A condition in which there is an excess synthesis of thyroid hormones is called thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism. As a result, all the processes for which the thyroid gland is responsible are accelerated, and this significantly increases the load on the individual's body. The article will discuss the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of thyrotoxicosis in men, women, children.
General information
In representatives of both sexes, the development of thyrotoxicosis is possible against the background of pathology of the pituitary gland or the endocrine gland itself, which affects metabolic processes, affects bone and muscle tissues, cardiac functions, regulates cholesterol levels in the bloodstream and much more. In connection with the forcing of the processes occurring in the body, a person begins to quickly lose weight, the heartbeat quickens, there is increased sweating, irritability.

The effectiveness of therapy depends on the timely detection of pathology. Timely treatment will allow faster normalization of functionsthyroid gland and reduce the risk of severe consequences and complications. Otherwise, disorders of the cardiovascular system develop, the skeletal system is affected, which ultimately leads to a thyrotoxic crisis.
The symptoms and treatment of thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland depend on the causes that led to the disease. Distinguish between hyperthyroidism:
- Primary. The provoking factor in this case are pathological changes in the gland itself. The development of the disease occurs against the background of toxic adenoma, nodular goiter, taking iodine-containing drugs in large quantities.
- Secondary. A predisposing factor is a pathology of the pituitary gland, as a result of which the synthesis of thyroid-stimulating hormone increases.
- Tertiary. It develops when the hypothalamus fails, which is preceded by neuroses.
Several forms of thyrotoxicosis are diagnosed:
- Subclinical. Symptoms are absent or barely expressed. Therefore, it is quite difficult to identify it. TSH levels are low, and triiodothyronine and thyroxine are normal.
- Complicated. Accompanied by concomitant pathologies: renal and heart failure, atrial fibrillation, psychosis, severe weight loss.
- Manifest or explicit. In this case, the clinic is classical. There is a significant decrease in the level of TSH, and the concentration of triiodothyronine and thyroxine is overestimated.
Signs of disease
Excess content of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) affects many systems and organs, causing various changes in the individual's body. ToThe main symptoms of thyrotoxicosis include the following:
- excessive sweating;
- warm and moist to the touch dermis;
- peeling nails that are accompanied by pain;
- hair and skin thinning;
- pressure rising;
- heart starts beating irregularly;
- heart rate increases;
- puffiness of the eyelids;
- eyeball protrudes;
- shortness of breath appears;
- breathing difficult;
- physical activity declines;
- weight is decreasing;
- vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, diarrhea;
- urine output increases;
- fear, anxiety, nervousness appear;
- bad dream;
- speech becomes very fast;
- excitability observed;
- women have irregular menstrual cycles, possible fainting, fever.

External symptoms of thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland are of great importance in diagnosing the disease, however, instrumental and laboratory research methods are mandatory.
Stages of thyrotoxicosis
Depending on the severity of the pathology, the following stages are distinguished:
- Easy. Symptoms are not expressed. The patient is worried about insomnia, headache, irritability and nervousness.
- Average. The patient begins to lose weight rather quickly, the heartbeat increases, severe shortness of breath appears.
- Heavy. There is intoxication and severe depletion of the individual's body, the work of vitalimportant organs and systems are broken.
Eye symptoms in thyrotoxicosis
Separately distinguish eye signs characteristic of this pathology:
- an eyelid tremor occurs when the eyes are slightly covered;
- blinking rare;
- eyeballs strongly protruding;
- upper eyelids swollen;
- palpebral fissures quite wide open;
- when moving the eyes, the outer eyelid lags;
- eyeball moves with pupil;
- skin darkens around the eyelids;
- sclerae are exposed due to the displacement of the eyelids to the upper or lower edge of the orbit;
- there is lacrimation and photophobia.

With proper treatment, the above symptoms go away.
Factors that provoke the disease may be different, but the main reason is hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Pathological conditions that contribute to the development of thyrotoxicosis:
- Graves' disease.
- Toxic adenoma.
- Diseases, injuries, surgical interventions on the thyroid gland.
- Pituitary adenoma.
- Overdose of drugs (thyroid hormone substances).
- Treatment with drugs containing iodine.
- Subacute thyroiditis.
Thyrotoxicosis in adults
According to medical statistics, men and women in the age group from 20 to 50 years are most susceptible to this pathology. However, the latter get sick five times more often. The development of the disease depends on the hormonal status, the presence of concomitant diseases, heredity and some other factors. The first symptoms of thyrotoxicosis in adults include:
- swelling and enlargement of the neck;
- feeling of a lump in the throat;
- difficulty swallowing and breathing.
The danger lies in the fact that a person does not attach importance to these symptoms and postpones a visit to the doctor. The manifestation of hyperthyroidism and its severity depend on the underlying cause. In addition to external symptoms, there is a failure in the work of internal organs and systems. With proper treatment and nutrition, the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis in women, men and children disappear. However, the signs of pathology have some differences. Consider them in more detail.
Thyrotoxicosis in women
Predisposition to the development of this disease in the fair sex is associated with constant changes in hormonal levels that occur throughout life. Menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause - all this makes the female body more vulnerable and contributes to the failure of the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The severity of the pathology, its manifestation, as well as the signs (external and internal) depend on the cause that provoked the disease. In women, the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis are as follows:
- strengthened work of the heart leads to hypertension, tachycardia;
- palpebral fissure increases, protrusion of the eyeballs and swelling of the tissues of the orbit;
- menstrual cycle fails;
- periods become irregular, scanty and accompanied bypain and deterioration in general well-being;
- hair grows dull and becomes brittle, thin.

