what medical, pedagogical, economic andprofessional interventions will help patients to at least partially recover from the disease.
A few words about the disabling condition

Before we talk about what recovery from ischemic stroke at home can be like, let's first understand the main consequences that patients face. According to profiled experts, due to circulatory disorders, the brain begins to experience an acute shortage of oxygen and nutrients, as a result of which various neurological and mental disorders begin to develop in a person. In addition, the patient ceases to independently cope even with elementary daily tasks, so he needs constant care.
Among the most frequently diagnosed defects are the following:
- reduction in strength caused by damage to the motor pathway of the nervous system;
- paralysis;
- ataxia;
- memory loss;
- violation of the speech apparatus;
- deterioration of mental performance;
- hypesthesia;
- visual impairment;
- disorder of the act of swallowing;
- violation of pronunciation and voice function;
- violation of the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system;
- epileptic seizures;
- Dejerine-Roussy syndrome.
To minimize the likelihood of developing the disorders listed above, a person needs to recover from an ischemic stroke. Majoritymeasures are aimed at improving such basic abilities as walking, speaking and self-care, since many patients are almost helpless at first after a cerebral infarction. However, they cannot cope with everything on their own, so they need help and moral support from loved ones.
Principles and goals of rehabilitation
As a rule, recovery after ischemic stroke at home is aimed at normalizing impaired functions, treating and preventing concomitant diseases and complications caused by impaired normal blood circulation in the brain, as well as teaching walking, speech and independent performance of basic tasks, so that the patient can continue to live, not depending on others.
The main principles include the complete or partial return of lost functions to the patient, assistance in psychological and social adaptation, differentiated therapy and various measures aimed at preventing relapses. Thus, recovery from a massive ischemic stroke is very important, as it aims not only to return the patient to normal life, but also to help him cope better with mental pressure.
Key factors influencing the success of rehabilitation

Let's take a closer look at this. Even profiled specialists cannot name the exact terms of recovery after an ischemic stroke, since everything here depends on a number of factors, the main ones beingthe severity of the syndrome and the characteristics of the organism of each person. The success of rehabilitation largely depends on how quickly hospitalization was carried out and treatment started.
In this case, the key factors are not only the consistency, systematicity and duration of rehabilitation, but also the physical assistance of relatives and friends, their moral support, faith and involvement in the whole process of the patient himself. Of no small importance is an integrated approach to recovery and the participation of qualified specialists in various fields, the leading among which are a neuropathologist, physiotherapist, neuropsychologist, speech therapist-aphasiologist, massage therapists, social workers, a specialist in exercise therapy and representatives of many other areas of modern medicine. Only with the joint work of a number of specialists can recovery after ischemic stroke be productive and achieve positive results.
Stages of rehabilitation

So what do you need to know about this? The program of therapy and recovery after a cerebral stroke is compiled for each patient on an individual basis. When developing it, the features of the underlying pathology, the intensity and degree of manifestation of concomitant syndromes and disorders, the age category and many other factors are taken into account.
The following periods of recovery after ischemic stroke are distinguished:
- The first stage. It is considered the most difficult and passes during the first 3-4 weeks after the manifestationsyndrome, when violations and lesions make themselves felt in the most acute form.
- Second stage. First 6 months after hospitalization.
- Third stage. Late stage recovery spanning 6 to 12 months.
- The fourth stage. The period of residual effects, starting after a year of illness.
The above terms of recovery after ischemic stroke are conditional. This pathology is very serious and often ends in the death of the patient, so it is impossible to give exact numbers and the effectiveness of rehabilitation.
Features of the recovery period
According to doctors, the rehabilitation of patients can last from 2-3 months to several years. At first, the patient must be hospitalized under the strict supervision of qualified doctors so that they can monitor the patient's condition and, if necessary, make appropriate adjustments to the therapy program. At the same time, recovery after an ischemic stroke of the brain should take place in specially equipped wards equipped with modern equipment, with the help of which it is possible to carry out certain activities aimed at returning lost functions to a person, perform physiotherapy and gymnastic exercises, do therapeutic massage, and use other modern methods. highly effective treatments.
Rehabilitation of patients with partial or complete loss of mobility

