Such a home medicine, which is familiar to us, like iodine solution, is considered an effective antiseptic drug. Is this product actually safe to use without a prescription at home? As medical practice shows, if used improperly, a burn from iodine is possible. What to do in such a situation? We will tell in our article.

Causes of burns
Many may wonder: is it really possible to get burned from iodine? If used incorrectly, such a possibility exists. This drug is intended primarily for disinfection and drying of open wounds. When the iodine solution interacts with the skin, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which energy is released and substances such as water, ammonia and carbon dioxide are formed. If it is used in accordance with the recommendations specified in the instructions, then it is an effective antiseptic. In case of violation of the rules and dosage of the use of the drug, the iodine solution aggressively affects the skin, causingredness, burning, and in severe cases, burns of the integument or mucous membranes.
You can get such an injury with frequent and abundant application of the solution to the same area of the skin. In addition, you should strictly adhere to the recommendations for the use of the drug - you can not neglect the fact that you have an external medicine in front of you. In medicine, there are cases when an iodine solution was used by ingestion for the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, and thyroid diseases. Such folk methods of healing can lead not only to severe poisoning, but also burns of the mucous membranes of the throat, esophagus, stomach.

How is iodine burn diagnosed? Usually, the symptoms of this condition are the appearance of brown spots at the site of damage to the skin. In severe cases, blisters may form. The person is in severe pain. If the solution gets into the eyes, burning, reddening of the protein, tearing are noted. A burn of the throat and oral cavity is manifested by severe redness and swelling of the mucous membranes.
First Aid
In most cases, a burn after iodine is treated at home on its own - with minor damage to the external integument, medical assistance is not required. If a person feels a burning sensation, notices a change in skin color in an area previously treated with iodine, immediately rinse the damaged area with running cool (but not icy) water. In most cases, this is enough to eliminate pain symptoms.
With a slight degree of damagecovers, the patient may detect a change in skin color in a separate area a few days after using the solution. Received a burn with iodine - what to do? Such an injury resolves on its own and does not require any treatment. In this case, it can be recommended to lubricate the affected area with special creams that promote skin regeneration. Such funds will help prevent scarring of the integument and speed up the healing process.

Chemical Neutralizers
Since iodine skin burn is a type of chemical damage to the integument, when providing medical care, the active substance should be neutralized. Effective means in this case are chalk, dry tooth powder (can be replaced with regular paste), as well as soapy or sweet water. It is necessary to apply these substances to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe body and leave until pain decreases.
First aid for mouth and throat burns
There are cases when patients with burns of the throat were admitted to medical institutions after applying traditional medicine recipes. So, people practice rinsing the mouth with a concentrated solution of iodine for colds, as well as for the prevention of respiratory infections. In this way, it is easy to get a burn from iodine. How to treat an injury? First of all, rinse your throat thoroughly with boiled cool water for 15-20 minutes. Then you need to repeat the procedure using a solution of a neutralizing agent. Sugar is bestcomposition.
If you receive such an injury, you should seek medical help to assess the degree of damage to the mucous membrane of the throat and oral cavity. If the condition is not severe, the doctor will prescribe a rinse with decoctions of chamomile and sage. Otherwise, you may need to take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Eye burn with iodine solution
In medicine, cases of eye burns with iodine have been reported. Usually such an injury occurs through negligence. What to do in such a situation? First of all, rinse your eyes thoroughly with running cool water. Do not use any neutralizing agents on your own. You should immediately consult a doctor to draw up a further treatment plan.
The following groups of drugs are used to treat iodine burns:
- antiseptics;
- antibiotics;
- anti-inflammatory;
- wound healing;
- painkillers.
Only a doctor can objectively assess the patient's condition and prescribe the necessary medications. As a first aid, you can use a drug such as Panthenol Spray. Synthomycin ointment, Bepanten, Rescuer also help. Of the antiseptics, Furacilin or Chlorhexidine are suitable. Such drugs are used as follows: medical gauze is impregnated with solutions and a bandage is applied to the damaged area of the skin. Eye burns may require ophthalmicdrops, analgesics.

Folk remedies for the treatment of burns
Got a minor iodine burn? Sea buckthorn oil, oatmeal, green tea, aloe juice or beaten egg white will help to quickly restore the skin. You just need to lubricate the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with the selected product three times a day.

What can not be done with an iodine burn?
When burned with iodine, you can’t:
- Lubricate the affected skin area with sunflower oil or oily cosmetic creams.
- Apply ice.
- Open blisters that form.
- If the mouth or throat is affected, do not eat spicy and sour food for a certain period (depending on the severity of the injury).
Iodine burn is fraught with various consequences for human he alth. In particular, such an eye injury can lead to blindness. The defeat of the throat is fraught with the formation of erosions of the mucous membrane, and in violation of the skin, there is a high probability of scarring of tissues. Therefore, you should use an iodine solution, strictly following the instructions for use.