In order to prevent possible endocrine disorders, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist, undergo various types of examinations, including ultrasound, blood tests for thyroid hormone substances. Women under the age of 30 - once every five years, from 30 to 40 years - once every three years, after 45 years - annually. Treatment of thyrotoxicosis in women, the symptoms described above, depends on the cause that provoked the development of the disease.
Thyrotoxicosis during pregnancy
Women in position with such a pathology should definitely monitor the condition of the thyroid gland and be regularly observed by an endocrinologist. Otherwise, hyperthyroidism poses a threat not only to her he alth, but also to the life of the unborn baby. For the development and full formation of the fetus, hormones synthesized by the endocrine gland are very important. The normal level of these substances is one of the conditions to bear a he althy child, and increased production has a negative effect on the fetus and the woman's well-being. The manifestation of symptoms of thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland in women during pregnancy is a provocative factor in the development of the following disorders in the fetus and future baby:
- damage to the nervous system;
- goiter formation;
- failures in the formation of endocrine organs;
- and other conditions that threaten he alth and life.
The presence of this disease significantly increases the risk of fetal failure, miscarriage and stillbirth. To reduce serious consequences, you should follow the recommendations of specialists both at the stage of planning the birth of a baby, and at all others.
For treatment, antithyroid drugs are used, as well as drugs containing iodine in their composition. If there is no effect, surgery is indicated.
Thyrotoxicosis in men
Representatives of this sex suffer less from hyperthyroidism and most often they are diagnosed with a subclinical form. Pathology in men is detected quite late, treatment in such cases does not work. The consequences of the disease primarily affect the reproductive system: sexual capabilities decrease and the qualitative composition of sperm changes as a result of hormonal imbalance. The symptoms of thyrotoxicosis in men are as follows:
- muscle weakness, especially when climbing stairs or standing up;
- muscles lose their volume;
- there is a tremor in the hands;
- sleep is disturbed;
- sweating increases;
- appetite increases;
- heart rate quickens;
- nervousness, irritability appears;
- possible diarrhea.

It is very important to identify the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis in men as early as possible. Treatment begins with the selection of drugs in an adequate dose. Unfortunately, after conservative therapy, relapses are quite common.
Thyrotoxicosis in children
The disease is rare. Basically, a predisposing factor is diffuse toxic goiter. In addition, excessive production of hormonal substances can be determined:
- long-term use of hormonal and iodine-containing drugs;
- overactive thyroid gland;
- damage to the cells of the endocrine organ, which is accompanied by the release of excess hormones into the blood;
- pathology of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland.

