Causes of increased ESR in the blood of women, diagnosis, treatment

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Causes of increased ESR in the blood of women, diagnosis, treatment
Causes of increased ESR in the blood of women, diagnosis, treatment

Video: Causes of increased ESR in the blood of women, diagnosis, treatment

Video: Causes of increased ESR in the blood of women, diagnosis, treatment
Video: Functional diagnostics. Method of use of the device Dentograf 2025, January

Although ESR is a very important indicator, most people don't know much about it. Some may not even know what the norm is. However, let's first find out what this indicator is.

What does ESR mean?

It's actually not a term, but an abbreviation. Full decoding of ESR is the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Causes of increased ESR in the blood in women
Causes of increased ESR in the blood in women

The study of this indicator began in 1918, when the Swedish scientist Robin Fareus discovered that at different ages and during pregnancy, as well as during various ailments, red blood cells behave differently. Later, other scientists, Westergren and Winthrop, began to work on the creation of methods for studying their behavior. Even now, this parameter is measured during a complete blood count. However, when the ESR is elevated, few people understand what this means. But from such news you should not panic thoughtlessly, too many factors can increase the level of red blood cells. And even if you havesome inflammation or disease has appeared, then it is likely that now you can cure them without difficulty. The main thing is to urgently contact a specialist.

What is the normal ESR?

RBC sedimentation rate is influenced by factors such as age and gender.

soe increased what does it mean
soe increased what does it mean

Causes of increased ESR in the blood of women can also be pregnancy. But of course there are many other factors as well. The following table of ESR for women will help determine your rate (note that these indicators do not take into account the special conditions of the body, which will be discussed a little later).

Age ESR norm
14 to 18 years old 3 - 17mm/h
18 to 30 years old 3 - 20mm/h
30 to 60 9 - 26mm/h
60+ 11 - 55mm/h
When Pregnant 19 - 56mm/h

Everyone under the age of 14 has the same ESR. Only age matters, therefore, if you are looking for the norm only for girls and cannot find it, then you do not need to worry.

Age ESR norm
Newborns 0 - 2.8mm/h
From 1 month 2 - 5mm/h
2 to 6 months 2 - 6mm/h
7 to 12 months 5 - 10mm/h
2 to 5 years 5 - 11mm/h
6 to 13 years old 4 - 12mm/h

Age is not the only criterion. Factors can be the most unexpected, for example, too much breakfast at best, and at worst - a malignant tumor.

If ESR is elevated, what does it mean?

There can be many reasons for such a test result. But in general, doctors share 6 main reasons why women have higher ESR:

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soe it
  • Infections. Red blood cells necessarily react to a variety of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, because they can cause disease. Therefore, it will be easier to determine them by a blood test.
  • Inflammation. Then not only the erythrocyte count increases, but also the level of leukocytes.
  • Festering. As a rule, in this case, the symptoms may be more pronounced, but when immunity is reduced, it is the ESR that will show what's wrong.
  • Autoimmune diseases. In general, this process is due to the fact that the antibodies produced by the body begin to destroy he althy and useful cells, red blood cells in this case play a key role.
  • Cancer diseases. Any oncology causes a reaction in the blood, and therefore the erythrocyte count will also change.
  • Physiological states. In such cases, the causes of increased ESR in the blood in women canbe the following: pregnancy, feeding a baby, overweight, anemia, dystrophy, sudden weight loss and others.
  • Destruction of bone marrow and blood cells. As a rule, in this state of the body, ESR increases the most.

Research Methods

The deviation of red blood cells from the norm can be either an increase or a decrease. Basically, there is an increase in ESR, but there are enough cases of its decrease. There can be many factors: both poisoning, hepatitis and poor circulation, as well as simply blood pathologies. As a rule, the latter appears already in adulthood. Also, under certain conditions, vegetarianism can cause a change in the level of red blood cells.

There are three methods by which this parameter is usually monitored: Westergren, Padchenkov, Wintroba.