The main physical disorders are unilateral or bilateral damage to the motor pathway of the nervous system, paralysis, as well as impaired muscle tone and sensitivity. In this case, full recovery after ischemic stroke is possible only with adequate treatment started in a timely manner. However, in order to choose the most effective rehabilitation program, the doctor needs a detailed clinical picture of the patient's state of he alth, so a comprehensive examination by many specialists is required here. As the main activities, as a rule, massage, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and gymnastics, acupressure on certain areas of the body and manual therapy are prescribed.
It is worth noting that the most effective during rehabilitation is a set of gymnastic exercises and exercise therapy. With their help, doctors very often manage to restore normal walking skills to patients and teach them to perform basic tasks and functions on their own in order to be independent from others. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation may be used to increase the effectiveness of therapy.
Any method used at each stage of rehabilitation is aimed at restoring the patient's normal mobility. With the help of a set of special exercises, you can gradually increase the amount of motor activity, restore muscle tone and increase its ability to strain and relax. After that, specialists begin to teach basic skills - to stand, walk and perform basic daily tasks:dress and undress independently, eat and perform water procedures.
At the initial stages, recovery after an ischemic stroke is carried out in a sparing mode. The patient is not assigned heavy loads, but measures are used that have a stimulating effect on the muscular apparatus, normalize blood circulation and the functioning of the lymph nodes, and prevent the development of contractures. The load increases gradually. In the later stages of rehabilitation, exercises are performed that contribute to the formation and improvement of walking skills, the development of the vestibular apparatus and training of vertical stability.
Speech disorders
What do you need to know about this? Restoring speech after an ischemic stroke is a very important stage, because if a person does not have the opportunity to communicate with others, he develops a sense of his own hopelessness, he fences himself off from everyone and becomes withdrawn, which negatively affects the entire therapy.
Among the most common disorders are the following:
- complete absence or impairment of speech functions caused by damage to certain parts of the brain;
- violation of the innervation of the speech apparatus, manifested due to damage to the nervous system.
The rehabilitation program involves a course of drug therapy based on the use of drugs that improve metabolic processes in nerve cells and start recovery processes in the brain. These include amino acid drugs,for example "Cerebrolysin", as well as neurometabolic drugs. Along the way, a speech therapist-aphasiologist and a neuropsychologist work with the patient.
The recovery time after an ischemic stroke in speech disorders depends on the degree of damage to certain departments and areas of the organ, as well as on how quickly the therapy was started. As practice shows, the rehabilitation program gives the best results at the initial stages. At the same time, the course of treatment requires constant adjustments, since its effectiveness depends on the location of the lesion and the characteristics of the course of the pathology.
Rehabilitation for cerebellar disease

In most cases, cerebral infarction is accompanied by severe circulatory disorders. As a result, extensive lesions of the cerebellum occur. This kind of pathology is accompanied by the following clinical manifestations:
- dizziness;
- nausea and gagging;
- ringing in the ears;
- violation of spatial orientation and coordination of movements;
- paralysis of facial muscles.
The main goal of recovery after ischemic stroke, accompanied by damage to the cerebellum and trunk, is to eliminate problems with coordination of movements, normalize the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and restore defects in facial muscles. The therapy program is based on individual sets of exercises, exercise therapy, selective massage and biofeedback according to the stabilogram.
Rehabilitationwith astheno-depressive syndrome
This is a very common condition in which a person gets tired very quickly, and is also constantly depressed, close to depression. He ceases to withstand prolonged emotional and physical stress, which interferes with normal life. Recovery after ischemic stroke at home in this syndrome can bring results and achieve a significant breakthrough in treatment, but an integrated approach is very important here.
The patient must perform physiotherapy and gymnastic exercises. But at the same time, the load should not be too strong, and long breaks should be taken between them. Massage is prescribed to increase the tone of the muscular apparatus. In addition, to bring a person out of a depressed and depressive state, conversations with a psychologist and taking certain medications are required.
Rehabilitation of elderly patients

This category of patients requires a special approach in the course of therapy, since its representatives are the most difficult to treat. Rehabilitation is carried out in the form of short individual lessons, therapeutic exercises and psychotherapy sessions. Along the way, vitamin complexes and drugs are taken that improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and strengthen memory. Prolonged physical activity is contraindicated, and instead of them, a course of general rehabilitation treatment is carried out.
If a person has had an ischemic stroke, recovery after a year, carried out at home under the close supervision of an experienced specialist, can achieve positive results.
Evaluation of the condition of patients is carried out in 5 classes:
- First. The highest rating, meaning that the doctors managed to completely eliminate the defects and return the person to normal life.
- Second. Pathological processes were not completely eliminated, but disability was avoided, so the patient can work and cope with all matters without outside help.
- Third. Treatment has failed to restore the patient's ability to work, leaving him dependent on outsiders for complex tasks such as dressing and undressing or taking a bath.
- Fourth. People are able to perform any tasks and move around the apartment with the help of loved ones.
- Fifth. Total disability and usually paralysis.

It is worth noting that cerebral infarction is a serious syndrome in which, in very rare cases, significant results can be achieved. Unfortunately, most patients remain disabled and need outside help to perform even the simplest tasks. Therefore, if your loved ones have suffered an ischemic stroke, then you will have to stock up on great patience and become support and reliable support for them.