Squeezing out a boil: ways and methods, description of the procedure, medical recommendations

Squeezing out a boil: ways and methods, description of the procedure, medical recommendations
Squeezing out a boil: ways and methods, description of the procedure, medical recommendations

The appearance of boils (boils) causes discomfort in people. When there is an unsightly purulent growth on the face or body, everyone wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Squeezing out carbuncles and boils is a dangerous process, since if handled incorrectly, a person risks infecting and causing serious complications. You need to understand that this kind of skin disease is different from the usual pimples that everyone is used to removing on their own.

In the case of boils, inflammation spreads to the bloodstream, so in this case the risk that the virus enters the body is much higher. Therefore, before performing any manipulations, it is worth learning more about the dangers of such procedures.

Negative consequences of self-squeezing boils

You need to understand that if a person tries to get rid of a purulent growth on his own and puts pressure on him, this will only further increase the swelling of the skin. Often, after squeezing out boils, people have problems with the skin and vessels located under it. Because of this on the faceand the body may appear unpleasant welts and scars.

Squeezes out the boil
Squeezes out the boil

It is also worth considering that in the process of squeezing the abscess there is a big risk that its contents will fall on another part of the human skin. As you know, it is this liquid that contains a large number of microbes that can excite the appearance of new foci of inflammation.

If you squeeze out a purulent boil in the nose, mouth, eyes or spine, this can provoke the penetration of purulent masses even deeper under the skin. Accordingly, over time, microorganisms will begin to affect other cavities.

If a person squeezes out an abscess, he always runs the risk of sending the infection directly into the blood. If dangerous bacteria reach the brain, then there is a risk of facing very terrible consequences. Therefore, it is very dangerous to engage in such activities on your own. If there is a need to get rid of a purulent growth, you should consult a doctor. If it was decided to extrude the boil at home, then you need to approach this event responsibly and follow the recommendations of specialists.

Good to know

If there are several accumulations of purulent formations on the human body, then this is a pathology called furunculosis. In such situations, a person may develop a fever. If numerous suppurations become too inflamed, then they can only be removed surgically.

At home, gentle squeezing of the boil is allowed, only if it is not stronginflamed. Before touching the boil, you need to wash your hands well with soap and water. The same procedure must be performed after extrusion. Otherwise, there is a risk of introducing harmful bacteria to another area of the skin.

On the chin
On the chin

When using antibacterial agents, they can be applied directly to the boil itself, it is impossible to touch the skin around. For the remedy to work, it must be applied 3-4 times a day.

It is also worth remembering one important rule - if a rod does not appear in the boil itself for 4-5 days, then you should talk to your doctor. There is a risk that the disease flows into a more serious stage. The fact is that the maturation of a boil usually lasts no more than 7 days. If the unpleasant “bump” only grows to the sides, then, most likely, surgical intervention is required.

There are different procedures for interacting with an abscess. Sometimes extrusion of a boil can be avoided by provoking a natural eruption of pus.


To provoke a breakthrough of pus, it is necessary to prepare special lotions that are applied to the affected areas of the skin for 10-15 minutes daily. As a rule, for these purposes I most often use honey or onions. The so-called cakes are prepared from these natural ingredients.

Onions and honey
Onions and honey

With the help of compresses, you can also reduce pain in the area of the affected skin. Honey and onions accelerate the process of maturation of the boil. There is no need to pierce orsqueeze out an unpleasant formation.

