Bruise is a mechanical damage to tissues, in which there are no open wounds. It is accompanied by swelling, bruising and pain. If you have a severe eye injury, what should you do? You will learn this while reading the article.
Features of eye injuries
Severe damage to the eyeball can lead to impaired visual function. There are several features in the structure of this organ, due to which any injury can cause serious and even irreparable harm. Let's take a closer look at a few of these features:
- unlike other parts of the body, the eye is not supported by muscles;
- directly interacts with the environment, therefore vulnerable to external factors;
- complex structure, consists of very fragile elements;
- not all aspects of the structure of the eye have been studied, some injuries and diseases are not yet treatable.
It is from these factors that it becomes clear why a bruise is a serious injury that can even lead to partial or complete blindness and other serious pathologies.

Causes of bruises
There can be many reasons for mechanical damage - a fall, a blowsome object, a fight, an explosion, etc. Most often, small children, older boys, adolescents, and people whose work is fraught with certain dangers are most susceptible to such injuries. These include police officers, stuntmen, firefighters, athletes and others.
In any case, anyone can encounter this problem quite by accident, regardless of gender, age and occupation.
If you have a bruised eye, a bruise may be the most harmless symptom. The consequences can actually be much more serious. We will talk about this further.
General bruise symptoms
Because the degree of injury is completely different, the severity of the symptoms is also different. Severe bruising of the eye is characterized by the following manifestations:
- Pain - most often quite strong, but may not be felt at all. It depends on the individual characteristics of the person and his pain threshold. In some cases, there is a painful shock, and this symptom is felt later.
- Swelling is a clear sign of a severe bruise. It occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the damaged area. Most often it appears on the eyelid and under the eye. It becomes fully noticeable after a day.
- Visual problems - hazy or blurry. This is a very serious condition as there is a possibility of retinal detachment.
- Field loss - after a bruise, peripheral vision may be damaged or completely disappear.
- Tearing is a temporary syndrome, usually goes away after a while.
- Photosensitivity is a condition in whichimpossible to look at the light.
- Dizziness and nausea - may disappear after a couple of hours, in the worst case, indicate a concussion.
- Fever is an alarming symptom, indicating complications and a possible inflammatory process.

Classification of bruises
If a girl hurt her eye, what should I do? First of all, it is necessary to determine the severity of the injury. There are four of them in total, each of which is characterized in its own way.
First degree contusion:
- pain is not very strong, tolerable;
- the perception of the surrounding world is slightly deteriorating;
- small bruising;
- swelling of the cornea of the eye;
- pupil diminution, poor reaction to light;
- retina becomes grayish.
Second degree injury:
- well felt impulsive pain;
- fear of light;
- excessive tearing;
- vision noticeably worsens;
- the eye is completely covered with hemorrhages;
- damaged conjunctiva collapses;
- mucosal eroded;
- pupils dilated and do not respond to light stimuli;
Third degree contusion:
- pain is obvious, very strong;
- fear of light rays;
- teary;
- Vision drops so much that it is almost completely lost.
- fundus completely filled with blood;
- may be a dislocation of the lens.
Fourth degree contusion:
- complete destruction of the structure of the eye;
- optic nerve severed;
- the lens is dislocated;
- vision lost.

Consequences of injury
In addition to these symptoms, with a severe bruise, very serious consequences can also appear:
- Disturbances in the structure of the retina or its detachment. It occurs when the capillaries cannot withstand the force of impact and break. The risk group includes people with retinal dystrophy and its other pathologies.
- Problems with the cornea. A cataract of a traumatic nature, clouding or even destruction of the lens may develop.
- Rupture of ligaments. When they are damaged, the lens first of all suffers, it loses its transparency.
- Rupture of the iris leads to the fact that the pupil loses the function of constriction and expansion, that is, it stops responding to light. This indicates damage to the nerve endings.
- Bleeding inside the eye - indicates the likelihood of retinal detachment and further deterioration of visual functions, manifests itself a minute after receiving a blow.