Hyperthyroidism most often develops during adolescence and progresses slowly. Obvious signs of the disease may appear a year from the onset of its development. Capriciousness, rapid arousal, inattention, restlessness during sleep; irritability, reduced school performance - this is a manifestation of the first symptoms of thyrotoxicosis in children. It is also noted:
- trembling in the fingers of a child with outstretched arms;
- weight loss;
- increased appetite;
- enlarged thyroid gland;
- exophthalmos;
- moisture of the skin;
- excessive sweating;
- Change and clumsiness of gait due to muscle weakness.
Atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure, and a systolic murmur can be heard in the advanced stage of the disease.
Thyrotoxicosis of newborns
Pathologies of the thyroid gland, which the expectant mother has, can provoke anomalies of the heart muscle, as infetus and future baby. Delivery is premature. Symptoms of thyrotoxicosis of the thyroid gland are as follows:
- the fetus has an increase in motor activity and tachycardia;
- a newborn has tachyarrhythmia, accentuated tones, atrial extrasystoles, expansion of the boundaries of relative cardiac dullness;
- tremor;
- hyperexcitability;
- convulsions;
- enlarged thyroid gland;
- attacks of asphyxia;
- sometimes exophthalmos occurs.
In addition, in addition to the symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, acute adrenal and heart failure, a thyrotoxic crisis, which can lead to death, can join.
Diagnosis and treatment of neonatal thyrotoxicosis
The basis of diagnosis is the collection of anamnesis. When deciphering the analysis for hormonal substances, a decrease in TSH is observed, an increase in the concentration of T3, T4. According to the results of the ECG, the following changes are noted: a pointed P wave, acceleration of atrioventricular conduction, sinus tachycardia, high voltage, impaired myocardial repolarization processes. Echo KG shows a violation of the diastolic function of the left ventricle and further, the expansion of the heart cavities - these signs are harbingers of heart failure.
Adrenergic blockers, sedatives, hormonal, antithyroid drugs, as well as infusion therapy are used in the treatment. The prognosis of the disease is unfavorable.
Tyrotoxicosis treatment
After confirming the diagnosis, they selecteffective therapy, which directly depends on the causes and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. Treatment is carried out by the following methods:
- Conservative. Includes the use of drugs: antithyroid drugs, glucocorticoids, iodides, beta-blockers.
- Surgical. Depending on medical indications, in this case, the inflamed node, an enlarged part of the endocrine organ is partially removed, or the gland is resected.
- Use both methods in especially severe cases of manifestation of the disease.
- Radioiodine therapy. It consists in the use of radioactive iodine. This type of therapy is indicated for the ineffectiveness of the first method or relapse after surgery
Treatment of subclinical thyrotoxicosis
The symptoms of this pathology are barely noticeable or they are not at all. In order to determine the therapy, it is necessary to find out the cause of the onset of the disease. In such a situation, much depends on the patient, how much he will tell the doctor about the change in he alth over the past three or even six months. Factors on which treatment tactics will depend:
- age of patient;
- reason that caused the development of the disease;
- condition severity. There are only two of them and they depend on the level of TSH (mIU / ml): from 0.1 to 0.39 - the first, less than 0.1 - the second;
- presence of comorbidities.
And also distinguish between persistent and transient subclinical thyrotoxicosis. Compulsory medical treatment is recommended for the following citizens:
- under the age of 65 withsymptoms of hyperthyroidism;
- older age category than in the first case, with and without signs of thyrotoxicosis, with existing diseases: coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, angina pectoris, after a stroke, severe osteoporosis;
- with a proven cause of illness.

Surgical treatment is carried out in the presence of the following symptoms of thyrotoxicosis: compression, huge goiter and suspicion of a malignant tumor of the thyroid gland. With a conservative method of treatment, drugs are selected individually.
In the absence of adequate therapy or in stressful situations, as well as the addition of diseases of an infectious nature or after surgical interventions, a thyrotoxic crisis develops. This condition is considered the most dangerous, requires urgent medical attention, is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- rise in temperature to critical values;
- acute heart failure;
- tachycardia;
- nauseous;
- vomit;
- diarrhea;
- increased blood pressure.
Diet for thyrotoxicosis
Due to the accelerated metabolic processes that occur against the background of symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, nutrition in women and men should be fractional and a certain diet. With this disease, the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is quite active in the body. Energy demand increases, the glycogen supply in muscle tissue and liver decreases, the layer of fats becomes thinner. The patient is rapidly losing body weight, so a full supply of nutrients, fluids, as well as vitamins and minerals is necessary. The menu must contain the following products:
- milk, kefir, natural yogurt, curdled milk, sour cream;
- low-fat and uns alted cheese;
- savory pastries, biscuits;
- oatmeal, wheat and rye bread;
- all kinds of cereals; small amount of rice to avoid constipation;
- cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, lettuce;
- lean boiled, stewed or steamed meat;
- compotes, fruit drinks, chamomile tea, rosehip broth;
- freshwater lean fish.
S alt should be limited to 10 grams per day. The volume of the recommended liquid is about two liters.
Treatment with folk remedies
The use of alternative medicine methods should be agreed with the doctor. Recommended products:
- Hawthorn fruits. An infusion is prepared, which is taken three tablespoons three times a day. The course is at least three weeks. Then a break for 14 days.
- Yarrow. Alcohol tincture is taken in the morning and evening thirty minutes before meals, 10 drops each.
- Herbal collection of motherwort, mint, valerian, hawthorn. The first three types of medicinal raw materials are taken in equal proportions, and the last - twice as much and a decoction is prepared. Take half a cup twice a day before meals.
- Beets. Eat a piece of raw root vegetables daily.
Prevention measures
In order to avoid serious pathologies from the endocrine system, it is recommended: do not drink alcohol, stop smoking, follow a diet, exercise, regularly visit an endocrinologist and undergo the necessary examinations. In addition, with existing problems with the thyroid gland, undergo an annual dispensary observation and ultrasound of the organ.