Use of antibacterial agents

Pharmacy preparations are often used to avoid squeezing out a boil. The best means of this type are:

  • Salicylic or boric alcohol. If you treat the inflamed area with one of these fluids daily, it will accelerate the maturation of the boil.
  • Pills. If a person suffers from the regular appearance of unpleasant growths, it is worth considering taking a course of taking dietary supplements or vitamin complexes. It is best to use products that will help strengthen the resistance of the entire human body.
  • Vishnevsky's ointment. This remedy is recommended to be used if a person squeezes out formations on his own. After getting rid of large pimples, the opening site must be processed to prevent infection. However, it is dangerous to use such ointments if the boil has not opened. This can lead to the development of cellulitis.
Special ointment
Special ointment

Squeezing a boil with a bottle

This method is considered one of the fastest. For the procedure, a bottle or any other vessel with a narrowed neck is suitable. However, it is dangerous to remove an abscess using this method, so you need to clearly follow the instructions:

  • It is necessary to prepare a piece of cotton wool and wrap it around a metal rod. After that, the material is soaked in alcohol and set on fire.
  • Dip the burning cotton wool into a bottle or other container for 5-10 minutes.
  • Not waiting for the vesselcools down, press it with the neck to the boil for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the bottle and apply a patch to the inflamed area or use a sterile dressing.

If boils in ear

Squeezing out purulent boils from such areas is considered the most difficult. Although experts do not recommend home treatment in such a situation, some successfully use traditional medicine recipes.

In order to get rid of a difficult build-up, you need to bake the onion in the microwave or oven. Before that, it is necessary to make a recess in it, into which linseed oil is poured. The formed impromptu bowl is closed with a slice of bread and placed in the oven for several minutes. After that, you need to squeeze the onion. The resulting juice must be dripped into the ear.

fresh onion
fresh onion

You can also try using iodine. Such a tool can be a salvation at the first sign of the formation of an abscess. To do this, it is enough to periodically lubricate the affected skin with iodine.

Also, some use vegetable oil. They are impregnated with linen fabric. After that, the material is rubbed with garlic and placed in the ear canal twice a day. Thanks to this, the build-up ripens and bursts faster.

If there are boils on the face

If we are talking about the initial stage of the disease, then in this case you can also use iodine. Daily wiping will help relieve pain and accelerate the growth of the abscess.

For the face, many people use Dimexide in liquid form. This drug is applied daily to the skin onface. The components of the product penetrate the skin and relieve inflammation. In addition, this drug has an antibacterial effect.

When Pregnant

In such a situation, it is very dangerous to extrude the boil on your own. First of all, a lady in a position should find out the cause of the appearance of unpleasant abscesses. Only a doctor can help her with this. As a rule, furunculosis appears due to infection in the body of a pregnant woman. This poses a danger not only to the expectant mother, but also to the unborn baby.

pregnant lady
pregnant lady

In this case, even a specialist does not extrude the boil. Instead, he prescribes safe antibacterial drugs to the expectant mother and may agree to the use of traditional medicine. However, any remedy should be used only to provoke a natural breakthrough of the build-up.

What can pregnant women use

In this case, traditional medicine will help:

  • The boiled onion is crushed into gruel and mixed with grated garlic. The resulting composition is applied to the affected area of the skin.
  • A glass of natural tomato juice is mixed with two tablespoons of glycerin. All components are thoroughly mixed. The resulting composition is applied to gauze and applied to the inflamed boil three times a day until the growth itself opens.

You can also prepare an herbal compress, which additionally helps to get rid of pain. To do this, mix chamomile and sage in equal proportions,brew the collection and apply it to the affected area for half an hour.

Besides this, pregnant ladies should not forget to eat right and support the body's immune system.

First Aid

If a person suffers from skin abscesses, then it is worth monitoring their condition. The fact is that squeezing out the largest boils that are ready to explode is not difficult. However, growths that are not swollen enough are very dangerous to remove, as there is only a risk of driving the liquid even deeper under the skin.

If there are unpleasant sensations and you want to get rid of the abscess faster, then you should put a little ichthyol ointment on the gauze and apply it to the affected area. However, if painful itching occurs, the bandage is removed immediately.

Ichthyol ointment
Ichthyol ointment

Even with self-opening of the abscess, you need to treat it with an antiseptic. If, after the pus flows out, an infection gets into the wound, this can lead to serious complications and infection. So that an ugly scar does not remain at the site of the abscess, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with special absorbable ointments.