First aid for severe injury
If there is an eye injury in a child or in an adult (the actions will be the same in both cases), first of all you need to call an ambulance. However, before her arrival, you yourself need to help the victim. You can alleviate his condition in the following ways:
- for acute pain apply cold compresses and change them periodically;
- by eye you canapply a bandage soaked in an antiseptic solution. This method also saves with photophobia.
As a rule, severe bruises are accompanied by serious consequences, therefore, for proper diagnosis, it is better to take the patient to a special eye center, since a regular clinic may not have the appropriate diagnostic equipment.

Diagnosis of severe bruises
Examination of the damaged eye is performed by an ophthalmologist. It establishes the degree of injury and determines which elements of a given organ were damaged. The methods for diagnosing a bruise are as follows:
- Ophthalmoscope examination. It is used to study the bottom of the eyeball and is effective in the presence of obvious retinal injuries. This method is inaccurate, so it is best to dilate the pupil first. Otherwise, you may not see more than sixty percent of the retina.
- Examination using a Goldman lens. Allows you to more carefully examine the damage to the hard-to-reach areas of the eye. The device with this lens is available in specialized and private clinics.
- Vision check. The standard procedure is carried out using a table with letters. A sure method that will show whether vision has fallen due to an injury or not.
- Gonioscopy. Examine the anterior chamber of the eye. A rather painful procedure, painkillers are used.
- Perimetry. The field of vision is examined with the help of a computer, as injuries of this nature can lead to its violation.
- Ultrasound. Allowsdetermine the clinical picture in a clouded state of the cornea and lens.
- Tomography. Maybe computer, or maybe magnetic resonance. In the first case, the eyeball and the intracranial region are considered. In the second, defects in the optic nerves and muscles are examined, and motor abilities are tested.

In case of a severe bruise, the doctor will definitely prescribe medication. Most often, these are drops - supportive and antibacterial. They will help reduce inflammation and prevent infection. In addition to traditional methods, there are folk methods for eliminating severe bruises.
Eye injury: treatment with folk methods
These medicinal recipes that can be prepared at home will only help to relieve swelling, reduce bruising and eliminate pain. In more complex cases, such methods are no longer enough.
1 way
One onion is passed through a meat grinder and a teaspoon of sugar is added to the resulting slurry. Mix and apply to the site of injury for twenty minutes. This will reduce swelling and reduce pain.
2 way
Soda lotions. Prepare a solution - put a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water. You need to apply several times a day to relieve hemorrhage and bruising.
3 way
If there are no bruises, then a mixture of turmeric and ginger in equal proportions is suitable for stopping pain. Add some water to make a paste. It is laid out on the eye and covered with cellophane.
AfterAfter the swelling has subsided, residual effects can be treated with heat. It favorably affects damaged tissues, promotes their healing.
Cabbage lotion helps a lot.
Fresh cabbage leaves are cleaned from the core and poured with boiling water for a few minutes. Then applied to the affected area. Do this procedure at least twice a day, keep for about two hours.
Remember that self-treatment can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is still worth visiting a doctor and getting his advice.

Treatment of bruises with medical methods
If the consequences of a severe bruise are not so serious and do not require surgical intervention, then the doctor can prescribe a number of drugs that will help cure a severe bruise. The most effective medicines are listed below:
- "Diclofenac" - relieves inflammation, reduces temperature, fever and fever, reduces swelling, eliminates pain.
- "Indomethacin" - stops the inflammatory process, relieves pain.
- "Suprastin" - reduces the activity of histamine, is a stimulant.
In addition to pills, eye drops are good for severe bruising of the eye, accompanied by complications. They are also discharged after surgery. Usually the full course of these drugs does not exceed ten days.
- "Ciprofloxacin" - a drug that destroys microbes and bacteria, has low toxicity.
- "Ofloxacin" - a drug against microbes, has a wide sector of action.
- "Picloxidine" - characterized by antiseptic properties.
Any eye injury is dangerous, because this organ is very fragile, and its he alth must be treated responsibly. That is why you should not neglect medical care in case of a severe bruise.