The most versatile method used around the world to determine ESR is the Westergren method. Blood from a vein is mixed with sodium citrate and left for a while (about an hour) in a test tube. Results obtained using this method are considered more accurate.

Pachenkov's method differs from the previous one only in that blood is taken from capillaries and is used only in the countries of the former USSR. The results are the same as the first method, but Westergren is generally more trusted.

what does soe mean
what does soe mean

The last one, the Wintrobe method, is special in that the blood is not diluted, but an anticoagulant is added to it and analyzed in a special tube. There are disadvantages in this method, since if the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is too high(greater than 60 mm/h) cannot be analyzed.

What determines the result of the analysis?

Many factors can affect the activity of red blood cells, so many details are taken into account when determining the results and how they correspond to the norm. The reasons for the increased ESR in the blood in women may lie in the time of the procedure, age, lifestyle, he alth status and other nuances.

Mainly the indicator is affected by:

  • gender;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • anemia;
  • time of procedure;
  • immunoglobulins in the body;
  • allergy;
  • menstruation;
  • too big breakfast;
  • inflammation.

Red blood cells settle due to gravity because they weigh more than plasma. By itself, the ESR will not show what the problem is, but together with other parameters, it will already be possible to make a diagnosis. Also, the analysis can help to detect hidden ailments and pathologies, due to which it will be possible to start their treatment on time. Any therapist will be able to determine a possible diagnosis with obvious other symptoms, but in some specific cases, a more detailed diagnosis will be needed.

How to get ESR back to normal?

When something in the body goes beyond a he althy state, any person has a natural desire to return everything back to normal.

soe above normal
soe above normal

And how to do it? Only cure the cause, that is, the disease that caused the increase in ESR. Of course, self-treatment will not lead to anything good. Instead of looking for the necessary antibiotics and other drugs on your own on the Internet, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. It is he who will prescribe the necessary course of treatment after determining the diagnosis. After a successful cure for the disease, the ESR will return to normal after some time (2-4 weeks in adults and up to 6 weeks in children).

In case of anemia, iron-containing foods, proteins and some folk methods will help to restore the indicator, but in this case it is also better to consult a doctor.

If you are just dieting, fasting or experiencing a special physiological state (pregnancy, lactation, menstruation), then the indicator will return to the desired level as soon as your normal physical condition is established. In that case, there is nothing to worry about.

Increased ESR in children

If you are worried about your child, then know that this indicator often increases with infectious diseases and inflammations, especially along with a violation of the norm of other blood test indicators and a general deterioration in physical condition, as well as with typical symptoms of diseases. Taking certain medications may be another factor.

The following is a list of diseases that are characterized by an increase in ESR during the examination: infections (ARI, bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, cystitis, hepatitis, fungus, cystitis, etc.), diseases of the liver, kidneys, biliary tract, anemia, tuberculosis, diseases of the blood, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, endocrine gland dysfunction (diabetes),oncology, bleeding, trauma.

In childhood, most diseases and ailments are tolerated more easily than at a conscious or even more advanced age, but only if they are detected in time. Therefore, it is very important to regularly show the child to the doctor.


We were able to figure out what ESR means, what is its norm, because of what there may be violations, and how not to suffer from them. Remember that only a doctor can make correct conclusions about the test results.

soe table
soe table

If, after receiving the results of a blood test, you want to know the causes of increased ESR in the blood of women, then first make sure that your physiological state is normal. If your body is not affected by any of the special factors listed above (fasting, pregnancy, etc.), then you should undergo a more detailed examination by a doctor. Only a specialist will be able, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, to figure out what is wrong with you after a detailed diagnosis. That is why it is important to regularly undergo preventive examinations for the whole family, because the desire to stay he althy plays a key role. And although this factor was discovered a long time ago, it still continues to help doctors fulfill the Hippocratic Oath, and ordinary mortals to enjoy a he althy life.