In the article, we will consider what is an exciting cream for men and women. These tools allow you to create desire, increase attraction, eliminate all distracting thoughts.
Everyone knows that the temperament of each person is different, and the ability to excite, respectively, is also different. Some just need a few kisses, while others just need long caresses. What to do if the temperament of sexual partners is radically different? An effective remedy is drugs that increase the degree of arousal.

Intimacy line
The modern market for sex products offers a fairly diverse selection of aphrodisiacs, including:
- Creams. There are creams that increase sensitivity, stimulate erections, stimulate, with pheromones.
- Intimate oils. The mechanism of action of this remedy is similar to other stimulating external preparations - the oil acts as a strongstimulant and acts as a lubricant.
- Rollers. Designed to stimulate sexual activity. They contain menthol or substances similar to it, which can cool and cause an unforgettable tingling sensation.
- Men's gel lubricants. They can be used as a lubricant, while it contains an aphrodisiac that enhances sexual desire, improves blood flow to the penis, and increases erection.
- Clit gel. Such gels should be applied to the clitoris and rubbed with gentle massaging movements. The effect occurs after a few minutes and lasts up to an hour.
- Serums. As a rule, pheromones are present in their composition. Apply them to the clitoris and labia. The manufacturer claims that serums stimulate arousal not only in women, but also in men.
- Spray. The tool is available in the form of an ordinary spray and is intended for emergency cases. Manufacturers claim that the systematic use of sprays has a positive effect on sexual energy and well-being. Can be female or male.
- Lubricants. These products are based on natural moisturizers - hyaluronic acid and glycerin. Manufacturers also produce anal lubricants that have a warming effect.
As you can see, there are currently a variety of stimulant drugs, creams are especially popular among them.
Exciting cream for men and women
The action of all the proposed means is aimed at normalizing sexual life, saturating it with newfeelings and emotions.

Special creams have been developed for women, methods of use, principles of action and benefits of which are as follows:
- Creams with pheromones. At the heart of such products are karite, coconut, mint oils. They must be applied to any erogenous zones.
- Shiatsu. It is an intimate cream that has a narrowing effect. Increased sensation during intercourse in women and men occurs as a result of narrowing of the vagina - that is, the penis and the walls of the vagina are in contact more.
- "Rain of love". It is a special cream for the clitoris. You can use it on your own or with a partner. A small amount of cream should be applied to the clitoris, the desired effect will appear after a few minutes. Contraindications to the use of the cream are genital herpes and pregnancy.
- "Secret Garden". It is a natural cream. The cream is able to penetrate into the surface layers of the mucosa, causing a tickling feeling, a feeling of freshness, excitement, warmth. Amino acid and L-arginine in the composition of the cream help to relax the vaginal walls, resulting in increased sexual desire. It is necessary to apply the product immediately before sex on the genitals. Often this remedy is recommended by gynecologists to women during menopause. Contraindications to its use are genetic herpes and pregnancy. Among the components of the cream are cinnamon and pepper, which can increase blood flow in the G-spot area. The effect of the product begins instantly, stimulating erotic sensations. It is necessary to apply the drug on the genitals before sexual intercourse.
- "Lust". It is a cream with nourishing properties. Against the background of its use, susceptibility increases, the desire for intimacy and arousal increase. It is necessary to apply the product with massaging, smooth movements 5-15 minutes before the start of sex. The cream increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones, it is recommended for use in the postpartum period, during stress, during episodic sexual activity.

Exciting creams for men are in great demand. Let's take a closer look at them.
Products designed for men
There is an opinion that there are no frigid women, but only weak men. Undoubtedly, the role of a man in sexual contact is very significant.
However, in life there are various situations in which the use of stimulating creams for men can be useful and effective. The most popular products on the Russian market are described below.
You and Me
Apply this remedy with gentle massaging movements before intimacy on the head of the penis. The cream is able to exacerbate a man's sensations during sexual intercourse.

Of the inexpensive options, the exciting cream for men "Hercules" has proven itself well. The average price is 570-590 rubles, the volume is 15 ml. Current composition -essential oil extracts from medicinal herbs and pods of red hot pepper.
The effect of this ointment starts from the first minutes of application. You can buy cream "Hercules" in the pharmacy chain and specialized stores.
Penis Marathon
Is an instant energizing cream for men. It increases the ability for prolonged sexual intercourse. It must be applied to the testicles and penis a few minutes before sex.

ERO Prorino Erection
This cream contains components (bark, extracts and oils of muira-puama), which have an intensifying sensation and a powerful stimulating effect. Essential oils, also included in the composition, have a positive effect on the psychological state of partners and add a touch of romance to a passionate date.
Harmony Suite
It is a stimulating cream for men that can prolong erections. Its texture is light, non-greasy, with good absorption and unobtrusive aroma. The cream contains healing and nourishing components. By using the cream, you can prolong sexual intercourse up to half an hour, without reducing tactile sensations.
The Power of Hercules
Exciting cream for men "Strength of Hercules" is well absorbed, increases desire and potency. It acts gently on the head of the penis, contributes to the compaction of the penis, gives it hardness, increases sensitivity and potency.

Cream, according to sellers, hasthe following effects:
- increases desire for sexual intimacy;
- improves erection.
Contains vegetable oils and vitamin P derivatives.
According to reviews, the exciting cream for men "The Power of Hercules" works for a long time. It is quite a popular remedy.
Reviews of stimulating creams for men and women
To choose the most suitable product, it is advisable to first study the reviews left by other people. For example, some users report that the cream can sting and burn the skin, and is difficult to rinse off after application. In some cases, it is noted that the effect declared by the manufacturers was not achieved.
Other people argue that if a partner does not cause intimacy, then no cream can help. Also, many are of the opinion that stimulants have only a placebo effect. That is, it appears only if you believe in it.
Sometimes there are reviews in which people compare stimulating creams with dietary supplements that are unable to cause a quick result, or ordinary cosmetics that can only cause a slight tingling of the epidermis.

Also, many advise to pay more attention directly to sexual intercourse, while others argue that it is possible to achieve the desired effect from using the cream only if you use the correct technique for applying it - with progressive and smooth movements,rubbing until the excitement sets in.
According to reviews, Hercules stimulating cream for men is very effective. It acts for a long time, does not cause discomfort to either the man or the partner. Many are pleased with the price.
In closing
Thus, reviews of stimulating creams are very ambiguous and contradictory. Experts tend to believe that this is primarily due to individual susceptibility to the remedy, as well as to the psycho-emotional state. Therefore, you can choose the most suitable remedy, relying solely on your own feelings from using a particular product.